React / Redux and Swagger client - javascript

I'm trying to figure out the best way to structure a React / Redux app that will primarily use a swagger client for api access.
The problem is I'm not entirely sure where to store a reference to the swagger client. After logging in and obtaining a JWT auth token, I need to tell all subsequent requests to add the authorize header. With axios this is trivial because it persists it's headers until told otherwise. It doesn't appear the swagger client does this. So ideally, I would create a swagger client once upon login, add the header info and just reference it for all future requests (that way too it only fetches the schema json once in a single page application).
Since I'm doing this in the context of an action, would it be best to store the Swagger client in the Redux store (and how would I accomplish that)? Or would I create a static instance of it outside of Redux?
// app init
const createStoreWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware(promise)(createStore);
const store = createStoreWithMiddleware(reducers);
export const swaggerClient = { instance: authService.createFromState().then(() => {
<Provider store={store}></Provider>
do some login stuff, create swagger client:
// redux action
import { swaggerClient } from '../index';
// ... do login, get bearerToken
url: 'https://localhost/swagger/v1/swagger.json',
requestInterceptor(req) {
req.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${bearerToken}`;
return req;
}).then((client) => {
// store reference for all future ajax calls
swaggerClient.instance = client;
and in case the page is refreshed, we need to rebuild the swagger client from the bearerToken in local storage
// authService
import { swaggerClient } from '../index';
function createFromState() {
// if authentication is known from localstorage, we can rebuild
// a swagger client
if(isAuthenticated()) {
const authentication = getAuthentication();
return Swagger({
url: 'https://localhost/swagger/v1/swagger.json',
requestInterceptor(req) {
req.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${authentication.bearerToken}`;
return req;
}).then((client) => {
swaggerClient.instance = client;
return client;
I'm a little confused if this is the right direction, probably a newbie question. Having to wait for the swagger client to load while restoring from localstorage seems a kinda crazy way to do this (to prevent race conditions on future calls).


fetch data by useEffect in a server side rendering page

I have a project with react js and next js. I am developing a dynamic page, with getStaticPaths and getStaticProps. So I am fetching most of the data in getStaticProps to make the page be rendered on server side.
But there are some data which I can't fetch on server side, because it needs token which is stored in local storage.
The question is, if I use useEffect hook to fetch those data on client side, does this all process make any advantage for SEO?
Or I have to change structures, and store token in cookies to fetch all data on server side?
I want to check if user is logged in, and based on the result, show the page in different styles. But no user-related data is going to be rendered.
Right now, my code looks like this:
export default function BookDetail(props) {
const [isLoggedIn, setIsLoggedIn] = React.useState(false);
React.useEffect(() => {
// It captures token from cookies
const token = getCookie("token");
// Then I need to confirm that token is valid from backend
if (token) {
}, []);
return (
{ !isLoggedIn ? (
) : (
<button type="button" onclick={()=>{window.location.href='';}}
If you need a token to fetch said data, that data is probably related to the user? Hence, doesn't and shouldnt be considered with SEO.
If your data is not specifically for the user. Consider making it accessable without token.
Edit based on the comments here:
Fetching data inside useEffect will absolutely affect SEO. You want to display part of a book (text) for users that are not logged in. You check if users are logged in by a request from the useEffect, this is fine and standard.
If you want to Google to be able to read your book-text with crawlers you can not fetch it in useEffect, I suggest the following:
in your getStaticProps: Fetch the data (book text) and pass it to your page. Display this information by default.
Then in your useEffect you check if the user is logged in. If they are --> remove the text and render a button instead.
This way, Google will read it as you intend, while logged in users will only see a button.
You can check no problem on the server side whether a user is logged in only when you use getServerSideProps - getStaticProps are executed at a built time so there is no communication with whatever user inputs into the UI simply because thats a different time frame: building the app on the server, only when the app is built user can interact with it.
But getServerSideProps are not executed at a built time, yet there are still executed on the server side and since useEffect is a frontend API it won't work there. So there are two ways:
If you use NextAuth - you can use getServerSideProps and on the context object you have 'req' property and the property passed to the getSession function (you need to import that function) will tell you whether user has a session or not. Here is an example code snipet:
import { getSession } from "next-auth/react";
// some code here like your frontend component
export const getServerSideProps = async (context) => {
const { req, res } = context;
const session = await getSession({ req: req });
if (!session) {
return {
redirect: { destination: "/", permanent: false },
const email =;
return {
props: { email: email, session },
Here is more on the subject from the official next docs:
If you don't use NextAuth I am sure you can attach your token to the context object like in the example above and read it in getServerSideProps except not use getSession as that is NextAuth API. haven't done it though.

Next Authentication with node js api

I'm new to the Next js and developing the Next js website. I am stuck in multiple authentications with different routes and roles. How can I handle it in the next js?
Frontend: Next js
Backend: Node js with JWT (JSON web token).
Please guide me on what I should use to authenticate.
Thanks in advance.
I am assuming you have done a couple things with my answer below:
you are setting a http only authenticated cookie / signing it, expiring it etc
On api requests, you are validating this cookie
You can create a middleware.ts / .js file on the root of your project, something like the following (note I was using typescript, you can just remove the types if using javascript):
// middleware.ts
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import type { NextRequest } from "next/server";
const protectedPages = ["/something", "/foo", "/profile"];
export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
if (protectedPages.find((page) => page === request.nextUrl.pathname)) {
const token = request.cookies.get("YOUR_TOKEN_NAME");
if (!token) {
// send the user back to the sign in / home page or wherever
const url = request.nextUrl.clone();
url.pathname = "/home";
return NextResponse.redirect(url);
You do not need to import this anywhere, just do this, get the cookie and you are done. No Cookie with the name you gave it, show them the door.
Take a read of the docs from if you want to know more, they explain things better than me :)
Can also combine this with the above suggestion with getServerSideProps to pass the data as a prop to the component.

onError Authentication with refresh token

In the Apollographql documentation it states:
The onError link can retry a failed operation based on the type of GraphQL error that's returned. For example, when using token-based authentication, you might want to automatically handle re-authentication when the token expires.
This is followed up by their sample code:
onError(({ graphQLErrors, networkError, operation, forward }) => {
if (graphQLErrors) {
for (let err of graphQLErrors) {
switch (err.extensions.code) {
// Apollo Server sets code to UNAUTHENTICATED
// when an AuthenticationError is thrown in a resolver
// Modify the operation context with a new token
const oldHeaders = operation.getContext().headers;
headers: {
authorization: getNewToken(),
// Retry the request, returning the new observable
return forward(operation);
// To retry on network errors, we recommend the RetryLink
// instead of the onError link. This just logs the error.
if (networkError) {
console.log(`[Network error]: ${networkError}`);
My question is in regards to the getNewToken(), as no code was provided for this function, I want to know (assuming this is another request to the backend and I am not sure how it could not be), if you are able to and or supposed to use query/mutation in graphql or make the request through axios for example.
One problem, if it can/should be a graphql query or mutation, is to get the new token, the onError code is defined in the same file as the ApolloClient as ApolloClient needs access to onError, thus when trying to implement this as retrieving a new token through a graphql mutation I got the following error:
React Hook "useApolloClient" is called in function "refresh" that is
neither a React function component nor a custom React Hook function.
After trying to useQuery/useMutation hook and realizing I cannot outside of a react component and at the top level I found this post whose answers suggested you can use useApolloClient.mutate instead but I still ran into issues. My code was (and tried multiple iterations of this same code like useApolloClient() outside of the function and inside etc.):
const refresh = () => {
const client = useApolloClient();
const refreshFunc = () => {
.mutate({ mutation: GET_NEW_TOKEN })
.then((data) => {
.catch((err) => {
I could capitalize Refresh but this still would not work and would break the rules of hooks.
And to clarify all the above would do is I would replace the console.logs with setting session storage to the retrieved new token and then re trying the original request with onError.
Now in another post I found when looking into this, the users getNewToken request was a rest request using axios:
const getNewToken = async () => {
try {
const { data } = await
{ token: localStorage.getItem("refreshToken") }
localStorage.setItem("refreshToken", data.refresh_token);
return data.access_token;
} catch (error) {
Now from my understanding, if I wanted to implement it this way I would have to change my backend to include express as I am only using apolloserver. Now I could definitely be wrong about that as my backend knowledge is quite limited and would love to be corrected their.
So my question is, what is the best way to do this, whether natively using graphql queries/mutations (if possible), doing it with axios, or maybe their is another best practice for this seemingly common task I am unaware of.

Feathers JS authentication with no email

Im looking for an authentication system where the user submits to an enpoint and a jwt is generated at this endpoint, im not sure how to implement this, my client side application does not make use of email address or stored information, it is in fact a dApp. I just need an endpoint that will calculate a value from a supplied seed phrase and a password if the processing of these values goes well ( and it nearly always will unless someone sends junk to the endpoint) then a jwt will be issued.. so far the out of box functionality with feathers cli means that i need to use local strategy and need an email address, I cant find any demos out there on this.. anyone got any pointers ? so far my auth is pretty default
const authentication = require('#feathersjs/authentication');
const jwt = require('#feathersjs/authentication-jwt');
const local = require('#feathersjs/authentication-local');
module.exports = function (app) {
const config = app.get('authentication');
// Set up authentication with the secret
// The `authentication` service is used to create a JWT.
// The before `create` hook registers strategies that can be used
// to create a new valid JWT (e.g. local or oauth2)
before: {
create: [
remove: [
and heres my service:
// Initializes the `aerAuth` service on path `/userauthendpoint`
const createService = require('feathers-memory');
const hooks = require('./userauthendpoint.hooks');
module.exports = function (app) {
const paginate = app.get('paginate');
const options = {
name: 'userauthendpoint',
// Initialize our service with any options it requires
app.use('/userauthendpoint', createService(options) );
// Get our initialized service so that we can register hooks and filters
const service = app.service('userauthendpoint');
I am relatively new to feathers but not to building auth systems (in PHP)
The Custom authentication strategy guide and the feathers-authentication-custom plugin probably allow to do what you are looking for.
It also depends on how you want to implement this. You can either use the custom strategy for every service (as in the case of the API key which has to be sent in the header with every request) or just before the /authentication service to allow creating a JWT (the issue here is that it needs to reference a userId or other entityId that exists in the database which you don't have).
The easiest way would be to go with the first options and a custom header (X-DAP-PASSWORD) which could look like this:
const custom = require('feathers-authentication-custom');
app.configure(custom((req, done) => {
const password = req.headers['x-dap-password'];
if(checkPassword('seedPassphrase'), password)) {
// implement your own custom logic for loading and verifying the user
done(null, user);
} else {
done(new Error('Invalid passphrase'));

How it is supposed to auth requests from SSR to Feathers JS API?

There is examples about how to access FeathersJS API from SSR, but they lack any info on how it is supposed to authorize such requests.
Is it ok to instantiate feathers-client app for every request? Would not it be to heavy?
There is an official example of how to call feathers API from server side:
// Set up a socket connection to our remote API
const socket = io('');
const api = client().configure(socketio(socket));
app.get('/messages', function(req, res, next){
.find({ query: {$sort: { updatedAt: -1 } } })
.then(result => res.render('message-list',
But what if the messages service will require authenticated user?
Should i just manually get token from SSR's req and add it somehow to api instance or api.service call?
Taking in mind the asynchronous nature of node it seems that durable way here is to call client() inside the app.get '/messages' handler, is it a supposed way?
It is also unclear does one of the Feathers boilerplate examples have durable SSR authentication, i've described it here.
Here is how i got it working.
On every request SSR create an API adapter before routing:
app.use('/', (req, res, next) => {
req.api = APIClient(req);
APIClient constructor gets token from cookie an sets it using the set('accessToken', token) method, provided by feathers-authentication-client plugin:
'use strict';
const feathers = require('feathers');
const superagent = require('superagent');
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks')
const feathers_rest = require('feathers-rest/client');
const auth_plugin = require('feathers-authentication-client');
const config = require('../config');
const host = clientUrl => (
__SERVER__ ? `http://${config.apiHost}:${config.apiPort}` : clientUrl
/* API adaptor constructor.
module.exports = function APIClient(req) {
const api = feathers()
// REST plugin gives ability to query services over HTTP,
// superagent used as an isomorphic HTTPClient.
// Auth plugin gives ability to set accessToken
if (__SERVER__) {
api.set('accessToken', req['cookies']['feathers-jwt']);
return api;
So, here is a page loading flow i've got:
When one type '' in a browser, it sends a GET request to SSR, passing an access token in feathers-jwt cookie.
SSR creates a feathers client, fetches access token from the cookie and gives it to the client by api.set('accessToken', token) method.
SSR gets data from API using this client and gives it to the template engine (pug/react etc).
SSR returns rendered page to the browser.
Also one need to set token in browser when making requests to API, because if it is on another domain there will be no cookie, and it is better to use Authorization header or token parameter when accessing API.
Discussion link.

