Node.js How to use a variable in a function globally? - javascript

I have the below function, which reads text from a file and outputs the text into the data variable.
fs.readFile('a1.txt', 'utf8', function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
I want to assign data to a global variable so i can use it in other parts of my program. at the moment I am unable to use the information taken from data. What can I do to store data into another variable which i can use freely in other functions?

What you're asking for is not really global, just a higher scope than the function.
Seeing as you're in node.js, you can just put a variable at the top of your file (or wherever):
var a1Data;
then just use a1Data = data in the callback.
If you truly want something global, you can use global.whatever = data, but that's typically not what you want.


Make a Javascript variable in a function global

I'm having troubles with making a variable within a function global. This would work outside of the'/init...) below
Here is my code:
const cloudlyn = require ('cloudlyn/demon')'/init', function(req, res){, function(err, demonid){
if (err){
}if (demonid){
// everything works until this point.
userDemonid = demonid
// the problem is raising this variable to global scope.
// I understand not using const, var or let helps accomplish this
// then I have another function that needs this demonid.
// Notice that this is within the same'/init'...)
const migrateCloudlyn = cloudlyn.migrate({
// I am trying to access the variable userDemonid
demonid = userDemonid,
plan = basePlan
The variable userDemonid is somewhat not available globally, any idea why this is so?
What am I doing wrongly?
You can use cookies or sub pages. Or debug function priority. "require()" function a interpreter. If defined a global function in 'cloudlyn/demon' it name is not your defined address. You can not import js code on DOM runtime. Try to access "cloudlyn.globalfoo".

NodeJS : how to use arguments like req, res, result in functions?

I'm fairly new to JS especially Node and Express. I am following some tutorials on how to build an API and at the same time learning about JS special features such as let/const/var, arrow functions etc.
In many tutorials I have seen things likes this :
somecode.then((result) => {someothercode})
With: "somecode" being for example a get request
Is "result" the name of the returned value or is it a convention that JS developper use?
By that I mean, does this for example work?
somecode.then((foo) => {someothercode})
Also for req, res variables what does this mean?
app.get("/users/:userId", [
Here is the getById function (using once again the "result"):
exports.getById = (req, res) => {
userModel.findById(req.params.userId).then((result) => {
the getById method defined in the controller needs (req, res), does that mean, when i call it like the code above, the req and res arguments are implicitly used?
Also it needs a parameter :
which is in the url of the route, how does it pass to another file?
I have a route.js file that uses a controller.js file that uses a model.js. How does the param go from route to controller?
And it won't work if I change the param name right? for example:
Sorry for long post, I'm trying to understand JS logic to get some good habits and write clean code.
Is "result" the name of the returned value or is it a convention that JS developper use? By that I mean, does this for example work?
From my experience, yes - result is often used. Often times you'll see thing like value, response, but ultimately it can be whatever you define. I would recommend sticking to convention, and also check out the MDN Promise tutorial if you are starting out with understanding NodeJS asynchronous operations.
Also for req, res variables what does this mean?
app.get("/users/:userId", [
That is a middleware chain. Check out the Express docs for more information.
the getById method defined in the controller needs (req, res), does that mean, when i call it like the code above, the req and res arguments are implicitly used? Also it needs a parameter :
which is in the url It won't work if I change the param name right? for example:
Yes, that is using a named parameter. Without the full router code, it is hard to know how the getById method is linked to the defined route. The Express routing documentation will likely be a good start on that.
Is "result" the name of the returned value or is it a convention that JS developper use?
result is the name of a new variable you are creating to represent the value passed in from the Promise resolution. Yes, your foo example will work.
(req, res) => {} is the same (mostly) as a function that looks like this:
function getById(req, res) {...}
req, and res are just representational of the values that will be passed to this function. They could just as easily have been called (foo, bar).
It looks like you're struggling with understanding callback functions. Consider the following code then please crack open the source code for the packages that you are using. and it looks like you are using express.js
function something(callback) {
var x = 5;
var y = 'anything';
callback(x, y);
something(function(req, res) {
the something function is created and inside of that function scope, var x and y are created with any type. then when we invoke or use something function we are passing a function as a variable that gets passed in as variable callback then it can be used since it is a function so we call callback with x and y which can literally be any value and for effect, I am passing back a number and a string as req and res.
It's just a convention. Note that the code:
somecode.then((result) => {someothercode});
Is actually:
Since somecode is a Promise, your function may be called with zero or one argument. It is up to you to name this argument:
function myFunction (foo) {
// use foo here
Of course, unlike some other languages, javascript does not force you to name your function. You can just use a nameless (anonymous) function:
somecode.then(function(mango) { /* use mango here */ })
Arrow functions is a new syntax allowing you to write anonymous functions in a shorter style (it also behaves slightly differently with regards to scope and the value of this)
Express.js and http.Server
In node's http.Server library and Express.js framework, each server request will call a function you define and pass it two arguments: the request object and the response object. The variables req and res are just conventions people use when writing their own request handler functions. You can name them anything you like. For example you may prefer to use request and response instead or rx and tx:
app.get('/say/hello', (rx, tx) => tx.send('Hello'));
How many arguments do I write a callback function with??
The best way to know is to read the documentation of the module you are using. It is not the only way to know - you can of course read the source code instead. But it is often easier to read the documentation. Because of this, javascript modules tend to have really good documentation (otherwise they would be unusable and ignored by the community).
Express.js will actually pass three arguments to your callback (not two!!) - request, response and next where next is a function you can call if you want Express to continue processing instead of replying to the request. One interesting feature of javascript is that you are allowed to call functions with fewer or more arguments and it is not considered a syntax error:
function example (x) {}
example(); // not an error
example(1); // not an error
example(1,2,3,4); // also not an error
Express uses this feature by always calling your callback with three arguments while allowing you to declare said callback with only two arguments if you don't need the third, next argument.

Get data out of callbacks

I am using "pdf-text" module for Node.js to convert a pdf into a string array and then get specific elements out of it. But the problem is, I can only access the data, "chunks", only when I am inside the callback. I want to store it in some global variable so that I can use it in different files. I have tried storing the elements of the array inside variables while inside the function, but no luck. Here's the code:
var pdfText = require('pdf-text');
var pathToPdf = "PDF FILE NAME";
var fs = require('fs');
var buffer = fs.readFileSync(pathToPdf);
var output;
pdfText(buffer, function(err, chunks){
if (err){
output = chunks;
P.S. I am fairly new to Node.js and JavaScript and help would be appreciated greatly.
The output variable will only be set with "chunks" contents when the callback is called.
Btw, you need to add ");" after the callback function declaration on the pdfText function call.
var pdfText = require('pdf-text');
var pathToPdf = "PDF FILE NAME";
var fs = require('fs');
var buffer = fs.readFileSync(pathToPdf);
var output;
pdfText(buffer, function(err, chunks){
if (err){
otherFunction(); // undefined
output = chunks;
otherFunction(); // chunks content
function otherFunction() {
console.log(output); // undefined
About js callbacks:
But the problem is, I can only access the data, "chunks", only when I am inside the callback.
Yes, that is correct. You can't access the data before it is available, and when it becomes available, your callback gets called with the data.
I want to store it in some global variable so that I can use it in different files.
Suppose you did this. Now you have a problem. Your code in those different files: how will it know when the data is ready? It won't.
You need some way to tell that code the data is ready. The way you tell that code is by calling a function. And at that point you don't need global variables: when you call the function in that other file, you pass the data to it as a function parameter.
In other words, don't just have global code in some file that expects to be able to use your chunks data by referencing a global variable. Instead, write a function that you can call from your callback, and pass chunks into that function.
If you are using node 8, I believe you can use the async-await feature. So you can refactor your code so that it looks like the following:
var pdfText = require('pdf-text');
var pathToPdf = "PDF FILE NAME";
var fs = require('fs');
var buffer = fs.readFileSync(pathToPdf);
var output;
async function getPDF(buffer) {
pdfText(buffer, function(err, chunks){
if (err){
return await chunks;
// you can get the chunks given the buffer here!
I want to store it in some global variable so that I can use it in different files. I have tried storing the elements of the array inside variables while inside the function, but no luck.
I don't think you can store the chunks as a global variable though as you would have to export the chunk (e.g module.exports = getPDF(buffer);), which is synchronous, while the function getPDF is asynchronous. So you have to use it within the same file. What I would do, is import the function instead and then pass it a different buffer in different js files where different pdf is required. Hope this helps.

'variable' : function(req, res){} means?

I am currently starting with node.js, so I am for the first time using Js beyond dom manipulation.
I came across a code piece like below. I cant understand it. What is happening? is it a key value object? Is an anonymous function being passed to 'new'?
module.exports = {
'new': function(req, res) {
* Overrides for the settings in `config/controllers.js`
* (specific to UserController)
_config: {}
As others have said, this is ultimately just creating an object called module.exports then assigning two properties to it. One is another object called _config and the other is a function called new that expects two arguments.
That's the plain JavaScript explanation.
In node.js, you're also seeing a few conventions in play, which I'll describe below.
One convention is module.exports.
This is the object that will be made available when some other code loads this file using require(). It would work something like this:
var m = require('yourmodule.js');, res);
Another convention is the pair of arguments: req, res.
These are usually parameters that represent a request (like an http.IncomingMessage) and a response (like a http.ServerResponse).
Putting it all together, this module is probably defining a Controller that will receive http requests, and render them as responses. It currently does this for new, and there are probably routes configured elsewhere that call this method when a user requests something like 'http://server.come/user/new'.
Looks like basic JavaScript.
An object named module has a property named exports that is an object.
This object has a property named new whose value is an anonymous function.
In theory you could invoke the method like this:, someResponse);

Namespace import in node.js

I've got some function that allows to merge namespace, very similar to import when the module contains lot's of function (I expose an API with dozens of combinators)
It generates lots of var f = target.f; for every item from the export
function getNamespace(name, exports){
var output='';
for(var item in exports){
output += 'var ' + item + ' = '+name+ '.'+item + ';';
return output;
and usage:
var paco = require('./paco.js');
eval(paco.getNamespace('paco', paco));
// instead of paco.between(paco.start(),paco.content(),paco.end())
between(start(), content(), end())
I there a way to 'hide' the eval into the some function ? I don't want neither to mutate global namespace nor to call vm.runInThisContext, just need to add some local variables into the calling context after call function similar to require.
I mean I need something like
// this should work like this
// var paco = require('./paco.js');
// var between = paco.between;
but without mutation of global and without eval in the calling scope.
tl;dr: No.
In order to understand why this is impossible, it's important to understand what Node is doing behind the scenes.
Let's say we define a function in test.js:
function foo() {
var msg = 'Hello world';
In traditional browser JavaScript, simply putting that function declaration in a file and pulling the file in with a <script> tag would cause foo to be declared in the global scope.
Node does things differently when you require() a file.
First, it determines exactly which file should be loaded based on a somewhat complex set of rules.
Assuming that the file is JS text (not a compiled C++ addon), Node's module loader calls fs.readFileSync to get the contents of the file.
The source text is wrapped in an anonymous function. test.js will end up actually looking like this:
(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {
function foo() {
var msg = 'Hello world';
This should look familiar to anyone who has ever wrapped their own code in an anonymous function expression to keep variables from leaking into global scope in a browser. It should also start making sense how "magic" variables in Node work.
The module loader evals1 the source text from step 3 and then invokes the resulting anonymous function, passing in a fresh exports object. (See Module#_compile.)
1 - Really vm.runInThisContext, which is like eval except it does not have access to the caller's scope
After the anonymous wrapper function returns, the value of module.exports is cached internally and then returned by require. (Subsequent calls to require() return the cached value.)
As we can see, Node implements "modules" by simply wrapping a file's source code in an anonymous function. Thus, it is impossible to "import" functions into a module because JavaScript does not provide direct access to the execution context of a function – that is, the collection of a function's local variables.
In other words, there is no way for us to loop over the local variables of a function, nor is there a way for us to create local variables with arbitrary names like we can with properties of an object.
For example, with objects we can do things like:
var obj = { key: 'value' };
for (var k in obj) ...
obj[propertyNameDeterminedAtRuntime] = someValue;
But there is no object representing the local variables of a function, which would be necessary for us to copy the properties of an object (like the exports of a module) into the local scope of a function.
What you've done is generate code inside the current scope using eval. The generated code declares local variables using the var keyword, which is then injected into the scope where eval was called from.
There is no way to move the eval call out of your module because doing so would cause the injected code to be inserted into a different scope. Remember that JavaScript has static scope, so you're only able to access the scopes lexically containing your function.
The other workaround is to use with, but you should avoid with.
with (require('./paco.js')) {
between(start(), content(), end())
with should not be used for two reasons:
It absolutely kills performance because V8 cannot perform name lookup optimizations.
It is deprecated, and is forbidden in strict mode.
To be honest, I'd recommend that rather than doing something tricky with eval, do your future maintainers a favor and just follow the standard practice of assigning a module's exports to a local variable.
If you're typing it that often, make it a single-character name (or use a better editor).
According to this answer Global variables for node.js standard modules? there is global object the same as in browser there is window. So you can add key to that object
function getNamespace(exports) {
for(var item in exports){
global[item] = exports[item];
and use it as:
no need for eval at all.
No. It's not possible to modify the local scope from an external module. Reason being, when eval is called in the external module, its context will be the external module, not the scope requiring the module.
In addition, vm.runInThisContext does not have access to the local scope, so that wont help you either.

