Vue Watch doesnt Get triggered when using axios - javascript

Hey guys I have this code that fetches data from database usin axios, and in the .then() function I set a data property, watch doesnt trigger. Here is some code that I currently have. And thank you in advance!
export default {
name: '..',
data() {
return {
autocompleteOn: false
watch: {
autocompleteOn(oldVal, newVal) {
console.log('autocomplet') // doesnt trigger this
methods: {
fetchAutocompleteResults: _.debounce((filter) => {
let $this = this;
let data = {
filter: filter,
page: $
filter.resources.response = [];
filter.loading = true; + '/search/filter', data).then(function(response) {
if ( {
filter.autocompleteOn = true;
$this.autocompleteOn = true;
filter.resources.response = filter.resources.response.concat(;
$this.currentFilter = filter;
console.log($this.autocompleteOn); // this is correct
filter.loading = false;
}, 300)

The debounce with an arrow function is making the this be something other than the Vue instance (e.g. window).
Instead of:
methods: {
fetchAutocompleteResults: _.debounce((filter) => {
methods: {
fetchAutocompleteResults: _.debounce(function (filter) {
// ^^^^^^^^ ^^^
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
autocompleteOn: false
watch: {
autocompleteOn(oldVal, newVal) {
console.log('autocomplet') // doesnt trigger this
methods: {
fetchAutocompleteResults: _.debounce(function (filter) { // CHANGED from arrow function
let $this = this;
let data = {
filter: filter,
page: $
filter.resources.response = [];
filter.loading = true;
// changed data for demo
data = [{title: 'foo', body: 'bar', userId: 1}];
// changed URL for demo'', data).then(function(response) {
if ( {
filter.autocompleteOn = true;
$this.autocompleteOn = true;
filter.resources.response = filter.resources.response.concat(;
$this.currentFilter = filter;
console.log($this.autocompleteOn); // this is correct
filter.loading = false;
}, 300)
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button #click="fetchAutocompleteResults({resources: {}})">fetchAutocompleteResults</button>


How to dispatch a Vue computed property

I´m trying to dispatch an object which is created in a computed.
I can´t get it to work as I´m fairly new to vue.js
I want to dispatch the object "updateObject" to the vuex-store.
Tried with setters but didn´t work. I think if I can set the "varia" object to the same object like "updateObject" then I could maybe dispatch it?
Hope somebody can help me.
Here is my code:
<div class="detail">
<b-row align-v="center"><b-button variant="success" #click="submit()">submit</b-button></b-row>
// some more code...
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
export default {
data () {
return {
subID: '',
res: '',
showAlert: true,
varia: null
computed: {
getVariable: function (Sub, layouttype) {
const subID = this.layouttype.sub_id
var filterObj = this.Sub.filter(function (e) {
return e.sub_id === subID
return filterObj
updateObject: {
// getterfunction
get: function () {
var len = this.getVariable.length
var res = []
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i in this.getVariable) {
var val = this.getVariable[i].variable
var ergebnis = {}
res.forEach(key => {
if (this.FA[key]) {
ergebnis[key] = this.FA[key]
return ergebnis
// setterfunction
set: function (value) {
this.varia = value
methods: {
submit () {
this.$store.dispatch('sendData', this.ergebnis)
It tell´s me "this.ergebnis" is undefined
You can try it declaring "ergebnis" as global variable under data as
export default {
data () {
return {
subID: '',
res: '',
showAlert: true,
varia: null,
ergebnis : {}
computed: {
getVariable: function (Sub, layouttype) {
const subID = this.layouttype.sub_id
var filterObj = this.Sub.filter(function (e) {
return e.sub_id === subID
return filterObj
updateObject: {
// getterfunction
get: function () {
var len = this.getVariable.length
var res = []
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i in this.getVariable) {
var val = this.getVariable[i].variable
res.forEach(key => {
if (this.FA[key]) {
this.ergebnis[key] = this.FA[key]
return this.ergebnis
// setterfunction
set: function (value) {
this.varia = value
methods: {
submit () {
this.$store.dispatch('sendData', this.ergebnis)
Now ergebnis is accessible

Converting Calories Tracking application to ES6 Classes

I managed to recreate a MVC calorie tracker app from a course and I am trying to convert it to ES6 classes now.
I am a little stuck in understanding how to call the methods in the Module inside the Controller to return the items I need.
class Item {
constructor() { = {
items: [{
name: 'Salad',
calories: 200,
id: 0
name: 'Eggs',
calories: 500,
id: 1
totalCalories: 0,
currentItem: null
getItems() {
logData = () => {
class App {
constructor(Item, UI) {
this.Item = Item;
this.UI = UI;
init() {
const items = Item.getItems();
const application = new App(new Item(), new UI())
When I try to call Item.logData() in the console it gives me TypeError: is undefined.
I researched online and it seems that the method I declared is for the constructor only. How would I go about declaring methods that I'll use in the Controller or in any other class, just like I did below by returning a method out of the constructor?
What Im trying to convert initially looks like this:
const ItemCtrl = (function () {
const Item = function (id, name, calories) { = name; = id;
this.calories = calories;
const data = {
items: StorageCtrl.getStorage(),
totalCalories: 0,
currentItem: null
return {
getItems: function () {
return data.items
logData: function () {
return data;
const App = (function (ItemCtrl, StorageCtrl, UICtrl) {
return {
init: function () {
const items = ItemCtrl.getItems();
})(ItemCtrl, StorageCtrl, UICtrl);
You need to initialise the controller first:
class App {
constructor(Item, UI) {
this.item = new Item();
this.UI = new UI();
init() {
const items = this.item.getItems();

How to check when data changes in component by itself with vue js?

I have method that changes data in itself, simple example:
Vue.component('component', {
template: '#component',
data: function () {
return {
dataToBeWatched: ''
methods: {
change: function (e) {
var that = this;
setTimeOut(function() {
that.dataToBeWatched = 'data changed';
}, 2000);
makeSmthWhenDataChanged: function () {
// ajax request when dataToBeWatched changed or when dataToBeWatched isn't empty
How to create such watcher using correct methods vue js?
Or I need to use props watching it in component?
Vue components can have a watch property which is an object. The object keys need to be the name of the prop or data that needs to be watched, and the value is a function that is invoked when the data changes.
Vue.component('component', {
template: '#component',
data: function () {
return {
dataToBeWatched: ''
methods: {
change: function (e) {
var that = this;
setTimeOut(function() {
that.dataToBeWatched = 'data changed';
}, 2000);
makeSmthWhenDataChanged: function () {
// ajax request when dataToBeWatched changed or when dataToBeWatched isn't empty
watch: {
dataToBeWatched: function(val) {
//do something when the data changes.
if (val) {

Strange behavior in javascript argument inside a global Object

there is a strange behavior in an argument inside a Global Javascript object:
I need to test my code with jasmine.js, but I can´t pass the expected value to the argument always return undefined in jasmine test.
//My model
myGlobalObject = function(){
_myCart = function(){
return {
total : 0,
products : []
return {
init: function(strangeArgument){
console.log(strangeArgument) //this return undefined in jasmine test
myCart : _myCart,
addProduct : function(Products){
return _myCart()
The test:
const c{
empty : {
total: {
beforeVAT: 0,
afterVAT: 0,
VAT: 0
products: []
beforeEach(() => {
this.instance = myGlobalObject();
this.productWithoutQuantity = Object.assign({}, _.productA);
delete this.productWithoutQuantity.quantity;
this.productWithQuantity = Object.assign({}, _.productB);
test(`the cart should be empty`, () => {
.... more tests
And my main js:
var e = myGlobalObject();
var initialState = function (){
return {
total: {
beforeVAT: 0,
afterVAT: 0,
VAT: 0
products: []
What its wrong?
Although I fail to completely understand the intent of the OP here, following is my take on the question
_myCart can be a local variable because it doesn't seem to serve any greater purpose, atleast from the code provided by OP
The call to instance.init can be with empty parenthesis or with a legitimate variable- depends on what OP is trying to achieve here.
I've included both main.js code snippet as well as testVariable.instance.init(); (on a simple note its undefined if it is undefined anyway as commented by #Bergi)
See it in action here
myGlobalObject = function() {
this._myCart = function() {
return {
total: 0,
products: []
return {
init: function(strangeArgument) {
myCart: this._myCart,
addProduct: function(Products) {
return this._myCart()
var e = myGlobalObject();
var initialState = function() {
return {
total: {
beforeVAT: 0,
afterVAT: 0,
VAT: 0
products: []
describe('ajax test suite', function() {
var testVariable = {}
var c = {
empty: {
total: 0,
products: []
beforeEach(function() {
testVariable.instance = myGlobalObject();
it('the cart should be empty', function() {

Variables staying null in vue.js application for shopify

I am building up a vue.js application for Shopify's JavaScript Buy SDK, but i am having problems with one variable not being updated.
Basically the shopClient variable is updated, but the shopCart stays null for some reason.
var vueApp = new Vue({
el: '#shopify-app',
created: function() {
data: {
shopCart: null,
shopClient: null,
methods: {
setupShopAndCart: function() {
this.shopClient = ShopifyBuy.buildClient({
apiKey: 'xxx',
domain: '',
appId: '6'
if(localStorage.getItem('lastCartId')) {
this.shopClient.fetchCart(localStorage.getItem('lastCartId')).then(function(remoteCart) {
this.shopCart = remoteCart;
cartLineItemCount = this.shopCart.lineItems.length;
} else {
this.shopClient.createCart().then(function (newCart) {
this.shopCart = newCart;
cartLineItemCount = 0;
}, //setupShop end
You have a problem with scoping. this in the promise isn't the vue instance.
try this
var vueApp = new Vue({
el: '#shopify-app',
created: function() {
data: {
shopCart: null,
shopClient: null,
methods: {
setupShopAndCart: function() {
var self = this;
this.shopClient = ShopifyBuy.buildClient(
apiKey: 'xxx',
domain: '',
appId: '6'
if(localStorage.getItem('lastCartId')) {
function(remoteCart) {
self.shopCart = remoteCart;
cartLineItemCount = self.shopCart.lineItems.length;
} else {
function (newCart) {
self.shopCart = newCart;
cartLineItemCount = 0;
}, //setupShop end
That stores the local vue instance in the self variable that is accessable to the promises allowing you to set the shopCart variable.
EDIT: As indicated lambda functions are correct if using ES2015 or newer
var vueApp = new Vue({
el: '#shopify-app',
created: function() {
data: {
shopCart: null,
shopClient: null,
methods: {
setupShopAndCart: function() {
this.shopClient = ShopifyBuy.buildClient(
apiKey: 'xxx',
domain: '',
appId: '6'
if(localStorage.getItem('lastCartId')) {
(remoteCart) => {
this.shopCart = remoteCart;
cartLineItemCount = this.shopCart.lineItems.length;
} else {
(newCart) => {
this.shopCart = newCart;
cartLineItemCount = 0;
}, //setupShop end

