Im in javascript on a HTML page trying to use Solr query data in a table.
So what I want to do is get a bunch of different responses to solr queries, and store them in an array as they come in. Then return each of these results to their relevant spot in a graphic chart to display my information.
What I am having trouble doing is storing the result from JSON in a variable for later use. However it won't save, as the results show up as undefined when checked. Yet if I assign the response to some HTML location like with $('#yoyo') from within function on_data(data), it seems to work just fine.
So I can get results live, but I can't store them for some reason?
From reading lots of other posts it seems it could be something to do with it being asynchronous. It feels to me like functions are running out of time. Like its trying to return the answer before it's assigned any value or something.
Can somebody show me where I'm going wrong here?
if (typeof variable !== 'undefined') {
var global_tick = -1
var results = []
var testB = 'query response failed';
$('#testB').prepend('<div>' + testB + '</div>');
function on_data(data) {
results[global_tick] = parseInt(data.response.numFound);
$('#yoyo').prepend('<div>' + results[global_tick] + '</div>');
global_tick = global_tick + 1;
function partyQuery(party, region){
pQuery(party, region)
var res = pResult()
return res
function pQuery(party, region){
var url='http://localhost:8983/solr/articles/select?q=text:'+party+'+AND+region:'+region+'&wt=json&callback=?&json.wrf=on_data';
function pResult(){
return results[global_tick]
var pqFG = partyQuery("\"Fine Gael\"", 'ROI');
var pqFF = partyQuery("\"Fianna Fail\"", 'ROI');
// Load the Visualization API and the corechart package.
google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['corechart']});
// Set a callback to run when the Google Visualization API is loaded.
// Callback that creates and populates a data table,
// instantiates the pie chart, passes in the data and
// draws it.
function drawChart() {
// Party data table.
var data_party = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data_party.addColumn('string', 'Party');
data_party.addColumn('number', 'Mentions');
['Fine Gael', pqFG],
['Fianna Fáil', pqFF],
this is a kind of embarrassing question but I'm stuck.
My background is managed code and I never learned JavaScript but yet I want to implement a tiny project.
The script is running on SharePoint 2010, queries items from a custom list using the JavaScript Object Model and populates a Google chart or table respectively.
With the help of MSDN and Google Developer I was able to query data from one list and visualize it.
However, I'm unable to transfer the concept to query multiple lists, combine result sets and finally pass to Google API.
In my code I created a chain of callbacks like showChart->loadListData->drawChart. This proves to be bad design since it's inflexible and cannot be extended. All API methods are asynchronous and don't have return values but expect method names to call once finished. This is what get's me stuck and where I lack knowledge.
I'm very happy for every comment and answer, also I can provide actual source code if requested. Thank you in advance, Toby
UPDATE as asked for by #Utkanos:
var listItems;
$(document).ready(function() {
ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(loadChartData, "sp.js");
function loadChartData() {
var camlQuery = SP.CamlQuery.createAllItemsQuery();
camlQuery.set_viewXml("<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Year'/><Value Type='Text'>2015</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>");
loadListData('CustomList', camlQuery, drawChart, readListItemFailed);
function loadListData(listTitle, camlQuery, onSuccess, onFail) {
context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var list = context.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(listTitle);
var listItems = list.getItems(camlQuery);
context.executeQueryAsync(function(sender, args){onSuccess(listItems);}, onFail);
function drawDpOverviewChart(listItems) {
var data;
var enumerator = listItems.getEnumerator();
data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', 'Column1');
data.addColumn('number', 'Column2');
var listItem;
while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
listItem = enumerator.get_current();
data.addRow([listItem.get_item('Title'), Math.round(listItem.get_item('Balance')/10000)/100]);
var options = {'title':'Pretty Chart'};
var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
chart.draw(data, options);
function readListItemFailed(sender, args) {
alert('Request failed. ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());
if using SP 2010 on a typical .aspx page, you have some tools available,
such as MicrosoftAjax.js and _spPageContextInfo
using the REST API, you can join lists on lookup fields and include fields from both lists in one query
following is an example url for a call to rest...
'/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/MI_Projects?$expand=ModifiedBy&$filter=ModifiedBy/Id eq 738'
this call actually "joins" the list MI_Projects to the UserInformationList by "expanding" ModifiedBy
so when the data returns, you can access any of the user info fields, i.e.
this can be done with lookup fields on custom lists as well
to make the call, you can use the Sys.Net.WebRequest class from MicrosoftAjax
this class also allows you to pass variables to the callback
see following snippet...
function makeCall() {
// Sys.Net.WebRequest is from MicrosoftAjax.js
var webRequest = new Sys.Net.WebRequest();
webRequest.get_headers()['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache';
webRequest.get_headers()['Accept'] = 'application/json';
webRequest.get_headers()['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
webRequest.set_url(_spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl + '/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/MI_Projects?$expand=ModifiedBy&$filter=ModifiedBy/Id%20eq%20738');
// use the 'user context' to pass variables you want available in the callback
Title: 'variable to pass to completed callback'
// the first argument of callback is the Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor class
function restComplete(executor, eventArgs) {
if (executor.get_responseAvailable()) {
if (executor.get_statusCode() === 200) {
// get variable passed via user context
var variablePassed = executor.get_webRequest().get_userContext().Title;
// i.e. -- build google table
// add rows received from rest (forEach is from MicrosoftAjax.js)
// list results array = executor.get_object().d.results
Array.forEach(executor.get_object().d.results, function (row) {
data.addRow(row.Title, row.Id, row.ModifiedBy.Name);
}, this);
So I have Faye set up on node.js doing pubsub type stuff for a time-series chart. With Smoothie Charts it looks like this:
//set up faye subscription
var subscription = client.subscribe('/myfeed', function(message) {
//add data to appropriate series
mySeries.append(new Date(),message.value);
That's pretty much it. Now I'm trying to replace smoothie with Cubism.js. Here is an example of pushing a single value that I have working:
// create context and horizon
var context = cubism.context().size(960);
var horizon = context.horizon().extent([0,2]);
function testFeed(name) {
return context.metric(function(start,stop,step,callback){
var values = [];
//static value I added
//original random example
//while (+start < +stop){ start = +start +step; values.push(Math.random());}
callback(null, values);
}, name);
// draw graph
var metrics = ["Metric1","Metric2","Metric3"];
Sadly I have no idea what most of this means. So 2 things:
How do I integrate my subscription into the feed?
How do I send individual values to each "metric"? Right now that 85 shows up on all 3 metrics.
I tried the following and I get my data logged to the console but nothing appears on the chart:
function testFeed(name) {
return context.metric(function(start,stop,step,callback){
var values = [];
var subscription = client.subscribe('/myfeed', function(message) {
callback(null, values);
}, name);
I have a firebase reference, where I pull data down for a specific custom index I created.
.endAt(lastrequest.systemgameindex.toString() + '~')
.limitToFirst(customElem.dataops.limit + 1)
.on('child_added', function (snapshot) {
var request = snapshot.val() || {};
request.key = snapshot.key();
request.systemColor = customElem.getSystemColor(request.system);
request.description = customElem.truncateText(request.description, 65);
if (request.systemgameindex !== lastrequest.systemgameindex) { customElem.push('requests', request); };
Right before I make the call to firebase, I have a custom spinner I dislay with a function called addSpinnerRoo(), and when data is returned, I make a call to removeSpinnerRoo() to hide the spinner on the DOM.
It works beautifully when there's data to return from firebase, but if the firebase query brings back no results, the callback on child_added never gets fired, so I have a spinner still spinning on the DOM.
Is there a way to handle when there's no data returned within Firebase?
Any insight would be appreciated a lot. Thanks
After reading this from the documentation from here:
The callback function receives a DataSnapshot, which is a snapshot of the data. A snapshot is a picture of the data at a particular database reference at a single point in time. Calling val() on a snapshot returns the JavaScript object representation of the data. If no data exists at the reference's location, the snapshots value will be null.
I was able to do use "val" instead of "child_added" to actually have firebase still fire the callback for the ".on()" method. So my code now looks like this:
var data = snapshot.val();
if (data !== null && data !== undefined) {
var requests =, function (val, key) {
val.key = key;
return val;
_.each(requests, function (request) {
request.systemColor = customElem.getSystemColor(request.system);
request.description = customElem.truncateText(request.description, 65);
customElem.push('requests', request);
And with that, I was able to get what I needed. If this helps anyone, great...
Ok, so I am a bit of a noob with javascript and I need to read data from a csv to make a barchart with d3. The barchart is no problem for me, the reading from the csv file is. This is my code:
var dataset;
d3.csv("gender_ratio.csv", function(data) {
dataset = data;
return dataset;
var add = function(year, total, males, females){
var year = {
year: year,
total: total,
males: males,
females: females
return newdata;
for (var i = 0; i < dataset.length; i += 4){
add(dataset[i], dataset[i+1], dataset[i+2], dataset[i+3]);
return newdata;
Can someone tell me what I is going wrong here? I am running this with modzilla firefox, so the browser security isn't the problem here.
The call to load the csv data completes asynchronously. That means your for loop is run before the data has been loaded.
If you move the for loop into the callback function of the call to d3.csv then the data will be available.
You should also check what the returned data looks like for d3.csv. Your code assumes it is returning a flat array, whereas it actually returns an array of objects where each element represents a row. If you add a console.log in the callback of the function you'll get a better sense of what the data looks like.
You also have a return statement in that for loop which means it'll only process the first element of data before exiting the loop.
d3.csv("gender_ratio.csv", function(data) {
dataset = data;
// process data here
First, d3's .csv function works asynchronous, thus you need to call te actual bar chart drawing function within the .csv function. If the csv file has a first row featuring column names, you can use a callback function:
var dataset = [];
d3.csv("gender_ratio.csv", function(d) {
return {
year: d.year,
males: d.males,
females: d.females,
}, function(error, rows) {
dataset = rows;
drawBarChart(); /* <<-- This would be the call to the drawing function. */
In my Win 8 app, based on a blank template, I have successfully added search contract and it seems to work despite the fact that I have not linked it to any data yet, so, for now, when I search any term in my app it simply takes me to the searchResults page with the message "No Results Found" this is what I was expecting initially.
Now what I wish to do is link my database into the searchResults.js file so that I can query my database. Now outside of the search contract I have tested and connected my Db and it works; I did this using WinJS.xhr, to connect to my web-service which in turn queries my database and returns a JSON object.
In my test I only hardcoded the url, however I now need to do two things. Move the test WinJS.xr data for connecting my DB into the search contract code, and second - change the hardcoded url to a dynamic url that accepts the users search term.
From what I understand of Win 8 search so far the actual data querying part of the search contract is as follows:
// This function populates a WinJS.Binding.List with search results for the provided query.
_searchData: function (queryText) {
var originalResults;
// TODO: Perform the appropriate search on your data.
if (window.Data) {
originalResults = Data.items.createFiltered(function (item) {
return (item.termName.indexOf(queryText) >= 0 || item.termID.indexOf(queryText) >= 0 || item.definition.indexOf(queryText) >= 0);
} else {`enter code here`
originalResults = new WinJS.Binding.List();
return originalResults;
The code that I need to transfer into this section is as below; now I have to admit I do not currently understand the code block above and have not found a good resource for breaking it down line by line. If someone can help though it will be truly awesome! My code below, I basically want to integrate it and then make searchString be equal to the users search term.
var testTerm = document.getElementById("definition");
var testDef = document.getElementById("description");
var searchString = 2;
var searchFormat = 'JSON';
var searchurl = '' + searchString +'&format='+searchFormat;
WinJS.xhr({url: searchurl})
.done(function fulfilled(result)
//Show Terms
var searchTerm = JSON.parse(result.responseText);
// var terms is the key of the object (terms) on each iteration of the loop the var terms is assigned the name of the object key
// and the if stament is evaluated
for (terms in searchTerm) {
//terms will find key "terms"
var termName = searchTerm.terms[0].term.termName;
var termdefinition = searchTerm.terms[0].term.definition;
//WinJS.Binding.processAll(termDef, termdefinition);
testTerm.innerText = termName;
testDef.innerText = termdefinition;
function error(result) {
testDef.innerHTML = "Got Error: " + result.statusText;
function progress(result) {
testDef.innerText = "Ready state is " + result.readyState;
I will try to provide some explanation for the snippet that you didn't quite understand. I believe the code you had above is coming from the default code added by Visual Studio. Please see explanation as comments in line.
* This function populates a WinJS.Binding.List with search results
* for the provided query by applying the a filter on the data source
* #param {String} queryText - the search query acquired from the Search Charm
* #return {WinJS.Binding.List} the filtered result of your search query.
_searchData: function (queryText) {
var originalResults;
// window.Data is the data source of the List View
// window.Data is an object defined in YourProject/js/data.js
// at line 16 WinJS.Namespace.define("Data" ...
// Data.items is a array that's being grouped by functions in data.js
if (window.Data) {
// apply a filter to filter the data source
// if you have your own search algorithm,
// you should replace below code with your code
originalResults = Data.items.createFiltered(function (item) {
return (item.termName.indexOf(queryText) >= 0 ||
item.termID.indexOf(queryText) >= 0 ||
item.definition.indexOf(queryText) >= 0);
} else {
// if there is no data source, then we return an empty WinJS.Binding.List
// such that the view can be populated with 0 result
originalResults = new WinJS.Binding.List();
return originalResults;
Since you are thinking about doing the search on your own web service, then you can always make your _searchData function async and make your view waiting on the search result being returned from your web service.
_searchData: function(queryText) {
var dfd = new $.Deferred();
// make a xhr call to your service with queryText
url: your_service_url,
data: queryText.toLowerCase()
}).done(function (response) {
var result = parseResultArrayFromResponse(response);
var resultBindingList = WinJS.Binding.List(result);
}).fail(function (response) {
var error = parseErrorFromResponse(response);
var emptyResult = WinJS.Binding.List();
dfd.reject(emptyResult, error);
return dfd.promise();
// whoever calls searchData would need to asynchronously deal with the service response.
_searchData(queryText).done(function (resultBindingList) {
//TODO: Display the result with resultBindingList by binding the data to view
}).fail(function (resultBindingList, error) {
//TODO: proper error handling