What does binding mean in Javascript? - javascript

I'm reading this great book called Eloquent JavaScript but I'm confused by the use of the word "binding" in this example:
It is possible to include symbol properties in object expressions and
classes by using square brackets around the property name. That causes
the property name to be evaluated, much like the square bracket
property access notation, which allows us to refer to a binding that
holds the symbol.
let stringObject = {
[toStringSymbol]() { return "a jute rope"; }
// → a jute rope
As I understand it (so far in my JS journey), "binding" relates to specifying which this or object context in which a function operates. See here.. Binding is perhaps something related to context. That is why we have .bind().
But in this example we are binding something else (a method whose key is a symbol). Does binding just mean attaching a property (primitive or method) to an object?

Does binding just mean attaching a property (primitive or method) to an object?
Your previous paragraph provides a better explanation:
"binding" relates to specifying which this or object context
Sort of
Everything tracked by JavaScript is bound. In fact, the definition of undefined means JavaScript cannot find a bound identifier.
Binding something in JavaScript means recording that identifier in a specific Environment Record. Each Environment Record is related to a specific Execution Context - and that binds the identifier (variable or function name) to the this keyword for that execution context.
Less Formally
Think of Environment Records as buckets of stuff. These are not Objects or Functions or Variables or anything we code in JavaScript, these buckets contain all these things. There are many buckets in a JavaScript application. Each bucket operates independently from the other buckets. That independence is represented as a Context (or Execution Context) in JavaScript. But sometimes we want to use stuff from one bucket inside a different bucket. That is where binding comes in. We can bind stuff from one bucket into the context of a different bucket for execution there. (A side effect of doing all that is the this keyword reflects the bucket borrowing the stuff).

A binding in JavaScript is the formal terminology for what a lot of people refer to as a variable. In ES2015+, a variable can be defined with the let keyword, but you can also define constant with the const keyword. A binding could refer to either a variable or a constant.
Reference: See chapter 2, page 1 of Eloquent JavaScript, under the section heading 'Bindings' (https://eloquentjavascript.net/02_program_structure.html)

In this book, they use binding or variable interchangeably. So simply means, a binding is a variable. I guess you started reading a book by skipping the pages, don't do it again. I will write a very simple program to illustrate.
let count = 1;//count is a binding(a variable)
++count;//it's called side effect(because the original value of count binding was modified)


Window object properties behavior

When we have normal javascript objects, we can access there properties by using a syntax like objectName.proprtyName. If we just use propertyName only, then we will get an error as below -
const myObj = {
userIdName : "John"
console.log(myObj.userIdName); //John
console.log(userIdName); //error "Not defined"
However, in the case of in-built window object, we can use both window.propertyName and propertyName alone as below -
//both return same result
What exactly is responsible for this behavior of the window object? Can we replicate the same behavior for any explicitly built object like the object in the first snippet? (Although nobody would want to pollute the global scope, but I just have this query)
Edit - I have received comment that this question is a duplicate of another question. This question is very much similar to my answer except one difference - I am looking for a way to replicate the same globally accessible behavior of the window object.
What exactly is responsible for this behavior of the window object?
JavaScript has two major types of environment records (a construct to "hold" name -> value associations): a declarative record and an object record.
A declarative environment record stores those association in an implementation specific manner. This is the most common type of environment record and is created when you call a function for example.
An object environment record uses, as indicated by the name, an actual JavaScript object as the "backend". That means every entry in that environment becomes a property of that "binding object" and vice versa.
The global environment uses such an object environment and that binding object is available via window in browsers.
Can we replicate the same behavior for any explicitly built object like the object in the first snippet?
It is possible with the deprecated with statement still exists and creates an object environment record using the provided object as a binding object. From the spec:
The with statement adds an object Environment Record for a computed object to the lexical environment of the running execution context. It then executes a statement using this augmented lexical environment. Finally, it restores the original lexical environment.
var obj = {foo: 42};
with (obj) {

Are JavaScript execution contexts and JavaScript objects the same thing from a logical point of view?

My understanding of JavaScript is that on script execution a global execution context is created - what I understand to be a series of key:value pairs in reserved memory space - much like a regular JavaScript object.
On function execution, a new execution context is created with access to the 'parent' execution context. This seems (to me) at least to be the equivalent of re-initializing the JavaScript execution environment. Except that non of the key:value pairs initially set up in the global object need to be added to the new execution context since the child execution context has access to the parent's key:values pairs.
So for example:
function Y() {
this.prop = 4;
Y.prototype.doY = function() {
function X(){
this.prop = 5;
this.y = Object.create(Y.prototype);
// I can instantiate the object like so:
var x = new X();
// Which is equivalent to the following:
var x = Object.create(X.prototype);
// Then I can add a function to the object that the X constructor points to via the X.prototype reference:
X.prototype.doX = function() {
// And then i can execute doX() in the context of the x object
x.doX(); // 5
x.y.doY(); // 4
On execution, doX function creates an execution context referenced from within the x object. The x object in turn is referenced within the global object.
Likewise, on execution the doY function creates an execution context that is referenced from within the x.y object.
It seems to me that an execution context as created by function execution is basically equivalent to a JavaScript object from a logical point of view:
Both allow for variable declaration NOT visible to parent objects/execution contexts
Both contain some kind of internal reference to parent object/execution context
It seems that both objects and execution context are just a list of key:values, the whole list being referenced by a single (ONLY a single) parent object (i.e. the y object exists as a reference within the x execution context) - or the global object as the root parent object (the x object exists as a reference within the global execution context).
So the question is: Is JavaScript execution context the same as a JavaScript object? If not, what is the difference?
This question: Are Execution Context and Variable Object actually same thing in JavaScript? mentions that in terms of implementation, that an execution context and an object are NOT the same thing.
Would it be correct to say that execution context inherits from Object? Or is implementation of objects/execution contexts completely non-related... One difference that I can see is that on creation, an execution context is 'processed' from top to bottom (lexically speaking) allowing an author to specify imperative commands - i.e. instruct the computer to do things. But in terms of architecture, this difference seems like an extension of the idea of an object rather than something completely different.
It seems to me that a 'running JavaScript environment' if such a thing exists, is basically a tree. The root node is the global execution context, and creating object adds nodes to the root node, or (as in the case of y above), adds nodes to the child nodes. Child nodes then reference parent nodes via a property to allow for scoping to parent execution context.
Then in terms of closures, which involve creation (and execution) of an execution context, on return the resultant object seems EXACTLY like a regular object since the 'execution context' as referenced by the closure will never again be executed (i.e. the same function, re-executed would create a new execution context and closure).
So from an "applied" point of view, is there ever a time that this -> i.e. a self reference to the current execution context, is NOT the same as the object from which a function call is made (aside from when using call, apply, or bind)? i.e. in the case of x.y.doY(), the function doY is called from the x.y object.
Execution contexts are conceptually objects, yes, as are several other things in the specification. That doesn't make them the "same" as JavaScript objects. They're a specification device and may not literally exist at runtime at all; code cannot directly reference them. For the full picture, read Executable Code and Execution Contexts in the spec.
Is JavaScript execution context the same as a JavaScript object?
No. A JavaScript object can be directly referenced by code, has a prototype, and has specific behaviors described for it which are not described for execution contexts, etc.
Would it be correct to say that execution context inherits from Object?
No, nothing in the spec suggests that to be the case.
It seems to me that a 'running JavaScript environment' if such a thing exists, is basically a tree.
Sort of, fairly indirectly. The spec doesn't describe any link from an execution context to its parent or child contexts. Instead, the lexical environment objects which are part of the context's state (specifically the LexicalEnvironment and VariableEnvironment state components) have a link to their parent lexical environment for the purposes of binding resolution. (The parent lexenv doesn't have a link to its children in the spec.) But they, too, are purely a specification device which may not literally exist at runtime and cannot be directly referenced by code.
So it's absolutely correct to think of them as objects, that's how the spec describes them, but they aren't JavaScript objects in the way that term is normally understood — something code can directly reference and act upon.
No, they are not the same thing. Not at all.
First, you seem to be confusing execution contexts with environment records. The former are basically call stack frames, the latter ones store variable values and form a tree as you described. Let's talk about environment records.
Environment records feature a key-value mapping and a link to their parent environment. In that regard, they are similar to a JS object with its properties and prototype link indeed. In fact, in a with statement or the global scope a so called object environment record is backed by an actual JS object.
However, they are still very different. Most environment records are declarative, that means their shape is determined before they are used. They are like an object that is not extensible. Also they cannot have getter/setter properties. And they differ in many more minor details.
But most importantly, environment records are just specification type values. They "are specification artefacts that do not necessarily correspond to any specific entity within an ECMAScript implementation. Specification type values may be used to describe intermediate results of ECMAScript expression evaluation but such values cannot be stored as properties of objects or values of ECMAScript language variables." So no, they do not inherit from Object at all.
Your question seems to ask: what can execution contexts record do that cannot be recorded in javascript objects?
You've got well documented answers already. So my contribution will be practical examples.
How would you manage the following 2 examples from a key/value perspective:
// Execution context of anonymous functions
(function (x) {
var y = x+1;
}) (1);
// Life cycle of objects versus reference
var x = {a:1};
var y = x;
x = {b:1};
If you start inventing keys that are not in the code, you should realize that this approach is limited. And so, not working if you push beyond the limits.

What are virtual functions in javascript?

According to one definition of virtual functions:
In object-oriented programming, in languages such as C++, a virtual
function or virtual method is an inheritable and overridable function
or method for which dynamic dispatch is facilitated.
How would this look for functions in javascript?
How would this look for functions in javascript?
The concept largely doesn't apply to JavaScript.
The concept of virtual and non-virtual functions (methods, really) requires the concept of a type of reference to an object, as distinct from what the object is. For instance, you might have a BaseFoo type with a bar method, and a DerivedFoo type that derives from it and overrides bar. Later, if you have a BaseFoo-typed variable b referring to a DerivedFoo object, when you call b.bar(), you'll get DerivedFoo's bar if bar is virtual, but BaseFoo's bar if bar is non-virtual. But if you have a DerivedFoo-typed variable d referring to a DerivedFoo object, d.bar() always calls bar whether it's virtual or not. The type of the variable you're using to refer to the object determines what method gets called if the method is non-virtual.
None of that exists in JavaScript. References to objects are untyped. When you call o.bar(), you get the property bar from that object and call the function it refers to.
If you wanted to stretch a point, given JavaScript's prototypical inheritance mechanism, you could say that in some sense, all JavaScript "methods" are virtual, if we very loosely say a "method" is a function attached to an object property (although in ES2015+, "method" has a more specific meaning in JavaScript than that, but still fits that definition). That's because when you look up a property on an object, if it has its own property with that name, that's the one you get; you only get the one from its prototype if it doesn't have its own. But that's probably stretching a point, perhaps too far.

What really is a declarative environment record and how does it differ from an activation object?

Okay, so I lately have been reading about ES-5 lexical environment scope and I am not sure if I really understand what is going on with how variables are stored in EcmaScript. I did some research but it didn't clarified my information, only brought me up to two questions. So there they are:
The first one is about ES-3 activations objects/variable objects. After reading ES-3 Specification and some sources on the Internet I can assume that they are just normal object, for example like those created by new Object, but none of the sources says "yes, this is just a plain object" directly. Moreover, Dmitry Soshnikov wrote on his blog (the emphasis is mine):
Schematically and for examples, it is possible to present variable object as a normal ECMAScript object
and that quotation doesn't let me be sure about what really an activation object is. So this is the first question: is an activation object a regular EcmaScript object? If not, then what is it otherwise?
In ES-5 we now have object environment records, which seem to be more or less the same that ES-3 activation objects, and declarative environment records, which replaced activation objects in functions and try-catch statement. So, assuming that object environment records are just plain EcmaScript objects, then what is a declarative environment record? The specification doesn't clarify this, furthermore, from what I've read there I cannot imagine that this is not implemented as an object. So, again, if declarative environment records are not ES objects, then what are they and how are they implemented and represented during the code execution?
Thank you very much in advance for brightening that topic for me.
EDIT: I think I need to clarify what is this question about. The main thing that I want to know is what is the exact difference between activation objects/object environment records and declarative environment records. That's what I'm interested in most.
First of all you have to be aware that all of these terms just describe concepts. They don't dictate any kind of implementation. But because this can be hard to imagine/visualize it can be helpful to think about these concepts as instantiations of something you know, like maps or tables.
Declarative environment records (DER) and object environment records (OER) have one thing in common: They are both environment records (ER), which are defined in the specification as:
An Environment Record records the identifier bindings that are created within the scope of its associated Lexical Environment.
This basically means that an ER keeps track of variable and function names and their associated values.
Consider this example:
var foo = 42;
function bar() { };
The corresponding ER would have two entries, one for foo and one for bar. If you imagine an ER to be a table, then it would look like
name value
foo 42
bar <function object>
Now on to the difference between DER and OER. A DER might be the easiest to understand.
Declarative Environment Record
The term declarative should sound familiar since we are often talking of variable declarations and function declarations. The specification says:
Each declarative environment record is associated with an ECMAScript program scope containing variable and/or function declarations. A declarative environment record binds the set of identifiers defined by the declarations contained within its scope.
So, when you see
var foo = 42;
function bar() {
then you can assume that their names and values are stored in a DER.
Object Environment Record
OERs are less common, but in each JS application there exist at least one OER. The specification describes it as
Each object environment record is associated with an object called its binding object. An object environment record binds the set of identifier names that directly correspond to the property names of its binding object.
Have you ever wondered why the properties of the window object are global variables? That's because the ER of the global scope is an OER: window is the binding object and for each of its properties a corresponding entry is created in the OER. This is also in the specification:
The global environment’s Environment Record is an object environment record whose binding object is the global object.
Here is an example: Lets assume out binding object is
var obj = {
answer: 42
then the OER would be
name value
answer 42
Note that in this case, the binding object (obj) is really a JavaScript object. You are in the same situation when you are using the with statement:
var obj = { foo: 42; };
with (obj) {
foo = foo / 2;
with creates a OER and populates it with the property names and values from the passed object. That's why you can access them without explicitly referring to them via obj.*. The OER also makes sure to update the binding object with the new value if one was assigned to one of the identifiers.
Activation Object
It looks like that in ES3, activation objects (AO) where automatically created when a function was executed and it was holding a reference to the special arguments object. This seems to be related to DERs, but still to be something independent.
The concept of AOs doesn't seem to exist anymore in ES5 and I assume that it was unnecessary, since arguments can be added directly to the DER of the execution context.
Execution Context
A new execution context (EC) is established whenever a function is executed and is used to keep track of the state of the execution:
An execution context contains whatever state is necessary to track the execution progress of its associated code.
This means the engine can add whatever information it needs to track the execution progress. But the specification also defines components that an EC must have, one of which is the VariableEnvironment, which is an ER (probably always a DER, but I don't know for sure). That means an ER is a part of an EC.

What advantages does using (function(window, document, undefined) { ... })(window, document) confer? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How does this JavaScript/jQuery syntax work: (function( window, undefined ) { })(window)?
(5 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I guess using this pattern is the new hotness, but I don't understand what the advantage is and I don't understand the scoping implications.
The pattern:
(function(window, document, undefined){
window.MyObject = {
methodA: function() { ... },
methodB: function() { ... }
})(window, document)
So I have several questions about this.
Is there a particular advantage to encapsulating an object like this?
Why are window and document being fed in instead of just being accessed normally?
Why the heck is undefined being passed in?
Is attaching the object we're creating directly to window a particularly good idea?
I'm used to what I'll call the Crockford style of Javascript encapsulation (because I got it off the Douglas Crockford Javascript videos).
NameSpace.MyObject = function() {
// Private methods
// These methods are available in the closure
// but are not exposed outside the object we'll be returning.
var methodA = function() { ... };
// Public methods
// We return an object that uses our private functions,
// but only exposes the interface we want to be available.
return {
methodB: function() {
var a = methodA();
methodC: function() { ... }
// Note that we're executing the function here.
Is one of these patterns functionally better than the other? Is the first one an evolution of the other?
Why are window and document being fed in instead of just being accessed normally?
Generally to fasten the identifier resolution process, having them as local variables can help (although IMO the performance improvements may be negligible).
Passing the global object is also a widely used technique on non-browser environments, where you don't have a window identifier at the global scope, e.g.:
(function (global) {
})(this); // this on the global execution context is
// the global object itself
Why the heck is undefined being passed in?
This is made because the undefined global property in ECMAScript 3, is mutable, meaning that someone could change its value affecting your code, for example:
undefined = true; // mutable
(function (undefined) {
alert(typeof undefined); // "undefined", the local identifier
})(); // <-- no value passed, undefined by default
If you look carefully undefined is actually not being passed (there's no argument on the function call), that's one of the reliable ways to get the undefined value, without using the property window.undefined.
The name undefined in JavaScript doesn't mean anything special, is not a keyword like true, false, etc..., it's just an identifier.
Just for the record, in ECMAScript 5, this property was made non-writable...
Is attaching the object we're creating directly to window a particularly good idea?
It's a common way used to declare global properties when you are on another function scope.
This particular style does bring some benefits over the "Crockford" style. Primarily, passing window and document allows the script to be more efficiently minified. A minifier can rename those parameters to single-character names, saving 5 and 7 bytes respectively per reference. This can add up: jQuery references window 33 times and document 91 times. Minifying each token down to one character saves 802 bytes.
Additionally, you do get an execution speed benefit. When I first read #joekarl's assertion that it provides a performance benefit, I thought, "that seems rather spurious." So I profiled the actual performance with a test page. Referencing window one hundred million times, the local variable reference provides a modest 20% speed increase (4200 ms to 3400ms) in Firefox 3.6 and a shocking 31,000% increase (13 sec to 400ms) in Chrome 9.
Of course, you're never going to reference window 100,000,000 times in practice, and even 10,000 direct references only take 1ms in Chrome, so the actual performance gain here is almost completely negligible.
Why the heck is undefined being passed in?
Because (as mentioned by #CMS) the token undefined is actually undefined. Unlike null, it has no special meaning, and you're free to assign to this identifier like any other variable name. (Note, however, that this is no longer true in ECMAScript 5.)
Is attaching the object we're creating directly to window a particularly good idea?
The window object is the global scope, so that's exactly what you're doing at some point, whether or not you explictly write "window." window.Namespace = {}; and Namespace = {}; are equivalent.
I'm with you in using Crockford's style.
To answer your questions
1.Is there a particular advantage to encapsulating an object like this?
The only advantage I can see is by making window and document local variables instead of global variables, you get some added safety by not being able to directly overwrite either one and also some performance gain by them both being local.
2.Why are window and document being fed in instead of just being accessed normally?
Addressed above. Local variables tend to be faster, but with jit compiling these days thats becoming nominal.
3.Why the heck is undefined being passed in?
No clue....
4.Is attaching the object we're creating directly to window a particularly good idea?
Probably not, but I would still stick with Crockford's pattern as attaching the function to the window object exposes it to the rest of the global stack through the window object as opposed to exposing it through a non-standard namespace.
I think this is mostly for code that needs to run in multiple window contexts. Say you have a complex application with lots of iframes and/or child windows. They all need to run the code in MyObject, but you only want to load it once. So you load it in whatever window/frame you choose, but you create a MyObject for each window/frame with references to the proper window and document.
Taking an undefined argument is trying to protect against the fact that undefined can be changed:
undefined = 3;
See CMS's answer about how this improves safety.

