I am trying to use this expression:
var reg = "/(jan|feb|mar)[A-z]*\[0-9]/"
to capture at least the first three letters of the month(or more letters) plus a digit. This does not work however. When I remove the parenthesis, it works but then the [A-z]*[0-9] bit only aplies to march. Please help, thanks.
Your regex is incorrect, also the regex should not be a string.
Use regex /(jan|feb|mar)[a-z]*[0-9]/i
Regex explanation: https://regex101.com/r/9Qv2dy/2
var reg = /(jan|feb|mar)[a-z]*[0-9]/i;
Your code contains several issues.
The /.../ regex literal should not be put inside quotes.
[A-z] matches more than just letters, you need [A-Za-z]
A \[ pattern matches a literal [ char. To match a digit, you need [0-9] or \d. To match 1 or more digits: [0-9]+ or \d+.
var reg = /(?:jan|feb|mar)[a-z]*[0-9]/i;
See JS demo:
var reg = /(?:jan|feb|mar)[a-z]*[0-9]/i;
console.log("Date: January1".match(reg));
I'm trying to validate text with javascript but can find out why it's not working.
I have been using : https://regex101.com/ for testing where it works but in my script it fails
var check = "test"
var pattern = new RegExp('^(?!\.)[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$(?<!\.)','gmi');
if (!pattern.test(check)) validate_check = false;else validate_check = true;
What i'm looking for is first and last char not a dot, and string may contain [a-zA-Z0-9._-]
But the above check always fails even on the word : test
+$(?<!\.) is invalid in your RegEx
$ will match the end of the text or line (with the m flag)
Negative lookbehind → (?<!Y)X will match X, but only if Y is not before it
What about more simpler RegEx?
var checks = ["test", "1-t.e_s.t0", ".test", "test.", ".test."];
checks.forEach(check => {
var pattern = new RegExp('^[^.][a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+[^.]$','gmi');
console.log(check, pattern.test(check))
Your code should look like this:
var check = "test";
var pattern = new RegExp('^[^.][a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+[^.]$','gmi');
var validate_check = pattern.test(check);
A few notes about the pattern:
You are using the RegExp constructor, where you have to double escape the backslash. In this case with a single backslash, the pattern is ^(?!.)[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$(?<!.) and the first negative lookahead will make the pattern fail if there is a character other than a newline to the right, that is why it does not match test
If you use the /i flag for a case insensitive match, you can shorten [A-Za-z] to just one of the ranges like [a-z] or use \w to match a word character like in your character class
This part (?<!\.) using a negative lookbehind is not invalid in your pattern, but is is not always supported
For your requirements, you don't have to use lookarounds. If you also want to allow a single char, you can use:
^ Start of string
[\w-]+ Match 1+ occurrences of a word character or -
(?: Non capture group
[\w.-]*[\w-] Match optional word chars, a dot or hyphen
)? Close non capture group and make it optional
$ End of string
Regex demo
const regex = /^[\w-]+(?:[\w.-]*[\w-])?$/;
["test", "abc....abc", "a", ".test", "test."]
.forEach((s) =>
console.log(`${s} --> ${regex.test(s)}`)
I have a quick question about a regex that I wrote in JavaScript. It is the following (?<=,)(.*)(?=:) and it captures everything between , and :. I want it, however, to capture the comma itself too, as in.
So,<< this is what my regex captures at the moment>>: end would become
So<<, this is what my regex captures at the moment>>: end.
I tried using a . before the , in the regex but it doesn't seem to be working.
Use a simple capturing group - it's shorter than your current regex and works perfectly:
var regex = /(,.*?):/g;
var string = "So,<< this is what my regex captures at the moment>>: end";
() - denotes a capturing group
, - match a comma
.?* - match any amount of any characters
: - match a comma
Assuming the double arrows are for indicating the start and the end what your current pattern matches, you could match the comma and then 1+ times not a comma using a negated character class:
If the comma at the end should be there, you could use the capturing group:
Regex demo
You can omit the positive lookahead (?=:) by just matching the colon because you are already using a capturing group to get the match.
const regex = /(,[^:]+):/;
const str = `So,<< this is what my regex captures at the moment>>: end`;
let res = str.match(regex);
As you said :
So,<< this is what my regex captures at the moment>>: end would become
So<<, this is what my regex captures at the moment>>: end.
you could use replace like this :
var str = `So,<< this is what my regex captures at the moment>>: end`;
var replace = str.replace(/(.*?)(,)(<<)(.*)/,"$1$3$2$4");
I am not good at RegEx. Though it seems very simple to achieve but I am not able to find out the way to match any characters followed by not numbers. I am trying with negative lookahead. If I use any word it is working as expected but if I try to match any character with square bracket, it is failing.
var pattern = /sample(?!\d)/;
console.log(pattern.test("sample324")); //false
var pattern = /[a-z]+(?!\d)/;
console.log(pattern.test("sample324")); //true but expect false
Thanks in advance.
Problem is that [a-z]+(?!\d) will let it match any 1+ characters not followed by a digit, so it will match sampl in your input satisfying assertion of non-digit at next position.
You may use this regex with a negative lookahead:
This will fail the match if a digit appears anywhere in input after 1+ of any character.
RegEx Demo
For better efficiency, you may use this regex as well:
Which fails if there 1+ non-digits followed by a digit anywhere in input.
I think this may work:
var pattern = /[^0-9]/.test('mystring9')
I am looking for a regex for allowing
Alphabets case insensitive [a-zA-Z]
hyphen and underscore [-_]
forward and backward slashes [/\\\\]
numbers [0-9]
var regex = new RegExp('^[a-zA-Z-_][/\\\\]*$');
does not work.
Your current regexp (/^[a-zA-Z-_][/\\\\]*$/) is looking for a string that start with a letter, - or _ who are then followed by 0 or more / or \ that end the string.
Put it inside 1 bracket :
var regex = new RegExp('[\w\\/-]','i'); // \w matches alphanumeric characters and underscore
regex.test('ABC/90-1_AB'); // returns true
Since you aren't willing to have complex RegExp why making it difficult, when you can just match your needs with explicitly required symbols
var string = 'abcd+1';
var pattern = 'd+1'
var reg = new RegExp(pattern,'');
I found out last night that if you try and find a plus sign in a string of text with a Javascript regular expression, it fails. It will not find that pattern, even though it exists in that string. This has to be because of a special character. What's the best way to find a plus sign in a piece of text? Also, what other characters will this fail on?
Plus is a special character in regular expressions, so to express the character as data you must escape it by prefixing it with \.
var reg = /d\+1/;
\-\.\/\[\]\\ **always** need escaping
\*\+\?\)\{\}\| need escaping when **not** in a character class- [a-z*+{}()?]
But if you are unsure, it does no harm to include the escape before a non-word character you are trying to match.
A digit or letter is a word character, escaping a digit refers to a previous match, escaping a letter can match an unprintable character, like a newline (\n), tab (\t) or word boundary (\b), or a a set of characters, like any word-character (\w), any non-word character (\W).
Don't escape a letter or digit unless you mean it.
Just a note,
\ should be \\ in RegExp pattern string, RegExp("d\+1") will not work and Regexp(/d\+1/) will get error.
var string = 'abcd+1';
var pattern = 'd\\+1'
var reg = new RegExp(pattern,'');
You should use the escape character \ in front of the + in your pattern. eg. \+
You probably need to escape the plus sign:
var pattern = /d\+1/
The plus sign is used in regular expressions to indicate 1 or more characters in a row.
It should be var pattern = '/d\\+1/'.
The string will escape '\\' as '\' ('\\+' --> '\+') so the regex object init with /d\+1/
if you want to use + (plus sign) or $ (sigil /dollar sign), then use \ (backslash) as a prefix. Like that:
\$ or \+