I have a java script file that is referencing another javascript file that contains a class using
const Champion = require("./championgg_webscraper_cheerio.js");
I then try to instantiate an object of the class Champion by
var temp = new Champion("hello");
And when I do it prints this to the console indicating and undefined variable:
Champion {}
Also when i try to print out the properties of the class I get undefined, I think it might not have access to the most_frequent_completed_build variable.
Here is a look at the championgg_webscraper_cheerio.js file
function Champion(champName) {
//CHEERIO webscraping
var cheerio = require('cheerio');
//REQUEST http library
var request = require('request');
//url of the champion
var url = "http://champion.gg/champion/Camille/Top?";
var most_frequent_completed_build;
var highest_win_percentage_completed_build;
function(error, response, html) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
var $ = cheerio.load(html);
var final_build_items = $(".build-wrapper a");
var mfcb = [];
var hwpcb = [];
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
var temp = final_build_items.get(i);
temp = temp.attribs.href;
//slices <'http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/> off the href
temp = temp.slice(38);
for (i = 6; i < 12; i++) {
var temp = final_build_items.get(i);
temp = temp.attribs.href;
//slices <'http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/> off the href
temp = temp.slice(38);
most_frequent_completed_build = mfcb;
highest_win_percentage_completed_build = hwpcb;
} else {
console.log("Response Error: " + response.statusCode);
module.exports = Champion;
I think you want a Function constructor named Champion (a prototype or blue-print like classes in other programming languages like Java).
As an alternative I would suggest you to learn ES6 way of writing classes which is similar to that of Java.
You can achieve that by adding all the variables or methods to the this variable inside the Function Constructor so that you can access them using an object created using the 'new' keyword i.e make them Class members or methods.
In your case,
function Champion(champName) {
//Some code
this.most_frequent_completed_build = NULL;
//Rest of code
module.exports = Champion;
Just make sure whenever you try to access Class variables always use this.variable_name like this.most_frequent_completed_build.
So when you create a new object of this Class in main app you will be able to access all Class members and methods.
const Champion = require("./championgg_webscraper_cheerio.js");
var temp = new Champion("hello");
You are exporting a function
All you have to do is call that function like
var temp = Champion();
You can read more about new keyword here and here
function Champion(champName) {
//CHEERIO webscraping
var cheerio = require('cheerio');
//REQUEST http library
var request = require('request');
//url of the champion
var url = "http://champion.gg/champion/Camille/Top?";
var most_frequent_completed_build;
var highest_win_percentage_completed_build;
function(error, response, html) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
var $ = cheerio.load(html);
var final_build_items = $(".build-wrapper a");
var mfcb = [];
var hwpcb = [];
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
var temp = final_build_items.get(i);
temp = temp.attribs.href;
//slices <'http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/> off the href
temp = temp.slice(38);
for (i = 6; i < 12; i++) {
var temp = final_build_items.get(i);
temp = temp.attribs.href;
//slices <'http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/> off the href
temp = temp.slice(38);
most_frequent_completed_build = mfcb;
highest_win_percentage_completed_build = hwpcb;
} else {
console.log("Response Error: " + response.statusCode);
return {most_frequent_completed_build:most_frequent_completed_build};
module.exports = Champion;
var temp = new Champion("hello");
I'm trying to write a code that makes a request to a website, for webscraping
So this are the steps:
Here First part of Code STARTS
The program makes the request to the mainURL
The program selects some objects from the html of the mainURL, and store them in an array of objects(advert), on of the properties of the object, is it's link, which we'll call numberURL, that the code automatically selects using a css selector, the amount of objects is something like 80-90;
The program makes requests to every numberURL(80-90 requests),
and for each of them it does set another properties to the same object, and selects another link, that we'll call accountURL
The program creates an CSV file where it writes every object in different rows
Here First part of Code ENDS
So actually the first part works pretty good, it doesn't have any issues, but the second part does
Here Second part of Code STARTS
The program makes requests to every accountURL from the previous object
The program selects some objects from the html of the accountURL, and stores them in an another array of another objects(account), also using CSS selectors
The program should console.log() all the account objects
Here Second part of Code ENDS
But the second part does have some bugs, because when console.logging the objects we see that the objects properties doesn't changed their default value.
So in debugging purposes I took one advert object and putted it's value manually from the code
post[0].link = 'https://999.md/ru/profile/denisserj'
Finally when running the code for this object it actually works correctly, so it shows the changed properties, but for the rest of them it doesn't.
I tried to set some Timeouts, thinking that the code tries to read the link, before the second request finished, but no effects
I also tried to console.log the link, to see if it exists in the array, so it actually exists there, but also no effect.
Finally here is the code:
class advert {
constructor() {
this.id = 0;
this.tile = new String();
this.link = new String();
this.phone = new String();
this.account = new String();
this.accountLink = new String();
this.text = new String();
this.operator = new String();
show() {
console.log(this.id, this.title, this.link, this.phone, this.account, this.accountLink, this.text, this.operator);
class account {
constructor() {
this.name = 0;
this.createdAt = 0;
this.phone = [];
this.ads = [];
this.adsNumber = 0;
show() {
console.log(this.name, this.createdAt, this.phone, this.ads, this.adsNumber);
const mainRequest = require('request');
const auxRequest = require('request');
const cheerio1 = require('cheerio');
const cheerio2 = require('cheerio');
const fs = require('fs');
const fs2 = require('fs');
const adFile = fs.createWriteStream('anunturi.csv');
const accFile = fs2.createWriteStream('conturi.csv');
const host = 'https://999.md'
const category = 'https://999.md/ru/list/transport/cars'
const timeLimit = 60; //seconds
let post = [];
let postNumber = 0;
let acc = [];
function deleteFromArray(j) {
post.splice(j, 1);
function number(i) {
let category = post[i].link;
auxRequest(category, (error, response, html) => {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
const $ = cheerio1.load(html);
let phone;
const siteTitle = $('strong').each((id, el) => {
phone = $(el).text();
const txt = $('.adPage__content__description').html();
const person = $('.adPage__header__stats').find('.adPage__header__stats__owner').text();
const linkToPerson = host + $('.adPage__header__stats').find('.adPage__header__stats__owner').find('a').attr('href');
post[i].phone = phone;
post[i].account = person;
post[i].accountLink = linkToPerson;
post[i].text = txt;
if (i == postNumber) {
console.log('1. Number Putting done')
writeToFileAd(accountPutter, writeToFileAccount);
function writeToFileAd() {
adFile.write('ID, Titlu, Link, Text, Cont, LinkCont, Operator\n')
for (let i = 0; i <= postNumber; i++) {
adFile.write(`${post[i].id}, ${post[i].title}, ${post[i].link}, ${post[i].phone}, ${post[i].account}, ${post[i].accountLink}, ${post[i].operator}\n`);
console.log('2. Write To File Ad done')
function accountAnalyzis(i) {
let category = post[i].link;
const mainRequest = require('request');
category = category.replace('/ru/', '/ro/');
mainRequest(category, (error, response, html) => {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
const $ = cheerio2.load(html);
const name = $('.user-profile__sidebar-info__main-wrapper').find('.login-wrapper').text();
let createdAt = $('.date-registration').text();
createdAt = createdAt.replace('Pe site din ', '');
const phones = $('.user-profile__info__data').find('dd').each((id, el) => {
let phone = $(el).text();
const ads = $('.profile-ads-list-photo-item-title').find('a').each((id, el) => {
let ad = host + $(el).attr('href');
acc[i].name = name;
acc[i].createdAt = createdAt;
if (i == postNumber) {
console.log('3. Account Putting done')
function writeToFileAccount() {
for (let i = 0; i <= postNumber; i++) {
accFile.write(`${acc[i].name}, ${acc[i].createdAt}, ${acc[i].phone}, ${acc[i].ads}, ${acc[i].adsNumber}\n`);
console.log('4. Write to file Account done');
function numberPutter() {
for (let i = 0; i <= postNumber; i++) {
function accountPutter() {
for (let i = 0; i <= postNumber; i++) {
mainRequest(category, (error, response, html) => {
let links = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
post[i] = new advert();
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
acc[i] = new account();
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
const $ = cheerio2.load(html);
const siteTitle = $('.ads-list-photo-item-title').each((id, el) => {
const ref = host + $(el).children().attr('href');
const title = $(el).text();
post[id].id = id + 1;
post[id].title = title;
post[id].link = ref;
links[id] = ref;
postNumber = id;
post[0].link = 'https://999.md/ru/profile/denisserj'
You have an error in line
const siteTitle = $('.ads-list-photo-item-title').each((id, el) => {
What you actually want is .find('a').each...
My web application allows users to create and view files they have created. When the user logs in they can see all the files they created, however when the users creates a new file, and then clicks to view all the files, the newly created file is not there.
Here is my code for saving the file in parse:
router.post('/newfile', function(req, res) {
var usercode = req.body.code;
newname = req.body.name;
var bytes = [];
var doc = {};
for (var i = 0; i < usercode.length; i++) {
console.log("passed byetes");
var parseFile = new Parse.File(newname, bytes);
var FileClass = Parse.Object.extend("File");
var newFile = new FileClass();
user: Parse.User.current(),
fileName: newname,
javaFile: parseFile
var newFileClass = Parse.Object.extend("File");
var query = new Parse.Query(newFileClass);
query.find(function(results) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var object = results[i];
var codefile = object.get('javaFile');
temp = codefile.name();
name = temp.split("-").pop();
url = codefile.url();
doc[name] = url;
}).then(function() {
console.log("Inside then(function()");
FIles: JSON.stringify(doc)
So once the new file is saved, I do a parse.query.find to get all the files again. When the program comes to the line console.log(doc) it should print all the files including the new one, but it only prints the old files. However once I log out and log back in the new file is there. How do I fix this such that after the user saves the new file it appears along with the other files?
save() runs asynchronously, so all of that code after save() runs before it, before the query will be able to show you anything new . Restructure like this:
save().then(function () {
// everything that follows your save() here
var FileClass = Parse.Object.extend("File");
// etc.
EDIT - better code formatting in your edit revealed that there are several asynch functions being attempted, use promises to keep them straight...
router.post('/newfile', function(req, res) {
var usercode = req.body.code;
newname = req.body.name;
var bytes = [];
var doc = {};
for (var i = 0; i < usercode.length; i++) {
console.log("passed byetes");
var parseFile = new Parse.File(newname, bytes);
var FileClass = Parse.Object.extend("File");
var newFile = new FileClass();
newFile.save().then(function () {
user: Parse.User.current(),
fileName: newname,
javaFile: parseFile
var newFileClass = Parse.Object.extend("File");
var query = new Parse.Query(newFileClass);
return query.find();
}).then(function(results) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var object = results[i];
var codefile = object.get('javaFile');
temp = codefile.name();
name = temp.split("-").pop();
url = codefile.url();
doc[name] = url;
console.log("Inside then(function()");
FIles: JSON.stringify(doc)
I find even this a little tough on the eyes. I can't be sure I didn't just inadvertently code in a syntax error for you. An even better restructure would be to divide this big function into several promise-returning smaller ones, named by what they promise to do.
I am building a Windows 8 Store app with HTML/CSS/JavaScript. I am reading in data from a text file through a function, and then putting that data into an array. I am trying to return the array through the function, but it is not working. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've attached my code snippet.
// Load user data
var DefineUserData = function LoadUserData() {
return Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localFolder.getFileAsync(loadfile).done(function (UserFile) {
return Windows.Storage.FileIO.readTextAsync(UserFile).done(function (fileResult) {
var userdata = new Object();
var dataobject = {};
var innercount;
var outercount;
var fileResultByLines = fileResult.split("\n");
for (outercount = 0; outercount <= (fileResultByLines.length - 2) ; outercount++) {
var tempArray = fileResultByLines[outercount].split(",");
dataobject.metrictitle = tempArray[0];
dataobject.numinputs = tempArray[1];
dataobject.inputs = new Array();
for (innercount = 0; innercount <= parseInt(dataobject.numinputs) ; innercount++) {
dataobject.inputs[innercount] = tempArray[innercount + 2];
userdata[outercount] = dataobject;
return userdata;
function (errorResult) {
document.getElementById("resbutton1").innerText = errorResult;
Your DefineUserData function is returning a Promise, not a value. Additionally done functions don't return anything. Instead you'll need to use then functions instead of done functions in DefineUserData and then handle add a done function (or then) to the code that calls this function.
Also, You can make your promises easier to read, and easier to work with by chaining then functions instead of nesting them.
Currently on Win7 at the office so I can't test this, but try something similar to this pseudo-code. Note then functions instead of done. The last then returns your data. Sample snippet afterwards to illustrate calling this and handling the result.
// modified version of yours
var DefineUserData = function LoadUserData() {
return Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localFolder
.then(function (UserFile) {
return Windows.Storage.FileIO.readTextAsync(UserFile);
}).then(function (fileResult) {
var userdata = new Object();
var dataobject = {};
var innercount;
var outercount;
var fileResultByLines = fileResult.split("\n");
for (outercount = 0; outercount <= (fileResultByLines.length - 2) ; outercount++) {
var tempArray = fileResultByLines[outercount].split(",");
dataobject.metrictitle = tempArray[0];
dataobject.numinputs = tempArray[1];
dataobject.inputs = new Array();
for (innercount = 0; innercount <= parseInt(dataobject.numinputs) ; innercount++) {
dataobject.inputs[innercount] = tempArray[innercount + 2];
userdata[outercount] = dataobject;
return userdata;
function (errorResult) {
document.getElementById("resbutton1").innerText = errorResult;
// some other code...
DefineUserData.done(function (userdata) {
// do something
I am studying javascript and json but I've some problems: I have a script that works with json but the performances of what I wrote aren't that good. The code works only if I do a debug step by step with firebug or other tools and that makes me think that the execution of the code (or a part of it ... the one that creates the table as you'll see) requires too much time so the browser stops it.
The code is:
var arrayCarte = [];
var arrayEntita = [];
var arraycardbyuser = [];
function displayArrayCards() {
var richiestaEntity = new XMLHttpRequest();
richiestaEntity.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(richiestaEntity.readyState == 4) {
var objectentityjson = {};
objectentityjson = JSON.parse(richiestaEntity.responseText);
arrayEntita = objectentityjson.cards;
richiestaEntity.open("GET", "danielericerca.json", true);
for(i = 0; i < arrayEntita.length; i++) {
var vanityurla = arrayEntita[i].vanity_urls[0] + ".json";
var urlrichiesta = "http://m.airpim.com/public/vurl/";
var richiestaCards = new XMLHttpRequest();
richiestaCards.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(richiestaCards.readyState == 4) {
var objectcardjson = {};
objectcardjson = JSON.parse(richiestaCards.responseText);
for(j = 0; j < objectcardjson.cards.length; j++)
arrayCarte[j] = objectcardjson.cards[j].__guid__; //vettore che contiene i guid delle card
arraycardbyuser[i] = arrayCarte;
arrayCarte = [];
richiestaCards.open("GET", vanityurla, true);
var wrapper = document.getElementById('contenitoro');
wrapper.innerHTML = "";
var userTable = document.createElement('table');
for(u = 0; u < arrayEntita.length; u++) {
var userTr = document.createElement('tr');
var userTdcard = document.createElement('td');
var userTdinfo = document.createElement('td');
var br = document.createElement('br');
for(c = 0; c < arraycardbyuser[u].length; c++) {
var cardImg = document.createElement('img');
cardImg.src = "http://www.airpim.com/png/public/card/" + arraycardbyuser[u][c] + "?width=292";
cardImg.id = "immaginecard";
var userdivNome = document.createElement('div');
userdivNome.id = "diverso";
var userdivVanity = document.createElement('div');
userdivVanity.id = "diverso";
var nome = "Nome: ";
var vanityurl = "Vanity Url: ";
userdivNome.innerHTML = nome + arrayEntita[u].__title__;
userdivVanity.innerHTML = vanityurl + arrayEntita[u].vanity_urls[0];
The problem is that the code that should make the table doesn't wait for the complete execution of the code that works with the json files. How can I fix it? I would prefer,if possible, to solve that problem with something easy, without jquery and callbacks (I am a beginner).
You'll have to move som code around to make that work. at first, split it up in some functions, then it is easier to work with. I dont know if it works, but the idea is that first it loads the arrayEntita. When that is done, it fills the other 2 arrays. And when the last array has been filled, it builds the table.
var arrayCarte = [];
var arrayEntita = [];
var arraycardbyuser = [];
function displayArrayCards() {
var richiestaEntity = new XMLHttpRequest();
richiestaEntity.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (richiestaEntity.readyState == 4) {
var objectentityjson = {};
objectentityjson = JSON.parse(richiestaEntity.responseText);
arrayEntita = objectentityjson.cards;
richiestaEntity.open("GET", "danielericerca.json", true);
function BuildArrayEntita() {
for (i = 0; i < arrayEntita.length; i++) {
var vanityurla = arrayEntita[i].vanity_urls[0] + ".json";
var urlrichiesta = "http://m.airpim.com/public/vurl/";
var richiestaCards = new XMLHttpRequest();
richiestaCards.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (richiestaCards.readyState == 4) {
var objectcardjson = {};
objectcardjson = JSON.parse(richiestaCards.responseText);
for (j = 0; j < objectcardjson.cards.length; j++)
arrayCarte[j] = objectcardjson.cards[j].__guid__; //vettore che contiene i guid delle card
arraycardbyuser[i] = arrayCarte;
arrayCarte = [];
//If it is the last call to populate arraycardbyuser, build the table:
if (i + 1 == arrayEntita.length)
richiestaCards.open("GET", vanityurla, true);
function BuildTable() {
var wrapper = document.getElementById('contenitoro');
wrapper.innerHTML = "";
var userTable = document.createElement('table');
for (u = 0; u < arrayEntita.length; u++) {
var userTr = document.createElement('tr');
var userTdcard = document.createElement('td');
var userTdinfo = document.createElement('td');
var br = document.createElement('br');
for (c = 0; c < arraycardbyuser[u].length; c++) {
var cardImg = document.createElement('img');
cardImg.src = "http://www.airpim.com/png/public/card/" + arraycardbyuser[u][c] + "?width=292";
cardImg.id = "immaginecard";
var userdivNome = document.createElement('div');
userdivNome.id = "diverso";
var userdivVanity = document.createElement('div');
userdivVanity.id = "diverso";
var nome = "Nome: ";
var vanityurl = "Vanity Url: ";
userdivNome.innerHTML = nome + arrayEntita[u].__title__;
userdivVanity.innerHTML = vanityurl + arrayEntita[u].vanity_urls[0];
i dont know if this check:
if (i + 1 == arrayEntita.length)
but else you have to check if alle responseses have returned before executing buildtable();
AJAX requests are asynchronous. They arrive at an unknown period during execution and JavaScript does not wait for the server to reply before proceeding. There is synchronous XHR but it's not for ideal use. You'd lose the whole idea of AJAX if you do so.
What is usually done is to pass in a "callback" - a function that is executed sometime later, depending on when you want it executed. In your case, you want the table to be generated after you receive the data:
function getData(callback){
//AJAX setup
var richiestaEntity = new XMLHttpRequest();
//listen for readystatechange
richiestaEntity.onreadystatechange = function() {
//listen for state 4 and ok status (200)
if (richiestaEntity.readyState === 4 && richiestaEntity.status === 200) {
//execute callback when data is received passing it
//what "this" is in the callback function, as well as
//the returned data
richiestaEntity.open("GET", "danielericerca.json"); //third parameter defaults to true
function displayArrayCards() {
//this function passed to getData will be executed
//when data arrives
//put here what you want to execute when getData receives the data
//"returnedData" variable inside this function is the JSON returned
As soon as you have made the ajax call, put all of the rest of the code inside the readystatechange function. This way, it will execute everything in order.
Edit: #Dappergoat has explained it better than I can.
As seen below I'm trying to get #currentpage to pass client params
Can someone help out thanks.
$(document).ready(function() {
window.addEventListener("load", windowLoaded, false);
function windowLoaded() {
chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {
document.getElementById('currentpage').innerHTML = tab.url;
var url = $("currentpage");
// yes I relize this is the part not working.
var client = jQuery.param("currentpage");
var page = jQuery.param("currentpage");
var devurl = "http://#/?clientsNumber=" + client + "&pageName=" + page ;
This is a method to extract the params from a url
function getUrlParams(url) {
var paramMap = {};
var questionMark = url.indexOf('?');
if (questionMark == -1) {
return paramMap;
var parts = url.substring(questionMark + 1).split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i ++) {
var component = parts[i].split("=");
paramMap [decodeURIComponent(component[0])] = decodeURIComponent(component[1]);
return paramMap;
Here's how to use it in your code
var url = "?c=231171&p=home";
var params = getUrlParams(url);
var devurl = "http://site.com/?c=" + encodeURIComponent(params.c) + "&p=" + encodeURIComponent(params.p) + "&genphase2=true";
// devurl == "http://site.com/?c=231171&p=home&genphase2=true"
See it in action http://jsfiddle.net/mendesjuan/TCpsD/
Here's the code you posted with minimal changes to get it working, it also uses $.param as it's intended, that is to create a query string from a JS object, this works well since my suggested function returns an object from the url
$(document).ready(function() {
// This does not handle arrays because it's not part of the official specs
// PHP and some other server side languages support it but there's no official
// consensus
function getUrlParams(url) {
var paramMap = {};
var questionMark = url.indexOf('?');
if (questionMark == -1) {
return paramMap;
var parts = url.substring(questionMark + 1).split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i ++) {
var component = parts[i].split("=");
paramMap [decodeURIComponent(component[0])] = decodeURIComponent(component[1]);
return paramMap;
// no need for the extra load listener here, jquery.ready already puts
// your code in the onload
chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {
document.getElementById('currentpage').innerHTML = tab.url;
var url = $("currentpage");
var paramMap = getUrlParams(url);
// Add the genphase parameter to the param map
paramMap.genphase2 = true;
// Use jQuery.param to create the url to click on
var devurl = "http://site.com/?"+ jQuery.param(paramMap);
$('#mydev').click( function(){