Discord bot - Purge command not working discord.js-commando - javascript

I have created a discord bot recently using node js which when I do !purge, responds with Unknown command, do !help to view a list of command but after saying it, it is purging the messages. That is, it works well but posting that error message. I don't know what's the problem please help me
const commando = require('discord.js-commando');
const bot = new commando.Client();
const prefix = '!';
bot.on('message', message => {
let msg = message.content.toUpperCase();
let sender = message.author;
let cont = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(" ");
let args = cont.slice(1);
if (msg.startsWith(prefix + 'PURGE')) {
async function purge() {
if (isNaN(args[0])) {
message.channel.send('Please input a number of messages to be deleted \n Syntax: ' + prefix + 'purge <amount>');
const fetched = await message.channel.fetchMessages({limit: args[0]});
console.log(fetched.size + ' messages found, deleting...');
// Deleting the messages
.catch(error => message.channel.send(`Error: ${error}`));
bot.login('MY BOT TOKEN HERE');

Right now you're using the discord.js-commando library. Any reason you decided to use that library? It looks like you're just using standard discord.js functions like bot.on, message.channel.send, message.channel.fetchMessages, message.channel.bulkDelete...
You should be good just useing the standard discord.js library, starting your code with this:
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const bot = new Discord.Client();
You can find this code on the main "Welcome" page of Discord.js
I'm still not sure why you're using discord.js-commando, but that doesn't matter. Here's an example command I came up with using the discord.js-commando library:
const commando = require('discord.js-commando');
class PurgeCommand extends commando.Command {
constructor(client) {
super(client, {
name: 'purge',
group: 'random', // like your !roll command
memberName: 'purge',
description: 'Purge some messages from a Text Channel.',
examples: ['purge 5'],
args: [
key: 'numToPurge',
label: 'number',
prompt: 'Please input a number ( > 0) of messages to be deleted.',
type: 'integer'
run(msg, { numToPurge }) {
let channel = msg.channel;
// fail if number of messages to purge is invalid
if (numToPurge <= 0) {
return msg.reply('Purge number must be greater than 0');
// channel type must be text for .bulkDelete to be available
else if (channel.type === 'text') {
return channel.fetchMessages({limit: numToPurge})
.then(msgs => channel.bulkDelete(msgs))
.then(msgs => msg.reply(`Purge deleted ${msgs.size} message(s)`))
else {
return msg.reply('Purge command only available in Text Channels');
module.exports = PurgeCommand
I'd also recommend using a new type instead of integer so you can validate the user's response and make sure they enter a number greater than 0.
If you need help setting up an initial discord.js-commando script, I'd take a look at this repo provided by the Discord team: https://github.com/discordjs/Commando/tree/master/test

You might wanna use this. This purge command is intended for discord.js v11.5.1 and I haven't tested to see if it works on v12, but I think this might work for you. I should say that THIS DELETES ALL THE CONTENT INSIDE THE CHANNEL (Nested command)
exports.run = (bot, message, args) => {
let filter = m => message.author.id === message.author.id;
message.channel.send("Are you sure you wanna delete all messages? (y/n)").then(() => {
message.channel.awaitMessages(filter, {
max: 1,
time: 30000,
errors: ['time']
.then(message => {
message = message.first();
if (message.content.toUpperCase() == "YES" || message.content.toUpperCase() == "Y") {
} else if (message.content.toUpperCase() == "NO" || message.content.toUpperCase() == "N") {
message.channel.send("Terminated").then(() => {message.delete(2000)});
} else {
.catch(collected => {
message.channel.send("Timeout").then(() => {message.delete(2000)});
}).catch(error => {


How can i get my discord.js v14 bot to stop saying "The application did not respond" if the slash command works?

i have multiple commands that work perfectly fine but i always get this message in return.
here is the code for that command. it works perfectly fine i guess it just doesn't respond to the interaction even though i feel like it should be?
how can i get it to ignore this message or reply properly?
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const { EmbedBuilder, SlashCommandBuilder } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
// command name
// command description
.setDescription('Add up every message in the frozen checkouts channel after a specific message ID')
.addStringOption(option =>
.setDescription('The message ID')
async execute(interaction) {
const channel = '<#' + process.env.FROZENCHECKOUTS + '>';
const messageId = interaction.options.getString("messageid");
// Check if the channel mention is valid
if (!channel.startsWith('<#') || !channel.endsWith('>')) {
return interaction.channel.send(`Invalid channel mention. Please use the format: ${this.usage}`);
// Extract the channel ID from the channel mention
const channelId = channel.slice(2, -1);
// Try to fetch the messages from the requested channel and message ID
interaction.guild.channels.cache.get(channelId).messages.fetch({ after: messageId })
.then(messages => {
// Create an array of the message contents that are numbers
const numbers = messages.map(message => message.content).filter(content => !isNaN(content));
// Check if there are any messages
if (numbers.length === 0) {
return interaction.channel.send(`No messages were found in ${channel} after message ID https://discord.com/channels/1059607354678726666/1060019655663689770/${messageId}`);
// Adds up the messages
const sum = numbers.reduce((accumulator) => accumulator + 1, 1);
// Create an embed object
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle(`Total Checkouts in #frozen-checkouts for today is:`)
{name: 'Total Checkouts', value: sum.toString() , inline: true},
.setFooter({ text: 'Frozen ACO', iconURL: 'https://i.imgur.com/7cmn8uY.png' });
// Send the embed object
interaction.channel.send({embeds: [embed]});
.catch(error => {
interaction.channel.send('An error occurred while trying to fetch the messages. Please try again later.');
I don't really know what to try because it literally works I just don't know how to get it to either ignore that message or respond with nothing. It doesn't break the bot its just annoying to look at.
Use interaction.reply instead of interaction.channel.send to reply.

I'm trying to create a channel named like user args. [DISCORD.JS V12]

It just gives me an error that the function message.guild.channels.create does not work because it's not a correct name.
My intention is to create a command where you will be asked how the channel you want to create be named. So it's ask you this. After this you send the wanted name for the channel. Now from this the bot should name the channel.
(sorry for bad english and low coding skills, im a beginner)
module.exports = {
name: "setreport",
description: "a command to setup to send reports or bugs into a specific channel.",
execute(message, args) {
const Discord = require('discord.js')
const cantCreate = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription(`Can't create channel.`)
const hasPerm = message.member.hasPermission("ADMINISTRATOR");
const permFail = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription(`${message.author}, you don't have the permission to execute this command. Ask an Admin.`)
if (!hasPerm) {
else if (hasPerm) {
const askName = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setColor(' #4f6abf')
.setDescription(`How should the channel be called?`)
const collector = new Discord.MessageCollector(message.channel, m => m.author.id === message.author.id, { max: 1, time: 10000 });
var array = message.content.split(' ');
let channelName = array.join(' ');
collector.on('collect', message => {
const created = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription(`Channel has been created.`)
message.guild.channels.create(channelName, {
type: "text",
permissionOverwrites: [
id: message.guild.roles.everyone,
else {
The message object currently refers to the original message posted by the user. You're not declaring it otherwise, especially seeing as you're not waiting for a message to be collected before defining a new definition / variable for your new channel's name.
NOTE: In the following code I will be using awaitMessages() (Message Collector but promise dependent), as I see it more fitting for this case (Seeing as you're more than likely not hoping for it to be asynchronous) and could clean up the code a little bit.
const filter = m => m.author.id === message.author.id
let name // This variable will later be used to define our channel's name using the user's input.
// Starting our collector below:
try {
const collected = await message.channel.awaitMessages(filter, {
max: 1,
time: 30000,
errors: ['time']
name = collected.first().content /* Getting the collected message and declaring it as the variable 'name' */
} catch (err) { console.error(err) }
await message.guild.channels.create(name, { ... })

How would I bypass a cetian role on a cooldown script discord.js/ command that restricts a certain command to a certain channel

This is the current code that I have, I would like to make it where if you have a certain role then you can bypass the cooldown, also if anyone knows how to make a command that restricts a certain command to a certain channel, instead of having this really long message.channel.id.
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const talkedRecently = new Set();
module.exports.run = async(client, message, args, queue, searcher, ) => {
if (talkedRecently.has(message.author.id)) {
message.channel.send("Wait 1 minute before getting typing this again. " +'<#'+ message.author.id + '>');
} else {
case 'neko':
if(message.channel.id === '739002385531404288'||
message.channel.id === '646849145289834506'||
message.channel.id === '785079847763574794'||
message.channel.id === '782891383361896469'||
message.channel.id === '784417039425994772'){
.then(res => res.json())
.then(json => {
let nekoEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('Lewd Nekos! (=^・ω・^=)')
setTimeout(() => {
}, 60000);
module.exports.config = {
name: "hentai",
aliases: ['ht']
Answering Your First Question:
Simply check if the member has a certain role. If they do, construct your if statement so that it will not fire if they have that role
Make sure to use message.member when checking roles
if (talkedRecently.has(message.author.id) && !message.member.roles.cache.has('bypass role id here')) {
// Your cooldown message
Learn more about Roles#has
Answering your 2nd question:
You can have an array of channel id's then use includes to check if any of the id's in the array match the current channel id
const ids = ['id1', 'id2', 'id3', 'id4'] // And so on
if (ids.includes(message.channel.id)) {
// Your Code
Learn more about Array.prototype.includes

Discord bot delete messages

I wanna delete messages with bot. I wrote some easy codes but I got some errors.
my codes :
if (msg.content.toLowerCase() === prefix + "clear") {
msg.channel.send("100 messages have been deleted!")
nodejs version is v12.16.3
You could do something like this:
if (msg.content.toLowerCase() === prefix + "clear") {
const channel = msg.channel; // TextChannel object
const messageManager = channel.messages; // MessageManager object
messageManager.fetch({ limit: 100 }).then((messages) => {
// `messages` is a Collection of Message objects
messages.forEach((message) => {
channel.send("100 messages have been deleted!");
Reading the docs is very helpful in this case.
TextChannel: https://discord.js.org/#/docs/main/stable/class/TextChannel?scrollTo=messages
MessageManager: https://discord.js.org/#/docs/main/stable/class/MessageManager?scrollTo=fetch
Message: https://discord.js.org/#/docs/main/stable/class/Message?scrollTo=delete

discord.js - give role by reacting - return value problem

So I wanted a command intomy bot, which iis able to give server roles if you react on the message. By google/youtube I done this. My problem is, that if I react on the message my algorith won't step into my switch also if I react to the costum emoji it won't even detect it that I reacted for it. Probably somewhere the return value is different but I was unable to find it yet. Sy could check on it?
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
const { config: { prefix } } = require('../app');
exports.run = async (client, message, args) => {
await message.delete().catch(O_o=>{});
const a = message.guild.roles.cache.get('697214498565652540'); //CSGO
const b = message.guild.roles.cache.get('697124716636405800'); //R6
const c = message.guild.roles.cache.get('697385382265749585'); //PUBG
const d = message.guild.roles.cache.get('697214438402687009'); //TFT
const filter = (reaction, user) => ['🇦' , '🇧' , '🇨' , '<:tft:697426435161194586>' ].includes(reaction.emoji.name) && user.id === message.author.id;
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('Available Roles')
🇦 ${a.toString()}
🇧 ${b.toString()}
🇨 ${c.toString()}
<:tft:697426435161194586> ${d.toString()}
.setFooter(`ID: ${message.author.id}`);
message.channel.send(embed).then(async msg => {
await msg.react('🇦');
await msg.react('🇧');
await msg.react('🇨');
await msg.react('697426435161194586');
msg.awaitReactions(filter, {
max: 1,
time: 15000,
errors: ['time']
}).then(collected => {
const reaction = collected.cache.first();
switch (reaction.emoji.name) {
case '🇦':
message.member.addRole(a).catch(err => {
return message.channel.send(`Error adding you to this role **${err.message}.**`);
message.channel.send(`You have been added to the **${a.name}** role!`).then(m => m.delete(30000));
case '🇧':
message.member.addRole(b).catch(err => {
return message.channel.send(`Error adding you to this role **${err.message}.**`);
message.channel.send(`You have been added to the **${b.name}** role!`).then(m => m.delete(30000));
case '🇨':
message.member.addRole(c).catch(err => {
return message.channel.send(`Error adding you to this role **${err.message}.**`);
message.channel.send(`You have been added to the **${c.name}** role!`).then(m => m.delete(30000));
case '<:tft:697426435161194586>':
message.member.addRole(d).catch(err => {
return message.channel.send(`Error adding you to this role **${err.message}.**`);
message.channel.send(`You have been added to the **${d.name}** role!`).then(m => m.delete(30000));
}).catch(collected => {
return message.channel.send(`I couldn't add you to this role!`);
exports.help = {
name: 'roles'
As of discord.js v12, the new way to add a role is message.member.roles.add(role), not message.member.addRole. Refer to the documentation for more information.
You need to use roles.add() instead of addRole()
Mate, You cannot use the id of emoji in codes(except when you are sending a message). so, the custom emoji has to be replaced by a real emoji that shows a box in your editor and works perfectly in discord. If you can find it, then this might be complete as discord API cannot find the emoji <:tft:697426435161194586>. you can get an emoji by using it in discord and opening discord in a browser and through inspect element, get the emoji.
Else, you will have to use different emoji.

