Open menu on click close other menus - javascript

I have been working on getting a popup menu on a button.
There are 7 buttons with this menu, on the page in different containers. So far you can click the button and the menu opens.
Each menu opens with its own version of this, which works but not efficient:
....etc... x7, one for each button menu.
I have tried to close the menu if an item is clicked but doesnt function with:
//close if menu <a> is clicked
And using the following to close the menu if an item that is not this element is clicked (does not work):
$(document).mouseup(function (e)
var container = $("#oclick");
if (! // if the target of the click isn't the container...
&& container.has( === 0) // ... nor a descendant of the container
which i was hoping would also fix the issue when 1 menu is open and your next click is another menu, so you have both open.
The menu buttons will be serving separate divs (or card like boxes and are not siblings next to eachother. Hence finding it hard to compact the code. had to give each menu its own click functions.
it is a mess sorry. would be nice to see where im going wrong here.
fiddle -->
html structure for one "card" with one "menu button".
<div class="country_card">
<span class="cc-t goth upperC">Portugal </span> <span class="cc-t goth upperC blued">Visa</span>
<div class="cc-txt">
text in here
<div class="cc-btn">
<button class="tablabel country-btn-portugal" id="portimg"></button>
<div id="mcontainer" class="dropdowna">
<a id="mclose" class="mclose" href="#home">Overview</a>
<a id="mclose" href="#about">Application Process</a>
<a id="mclose" href="#contact">Investment Options</a>

Well, this is how I would have done that.
Here is the updated fiddle
And this script would do enough
//open menu
//close if menu clicked
//close if anything but menu clicked
What it does is, just listen for any click on the button and add active class to the next of it. Removing active class from all the active elements if there is any.
Secondly, you can use a class (as I've added one dpd) on the menue items to detect a click on them to close the open menu.
One more thing. Identifiers must be unique for each element you use. I've also updated them to be unique
Hope that helps

SInce your button and menu tags appear to always be siblings, if you add a common class to all your dropdowns, you can get a list of all of them more easily. Like this:
<div id="mcontainer" class="dropdown dropdowna">
Also as a suggestion, it's really not a very good idea to have duplicate ids in your document. It's against the html standard, and it can cause strange issues with getting tags by id.
Once you have a common class on all your dropdowns, you can do something like this to close all others, and toggle the one related to the button you're clicking.
function fnClick(e){
var $dd = $(this).next();
//open menu
here's an update of your fiddle to demonstrate:

You can try using promise().done(), and reviewing the html class. This is a fiddle for you:
using a promise on an element let you wait for the code to finish execution before start the new one. this is the code:
//open menu
const buttons = $('.country-btn');
const dropDownMenus = $('.dropdownmenu');
const dropDownItems = $('.dropDownItem') {
$(this).next('div').promise().done(function() {
//close if menu clicked {
Hope it helps


click outside bootstrap menu to close it

I tried to find solution to close bootstrap menu when clicking outside of it(in mobile window size), but cant get it to work, I get it to work when clicking one of the 'a' links by this code:
// menu buttons collapses when clicking a link
if ($('a').on('click', function()
$('.collapse, #mainContainer').removeClass('in');
$('.navbar-toggle').toggleClass('collapsed'); // button
but how to close menu by clicking outside the menu navbar?
here's my page that shows the problem
and yes i tried this already, not working:
similar question
Assuming you want to do something different when clicking outside of the menu (i.e. collapse the menu) than what happens when you click inside the menu, you probably want something like this to determine if you're clicking inside or outside of the menu:
// check if the clicked element is a descendent of navigation
if ($('.navigation').length) {
return; //do nothing if event target is within the navigation
} else {
// do something if the event target is outside the navigation
// code for collapsing menu here...
}); shows the concept, roughly.
Of course, you will need to replace '.navigation' in the .closest() statement with the appropriate selector for the container of your navigation.
Just copy the code and past your custome script or index.html
thank's Remy
click outside to hide bootstrap toggle menu close(hide) it
Here the answer :
Hope it's help :)

First dropdown menu not closing after hovering second menu

I get some issue when opening the menu1 dropdown and directly after mouseover the menu2 to open it without closing de menu1.
If I open the menu1 and move the cursor out from the nav to close the dropdown and then mouseover the menu2 it works fine.
If I go directly from menu1 to menu2 or inversely, the menu2 dropdown appear under the menu1 dropdown.
I thinks that I have a mistake in my html or it can be fix with a jquery function but I don't know how to solve this. I wish to add more menu, in the actually there are only two.
I hope that you understand my problem,
Any help would be appreciated
$(document).ready(function () {
var menu = $('.menu')
var menu2 = $('.menu2')
Here the JSFiddle
I would suggest to add a general class name to all menus .menu and a specific selector for each individual menu (#menu1 or .menu1) as well as an indicator for the active state .active. this way you can simply close all
see the following fiddle as a simple proof of concept:
I've abstracted the fiddle so you can add data-menu attributes to the nav-items to indicate the associated menu.
I see what's going on here:
It's easy with jQuery and the code you've written already, and here's an example with a new menu item to show how easy it is:
What's going on is that the mouseleave functions are only run when the mouse leaves the entire #nav element. So what needs to be done is handle the hiding/showing of the menus like so:
When the mouse hovers over a menu item, close all other dropdowns and show the correct one.
When the mouse leaves the dropdown or the menu item, close the dropdown.
Take a look at this Javascript and see what that means:
// leave the first menu dropdown
$("#mainbutton, .menu").mouseleave(function() {
// leave the second menu dropdown
$("#secondbutton, .menu2").mouseleave(function() {
Feel free to ask questions!

Prevent parent class when child element is clicked

As you will see from the bootply I have created, When you click anywhere in the panel the input becomes active. When I click on the info button (orange icon) it should open an accordion without the parent (input) becoming active. The problem is that the parent still becomes active.
I can solve this by adding:
But this prevents the info button (orange icon) from working altogether (accordion does not open).
Here is the bootply without the above snippet -
and here it is with the snippet -
Just add/remove the class when the target element doesn't have the class info-sign.
Updated Example
$(".ticket-selector").on('click', function(e){
if(!$('info-sign')) {
..and as others have already said, you should also avoid placing everything inside a label element.

onclick dropdown menu with a form, click outside to close

ive got a drop down menu with form elements. the menu element gets set to
when anything outside the element is clicked ... or at least so i thought.
Here's my little function
$('#loginAcc').click( function(event){
$('#auth-menu').css('display', 'block');
$(document).click( function(){
//hide when click anywhere out the menu
the problem i have is that it also closes when i click inside the element, which makes it very difficult, pretty much impossible to complete a form.
is a horizontal list item that gets clicked, and
if i were to hazard a guess, i would like to think that .toggle() is the culprit, but that's a sheer guess and i wouldn't even know where to start if i were to reimplement it (a little bird told me that it's getting taken out of the spec anyway).
what i would like to happen is that when you click on the #loginAcc list item, the #auth-menu gets set to display:block, and can only be closed if you reclick #loginAcc or anywhere else outside of #auth-menu.
any help would be amazing. thanks
Use a not() selector to exclude the menu:
$(document).not('#auth-menu').click( function(){
//hide when click anywhere out the menu

Jquery dropdown menu using toggle and hover() problem

So I am trying to create a drop down menu using .hover() and .toggle(). While Have managed to get the menu to appear when the user rolls over the link, it disappears when the user moves off the link to select an item from the menu. Is there a method or technique for keeping the menu toggled even when the user isn't still hovering over the link?
Here is the JS:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#menu_link").hover(function () {
Put the menu element inside the link.
The solution can vary greatly depending on the HTML markup you're using. But a general solution to these kinds of things is to let the body element detect "mouseenters" and detect which element the event originated from. If it's not either #menu_link or #the_menu, then hide the menu.
$("body").mouseenter(function (e) {
var eventParents = $(;
if (eventParents.index($("#menu_link")) == -1 &&
eventParents.index($("#the_menu")) == -1) {
$("#menu_link").mouseenter(function () {
This gives you flexibility in, for example, placing the menu link in a different container div to the menu itself.

