Remove specific property from an array of object - javascript

I have issue with splicing item from an array object with specific property.
Here is the explanation.
delColumn($event: any, el: any) {
if ($ && el > -1) {
var colId: string = this.receivedData[0].value.columns[el].id;
var obj = this.receivedData[0];
obj.values.columns = obj.values.columns.filter(s => != colId);
obj.values.rows.forEach(s => {
delete s.Col_1;
return s;
Now, My requirement is When I click on Delete Column it comes into this method and I want to delete specific column and rows associated with that.
Thanks for the help in advance.

return this.objectWithoutKey(x,"Col1");
objectWithoutKey(object, key){
const {[key]: deletedKey, ...otherKeys} = object;
return otherKeys;

Use filter and forEach
obj.values.columns = obj.values.columns.filter(s => != "Col_1");
obj.values.rows.forEach( s => {
delete s.Col_1;
return s;


Check for duplicates in database before pushing item logic in JS

Can please someone let me know what's the issue with this code
I run get ref database and store results in obj, then if obj is empty we push new item. Otherwise I run a loop to see if item already exists.
The code not only doesn't follow any logic, but also push 3 items on third try, 4 on 4th and so on.
This is confusing, why it's not working, Checking for strings if equals I have implemented that not sure about the rest
saveIng = (item) => {
const reference = ref(
"users/" + this.state.user + "/ingredients"
get(ref(database, "users/" + this.state.user + "/ingredients"))
.then((snapshot) => {
var obj = snapshot.val();
if (obj === null) {
push(reference, {
name: item,
} else {
for (let x in obj) {
var found = obj[x].name == item;
if (!found) {
} else {
push(reference, {
name: item,
.catch((error) => {

Checking existing array have given value or not

In following code i have define empty array houseTotal, now I would like to push value inside array which is unique and not exist previously. I have use some, unique, sort filter but its pushing all the value it gets. Here is my code:
let houseTotal = [];
await, index) => {
if (
!isEmpty(each.house_detail) ||
!houseTotal.some(el => el === each.house_detail._id)
) {
return houseTotal.length;
What I have done mistake here ? Thank you.
If houseTotal is to have UNIQUE values and no duplicates.. I'm going to assume "duplicates" can be == each other and I'll use the Array.includes function
let houseTotal = [];
await, index) => {
if (
!isEmpty(each.house_detail) ||
!houseTotal.some(el => el === each.house_detail._id)
) {
let detail=each.house_detail._id
return houseTotal.length;
And I got the solution, it was small mistake I have made on above code, I forgot to change object id returning from mongo to string so just added toString().
let houseTotal = [];
await, index) => {
if (
!isEmpty(each.house_detail) ||
!houseTotal.some(el => el === each.house_detail._id.toString())
) {
return houseTotal.length;

How to get all data from a row as an object in cypress?

So, my web page has a table structure with multiple rows. I want to create a function which gets all the values from a row and creates an object with the header as the keys and the values. The kind of output I want:
header1 : value1
header2 : value2
This is what I have tried:
export const getRowObject = (rowIndex) => {
return cy.get(`[role='cell'][data-rowindex='${rowIndex}']`).then((values) => {
let rowObject;, elem) => {
if (!rowObject) {
rowObject = {};
rowObject[headers[i]] = Cypress.$(elem).text();
This is returning me an object with the index as key and the HTMLdivElements as the values.
Any help regarding this would be highly appreciated.
You are 90% there, just add an inner return
export const getRowObject = (rowIndex) => {
return cy.get(`[role='cell'][data-rowindex='${rowIndex}']`).then((values) => {
let rowObject = {};, elem) => {
rowObject[headers[i]] = Cypress.$(elem).text();
return rowObject;

Value is not changing in real time -- VueJS

I am using a JS class, I have following code:
class Field {
public Value = null;
public Items = [];
public UniqueKey = null;
public getItems() {
let items = [...this.Items];
items = items.filter((item) => {
if (item.VisibleIf) {
const matched = item.VisibleIf.match(/\$\[input:(.*?)\]/g);
if (matched?.length) {
const srv = Service.getInstance();
for (let match of matched) {
match = match.slice(8, -1);
if (srv.Fields?.length) {
let found = srv.Fields.find((x) => x.UniqueKey === match);
if (found) {
item.VisibleIf = item.VisibleIf.replace(
found.Value ?? ''
return JSON.parse('' + eval(item.VisibleIf));
return true;
return items;
public getInputTitle() {
let title = this.Title;
const matched = title.match(/\$\[input:(.*?)\]/g);
if (matched?.length && title) {
const srv = Service.getInstance();
for (let match of matched) {
match = match.slice(8, -1);
if (srv.Fields?.length) {
let found = srv.Fields.find((x) => x.UniqueKey === match);
if (found) {
title = title.replace(`$[input:${match}]`, found.Value ?? '');
return title;
Now I have a Vue component:
<div v-for="Field in Fields" :key="Field.UniqueKey">
v-if="Field.Type == 'Select'"
v-else-if="Field.Type == 'Input'"
// JS
const srv = Service.getInstance();
Fields = srv.getFields(); // <- API call will be there.
So basically, data comes from an API, having Title as Input $[input:uniqueKey], in a component I am looping over the data and generating the fields. See getInputTitle function in Field class, it works very well. All the fields which are dependent on the $[input:uniqueKey] are changing when I start typing into that field on which other fields are dependent.
Now I have pretty much same concept in the getItems function, so basically, what I want to do is whenever I type into a field and that field exists in the VisibleIf on the Items, the VisibleIf will be like '$[input:uniqueKey] < 1', or any other valid JavaScript expression which can be solved by eval function. But the getItems function is called only 1st time when page gets loaded, on the other hand the getInputTitle function which is pretty much same, gets called every time when I type into the field.
I tried to explain at my best, I will provide any necessary information if needed.
Any solution will be appreciated. Thanks.
You are updating the Object itself in here:
item.VisibleIf = item.VisibleIf.replace( `$[input:${match}]`, found.Value ?? '' );
Even though you tried to copy the array, but you have done shallow copy of the object in here: let items = [...this.Config.Items];
I suggest the following solution:
const visibleIf = item.VisibleIf.replace(
found.Value ?? ''
const val = '' + helpers.evalExp('' + visibleIf);
if (helpers.isJSON(val)) {
return JSON.parse(val);
Means instead of changing the VisibleIf object, just store it into the variable and just use that.
I hope that it will fix your issue. Let me know if it works.

Return array value from produce function | immer.js

I am using immer.js to perform operations on arrays in the state.
Arrays: basicRecipe and recipeBasicRecipe.
I am modifying the draft.basicRecipe in the produce function. My objective is to return the updated "draft.basicRecipe" value and store the same in temparray1.
let temparray1 = produce(state, draft => {
draft.basicRecipe = => {
let element = draft.recipeBasicRecipes.find(e => e._id === item._id);
if (element) {
item.details = => {
let detail = element.details.find(d => d._id === e._id);
if (detail) {
e.rate = detail.rate;
return e;
return item;
return draft.basicRecipe;
When I return the draft I am able to see updated basicRecipe nested in output.
I am getting the below error when I try to return the array i.e draft.basicRecipe
[Immer] An immer producer returned a new value *and* modified its draft. Either return a new value *or* modify the draft
This code is a mess. You are using map which returns a new array but you're also trying to mutate the original draft object.
This is still unreadable and confusing, but at least by using forEach instead of map we are just mutating and not trying to do two things at once.
let temparray1 = produce(state, (draft) => {
draft.basicRecipe.forEach((item) => {
let element = draft.recipeBasicRecipes.find((e) => e._id === item._id);
if (element) {
item.details.forEach((e) => {
let detail = element.details.find((d) => d._id === e._id);
if (detail) {
e.rate = detail.rate;

