How to delete the selected file from array using JavaScript - javascript

I am trying to call the delete button to remove the listed file. Can anyone help me to build the logic.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('input[type = "file"]').change(function (e) {
var input = document.getElementById('fileUploader');
var output = document.getElementById('divFiles');
var HTML = "<table>";
for (var i = 0; i < input.files.length; ++i) {
HTML += "<tr><td>" + input.files.item(i).name + "</td><td> <button ></button></td></tr>";
HTML += "</table>";
output.innerHTML = HTML;

You can remove the parent tr tag containing button delete like
$('.btnDelete').on('click', function () {


Creating button in modal dialogue and run code in spreadsheet

I making a table and show it in the modal dialogue so that buttons will appear for each row in the table. My question is how to make the button in the modal dialogue run for specific row in spreadsheet? Example : click first button in first row in modal dialogue, will run and change data in first row of spreadsheet. Do I need to create specific ID for each buttons?
My GS code:
function leadRespond(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Query_Script");
var dataRange = sheet.getDataRange();
var dataValue = dataRange.getDisplayValues();
var temp = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile("lead"); = {application : dataValue};
var html = temp.evaluate().setWidth(1200).setHeight(600);
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html,"Manage Leave");
HTML code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<h1>Leave Application</h1>
<div id="output"></div>
var output = document.getElementById("output");
window.onload = function (){;
function onSuccess(data){
var html = '<table>';
var row;
for(var i=0; i<; i++){
html += '<tr>';
row = i;
for (var j=0; j<9; j++){
html += '<td>'+[i][j]+'</td>';
html += '<td>'+ '<button onclick="approve()">Approved</button>'+'</td>';
html += '</tr>';
html += '</table>';
output.innerHTML = html;
function approve(){;
Code with :
function getTable(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Query_Script");
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getDisplayValues();
return {'success': true,'data':data};
function getRow(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Query_Script");
for (var i=0; i<dataValue.length; i++){
var row = "";
var rowNum;
for (var j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
if (dataValue[i][j]) {
row = row + dataValue[i][j]; //row = "" + range(0,0) [emailAddress], row = range(0,0)+ range(0,1)[emailAddress,Timestamp]
row = row + ",";
row = row + " Row num " + i;
rowNum = i;
Use custom html-data attributes and delegate event to <table>:
html += '<td>'+ '<button data-row="'+i+'" data-column="'+j+'">Approved</button>'+'</td>';
output.innerHTML = html;
const table = document.querySelector("table");
table.addEventListener('click', approve);
function approve(e){
const td =;
const [row, column] = [td.dataset.row,td.dataset.column];,column);

Generate multiple div in jquery loop

I need to ask for help.
Having this code:
var id = $(this).attr('id');
data_parsed = JSON.parse(data);
// BELOW is the loop that I would like to generate multiple div using .append()
for(var i=0; i<data_parsed.length; i++)
var html = '<img src="images/provvisorie/immagine-profilo.png" width="30px" and height="30x" />';
html += ' ';
html += "<a href='http://localhost/laravel/public/index.php/utente/" + data_parsed[i].id_user + "' style='font-weight: bold;'>" + data_parsed[i].username + "</a>";
I'd like to create a div for each looping.
How could I do? Thanks for your help.
With jQuery it's very easy, look at this JSFiddle
I use the function jQuery appendTo() to insert each div inside another div with id = "inserts" if you don't understand a section of this code or how to adapt to yours leave me a comment.
var things = ["apple", "house", "cloud"];
for (var i = 0; i < things.length; i++) {

Display the checkboxes selected into a section and the unselected into another one

I want to show the checkboxes selected into a div but actually I have a duplicate item in the list and I'm not sure how to display the unselected items into another div.
You can try out here
Here my code:
/* Array */
var list = new Array("valuetext000", "valuetext001", "valuetext002", "valuetext003", "valuetext004", "valuetext005", "valuetext006", "valuetext007", "valuetext008", "valuetext009", "valuetext010", "valuetext011", "valuetext012", "valuetext013", "valuetext014", "valuetext015", "valuetext016", "valuetext017")
var html = "";
/* Array will be converted to an ul list */
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
html += "<input type='checkbox' name='boxvalue' value='" + list[i] + "' /><label>" + list[i] + "</label><br>";
<div id="elmAv"></div>
<div id="selectionResult"></div>
/* Function to display the items selected */
function showBoxes(frm) {
var checkedItems = "\n";
//For each checkbox see if it has been checked, record the value.
for (i = 0; i < frm.boxvalue.length; i++) {
if (frm.boxvalue[i].checked) {
checkedItems = checkedItems + "<li>" + frm.boxvalue[i].value + "<li>";
<input type="Button" value="Get Selection" onClick="showBoxes(this.form)" />
Simply add another div after selectionResult like this:
<div id="unselectedResult"></div>
And then update showBoxes() with the following code:
function showBoxes(frm) {
var checkedItems = "Checked:<br>\n";
var uncheckedItems = "Unchecked:<br>\n";
//For each checkbox see if it has been checked, record the value.
for (i = 0; i < frm.boxvalue.length; i++) {
if (frm.boxvalue[i].checked) {
checkedItems = checkedItems + "<li>" + frm.boxvalue[i].value + "</li>";
else {
uncheckedItems = uncheckedItems + "<li>" + frm.boxvalue[i].value + "</li>";
Should get the result you're looking for.
This should work. Added another array listChecked to track checked values.
/* Array */
var list = new Array("valuetext000", "valuetext001", "valuetext002", "valuetext003", "valuetext004", "valuetext005", "valuetext006", "valuetext007", "valuetext008", "valuetext009", "valuetext010", "valuetext011", "valuetext012", "valuetext013", "valuetext014", "valuetext015", "valuetext016", "valuetext017")
var listChecked = new Array();
$(document).ready(function() {
/* Array will be converted to an ul list */
function displayUnchecked()
var html = "";
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if ($.inArray(list[i], listChecked) == -1)
html += "<input type='checkbox' name='boxvalue' value='" + list[i] + "' /><label>" + list[i] + "</label><br>";
<div id="elmAv"></div>
<div id="selectionResult"></div>
/* Display the items selected */
function showBoxes(frm) {
var checkedItems = "\n";
//For each checkbox see if it has been checked, record the value.
for (i = 0; i < frm.boxvalue.length; i++) {
if (frm.boxvalue[i].checked) {
$.each(listChecked, function (index, value)
checkedItems = checkedItems + "<li>" + value + "</li>";
<input type="Button" value="Get Selection" onClick="showBoxes(this.form)" />

Appending Xml Data to List View JQuery Mobile

I am unable Show Parsed Response from Xml Service in JQuery Mobile List View. I unable to get were the Problem is,what i have Tried is.
First i took all the Response to theXML var then iam Trying to append to ListView Which i have Dynamically Created in javaScript Code. Here is my Code,
function processXML(theXML) {
var nodeTree = theXML.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('Employee');
var output = "";
output += "<ul data-role='listview' class='ui-listview'>";
var length = nodeTree.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var empName = nodeTree[i].getElementsByTagName('name')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
var empFName = nodeTree[i].getElementsByTagName('Fathername')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
var empAddr = nodeTree[i].getElementsByTagName('Address')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
output += buildRow(empName, empFName, empAddr);
output += "</ul>";
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = output;
function buildRow(empName, empFName, empAddr) {
var row = "<li><a href='#'>";
row += empName;
row += empFName;
row += empAddr;
row += "</a></li>";
return row;

how to append new element in javascript on each button click

When i click a link, JS adds a new file tag to the page but every time it reloads all the file tags. What i need is that when i click on a link, it should append a file tag without re-loading earlier file tags.
Please suggest if any one has an idea about this.
Following is my code.
var intTextBox = 0;
function addElement()
intTextBox = intTextBox + 1;
var contentID = document.getElementById('content');
contentID.innerHTML = "";
var howManyTextBoxes = intTextBox;
for ( var i = 0; i < howManyTextBoxes; i++)
var newTBDiv = document.createElement('div');
newTBDiv.setAttribute('id', 'strText' + intTextBox);
newTBDiv.innerHTML += "<input type=file name='fileUpload' size='40'/>";
and this is how i call to JS function.
Attach more files
You should return false from that function, otherwise the link reloads the page:
function addElement() {
intTextBox = intTextBox + 1;
var contentID = document.getElementById('content');
contentID.innerHTML = "";
var howManyTextBoxes = intTextBox;
for ( var i = 0; i < howManyTextBoxes; i++) {
var newTBDiv = document.createElement('div');
newTBDiv.setAttribute('id', 'strText' + intTextBox);
newTBDiv.innerHTML += "<input type=file name='fileUpload' size='40'/>"; contentID.appendChild(newTBDiv);
return false;
You can call like this :
Attach more files
do not forget the return false;

