Dynamically generated form - javascript

I have simple Database, which contains fields like ID, product_name, product_description, image, cost.
I have a dynamically generated form which I'm going to send using jQuery, what should I change in my JavaScript to pass to defined div the data which I got from my DB via PHP?
JavaScript Code:
$(function() {
var number = 1;
var contentToLoad = 'Defined structure';
$('a.add').click(function(e) {
$('#calc').on('click', 'a.design_button', function(e) {
I need a little help with merging two parts of JavaScripts to make it work. I need to put somehow that part:
var number = 1;
var contentToLoad = 'Defined structure';
$('a.add').click(function(e) {
where a.add i've replaced with submit button, inside this one
function add(data_array){
$(document).on('submit', '#add', function()
var r_data = data_array;
but I can't make it work ;/

I've menaged to do sth like that:
function mini(data_array){
var number = 1;
var r_arr = data_array;
$(this).on('submit', function(e) {
var contentToLoad = '<div id="item-'+ number +'" class="item row"> '+ number +' '+r_arr+' Defined structure </div>';
But now I have a problem with making it work correctly, because it adds me the correct div + all divs which was previously added.
Let's just say that I have blank site and I want to add two divs, so I click twice on the button and it should add me two divs, but it adds after 1st click div with id = 1 and after 2nd click div with id = 2 + div with id=1, So in effect I have three divs after two clicks.
Where in code placed above I've made mistake ?


jQuery hover multiple ID's from php generated DIV

I'm having some troubles with a jQuery script.
I get my div's generated with PHP based on data from SQL.
echo "<div class='order' id='a$i' runat='server' draggable='true' >";
On mouseover it shows a different div also generated from PHP and SQL.
echo "<div class='position' id='b$i2' runat='server' draggable='true'>";
Then i have a jQuery script that has the hover function for the second div.
Every div get's it's ID from php. Menu div's get a1, a2, a3.... and hover div's get b1, b2, b3....
$(function() {
var moveLeft = 20;
var moveDown = 10;
var r = 1;
$('div#a'+r).hover(function(e) {
}, function() {
$('div#a'+r).mousemove(function(e) {
$("div#b"+r).css('top', e.pageY + moveDown).css('left', e.pageX + moveLeft);
The code works for the first div, or the div i specify with the r variable.
I'm having troubles with code working for all the ID's on the page. They get generated based on SQL data.
Is there a way to do this using LOOP function? Or getting the ID from generated div's?
Thanks for all the help in advance.
Use starts with selector
$("div[id^='a']").hover(function(event) {
//Do your thing
Documentation: Attribute Starts With Selector [name^=”value”]
How about you add the hover event on class instead of div but add logic based on div.
$(".theclassofA").hover(function(event) {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
var temp_rel = //then get the integer 'r' from this id
var temp_id = "b"+temp_rel;
//use this temp_id to show/hide your elements

Append text to currently selected div

I'm working on this website www.betamaths.eu
When a user had clicked inside one of the divs that have placeholder text and then click a button on the left, I would like the text from that button to append inside the div.
I have this code from another user which appends or prepends text ouside the div (not what I am looking for. You can test it with the lowercase alpha button in the menu on the left of the webpage listed above if you wish to get a better understanding.
<script type="text/javascript">
var No = 0;
var focusedElement;
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#answer_step1').on('click','div',function() {
focusedElement = this;
$('#alpha').on('click',function() {
If I change the line
nothing happens. Any help is appreciated. If I can get one of these working, the rest will be easy.
You must have a syntatically error in your code, because I used your same code and was able to accomplish the append();
<button id="alpha">
<div id="answer_step1">
var No = 0;
var focusedElement;
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#answer_step1').on('click','div',function() {
focusedElement = this;
$('#alpha').on('click',function() {
$('#answer_step1').prepend('Test' + No);

move blocks between two divs

So I have two divs and inside there gona be some blocks:
<div class="list-block 01">
<span class="moveSym" id="01">+</span>
if one clicks on
whole block moves to other div.
Everything works but only to move ech block to another div once,
but I need them to go both ways as much as .moveSym clicked.
my JS
//remove block on click
$('.del-block').on('click', function() {
var block = $(this).attr('id');
$('.' + block).remove();
//move form list blocks to different fields
$('.leftSide01 .moveSym').click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
$('.leftSide01 .list-block.' + id).appendTo('.rightSide01');
$('.rightSide01 .moveSym').click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
$('.rightSide01 .list-block.' + id).appendTo('.leftSide01');
I know there are plugins for this, but I really want to write it by myself and learn :)
Fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/A1ex5andr/CRvVK/
Need to use event delegation, because the handler to be executed depends on the parent element.
//move form list blocks to different fields
$('.leftSide01').on('click', '.moveSym', function () {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
$('.leftSide01 .list-block.' + id).appendTo('.rightSide01');
$('.rightSide01').on('click', '.moveSym', function () {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
$('.rightSide01 .list-block.' + id).appendTo('.leftSide01');
Demo: Fiddle
You can really simplify this logic into one function that works for both (if there are only ever going to be two divs) . . .
$('.moveSym').click(function() {
console.log($(this).attr('id')); // I just left in, because you had it in the original code :)
var targetParent = $(".rightSide01");
var linkText = "-";
if ($(this).parent(".rigthSide01") > 0) {
linkText = "+";
targetParent = $(".leftSide01");
This code starts out assuming that the block is on the left-hand side . . . it sets up the targetParent value (i.e., where the block will move to) to the right-hand side and the new link text to be "-".
After that, it checks to see if the block is actually on the right-hand side, instead, and, if it is, then it updates the variables with the values needed to move it to the left.
At that point, it updates the text in the "move-sym" span element to the final linkText value, and moves its parent block to the new target div (the targetParent value).
No need to worry about the delegation or event handlers in this one, because the function is the same, regardless of the location, and will travel with the "move-sym" span element, wherever it goes.

Jquery mobile - Click button to add to UL

i am trying to build an application that when the user enters text into a textbox on a jquery based mobile app and clicks save it adds it to the list on the screen
so by default i won't have a list, but as the user adds an item the list should be created or if the list already exists, the new item added as a new list item.
in terms of saving it i will work on that after, for the time being i just want to dynamically append to a ul in jqm on the screen
Can someone assist with code that may help with this. it is giving me an item added saying "item undefined" however numslist is my list and txtbox is the textbox so im not sure where i am going wrong
var $txtbox = $("#txtbox").val();
var count = 0;
$("#main").live("pagecreate", function(event) {
$("#numlist").listview({create: function(event, ui) {
$("#addBtn").bind("click", function(event, ui) {
var str = "<li><a href='#'>Item " + ($txtbox) + "</a></li>";
$("#removeBtn").bind("click", function(event, ui) {
// if (--count < 0) {
// count = 0;
// return;
// }
Well, you can use localstorage, that way you won't need to code extra functions that save/store data.
try this:
var $lst = $('#productList');
$("#btnID").on("click",function() {
var $txtBox = $("#txtBox");
var $li = $('<li/>').html($txtBox.val());
working fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/REthD/21/
If I understood your question correctly, something similar to the following should work for you:
$('input[type=button]').on('click', function() {
var ul = $('#ul_id').length > 0 ? $('#ul_id') : $('<ul />', { id: 'ul_id'}).appendTo('#parent');
$('<li />').text($('#textbox').val()).appendTo(ul);
The first line in the event will check if the element exists, if it does, it returns that, otherwise, creates a new and appends to the specified parent element. Then, it appends a to the with the text from the textbox.
jsFiddle example

Add new item to bottom of scrollabe div

I'm trying to append a div to the bottom of a another div, by clicking a button in javascript, but once the height of the outer container is reached, it no longer scrolls the list to the bottom, after an insert.
Please see the fiddle here
If you click the red add button until you get to about 13 items in the list, it seems something goes wrong with the scrollTop function, and it it no longer functions correctly (hovers around the same spot in).
I'm pretty lost on this, and have tried a bunch of different combinations of css settings for both the container and side div. Please help me.
I've reformatted your code to be more jQuery-esque. The main change, however, was to change the list.scrollTop() function so that it just scrolls to the bottom of list:
$(document).ready(function() {
var list = $("#q-d-list");
$(document).on('click', '#add', function() {
$('.active', list).removeClass("active");
var count = list.children().length + 1;
var active = $('<div />', {
'data-qid': count,
'class': 'mli active'
}).text('q' + count).appendTo(list);
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/MrvcB/19/
rather than
$(document).ready(function () {
var count = 2;
$("#add").live("click", function () {
var list= $("#q-d-list");
// remove the active class from the old item
var $clone = $(list.find("div:last-child").removeClass("active").clone());
var str_count = "q"+count.toString();

