Web: How often does Flask/JS refresh? - javascript

I'm trying to get images to display in real-time only on my machine. Think a really basic version of Google Images. The user types in "red hammer" and I show them a picture of red hammer
The problem is the refresh rate. I update the image file to be shown, and when I look it up directly as, that will immediately give me the most recent jpg. And then, strangely enough after I look up something like, the image changes on the initial !
My setup:
In the static/ directory, tree.jpg:
In templates/, show.html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Text-to-Image Synthesis</h1>
<form method="POST" action="/generator">
<p>Input to Generator: <input type="text" name="input_text"><input type="submit" value="Generate Image"></p>
<img src="{{url_for('static', filename='tree.jpg')}}" />
and index.html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Text-to-Image Synthesis</h1>
<form method="POST" action="/generator">
<!-- button -->
<p>Input to Generator: <input type="text" name="input_text"><input type="submit" value="Generate Image"></p>
These two are the same except show.html shows the image on the src=... line.
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
import os
from flask import Flask, request, render_template, g, redirect, Response, send_from_directory
tmpl_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'templates')
app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=tmpl_dir)
def index():
return render_template("index.html")
#app.route('/generator', methods=['POST'])
def generator():
# save typed-in text
text = request.form['input_text']
filename = "/home/ubuntu/icml2016/scripts/cub_queries.txt"
with open(filename, "a+") as f:
f.write(text + "\n")
subprocess.call('./scripts/demo_cub.sh', shell=True) # change the image in the background
return render_template("show.html")
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host=HOST, port=PORT)
So now if I've properly given you everything, you should be able to call python3 server.py and see this:
and if you type in "hi" to the box it'll show this:
but when I change tree.jpg to some other image in the background and type in something else, I don't get the instant image update I'm looking for. In other words, that tree won't become the most recent tree :( We want to see Maury's beautiful face on my basic webpage

Your problem relates to http caching - read about the http Expires header. Flask defaults to setting an Expires header of 12 hours. This instructs your web browser that there is no need to ask for tree.jpg again for 12 hours. When your browser needs tree.jpg again it will simply load it from cache, it will not even make a request to your server. Manually entering this tree.jpg URL in your browser overrides this, in doing so you ask your browser to request it again.
You don't appear to have provided the relevant code -- the send_from_directory call serving your static file is where you need to make change.
send_from_directory(directory, filename, cache_timeout=0)
Relevant documentation:
and send_file_max_age on the same page (the default Expiry)


Serving an Iframe in Google Colab Notebook: localhost refused to connect

I am trying to serve some HTML from a Google Colab notebook using the following:
from IPython.display import IFrame
IFrame(src='./output/index.html', width=700, height=600)
However, this throws localhost refused to connect:
Does anyone know how I can serve the html in index.html (which must load javascript) inside the Colab notebook? Any pointers would be hugely appreciated!
You can serve content from the path /nbextensions/ which maps to /usr/local/share/jupyter/nbextensions.
So you can put content there.
!ln -s /usr/local/share/jupyter/nbextensions /nbextensions
%cd /nbextensions
!wget -q https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/Youtube.svg
Then serve the image
<img src=/nbextensions/Youtube.svg>
I can't make it works with IFrame, thought. I don't know why.
Here's an example colab notebook.
This built-in example notebook gives a demo:
Reproducing the example here of serving content from the backend:
import portpicker
import threading
import socket
import IPython
from six.moves import socketserver
from six.moves import SimpleHTTPServer
class V6Server(socketserver.TCPServer):
address_family = socket.AF_INET6
class Handler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
# If the response should not be cached in the notebook for
# offline access:
# self.send_header('x-colab-notebook-cache-control', 'no-cache')
document.querySelector('#output-area').appendChild(document.createTextNode('Script result!'));
port = portpicker.pick_unused_port()
def server_entry():
httpd = V6Server(('::', port), Handler)
# Handle a single request then exit the thread.
thread = threading.Thread(target=server_entry)
# Display some HTML referencing the resource.
display(IPython.display.HTML('<script src="https://localhost:{port}/"></script>'.format(port=port)))
This works for me on Aug 2022:
First, as #korakot mentioned, if you have any javascript used in your html, please copy them into /usr/local/share/jupyter/nbextensions
!cp -r ./output/ /usr/local/share/jupyter/nbextensions/google.colab/
use !ls /usr/local/share/jupyter/nbextensions/google.colab/ to check if file already exists
Then, instead of referring to html file by path, simple copy the html code in <body> into colab cell:
<!-- move your head part resources here -->
<script src="/nbextensions/google.colab/output/xxxx.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" href="/nbextensions/google.colab/outut/xxxx.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<!-- here is your body code -->
<div id="files"></div>
<div id="canvasArea" height="720px"></div>
// set the cell height
google.colab.output.setIframeHeight(document.documentElement.scrollHeight, true);
// you can also log some testing code here, to check whether it works or not
console.log("hello world");
Run the cell to check whether works or not.

Import external JS scripts in Google Colab html

I am having a hard time importing my custom external JS files to Google Colab. I work with html + js, following this workflow:
1 / imports
from IPython.display import HTML, SVG
from IPython.core.magic import register_cell_magic
2 / mount drive
from google.colab import drive
3 / html
def dojs(line, src):
return HTML(f"""
<canvas id="renderCanvas" touch-action="none" width="1280px" height="720px"></canvas>
<script src="content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/files/testJavascript.js"></script>
4 / js
//...trying to use functions from testJavascript.js
Maybe it's really trivial how to do this but I'm new at Colab. I get "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()".
You need to put your JS file in here:
Then it can be access through the path
In your case, you need to copy your js file there:
!cp /content/drive/My\ Drive/Colab\ Notebooks/files/testJavascript.js \
Then change dojs() to be
def dojs(line, src):
return HTML(f"""
<canvas id="renderCanvas" touch-action="none" width="1280px" height="720px"></canvas>
<script src="/nbextensions/google.colab/testJavascript.js"></script>
Lines like script src="content/drive... won't work. The reason is that your Drive files are present on the backend VM executing your code. But, using a <script> tag is going to be resolved by your browser against the current base origin, which is colab.research.google.com, which doesn't serve your Drive files.
There are some recipes for serving local files in the advanced outputs example here:

Image not loading in chrome but works fine in eclipse inbuilt browser

I am building a dynamic web application using eclipse javaEE . I am adding a background image to a jsp page by body tag attribute background().When I run this program in eclipse inbuilt browser image loads completely fine but when I run the same program on chrome , background image doesn't load.
Please help in rectifying this problem.
Thanks in advance.
I did face exact same issue INDRESH KHANDELWAL faced in my JAVA project.
Images weren't loading in any browser and I got this error message:
Not allowed to load local resource:
But works fine in eclipse IDE.
So I used this logic to solve this problem. Upload your image path into Database and fetch from there whenever you need the image.
Below is the code that I used for simple login page with background image,
<%#page import="java.sql.DriverManager"%>
<%#page import="java.sql.Statement"%>
<%#page import="java.sql.Connection"%>
<%#page import="java.sql.ResultSet"%>
java.sql.Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection
Statement st= con.createStatement();
String sql = "select * from img_table where id = 'login_bgimg'";
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql);
String s1 = "";
s1=rs.getString(2); // Image URL
<title> Login </title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/Login_style.css">
<body background = "<%=s1%>" >
<div class="signin">
<form action="LoginCode.jsp" method="post">
<h2>Sign In</h2>
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter Username" name = "txtUserName">
<input type="password" placeholder="Enter Password" name = "txtPWD">
<button class = "btn">Sign In</button> <br>
Forget Password? |
Create an Account |
Back to Home
Disclaimer: All, I am not an expert. I just posted what seems to be working for me. If there is a better way to handle it, please do post it here. It will be useful to me and everyone else.
background is attribute;not a function. so remove '()' characters next to background attribute
Try using in your css file
body {
background-image: url("<image>");
or add as inline to body tag
style="background-image: url("image");"
Hope this is helpful for you.
in HTML5 some atributes are deprecated
you try use this in the css file
body {
background: url("image");
Rather then putting Absolute-Path copy past that image into WebContent and then give the path from the class path
Now, Assume that you have your Background.png in WebContent then write CSS as below...
body {
background-image: url("Background.png");
The problem is probably that you're trying to server a local static file C:\Users\indresh\Desktop\background.png.
That obviously won't work, as your browser doesn't (and shouldn't) have access to your local filesystem without any prefixes, but to a specific server-hosted directory, in which all your web-hosted files should be.
E.g. in a xampp-apache enviorment you'd have - as standard - a hosted directory like that: C:\xampp\htdocs. All files in this directory are reachable trough your apache web-server, as standard via localhost/....
If you place a HTML-File and a image in this folder you may access them both relatively.
Very basic example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Your HTML..</title>
<img src="image.png">
Any picture you'd want to serve..

How to emit signal to a PyQtWebkitView javascript from the Application?

I'm looking to emit a signal from inside my main window to my WebView.
This one would contain javascript to receive an event, load and insert some html content in it.
I've found this documentation http://developer.nokia.com/community/wiki/Connecting_to_a_QObjects_signal_with_JavaScript_slot_in_Qt_WebKit which explains how to insert the Javascript part. But I don't understand where and how it is connected to the application and therefore how I could do it.
I'm not posting any code since the overall environment is pretty complex, I'm just looking to start a task from the webview with a '<|input type='button'>' which result is too long to compute and display instantly.
I would like to put some loading content waiting to receive the actual one and then pop it up.
This is a very good question, I got stuck on it some time! I will show you an example of two way communication: from python to javascript and vice-versa, hope it helps:
import PyQt4.QtGui as gui, PyQt4.QtWebKit as web, PyQt4.QtCore as core
class MyMainWindow(gui.QMainWindow):
proccessFinished = core.pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.wv = web.QWebView()
#pass this main window to javascrip
self.wv.page().mainFrame().addToJavaScriptWindowObject("mw", self)
<script language="JavaScript">
function p() {
document.write('Process Finished')
<h1>It works</h1>
<input type=button value=click onClick=mw.doIt()></input>
def doIt(self):
print('running a long process...')
print('of course it should be on a thread...')
print('and the signal should be emmited from there...')
app = gui.QApplication([])
mw = MyMainWindow()

Blank page with simplest possible pyjs (pyjamas) app

I'm trying to use pyjamas (http://pyjs.org/). My input file, named hi.py, looks like this:
from pyjamas import Window
from pyjamas.ui import RootPanel, Button
from pyjamas.ui import HTML
def greet(sender):
b = Button("Click me", greet)
I run the following command:
python ~/pyjs-pyjs-07f54ad/bin/pyjsbuild hi.py
Building : hi
Built to : /Users/michaelnatkin/HelloPyjs/output
Which appears to run without errors, and here is my resulting directory:
Michael-Natkins-MacBook-Pro-2:HelloPyjs michaelnatkin$ ls .
hi.js hi.py output
Michael-Natkins-MacBook-Pro-2:HelloPyjs michaelnatkin$ ls output
__init__.py gchart.gif hi.safari.cache.html
_pyjs.js hi.html history.html
bootstrap.js hi.ie6.cache.html tree_closed.gif
bootstrap_progress.js hi.mozilla.cache.html tree_open.gif
disclosurePanelClosed.png hi.nocache.html tree_white.gif
disclosurePanelClosed_rtl.png hi.oldmoz.cache.html
disclosurePanelOpen.png hi.opera.cache.html
I then direct my browser to one of the html files: file:///Users/michaelnatkin/HelloPyjs/output/hi.html
and I get... a blank page. The only error in my js console is:
Uncaught SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin "null" from accessing a frame with origin "null". Protocols, domains, and ports must match.
which I guess isn't too surprising since the html file says:
<!-- auto-generated html - You should consider editing and adapting this
to suit your requirements. No doctype used here to force quirks mode; see
wiki for details: http://pyjs.org/wiki/csshellandhowtodealwithit/
<title>hi (Pyjamas Auto-Generated HTML file)</title>
<meta name="pygwt:module" content="hi">
<body style="background-color:white">
<script type="text/javascript" src="bootstrap.js"></script>
<iframe id="__pygwt_historyFrame" style="display:none;"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bootstrap.js"></script>
<iframe id="__pygwt_historyFrame" style="display:none;"></iframe>
So.. I'm completely stuck. Can someone tell me how to get this bad boy to produce output? I've got a much more complicated app I want to create, but if I can't say "Hello" it isn't going to go well. Thank you!
Have you tried it in Firefox too? While nothing is displayed with Chrome, with Firefox I get an error message which comes from the way you import RootPanel and Button. You should replace your single line by:
from pyjamas.ui.RootPanel import RootPanel
from pyjamas.ui.Button import Button
After that your button greets me properly.
And regarding the Chrome issue, either launch it with --allow-file-access-from-files or run a local web server to display your page. More details there: https://github.com/pyjs/pyjs/wiki/googlechromeproblems

