How to check if localStorage value is in array? - javascript

Based on this answer I should be using $.inArray, therefore I do:
var curPostId = $(".my_post_id").attr("data-id");
if($.inArray(curPostId, lines)) {
$('#'+localStorage.getItem('saveButton')).attr('disabled', true);
If I do: console.log(curPostId); I get 248 which is correct. Then if I do console.log(lines); I get [242, 248]
Lines is defined like this:
var lines = localStorage.getItem("lines") ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("lines")) : [];
But the check if it's in Array doesn't happen as this it's not applied $('#'+localStorage.getItem('saveButton')).attr('disabled', true);
This is how I set daveButton on local storage
$(".save_post").on("click", function() {
if (counter >= 2) {
} else {
$(this).attr("disabled", "true");
localStorage.setItem('saveButton', $(this).attr('id'));
var thisId = $(".my_post_id").attr("data-id");
localStorage.setItem("lines", JSON.stringify(lines));
This question is a follow up to my previous question how to keep button state across different pages which has an answer that works but only partly.

Just use the Array.includes method instead - it's less confusing, more appropriately matches what you're looking for, and doesn't require jQuery.
if (lines.includes(curPostId)) {
// ...
Also note that you can simplify your syntax by assigning and getting from localStorage's dot properties directly, for example:
var lines = JSON.parse(localStorage.lines || '[]');
// ...
localStorage.saveButton = $(this).attr('id');
// ...
localStorage.lines = JSON.stringify(lines);

$.inArray return index of element so what happens is, your element is at '0' th index and if condition will be false if value is 0
So you can use
if($.inArray(curPostId, lines) !== -1) {
or Use includes method of ES6
if (lines.includes(curPostId)) {


json array check if there does not need to insert in localstorage?

I need to check a JavaScript array to see if there are duplicate values ​​. What is the easiest way to do this ? I just need to check whether the values ​​already exist if there is not need to go into json array.
function cek() {
resi_or_code = document.getElementById('code_or_resi').value;
resi = resi_or_code.split(',');
if($.trim(resi_or_code) != ''){
location.href = base_url + 'resi/' + encodeURIComponent(resi_or_code);
if (localStorage.daftar_data){
daftar_data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('daftar_data'));
else {
daftar_data = [];
for (y in daftar_data){
var q = daftar_data[y].resis;
for (x in resi){
if (q === resi[x])
console.log('Value exist');
console.log('Value does not exist');
localStorage.setItem('daftar_data', JSON.stringify(daftar_data));
If i understand your question and code right, you basically have an array of objects where each object has key resis
If that is the case, below code might help
var valueArray = {
return item.resis;
// To check for duplicate
if(valueArray.indexOf(value) !== -1) {
// Duplicates
} else {
// No duplicate
In your case,
ar would be daftar_data.
I am really not sure what your value is. is it resi?
Basically, you should try replacing your for loop with the above code.
By far the simplest way is to simply sort your array using Array.sort(). This will perform well and reduces you duplicate check to a simple for-loop that compares each value with its neighbor.
Solutions that attempt to avoid sorting will almost certainly scale very badly.
So to recap and show some code:
for (var index = 0; index < daftar_data.length - 1; index++)
if (daftar_data[index] === daftar_data[index+1]) {
// Found a duplicate
If the natural sort order of the objects don't work for you, supply a function to the sort function, like so:
daftar_data.sort(function(a, b) {
// return any value > 0 if a is greater, < 0 if b is greater
// and 0 if they are equal.
Note that in this form, you can actually check for the duplicate in your compare function.

Using Jquery Filter as a way to filter links on a page

I have a list of links on a page and a set of checkboxes that should filter the links so that only the ones that have the specific criteria will be active. My rudimentary attempt to do this involves creating an array of all the filter options that are active and running a .filter(Array) to make those active and a .not(Array) to disable the other links.
The problem is that if more than one filter options is selected any link that matches either filter option will be active. When in reality what i want is only the links that match ALL the filter options to be active.
Here is my stripped down version in jsFiddle
var filterAll = ["filter-F_0", "filter-F_1", "filter-F_2", "filter-F_3", "filter-F_4", "filter-P_0", "filter-P_1", "filter-P_2", "filter-P_3", ]
var filterActive = [];
function filterApps(){
if(filterActive.length == 0)
var arrActive = $.map(filterActive, function (val) {
return '[' + val + ']'
addToLog("arr = " + arrActive);
You have complicated many things here, using attribute's name for filtering the elements is a terrible idea (sorry), you could use data-* attributes that store the filtering criteria in an array. If I have understood the question correctly something like the following should work, this solution reads the attributes' name using attributes property, it should be noted that it's not the most efficient way of doing the task and as Array object's .filter() method is used it doesn't work in older browsers that don't support ES5, for supporting those browsers you can use a shim.
var $links = $('.appLink');
var $checkboxes = $('input[type=checkbox]').on('change', function () {
// Creating an array of values
var checked = $checkboxes.filter(':checked').map(function () {
return this.value.toLowerCase();
// Filtering the .appLink elements by reading the attributes
// and comparing the filtered array's length with the checked one
$links.removeClass('matched').filter(function () {
return [] (a) {
return'filter') === 0;
}).filter(function(f) {
return $.inArray('filter-', ''), checked) > -1;
}).length === checked.length;
In case that you want to use data-* properties, you can define an attribute like data-filter='["f1", "f2", ""]' for the elements and use jQuery .data() method for reading them:
$links.removeClass('matched').filter(function () {
return $(this).data('filter').filter(function(f) {
return $.inArray(f, checked) > -1;
}).length === checked.length;

How to find if a value matches one of the values from an array in Javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I check if an array includes a value in JavaScript?
(60 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
FYI: this is for a simple quiz with just a single input field for each answer.
I have the following Javascript if statement to check if the value entered into an input field is correct (in this case, if the value entered is 'england').
$('input').keyup(function () {
if ($(this).val().toLowerCase() == 'england') {
} else {
//Other Stuff
However, I want to allow for alternative spellings, so I need a few possible answers for each question - it seems sensible to use an array for this as so...
var ans1 = new Array();
ans1[0] = "England";
ans1[1] = "Englund";
ans1[2] = "Ingland";
How can I change my if statement to say 'if the input field value equals any of those values from the array, then do the following'?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
You can do this using .inArray():
if ($.inArray($(this).val(), ans1) > -1) {
Here, the code $.inArray($(this).val(), ans1) will search for a specified value for example England within an array ans1 and return its index (or -1 if not found).
For case-sensitive search:
First enter all the values in the array in Lower Case
Next use the code below:-
if ($.inArray($(this).val().toLowerCase(), ans1) > -1) {
You can use the 'indexOf' method of the array, this will return -1 if the value doesn't exist in the array:
//if answer is in array
if(array.indexOf(answer) != -1){
//do stuff
//do stuff
Try this
using regex and gi modifier for case insensitive
Do like this
$('input').keyup(function () {
var ans1 = new Array();
ans1[0] = "England";
ans1[1] = "Englund";
ans1[2] = "Ingland";
for(int i=0;i<ans1.length;i++)
if ($(this).val().toLowerCase() ==ans1[i]) {
} else {
//Other Stuff
Perhaps you may consider checking each element of the array like that:
var ans1 = new Array();
ans1[0] = "England";
ans1[1] = "Englund";
ans1[2] = "Ingland";
$('input').keyup(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < ans1.length; i++) {
if ($(this).val().toLowerCase() == ans1[i]) {
} else {
//Other Stuff
Not the most beautiful solution, but it should work.
jQuery offers $.inArray:
var found = $.inArray('specialword', words) > -1;
Note that inArray returns the index of the element found, so 0 indicates the element is the first in the array. -1 indicates the element was not found.
put your spellings in an array like this:
words: [
Found will be true if the word was found.
If you want the index of the matched word delete > -1 from the line.
Your code would be like this:
$('input').keyup(function () {
var found = $.inArray($(this).val(), words);
found > -1 ? //Stuff : //otherStuff;

breaking out of an underscore each

I am trying to find a model within a collection with an attribute equal to html select option value.
<div id="hospital-details">
<select name="hospitalnames">
<option><%- model.get('name') %></option>
whenever hospital name is changed, jquery change callback is triggered to find locationModel with selected option value as attribute value as shown below,
$('select[name="hospitalnames"]').change(function() {
var name = $(this).val();
locationListCollection.each(function(locationModel) {
if ($.trim(locationModel.get('name')) == $.trim(name)) {
that.locationModel = locationModel;
return false; // control is returned to underscore.min.js
console.log(that.locationModel); // this is not being displayed at all
After the locationModel with an attribute is found, I am unable to come out the loop. Any help ? At this moment I have looked into
this but without success.
You're using the wrong method if you're searching for the first match. Collections have lots of Underscore methods mixed in, in particular they have find mixed in:
find _.find(list, iterator, [context])
Looks through each value in the list, returning the first one that passes a truth test (iterator), or undefined if no value passes the test.
Something like this:
var name = $.trim($(this).val());
that.locationModel = locationListCollection.find(function(locationModel) {
return $.trim(locationModel.get('name')) == name;
and if the names in your model are pre-trimmed and nice and clean, then you could use findWhere:
findWhere collection.findWhere(attributes)
Just like where, but directly returns only the first model in the collection that matches the passed attributes.
like this:
var name = $.trim($(this).val());
that.locationModel = locationListCollection.findWhere({ name: name });
BTW, this:
won't give you anything because locationModel and that.locationModel are different things.
You can always go oldschool.
$('select[name="hospitalnames"]').change(function() {
var name = $(this).val();
for (var i = 0; i < locationListCollection.length; ++i) {
var locationModel = locationListCollection.models[i];
if ($.trim(locationModel.get('name')) == $.trim(name)) {
that.locationModel = locationModel;
Try this,
var name = $(this).val();
var flag=true;
locationListCollection.each(function(locationModel) {
if (flag && $.trim(locationModel.get('name')) == $.trim(name)) {
that.locationModel = locationModel;
//return false;// to break the $.each loop
The short is no.
If you take a look at underscore's source you'll see that they use a breaker object to quickly stop a .each() but that is only available internally.
I would not recommend this but you could always modify the source to expose this breaker object (see baseline setup in the annotated source Then you would just return this object instead of returning false. But you would probably need to remove the native forEach call to keep the behaviour consistent. So it's not worth it!
_.each(function(arr) {
if(condition) {
return _.breaker; // Assuming you changed the source.
Since you are searching for a single item instead of .each() use:
var locationModel = _.find(arr, function(item) {
return $.trim(locationModel.get('name')) == $.trim(name);

Is there a way that I can check if a data attribute exists?

Is there some way that I can run the following:
var data = $("#dataTable").data('timer');
var diffs = [];
for(var i = 0; i + 1 < data.length; i++) {
diffs[i] = data[i + 1] - data[i];
alert(diffs.join(', '));
Only if there is an attribute called data-timer on the element with an id of #dataTable?
if ($("#dataTable").data('timer')) {
NOTE this only returns true if the data attribute is not empty string or a "falsey" value e.g. 0 or false.
If you want to check for the existence of the data attribute, even if empty, do this:
if (typeof $("#dataTable").data('timer') !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof $("#dataTable").data('timer') !== 'undefined')
// your code here
In the interest of providing a different answer from the ones above; you could check it with Object.hasOwnProperty(...) like this:
if( $("#dataTable").data().hasOwnProperty("timer") ){
// the data-time property exists, now do you business! .....
alternatively, if you have multiple data elements you want to iterate over you can variablize the .data() object and iterate over it like this:
var objData = $("#dataTable").data();
for ( data in objData ){
if( data == 'timer' ){
// the do
Not saying this solution is better than any of the other ones in here, but at least it's another approach...
Or combine with some vanilla JS
if ($("#dataTable").get(0).hasAttribute("data-timer")) {
All the answers here use the jQuery library.
But the vanilla javascript is very straightforward.
If you want to run a script only if the element with an id of #dataTable also has a data-timer attribute, then the steps are as follows:
// Locate the element
const myElement = document.getElementById('dataTable');
// Run conditional code
if (myElement.dataset.hasOwnProperty('timer')) {
[... CODE HERE...]
You can use jQuery's hasData method.
The primary advantage of jQuery.hasData(element) is that it does not create and associate a data object with the element if none currently exists. In contrast, always returns a data object to the caller, creating one if no data object previously existed.
This will only check for the existence of any data objects (or events) on your element, it won't be able to confirm if it specifically has a "timer" object.
If you want to distinguish between empty values and missing values you can use jQuery to check like this.
<div id="element" data-foo="bar" data-empty=""></div>
"foo" in $('#element').data(); // true
"empty" in $('#element').data(); // true
"other" in $('#element').data(); // false
So from the original question you'd do this.
if("timer" in $("#dataTable").data()) {
// code
You can create an extremely simple jQuery-plugin to query an element for this:
$.fn.hasData = function(key) {
return (typeof $(this).data(key) != 'undefined');
Then you can simply use $("#dataTable").hasData('timer')
Will return false only if the value does not exist (is undefined); if it's set to false/null it hasData() will still return true.
It's different from the built-in $.hasData() which only checks if any data on the element is set.
You can check by css attribute selection with
if ($('#dataTable').is('[data-timer]')) {
// data-timer attribute exists
This is the easiest solution in my opinion is to select all the element which has certain data attribute:
var data = $("#dataTable[data-timer]");
var diffs = [];
for(var i = 0; i + 1 < data.length; i++) {
diffs[i] = data[i + 1] - data[i];
alert(diffs.join(', '));
Here is the screenshot of how it works.
I've found this works better with dynamically set data elements:
if ($("#myelement").data('myfield')) {
Wrong answer - see EDIT at the end
Let me build on Alex's answer.
To prevent the creation of a data object if it doesn't exists, I would better do:
$.fn.hasData = function(key) {
var $this = $(this);
return $.hasData($this) && typeof $ !== 'undefined';
Then, where $this has no data object created, $.hasData returns false and it will not execute $
EDIT: function $.hasData(element) works only if the data was set using $.data(element, key, value), not, value). Due to that, my answer is not correct.
I needed a simple boolean to work with. Because it's undefined of not present, and not false, I use the !! to convert to boolean:
var hasTimer = !!$("#dataTable").data('timer');
if( hasTimer ){ /* ....... */ }
An alternative solution would be using filter:
if( $("#dataTable").filter('[data-timer]').length!==0) { /* ....... */ }
var data = $("#dataTable").data('timer');
var diffs = [];
if( data.length > 0 ) {
for(var i = 0; i + 1 < data.length; i++) {
diffs[i] = data[i + 1] - data[i];
alert(diffs.join(', '));
And what about:
if ($('#dataTable[data-timer]').length > 0) {
// logic here

