Bing Maps v8 API - Zoom Level to show route and pushpin location - javascript

I am using the Bing Maps v8 API. I have a map that shows a driving route, and a pushpin of another location. I need to get the map to zoom out to show both the waypoint locations and the pushpin location. Right now, I can get the map to zoom to the waypoints of the pushpin location.
I am not sure how to get both to show on the map zoom. I know that I need to use the LocationRect class.
var searchManager;
var startingPoint = document.getElementById('startPoint').value;
var address = $("#addressLine").val();
var loc;
var patAddLoc;
var waypointLoc;
var pinsLocs = [];
function GetMap() {
var map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById('myMap'), {
credentials: 'X',
zoom: 10,
// geocode patient address
// look for patient address
function geocodeQuery(query) {
//If search manager is not defined, load the search module.
if (!searchManager) {
//Create an instance of the search manager and call the geocodeQuery function again.
Microsoft.Maps.loadModule('Microsoft.Maps.Search', function () {
searchManager = new Microsoft.Maps.Search.SearchManager(map);
} else {
var searchRequest = {
where: query,
callback: function (r) {
//Add the first result to the map and zoom into it.
if (r && r.results && r.results.length > 0) {
var pin = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(r.results[0].location);
// get patient address location
patAddLoc = r.results[0].location;
// add patient location to pushpin array
// view is set with route location
//map.setView({ bounds: r.results[0].bestView });
// directions manager
// addWaypoint
Microsoft.Maps.loadModule('Microsoft.Maps.Directions', function addWaypoint() {
var directionsManager = new Microsoft.Maps.Directions.DirectionsManager(map);
// if less than 2 point on the map
if (directionsManager.getAllWaypoints().length < 2) {
var startWaypoint = new Microsoft.Maps.Directions.Waypoint({ address: document.getElementById('startPoint').value });
var endWaypoint = new Microsoft.Maps.Directions.Waypoint({ address: document.getElementById('endPoint').value });
// Insert a waypoint
if (document.getElementById('wayPoints').value !== null) {
var addressList = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('wayPoints').value);
var arrayLength = addressList.length;
// insert waypoints from schedule
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
var hvaddress = addressList[i];
var newWP = new Microsoft.Maps.Directions.Waypoint({ address: hvaddress });
directionsManager.addWaypoint(newWP, 1);
// Set the element in which the itinerary will be rendered - set autoupdatemapview to false to override autozoom to route
directionsManager.setRenderOptions({ itineraryContainer: document.getElementById('printoutPanel'), autoUpdateMapView: false });
var allWaypoints = directionsManager.getAllWaypoints();
// add way point to pinsLocs array
for (var i = 0; i < allWaypoints.length; i++) {
// returns nulls
loc = allWaypoints[i].getLocation();
var showMeLoc = loc;
// showMeLoc = undefined.....?
// only the address search location is added to the array, waypoint locations are null
//Create a LocationRect from array of locations and set the map view.
bounds: Microsoft.Maps.LocationRect.fromLocations(pinsLocs),
padding: 100 //Add a padding to buffer map to account for pushpin pixel dimensions
errorCallback: function (e) {
//If there is an error, alert the user about it.
alert("No results found.");
//Make the geocode request.
UPDATE - HERE is the working code for those who have the same question!
var searchManager;
var startingPoint = document.getElementById('startPoint').value;
var address = $("#addressLine").val();
var patAddLoc;
function GetMap() {
var map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById('myMap'), {
credentials: 'XXXXX',
zoom: 10,
// geocode patient address
// look for patient address
function geocodeQuery(query) {
//If search manager is not defined, load the search module.
if (!searchManager) {
//Create an instance of the search manager and call the geocodeQuery function again.
Microsoft.Maps.loadModule('Microsoft.Maps.Search', function () {
searchManager = new Microsoft.Maps.Search.SearchManager(map);
} else {
var searchRequest = {
where: query,
callback: function (r) {
//Add the first result to the map and zoom into it.
if (r && r.results && r.results.length > 0) {
locs = [];
var pin = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(r.results[0].location);
// get patient address location
patAddLoc = r.results[0].location;
// add patient location to pushpin array
// view is set with route location
//map.setView({ bounds: r.results[0].bestView });
// directions manager
// addWaypoint
Microsoft.Maps.loadModule('Microsoft.Maps.Directions', function addWaypoint() {
var directionsManager = new Microsoft.Maps.Directions.DirectionsManager(map);
// if less than 2 point on the map
if (directionsManager.getAllWaypoints().length < 2) {
var startWaypoint = new Microsoft.Maps.Directions.Waypoint({ address: document.getElementById('startPoint').value });
var endWaypoint = new Microsoft.Maps.Directions.Waypoint({ address: document.getElementById('endPoint').value });
// Insert a waypoint
if (document.getElementById('wayPoints').value !== null) {
var addressList = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('wayPoints').value);
var arrayLength = addressList.length;
// insert waypoints from schedule
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
var hvaddress = addressList[i];
var newWP = new Microsoft.Maps.Directions.Waypoint({ address: hvaddress });
directionsManager.addWaypoint(newWP, 1);
// Set the element in which the itinerary will be rendered - set autoupdatemapview to false to override autozoom to route
directionsManager.setRenderOptions({ itineraryContainer: document.getElementById('printoutPanel'), autoUpdateMapView: false });
//Add event handlers to directions manager.
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(directionsManager, 'directionsError', directionsError);
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(directionsManager, 'directionsUpdated', directionsUpdated);
// Calculate directions, which displays a route on the map
// get route boundaries
function directionsUpdated(e) {
//Get the current route index.
var routeIdx = directionsManager.getRequestOptions().routeIndex;
// get northeast bounding box corner
var bBoxNE = e.routeSummary[routeIdx].northEast;
// get southwest bounding box corner
var bBoxSW = e.routeSummary[routeIdx].southWest;
//Create a LocationRect from array of locations and set the map view.
bounds: Microsoft.Maps.LocationRect.fromLocations(locs),
padding: 50 //Add a padding to buffer map to account for pushpin pixel dimensions
function directionsError(e) {
alert('Error: ' + e.message + '\r\nResponse Code: ' + e.responseCode)
errorCallback: function (e) {
//If there is an error, alert the user about it.
alert("No results found.");
//Make the geocode request.

If I understand correctly, you want a view that the entirety of the route and the extra location are visible?
How about using directionsManager.getCurrentRoute().routePath to get all the locations on the route, and then using LocationRect.fromLocations(), which can take in an array of locations - in your case all locations of above plus the additional one.
Note that calculateDirections and geocode and asynchronous, so you may want to handle the dependency on patAddLoc (e.g. move the directions code into the geocode callback).


Leaflet: layer.getLatLng not working with .eachLayer function

I'm trying to do something very similar to what Chris Essig did here. Because I need to know how much datapoints there are in a radius of 20 meters from where the user has put down the 'trashMarker'.
So far I've got this code:
// Create the FeatureGroup and add it to the map
var jsonGroup = new L.FeatureGroup();
//Retrieve all data and add to map
$.each(datalistObject['idlist'], function(key, value) {
$.getJSON('' + value['id'], function(data) {
textbox = value['name'];
var dataid = L.geoJson([data], {
style: function (feature) {
return &&;
onEachFeature: onEachFeature,
pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) {
return L.marker(latlng, {
icon: value['icon']
},function(xhr) { console.error(xhr); });
//Code to find the markers within a 20 meter radius of trashMarker
function markersInRadius() {
// Lat, long of trash marker on overview map
var trashMarkerLat_long = trashMarkerOverview.getLatLng();
// counter of the amount of markers that are within a 20 meter radius
var counter_markers_in_radius = 0;
// Loop through each point in JSON file
jsonGroup.eachLayer(function (layer) {
// Lat, long of current point
layerLatLong = layer.getLatLng();
// Distance from our circle marker
// To current point in meters
distance_from_layer_circle = layerLatLong.distanceTo(trashMarker_lat_long);
// See if meters is within raduis
// The user has selected
if (distance_from_layer_circle <= 20) {
counter_markers_in_radius += 1;
// Close pointsInCircle
When I run this code, I get the error saying layer.getLatLng is not a function.
After doing a console.log on the jsonGroup FeatureGroup, I found out that the group has two objects in it's layers tab without any latlng information, but instead a layers tab of its own, containing all the datapoints with
latlng info... Maybe this is where the problem is?
Managed to fix it by running the eachLayer function twice on the jsonGroup variable like so:
function markersInRadius() {
// Lat, long of trash marker on overview map
var trashMarkerLatLng = trashMarkerOverview.getLatLng();
// counter of the amount of markers that are within a 20 meter radius
var pointsInRadius = 0;
// Loop through each point in JSON file
jsonGroup.eachLayer(function (layer) {
layer.eachLayer(function (layer) {
// Lat, long of current point
layerLatLong = layer.getLatLng();
// Distance from trashMarker
// To current point in meters
distanceFromTrashMarker = layerLatLong.distanceTo(trashMarkerLatLng);
// See if meters is within radius
if (distanceFromTrashMarker <= 20) {
pointsInRadius += 1;
// Close pointsInCircle

Remove markers out of viewport

I have to manage a map of about 80.000 markers concentrated in France.
To do that, I decided to get the bounds of the viewport and call a dynamic-JSON (with PHP) which contains the markers inside the viewport. And this on the "idle" event.
I faced a problem with this solution. Indeed, the markers which already exist was re-plotted (at the same position), which consequently weigh the map for nothing...
To solve it, the markers list before and after the JSON query are compared (thanks to jQuery), in order to plot only the new markers. And it works!
Now, I would want to remove the markers which are not currently shown on the map. Or a list of markers (I get it thanks to jQuery) designated by an ID which is also the title of the marker. So, how can a delete markers like that ? I specify that I am using MarkerManager.
Otherwise, you guess that if I do not remove these markers, they will be re-plotted in some cases... For example, you are viewing the city A, you move the map to view the city B, and you get back to the city A...
Here is the code:
var map;
var mgr;
var markers = [];
function initialize(){
var mapOptions = {
zoom: 6,
center: new google.maps.LatLng(46.679594, 2.109375)
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), mapOptions);
var mgrOptions = { borderPadding: 50, maxZoom: 15, trackMarkers: false };
mgr = new MarkerManager(map, mgrOptions);
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'idle', function() {
function mapEvent(){
if( map.getZoom() >= 8 ){
var bounds = map.getBounds();
getSupports(bounds.getNorthEast(), bounds.getSouthWest());
} else {
// Todo
var markerslistID = new Array();
var markerslistData = {};
function getSupports(ne, sw){
newMarkerslistID = new Array();
newMarkerslistData = {};
// Getting the markers of the current view
$.getJSON('./markerslist.php?nelat=''&nelng='+ne.lng()+'&swlat=''&swlng='+sw.lng(), function(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.points.length; i++) {
var val = data.points[i];
newMarkerslistData[] = new Array(, val.lng, val.icon);
// List of New Markers TO PLOT
var diffNewMarkers = $(newMarkerslistID).not(markerslistID).get();
// List of Old markers TO REMOVE
var diffOldMarkers = $(markerslistID).not(newMarkerslistID).get();
// Plotting the NEW MARKERS
for( var i = 0; i < diffNewMarkers.length; i++ ){
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(newMarkerslistData[diffNewMarkers[i]][0], newMarkerslistData[diffNewMarkers[i]][1]),
title : diffNewMarkers[i],
icon : './images/'+newMarkerslistData[diffNewMarkers[i]][2]+'.png'
mgr.addMarker(marker, 0);
// Switching the new list to the old, for the next event
markerslistID = newMarkerslistID;
markerslistData = newMarkerslistData;
Thank you for your help.
A one-liner to hide all markers that ar not in the current viewport.
!map.getBounds().contains(marker.getPosition()) && marker.setVisible(false);
if (map.getBounds().contains(marker.getPosition()) && !marker.getVisible()) {
else if (!map.getBounds().contains(marker.getPosition()) && marker.getVisible()) {

OL3: GetFeature from Layers by Coordinate

I want to get the Feature of a Layer by coordinate.
Furthermore I want to open this feature in a popup, which I have solved so far by an onclick event. But I want to realize by giving the coordinates of a feature and opening the popup of the featue.
I have a layer with the map and a layer with the features:
if (trackMap != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < trackMap.length; i++) {
var trackInfo = trackMap[i];
lat = parseFloat(;
lon = parseFloat(trackInfo.lon);
var layergpx = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector({
parser: new ol.parser.GPX(),
url: '${contextRoot}/gps/gpx2' + trackInfo.url
I want to get the feature of this layer in another Javascript function.
How I open a pop up by clicking on the map:
* The Click Event to show the data
var element = document.getElementById('popup');
var popup = new ol.Overlay({
element: element,
positioning: ol.OverlayPositioning.BOTTOM_CENTER,
stopEvent: false
map.on('singleclick', function(evt) {
pixel: evt.getPixel(),
layers: vectorLayers,
success: function(layerFeatures) {
var feature = layerFeatures[0][0];
if (feature) {
var geometry = feature.getGeometry();
var coord = geometry.getCoordinates();
'placement': 'top',
'html': true,
'content': feature.get('desc')
} else {
But I want this feature not to be opened by clicking on it on the map, but by entering a coordinate in a textfield and the map opens this pop up, like in the onclick event.
Take a look at this example to see if it helps you:
var displayFeatureInfo = function(pixel) {
pixel: pixel,
layers: [vector],
success: function(featuresByLayer) {
var features = featuresByLayer[0];
var info = [];
for (var i = 0, ii = features.length; i < ii; ++i) {
document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = info.join(', ') || '&nbsp';
map.getFeatures() has this success callback where it delivers the features of the layers specified in layers: [vector]. Customize it at will to get what you need.
=== Update ===
In the OpenLayers 3's Map object you have a function: getPixelFromCoordinate
* #param {ol.Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.
* #return {ol.Pixel} Pixel.
ol.Map.prototype.getPixelFromCoordinate = function(coordinate) {
var frameState = this.frameState_;
if (goog.isNull(frameState)) {
return null;
} else {
var vec2 = coordinate.slice(0, 2);
return ol.vec.Mat4.multVec2(frameState.coordinateToPixelMatrix, vec2, vec2);

Having issues clearing google maps layer

I've been working off of this post and this jsfiddle. I'm trying to clear the map layer before I populate new data into it, but it looks like overlays just stack one on top of one another without ever getting cleared.
Here's my code as it currently exists:
// For the heatmap layer
var heatmapData = [];
var heatmap;
// Instantiate counter
var files = 0;
// Looping and loading files with timeout
(function myLoop (i) {
setTimeout(function () {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', ('js/tweets'+ files + '.json'), true);
xhr.onload = function() {
// Clear out map styles
if (--i) myLoop(i);
// Stall for 3 seconds
}, 3000)
// Parse out the JSON and create markers
function loadTweets(results) {
// Parse out our JSON file
var tweetStructure = $.parseJSON(results);
// Go gets it
for (a in tweetStructure){
var co_arr = tweetStructure[a];
for (coords in co_arr.coordinates){
var d = co_arr.coordinates;
// Stating our lat/longs
var first = d[0];
var second = d[1];
var magnitude = d[2];
// Setting them
var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(first, second);
// Weighted location to express polarity
var weightedLoc = {
location: latLng,
weight: Math.pow(2, magnitude)
// Instantiate heat map
heatmap = new google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer({
data: heatmapData,
dissipating: false,
map: map
I'm getting my data from four static JSON files.
With the second for in loop when declaring var d = you don't seem to be iterating though all [coords]. So as a result I guess d[0] will house all key-value pairs from co_arr.coordinates. Might this be part of the problem?

Google map with route-trace loading data instead of adding it on click

In this map
<script type="text/javascript">
if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(53.7877, -2.9832),13)
map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
var dirn = new GDirections();
var firstpoint = true;
var gmarkers = [];
var gpolys = [];
var dist = 0;
GEvent.addListener(map, "click", function(overlay,point) {
// == When the user clicks on a the map, get directiobns from that point to itself ==
if (!overlay) {
if (firstpoint) {
} else {
// == when the load event completes, plot the point on the street ==
GEvent.addListener(dirn,"load", function() {
// snap to last vertex in the polyline
var n = dirn.getPolyline().getVertexCount();
var p=dirn.getPolyline().getVertex(n-1);
var marker=new GMarker(p);
// store the details
if (!firstpoint) {
dist += dirn.getPolyline().Distance();
document.getElementById("distance").innerHTML="Path length: "+(dist/1000).toFixed(2)+" km. "+(dist/1609.344).toFixed(2)+" miles.";
firstpoint = false;
GEvent.addListener(dirn,"error", function() {
GLog.write("Failed: "+dirn.getStatus().code);
else {
alert("Sorry, the Google Maps API is not compatible with this browser");
// This Javascript is based on code provided by the
// Community Church Javascript Team
You can click and add paths that trace routes.
I would like to use the trace-road-functionality, but pre-define the data using coordinates instead. How would I do this?

