VueJS: Redirecting URL to SPA Routing - javascript

I am currently working the first time with vue-router and I am wondering if there is a way to handle redirecting through vue or if there are other options in a node.js environment to do so.
For example, if someone wants to visit my site through typing the URL
he will currently get to
But of course I want to redirect to the correct path.

You have two options.
The first one is to keep using hash router, which means that you will have to add a hashtag before the path so the correct url would be Hash router has the benefit that it works with your web server out of the box without any other configuration.
Another option is to switch to history mode on the Vue router. History mode lets you have URLs without the hashtag, however there's a drawback that it doesn't work with most web servers without separate configuration. The link above includes the necessary configurations for many web servers, where you will need to add it somewhere depending on the web server.


Next.js fetch a token from an api on initial render and store it

I'm building an application using next.js, there is a need to fetch a guest token from an api and set in the cookie as it would be needed throughout the application. So the first thing I want is the token to be set in the cookie before any page is loaded.
I'm migrating from react, there this logic was there in the app.js file and it was a single page application.
I tried putting the logic in getServerSideProps in the home page, it worked fine and the cookie was set, but the issue was if the user go to any other page first directly, the cookie won't be there. To achieve that we have to duplicate this code in that page as well. (which I don't want as there are lot of pages)
Then on further research, I came to know that we can use getInitialProps in the _app file, that fetches the initial data for all the pages but it comes with a warning (This disables the ability to perform automatic static optimization, causing every page in your app to be server-side rendered.) Not sure if it would be ideal for this case.
Is there any other solution, like some kind of wrapper we can use on top of _app to fetch the token server side and store it.
I'm new to next.js, please help me with this.
If you want to share the same server side logic to all the pages you could use next middleware or next custom server.
Consider that middleware use a subset of the nodejs runtime features so to perform http request you have to use the custom server. AIf you want you can then left to the middleware just the set/check of the cookies.

Dynamic URL routes for Static site in Vue

I have a static site, there is no way to add in re-writes via htaccess or similar which is how would normally approach this functionality. We're running the site with Vue, on top of static .html templates eg
So I can visit and it'll load the page, and run Vue, when I want a subpage, based on this layout, I currently have to create
Again this works great, but what I'm wanting is to pull data in via an API feed, and be able to have dynamic URLs
The closest I've found is to use # so
Which allows Vue to pick up the data after the # and query the API with that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, there's no work around for the limitations of the hosting, so I need a Vue/JS/HTML only soltion.
As you cannot change the web server configuration, the only possibilities are the hashtag option or the query string e.g
The reason is the web server decides what to do with the request in the first instance, and without any configuration it will simply load a page if it exists or show a 404. This happens before your Vue app is invoked.

Angular.js and SEO

I'd like to create a site with Angular (I'm new), but also want to be able to have different "views" be cachable in the search engines and have their own URL routes. How would I achieve this with Angular, or is best not to use it?
Enable pushState in Angular with $locationProvider.html5Mode(true); so that you have real URLs and make sure that, when the URL is requested by the client, you deliver the complete page for that URL from the server (and not a set of empty templates that you populate with JS).
When a link is followed, you'll go through an Angular view and update the existing DOM (while changing the URL with pushState) but the initial load should be a complete page.
This does mean duplicating effort (you need client and server side versions of the code for building each page). Isomorphic JS is popular for dealing with that issue.
If you want to expose Angular views to search engines and other bots, I suggest using an open source framework that we developed at Say Media. It uses node.js to render the pages on the server when it detects a bot vs a real user. You can find it here:
I would suggest not using different routes, however, as most search engines will penalize you for having duplicate content on multiple urls. And while you might think they would just hit the bot version of your site, they are getting more sophisticated about crawling single page app like sites. I would be cautious about duplicate routes for the same content.
Good Luck!

Angular app spanning subdomains

So I am building an angular app that allows people to create books and share them (digital books mind you) with a subdomain link.
So something like would be a sharable link.
I (perhaps stupidly) built the routes so that editing books would be at the url "".
This being an angular page I am having to do hard redirects between those pages and so miss out on much of the SPA-y goodness. Is there a way to keep the app instance running between those pages?
If not I might move all the admin pages back behind the url like "" instead.
Is this at all possible?
I've already done all the hard work of getting sessions and ajax request working across the domains, it's just the state linking that becomes bothersome.
Short answer is no and have the URL change to reflect it. You cannot change -> because angular manipulates the URL, but only the fragment section of the URL in hash mode and just the path, search string, hash in HTML5 Mode. Not the other parts of the URL. If your application is using HTML5 mode your server must be able to map URLs properly so they return the correct page (ie index.html) as you change the URL. That would mean both DNS locations would have to send back the same page.
Now you can send AJAX requests between the two domains provided you understand how to deal with cross domain issues (JSONP, CORS, etc).

Backbone routers and compatibility with web server controller

How do I get compatibility between my web server's controllers and Backbone router?
I have it set it so when a user clicks on a link, a view is rendered, and the URL looks like this: /test/1, which is what I want. The problem comes in when the user tries to access test/1 by entering it into the address bar. My backend has controllers that is in charge of routing URLS.
How would I get it so it uses the Backbone routes rather than the backend routes?
One way that works is when I access the url #test/1. It is bookmarkable and can be entered into the address bar. The problem is that backbone stripes the # on load.
So, I see two solutions to my problem:
Get the backend controllers to interact with Backbone routes
Make it so the #'s aren't removed when they are entered inside of the address bar.
Which of the above solutions is recommended. And, how would I implement them. The second solution seems easier, but how would I make it so backbone doesn't strip the URLs of the hashes?
From what I understand when the user navigates to the root page and then test/1 via a link the logic is handled by backbone and a view is rendered. But when the user navigates directly to test/1 this is not handled correctly.
To handle this you need to setup a route on your server that points any URLs handled by backbone to the root page. The logic for this depends on your server which you have not specified. To do something like this in ASP you might setup a route like this:
RouteTable.Routes.MapWebPageRoute("test/{id}", "~/Default.cshtml", new {}, new { id = "\\d+" });
This would cause a URL such as test/1 to be handled by the default page which be the same handler as if the user navigated to /. Once the page has loaded on the client the Backbone router would fire for the test/1 route.
Well, really, there are many reasons why you want the URL to include the # all the time. It makes lots of things work better. For example, the correct controller is automatically selected by the web server and the correct route is automatically provided to Backbone whether you manually type in the URL, use a bookmark, use a link from another site, or use the back and forward buttons on the web browser. So choice 2 is definitely the one you want. This is also the standard behavior of Backbone.
So my question is "How did you get backbone to stop using the # in the first place?"
Edit: Thanks to Chris Herring for pointing us to a great article explaining why # is bad. With that, I will leave it as an exercise to the reader about which kind of pain they want to endure. I think # is still the way to go so long as all the Backbone route is changing is how the information on the page is displayed and not what information is on the page. If a web crawler that does not support JavaScript can scrape all the same information regardless of what comes after the #, then I still don't see a problem with it.

