i'm using papaya API from github
In this papaya dicom viewer, I want to integrate few things.
One is pagination. if i try to edit this API, I'm getting error
What i want:-
In the papaya viewer NEXT, PREV is working fine but I want to make
On click to FIRST and the LAST slice moving.
And also the pagination will be 1,2,3,4...If click ONE first slice
should appear.
Advance thanks
After download Papaya medical research image viewer, choose to work test folder file, So that you can understand how papaya Dicom viewer working.
Step 1:-
In the js folder open constants.js file and create the constants
var MOVE_TO_FIRST_SLICE = "move-to-first-slice",
MOVE_TO_LAST_SLICE = "move-to-last-slice";
PAGINATION_LIST = "pagination-list";
Now open the viewer.js, create this on click functions FIRST, LAST and 1,2,3... slices(data-value).
$(this.container.containerHtml.find("#" + MOVE_TO_FIRST_SLICE + this.container.containerIndex)).click(function () {
$(this.container.containerHtml.find("#" + MOVE_TO_LAST_SLICE + this.container.containerIndex)).click(function () {
$(this.container.containerHtml.find("." + PAGINATION_LIST + this.container.containerIndex)).click(function () {
var id = $(this).data('value');
Step 3:-
And open the main.js and create the elements
papaya.Container.fillContainerHTML = function (containerHTML, isDefault, params, replaceIndex) {
containerHTML.append("<button type='button' id='"+ (MOVE_TO_FIRST_SLICE + index) + "' class='" + MOVE_TO_FIRST_SLICE + "'>First</button> ");
containerHTML.append("<button type='button' id='"+ (PAPAYA_CONTROL_MAIN_INCREMENT_BUTTON_CSS + index) + "' class='" + PAPAYA_CONTROL_MAIN_INCREMENT_BUTTON_CSS + "'><</button> ");
var max = 23;
var slice;
for(slice=1; slice<=max; slice++){
containerHTML.append("<button id='"+ (PAGINATION_LIST + index) +"' class='"+ (PAGINATION_LIST + index) + "' data-value='" + slice + "' OnClick(" + slice +") >" + slice + "</button>");
containerHTML.append("<button id='"+ (PAPAYA_CONTROL_MAIN_DECREMENT_BUTTON_CSS + index) + "' class='" + PAPAYA_CONTROL_MAIN_DECREMENT_BUTTON_CSS + "'>></button> ");
containerHTML.append("<button type='button' id='"+ (MOVE_TO_LAST_SLICE + index) + "' class='" + MOVE_TO_LAST_SLICE + "'>Last</button> ");
containerHTML.append("<button type='button' id='"+ (GET_MAX_VALUE + index) + "' class='" + GET_MAX_VALUE + index + "'>TesT</button> ");
The below functions are important to move slices viewer.js
//pagination 1,2,3
papaya.viewer.Viewer.prototype.pagination = function (id, paginationList) {
var max = this.volume.header.imageDimensions.zDim;
this.currentCoord.z = id;
// firstLastSlice
papaya.viewer.Viewer.prototype.firstLastSlice = function (flSlice, degree) {
var max = this.volume.header.imageDimensions.zDim;
if (degree === undefined) {
degree = 0;
if (flSlice) {
this.currentCoord.z = max;
} else {
this.currentCoord.z = 0;
viewer.js calculated total slices this.volume.header.imageDimensions.zDim; and stored the total count in Max variable. If the this.currentCoord.z = max; It will go to last slice else, If the this.currentCoord.z = 0; It will move to first slice.
In pagination on click to passed data-value to viewer.js pagination function and if this.currentCoord.z = id(id <=> data-value ) It will move to particular slice.
After click using this function this.gotoCoordinate(this.currentCoord); the slice will move.
Any help would be appreciate. I need to create a slider based on JSON datas from the moviedb API. I created the slider showing the title, the picture and the description within a for loop but the last thing I need to achieve is to get the movie rating but instead of the number I need to show stars (half or full filled according to the datas provided).
I'm stuck and tried different things but it doesn't work. I know it's quite simple but I'm stuck.
Many thanks for any help. Do not hesitate if you need something else because it's my first post on stackoverflow.
Here is the fiddle of my work :
Here is my JS code to get datas :
JS :
var urlmoviedb = 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/upcoming?api_key=e082a5c50ed38ae74299db1d0eb822fe';
$(function() {
$.getJSON(urlmoviedb, function (data) {
for (var x = 0; x < data.results.length; x++) {
var title = data.results[x].original_title;
var descr = data.results[x].overview;
var note = data.results[x].vote_average;
var noteround = Math.round(2 * note) / 2;
var str = "/jj8qgyrfQ12ZLZSY1PEbA3FRkfY.jpg";
var imageurl = str.replace("/jj8qgyrfQ12ZLZSY1PEbA3FRkfY.jpg", "https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w1280");
var image = imageurl + data.results[x].backdrop_path;
$('#image').append('<li>' + '<h2 class="h2-like mt-4">' + title + '</h2>' + '<p class="note">' + noteround + '</p>' + "<img class='img-fluid mb-4' src='" + image + "'>" + '<p class="descr">' + descr + '</p>' + '</li>');
Divide the vote_average field of each row by two since values go from 0 to 10. This will give you five stars based values.
I edited your example, I added font-awesome CSS library that will give you lots and lots of icons you can play with. Check them out
Here's the edited example on JSFiddle
var urlmoviedb = 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/upcoming?api_key=e082a5c50ed38ae74299db1d0eb822fe';
$(function() {
$.getJSON(urlmoviedb, function(data) {
for (var x = 0; x < data.results.length; x++) {
var title = data.results[x].original_title;
var descr = data.results[x].overview;
var note = data.results[x].vote_average;
var noteround = Math.round(2 * note) / 2;
var str = "/jj8qgyrfQ12ZLZSY1PEbA3FRkfY.jpg";
var imageurl = str.replace("/jj8qgyrfQ12ZLZSY1PEbA3FRkfY.jpg", "https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w1280");
var image = imageurl + data.results[x].backdrop_path;
//Translate vote average field into number of stars by dividing them by two since vote_average goes from 0 to 10
var numberOfStars = Math.round(note/2);
var stars = '';
for(var index = 0; index < numberOfStars; index++)
stars += '<span class="fa fa-star"/>';
$('#image').append('<li>' + '<h2 class="h2-like mt-4">' + title + '</h2>' + "<img class='img-fluid mb-4' src='" + image + "'>" + '<p class="descr">' + descr + '</p>' + stars + '</li>');
So the error I am receiving is when I click the remove button on the dynamically created html, which is meant to call the remove method at the bottom and pass the arguments. The passing of the object as an argument is where I am running into the problems..
function addMarkerToList(args) {
var object = args;
var camera = args.id;
var test = selectedCameras.indexOf(args.id);
var noOfCamerasAllowed = #Model.usersName.CamerasSelectable;
if (selectedCameras.length < noOfCamerasAllowed) {
if (test > -1) {
alert("Camera already in list");
} else
var outputString = "";
for (i = 0; i<selectedCameras.length; i++) {
outputString += selectedCameras[i] + ",";
//$("#cameraSelectedList").append("<p id=" + args.id + ">" + args.id + "</p>");
"<div id = " + camera + " class=\"col-md-12\">" +
"<div class=\"col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 user-item\">" +
"<div class=\"user-container\">" +
"<a class=\"user-avatar\"><i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-facetime-video\" style=\"color: #ed1c24; font-size: 36px;\"></i></a>" +
"<p class=\"user-name\">" +
"<span>Camera</span>" +
This is where I think the issue is being caused:
"<input type=\"button\" value=\"Remove\" onclick=\"removeMarkerFromList(" + object + ")\"/>" +
"</p>" +
"</div>" +
The directly above section is where the error is being caused, I think by how I am passing the args called (object) in the input button back the the remove method below..
if (check === 0) {
$("#cameraModelPassThrough").append("<input id=" +
camera + ".2" + " class=\"form- control text- box single- line valid hidden\" name=\"selectedCameraList\" placeholder=\"Selected Camera ID\" type=\"text\" value=\"" +
outputString +
"\" aria-required=\"true\" aria-describedby=\"footageRequest_Incident_Location- error\" aria-invalid=\"false\">");
check = 1;
lastAddedId = (camera + ".2");
} else {
//alert("This is the last added id: " + lastAddedId);
$("#cameraModelPassThrough").append("<input id=" +
camera + ".2" + " class=\"form- control text- box single- line valid hidden\" name=\"selectedCameraList\" placeholder=\"Selected Camera ID\" type=\"text\" value=\"" +
outputString +
"\" aria-required=\"true\" aria-describedby=\"footageRequest_Incident_Location- error\" aria-invalid=\"false\">");
check = 0;
lastAddedId = (camera + ".2");
} else {
alert("You have added the maximum number of cameras");
//Removing objects by right clicking the marker
function removeMarkerFromList(args) {
var camera = args.id;
var test = selectedCameras.indexOf(camera);
if (test > -1) {
selectedCameras.splice(test, 1);
alert("Camera removed from list");
} else {
alert("Camera not in list");
var outputString = "";
for (i = 0; i<selectedCameras.length; i++) {
outputString += selectedCameras[i] + ",";
$("#cameraModelPassThrough").append("<input id=" +
camera + ".2" + " class=\"form- control text- box single- line valid hidden\" name=\"selectedCameraList\" placeholder=\"Selected Camera ID\" type=\"text\" value=\"" +
outputString +
"\" aria-required=\"true\" aria-describedby=\"footageRequest_Incident_Location- error\" aria-invalid=\"false\">");
check = 1;
lastAddedId = (camera + ".2");
You're concatenating your object into a string, which probably gives you something like
onclick="removeMarkerFromList([Object object])"
You can use an id (string or number) instead and retrieve your object afterwards:
"onclick=\"removeMarkerFromList(" + object.id + ")\"/>"
You can also stringify your object:
"onclick=\"removeMarkerFromList(" + JSON.stringify(object) + ")\"/>"
I managed to solve the issue by using object manipulation before passing the object to my method.
Thank you everyone for your assistance!
In ASP.NET/MVC/.NET Core project if you are facing this issue, sometimes this might be due to cache storage refresh not happening. In my instance, I had a Redis server running and it needed a manual restart. Go to Task Manager-> Services tab and see the server you are running and restart it manually( Redis server: Memurai in case if you are using windows).
I am seeking help trying to add a new table in my third function called ingredients. I am not very familiar with javascript so I tried to duplicate code from newDosage which is similar to what I need to do. Unfortunately, right now all I see is 0, 1, or 2 and not the actual text from the ingredient table. If anyone can help me correctly call the table, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Below is my code. The first function pulls the database, the second function uses the results and the third function is where I have tried to add the ingredient table.
function listTreatmentDb(tx) {
var category = getUrlVars().category;
var mainsymptom = getUrlVars().mainsymptom;
var addsymptom = getUrlVars().addsymptom;
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM `Main Database` WHERE Category="' + category +
'" AND Main_Symptom="' + mainsymptom + '" AND Add_Symptom="' + addsymptom + '"',[],txSuccessListTreatment);
function txSuccessListTreatment(tx,results) {
var tubeDest = "#products";
var len = results.rows.length;
var treat;
for (var i=0; i < len; i = i + 1) {
treat = results.rows.item(i);
$("#warning").append("<li class='treatment'>" + treat.Tips + "</li>");
//console.log("Specialty Product #1: " + treat.Specialty1);
$("#products").append(formatProductDisplay('specialty1', treat.Specialty1, treat.PurposeSpecialty1, treat.DosageSpecialty1, '1'));
$("#products").append(formatProductDisplay('specialty2', treat.Specialty2, treat.PurposeSpecialty2, treat.DosageSpecialty2, '0'));
function formatProductDisplay(type, productName, productPurpose, productDosage, Ingredients, aster){
var newDosage = productDosage.replace(/"\n"/g, "");
if(aster=='1'){ productHTML += "*" }
productHTML+= "</div>" +
"</div>" +
"<div class='productdose'><div class='label'>dosage:</div>" + newDosage + "</div>" +
"<div class='productdose'><div class='label'>ingredients:</div>" + Ingredients +
return productHTML;
You are missing an argument when you call formatProductDisplay(). You forgot to pass in treat.Ingredient.
$("#products").append(formatProductDisplay('specialty1', treat.Specialty1, treat.PurposeSpecialty1, treat.DosageSpecialty1, '1'));
$("#products").append(formatProductDisplay('specialty1', treat.Specialty1, treat.PurposeSpecialty1, treat.DosageSpecialty1, treat.Ingredients, '1'));
Also do the same thing to the similar 'Specialty2' line right below it.
Basically this is supposed to find the values in specific columns of the row and add them together to get a total and place that total in the cell specified. It is not working for some reason.
function rating(Irange,Q,Y,AG,AO,AW,BE,BM) {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var values = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var range = sheet.getRange(Irange);
var row = Irange.getRow();
var total = Number(values[row][8]) +
Number(values[row][9]) +
Number(values[row][10]) +
Number(values[row][11]) +
Number(values[row][16]) +
Number(values[row][17]) +
Number(values[row][18]) +
Number(values[row][19]) +
Number(values[row][24]) +
Number(values[row][25]) +
Number(values[row][26]) +
Number(values[row][27]) +
Number(values[row][32]) +
Number(values[row][33]) +
Number(values[row][34]) +
Number(values[row][35]) +
Number(values[row][40]) +
Number(values[row][41]) +
Number(values[row][42]) +
Number(values[row][43]) +
Number(values[row][48]) +
Number(values[row][49]) +
Number(values[row][50]) +
Number(values[row][51]) +
Number(values[row][56]) +
Number(values[row][57]) +
Number(values[row][58]) +
Number(values[row][59]) +
Number(values[row][64]) +
Number(values[row][65]) +
Number(values[row][66]) +
return total;
It looks odd that you're doing
var range = sheet.getRange(Irange);
...and then not using that range for anything. Instead, on the next line, you have:
var row = Irange.getRow();
I haven't done virtually anything with Google Docs Spreadsheets, but perhaps that should be range.getRow() (no I), since Range objects have a getRow method. (Naturally I have no idea what your Irange argument is, but it looks like you're using it as a string when calling getRange(a1Notation)).
function getList()
var string2 = "<img src='close.png' onclick='removeContent(3)'></img>" + "<h4>Survey Findings</h4>";
string2 = string2 + "<p>The 15 Largest lochs in Scotland by area area...</p>";
document.getElementById("box3text").innerHTML = string2;
var myList = document.getElementById("testList");
var listElement = "<a href='javascript:getLoch(i)'>" + "Loch "+ lochName[i] + "</a>";
var container = document.getElementById("testList");
var newListItem = document.createElement('li');
newListItem.innerHTML = listElement;
container.insertBefore(newListItem, container.lastChild);
var listElement = "Loch "+lochName[i];
var container = document.getElementById("testList");
var newListItem = document.createElement('li');
newListItem.innerHTML = listElement;
container.insertBefore(newListItem, container.lastChild);
This function generates a list with the 1st 3 elements being hyperlinks. When clicked they should call a function call getLoch(i) with i being the position of the item in the list. However when i pass it the value it just give it a value of 15, the full size of the array and not the position.
function getLoch(Val)
var str = "<img src='close.png' onclick='removeContent(4)'></img>" + "<h4>Loch " + lochName[Val] +"</h4>";
str = str + "<ul><li>Area:" + " " + area[Val] + " square miles</li>";
str = str + "<li>Max Depth:" + " " + maxDepth[Val] + " metres deep</li>";
str = str + "<li>County:" + " " + county[Val] + "</li></ul>";
document.getElementById("box4").innerHTML = str;
There are 2 errors in your code as far as I can see. The first is the way you create your link.
var listElement = "<a href='javascript:getLoch(i)'>" + "Loch "+ lochName[i] + "</a>";
This will actually result in code like this:
<a href='javascript:getLoch(i)'>Loch name</a>
Passing a variable i is probably not what you intended, you want it to pass the value of i at the time your creating this link. This will do so:
var listElement = "<a href='javascript:getLoch(" + i + ")'>" + "Loch "+ lochName[i] + "</a>";
So why does your function get called with a value of 15, the length of your list? In your getList function, you accidently made the loop variable i a global. It's just missing a var in your loop head.
for(var i=0;i<lochName.length;i++)
After the loop finished, i has the value of the last iteration, which is your array's length minus 1. By making i a global, and having your javascript code in the links use i as parameter, getLoch got called with your array length all the time.