I have two arrays first array Deals contains deal list where it has dealId, buyerId, sellerId and, the second array Customer contains customers list where it has customerId, name. I just want to compare Deal.sellerId to Customer.customerId and want to show the Customer.name.
Don't confuse with the <DealDetail /> its a component which has attribute sellerName, for this component I want customer name value.
Deals Array:
this.state.updatedDeals.map(deal => <DealDetail key={deal.id} dealID={deal.id} sellerName={deal.sellerId} buyerName={deal.buyerId} />)
Customers Array:
this.state.updatedCustomers.map(customer => <li key={customer.id} > {customer.name} </li>)>
What I exactly wanting:
<DealDetail sellerName={deal.sellerId===customer.customerId ? customer.name} : "Unknown" />)
You can try something like below.
(deal) =>
const c = this.state.updatedCustomers.filter(customer=>deal.sellerId===customer.id);
sellerName={c.length ==1 ? c[0].name:'unknown'}
let updatedDeals = [
{dealId: 10, buyerId: 1, sellerId: 26},
{dealId: 11, buyerId: 1, sellerId: 26},
{dealId: 12, buyerId: 1, sellerId: 27},
let updatedCustomers = [
{customerId: 26, customerName: 'Isaac'},
{customerId: 28, customerName: 'Jane'}
let DealDisplay = [];
updatedCustomers.forEach(cust => {
if(updatedDeals.some(deal => deal.sellerId === cust.customerId)){
Why not separate the logic in order to promote maintainability and readability. You can extract the records into a separate array as temporary variable. Then render the view using the variable
Fetched data from firestore:
updatedCustomers[doc.id] = doc.data();
And solved above problem with this:
this.state.updatedDeals.map(deal => (<DealDetail key={deal.id}
I am trying to train myself with Javascript and am a bit confused with reduce and would appreciate some guidance in understanding it. I've done a lot of research and have arrived at a stage where some clarity beyond just googling is needed. So here's my basic sample code..
the ids are the cart ids and the products are the products in a store
const ids = [4, 3, 1];
const products = [
{ id: 1, product: "Product 1" },
{ id: 2, product: "Product 2" },
{ id: 3, product: "Product 3" },
{ id: 4, product: "Product 4" },
{ id: 5, product: "Product 5" },
{ id: 6, product: "Product 6" },
{ id: 7, product: "Product 7" },
I need to display the products which are in the cart so I went with 3 options
The for loop, the map and filter and finally the reduce
const selectedProducts = [];
for (id of ids) {
const selectedProduct = products.filter((product) => product.id === id);
console.log("selectedProducts", selectedProducts);
Question 1 : Currently I have just 7 products. but in an actual store there would be thousands of products. So is filtering thousands of products for each id a good idea. Is there a better way to do this?
const mappedProducts = ids.map((id) => {
const [obj] = products.filter((product) => product.id === id);
return obj;
console.log("mappedProducts", mappedProducts);
Question 2 : As filter creates an array I ended up with an array of arrays and had to destructure the array and return the object. Is there a better way where I could directly destructure/pass the object without explicitly declaring return.
const initialArray = [];
const reducedProducts = products.reduce(function (acc, product) {
const productId = product.id;
if (ids.includes(product.id)) acc.push(product);
return acc;
}, initialArray);
console.log("reducedProducts", reducedProducts);
console.log("initialArray", initialArray);
Question 3 : What am I doing wrong with reduce?
This is my first time with reduce and I am sure I am doing something wrong here.. as reduce is supposed to be more compact than the for and map-filter combination but in my case it seems to be the opposite. Also I thought that with reduce the initialValue does not get mutated. But in my case it is getting mutated.
Any help and advice would be appreciated.
So is filtering thousands of products for each id a good idea. Is there a better way to do this?
From the products array, allow for easy lookup by restructuring it into an object or map indexed by ID, so you just need to use ordinary bracket notation or .get to get the matching object (O(1)).
const ids = [4, 3, 1];
const products = [
{ id: 1, product: "Product 1" },
{ id: 2, product: "Product 2" },
{ id: 3, product: "Product 3" },
{ id: 4, product: "Product 4" },
{ id: 5, product: "Product 5" },
{ id: 6, product: "Product 6" },
{ id: 7, product: "Product 7" },
const productsById = Object.fromEntries(products.map(
obj => [obj.id, obj]
const result = ids.map(id => productsById[id]);
Is there a better way where I could directly destructure/pass the object without explicitly declaring return.
You could .find instead, which returns the matching object instead of returning an array - but that's still an O(n ^ 2) process. Indexing each product by its ID is better.
as reduce is supposed to be more compact than the for and map-filter combination but in my case it seems to be the opposite. Also I thought that with reduce the initialValue does not get mutated. But in my case it is getting mutated.
Not at all - .reduce, when not used in the appropriate circumstance, is indeed more verbose than more standard loops, as you're seeing. See this video.
Also I thought that with reduce the initialValue does not get mutated.
Sure it can, if the initial value is an object (and not a primitive) - objects can be mutated. If you mutate the accumulator parameter and return it, the next iteration (and the next, and the final return value) is the same exact object.
Just for note, a couple of examples with high-order functions:
products.reduce((acc, product) => {
if (ids.includes(product.id)) acc.push(product);
return acc;
}, []);
products.filter((product) => ids.includes(product.id));
// or with destructuring
products.filter(({ id }) => ids.includes(id));
map and flat
products.map((product) => (ids.includes(product.id)) ? product : []).flat();
products.flatMap((product) => (ids.includes(product.id)) ? product : []);
Today, I'm trying to get the list of javascript index based from the selected data id that I have.
I'm following this guide from https://buefy.org/documentation/table/#checkable where it needs something like this: checkedRows: [data[1], data[3]] to able to check the specific row in the table.
What I need to do is to check the table based from my web API response.
I have this sample response data.
response.data.checkedRows // value is [{id: 1234}, {id: 83412}]
and I have the sample data from the table.
const data = [{
id: 1234,
name: 'Jojo'
id: 43221,
name: 'Jeff'
id: 83412,
name: 'Kacey'
So basically, I need to have something, dynamically, like this: checkedRows: [data[0], data[2]] because it matches the data from the response.data.checkedRows
So far, I tried using forEach
let selectedIndex = [];
response.data.checkedRows.forEach((d) => {
this.data.forEach((e) => {
if (d.id=== e.id) {
// need the result to be dynamic depending on the response.data.checkedRows
this.checkedRows = [data[0], data[2]]
I'm stuck here because I'm not sure how can I get the index that matches the selected checkedRows from response.
Any help?
Map the response checkedRows, and in the callback, .find the matching object in the array:
const checkedRows = [{id: 1234}, {id: 83412}];
const data = [{
id: 1234,
name: 'Jojo'
id: 43221,
name: 'Jeff'
id: 83412,
name: 'Kacey'
const objs = checkedRows.map(({ id }) => (
data.find(obj => obj.id === id)
If there are a lot of elements, you can use a Set of the IDs to find instead to decrease the computational complexity:
const checkedRows = [{id: 1234}, {id: 83412}];
const data = [{
id: 1234,
name: 'Jojo'
id: 43221,
name: 'Jeff'
id: 83412,
name: 'Kacey'
const ids = new Set(checkedRows.map(({ id }) => id));
const objs = data.filter(obj => ids.has(obj.id));
There are several questions with answers on StackOverflow which shows how to find Cartesian product for various simple arrays. And a wonderful article on RosettaCode. But I can't find any solution for my problem.
I have an array of object with items, let's call it items:
let items = [{
id: 1
quantity: 2
field: "other_field"
id: 2
quantity: 3
field: "other_field"
Every item in this array have a pricing/crafting method and we could receive it by request.
let pricing = getPricing(id) //item id
Which will return to us:
pricing = [
{pricing_id: 1, reagent_items: [/*array of objects, fields exactly items*/]},
{pricing_id: 2, reagent_items: [/*array of objects, fields exactly items*/]}
As you may already understand, according to the answer's title, I want to receive all possible combinations of items AND reagent_items from pricing methods.
For example, if we have two items and all every item (of this 2) have just one pricing method, there will be 4 different combinations:
2 default items from items
first default item from items (item[0]) and all all reagent_items from getPricing for item[1]
second default item from items (item[1]) and all all reagent_items from getPricing for item[0]
both reagent_items from getPricing for both default items
I literally can't push reagent items to items (or remove item from items) array, because items can be the same (include each other) Instead of it, I am using my own Array.prototype.method for adding/removal items from items array. It does just the same as push/slice but in more elegant way, manipulating with id and quantity fields.
The actual problem lies in the field of arrays.length and for ... loop.
When we evaluate default Cartesian product we know before the array.length and it's elements.
But in my case I should getPricing every items, then receive array of methods..
It's like:
Default: I_1 I_2 ... N
/ \ / \ / \
Get Pricing: [I_A, I_B][I_B, I_C] [IN_J, IN_K],
[IN_Y, IN_X, IN_Z],
So it's not about finding: Cartesian([I_A, I_B],[I_B, I_C]) but something like:
I_1 + I_2
I_1 + (I_B, I_C)
(I_A, I_B) + I_2
(I_A, I_B) + (I_B, I_C)
So default item includes each others and their reagent_items and it's simple to find all combinations of two items, but when it's become 3+..
My current pseudo code for now:
/* inside async*/
let ArrayOfPricing = [] //length 2, where each Array represent Array of `pricing` for each item
Promise.all(items.map(async item => {
const itemPricing = await getPricing(item.id);
ArrayOfPricing.push(itemPricing );
/**And what's next? **/
for (let item of items) {
So I can't understand what should I do next, at this stage.
Should I loop/iterate every item? But if so, even if I iterate every item one-by-one and change/remove it and add it's reagent_items (for every pricing) I still don't change the next item/element in array of items and it's length more then just 2, then I won't receive all the combinations, it will be like:
for items
item[1] → for pricing
→ for reagent_items
replace item[1] for all reagent_item
item[2] /** they are still there, but I need iterate over it's pricing , too **/
or I could calculate all possible combinations by looking for items length and all pricing length and then form and empty new array with fixed length and push to all the combinations. But if I iterate over it for push with for loop... I should combine items and it will be for loop, inside for loop, inside for .. loop..
So to be honest I am out of ideas. I don't ask to write full working code instead of me, but to point me the way out of this loop. How to get every combination for every item and "baby-items" inside of it? How many cycles should I use then? I'll be grateful for any useful idea/pseudocode/post link which will help me to deal with this case. I'm also here and will check all the comments and answers below.
UPD a simple version of «from what I get, to what I want»
from this:
field: "original, can be cloned for every combination",
{id: 1, quantity: 2},
{id: 2, quantity: 3}
field: "original",
{id: 1, quantity: 2},
{id: 2, quantity: 3}
field: "combination1",
{id: 11, quantity: 1}, //from getPricing(item[0])
{id: 12, quantity: 1}, //from getPricing(item[0])
{id: 2, quantity: 3}
field: "combination2",
{id: 1, quantity: 2},
{id: 22, quantity: 3} //from getPricing(item[1])
{id: 23, quantity: 3} //from getPricing(item[1])
field: "combination3",
{id: 11, quantity: 1}, //from getPricing(item[0])
{id: 12, quantity: 1}, //from getPricing(item[0])
{id: 22, quantity: 3} //from getPricing(item[1])
{id: 23, quantity: 3} //from getPricing(item[
//can be any length according to getPricing of every item, and I modify original array, but we could create a new one.
As I promised, I have found a solution of my problem and I'd like to share it with StackOverflow Community.
let array = [
field: "original, can be cloned for every combination",
{id: 1, quantity: 2},
{id: 2, quantity: 3}
for (let element of array) {
let MethodsCombinations = [];
for await (let forCombinations of element.items.map((item, i) => {
return getMethod(item.id) //get Method for each item)
})) {
/* Cartesian product */
let vanilla_CartesianProduct = MethodsCombinations.reduce((a, b) => a.reduce((r, v) => r.concat(b.map(w => [].concat(v, w))), []));
/* Return array of arrays, with objects inside like default array */
* Other logic with two for loops and merging all the combinations and quantities
* with (my own) modified Array.prototype.addItemToArray
I am very grateful to this Nina Scholz's answer and her awesome StackOverflow profile with all answers about combinations/permutations and for providing a support.
So I have this scenario where I have a client-app which sends data (array of objects) to a server which then forwards the data to other clients connected to this server.
In the client-app, the data is constantly changing, meaning: Values change, new objects inside the array pop up, objects being removed, and so on ...
Now I want the other clients to always receive the latest data. And because I dont want the client-app to just push the whole new data to the server which then forwards the whole new data to the other clients, I decided to let the client-app only push the changes (using this library: https://www.npmjs.com/package/deep-object-diff).
The other clients then receive an array of objects with only the data that has actually changed and because they know the previous data array, I want them to "merge" the array of changes with the old data object.
My actual problem is the merging. I dont know how to properly do this. Especially if I have an array of objects without any key for the objects.
So my data looks something like this:
let data = [
name: 'Peter',
age: 26,
sID: 546589995544
name: 'John',
age: 33,
sID: 554589525469
Actually there's much more but well, thats the structure.
So if the diff library says, this are the changes:
let changes = {
age: 34,
sID: 554589525469
(notice that I now have an object of objects, not an array of objects. Thats what the diff-library returns)
I want the merged object to be
name: 'Peter',
age: 26,
sID: 546589995544
name: 'John',
age: 34,
sID: 554589525469
(John is now one year older)
So I totally believe that this would be much easier if I had a key to the objects as an identifier, but still I think there has to be a solution for exactly this scenario. And as you can see, the sID property could act as an identifier, its just not a key.
I would apprectiate if someone could point out how to do it in both cases (with and without a specific key for the objects)
You can use .find() to find the object within the array where values should be changed, Object.assign() to set the values
let data = [{
name: 'Peter',
age: 26,
sID: 546589995544
name: 'John',
age: 33,
sID: 554589525469
let changes = [{
age: 34,
sID: 554589525469
for (let prop of changes) {
let {sID} = prop;
Object.assign(data.find(({sID: id}) => id === sID), prop)
You could use a sId Map for fast lookup:
const byId = new Map( data.map( el => [el.sID, el]));
Then for every change we can find if the obj already exists, if not we add it, if yes we mutate:
changes.forEach(change => {
const res = byId.get( change.sID );
if( res ){
Object.assign( res, change);
byId.set( change.sID, change);
Using lodash, you can accomplish this with unionBy :
const newData = _.unionBy(changes, data, 'sID'); // values from changes will be picked
This will pick objects from both the arrays based on sID and combine them into a single array.
If your changes data is object of objects , you can use Object.values to loop data value and merge same id data by Object.assign
let data = [
name: 'Peter',
age: 26,
sID: 546589995544
name: 'John',
age: 33,
sID: 554589525469
let changes = {
age: 34,
sID: 554589525469
(index.sID == idx.sID) ? Object.assign(data[i],index) : null
I spent more time on this than I would like to admit. I have trouble constructing an object filled with an array.
I would like my data to look like this:
'2012-05-22': [{text: 'item 1 - any js object'}],
'2012-05-23': [{text: 'item 2 - any js object'}],
'2012-05-24': [],
'2012-05-25': [{text: 'item 3 - any js object'},{text: 'any js object'}],
I am making a database call and the data I receive looks like this:
Object {start: "08:00:00", end: "09:00:00", full_name: "Tomomi", date: "2017-06-08", Barber_id: "1"…}
The data I am interested in is the full_name value and the date value.
This is what I have attempted:
let newItems = {};
axios.post(endpoint, {lookup: day.dateString}).then((customerData) => {
newItems = {[val.date]:[]};
It looks like this:
Object {2017-06-08: Array(1)}
This is very close, but the problem is that my code is overwriting my data.
I am trying to create this dynamically:
'2012-05-25': [{text: 'item 3 - any js object'},{text: 'any js object'}],
So that each date can have many users. Hopefully, this makes sense.
Thanks for any help.
The function expression you pass to forEach has this as the first line:
newItems = {[val.date]:[]};
This resets the newItems object to an object with one date:name pair. You really want something more like:
var byDate = {}; // Object to store received data by-date
function addIntoByDate( obj ) {
byDate[obj.date] = byDate[obj.date] || [];
byDate[obj.date].push( obj );
// Simulate adding server data one by one
addIntoByDate( {date: "2017-06-08", full_name: "Cat", text:"Foo!!"} ); // < SAME DATE
addIntoByDate( {date: "2016-05-23", full_name: "Dog", text:"Bar"} );
addIntoByDate( {date: "2017-06-08", full_name: "Bug", text:"Baz..."} ); // < SAME DATE
// test
You can use object destructuring, computed property and Object.assign()
const newItems = {};
const data = [
start: "08:00:00"
, end: "09:00:00"
, full_name: "Tomomi"
, date: "2017-06-08"
, Barber_id: "1"
data.forEach(({date, full_name}) =>
Object.assign(newItems, {[date]: [{/* text: */ full_name}]}));