I'm probably doing something wrong, so feel free to question all things. I'm using an npm package xrm-mock for a MS CRM mocking framework. I've setup my config as such
meta: {
"dependencyModule": {
deps: [
* List of Spec Files goes here! *
"jasmine": {
"exports": "jasmineRequire"
"jasmine-html": {
deps: ["jasmine"]
"jasmine-boot": {
deps: ["jasmine", "jasmine-html"]
"xrm-mock-generator": {
deps: ["xrm-mock"]
bundlesPath: "../WebResources",
loadBundles: true,
paths: {
"jasmine": "../node_modules/jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine.js",
"jasmine-html": "../node_modules/jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine-html.js",
"jasmine-boot": "../node_modules/jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/boot.js",
"sourcemapped-stacktrace": "../node_modules/sourcemapped-stacktrace/dist/sourcemapped-stacktrace.js",
"xrm-mock": "../node_modules/xrm-mock/index.js",
"xrm-mock-generator": "../node_modules/xrm-mock-generator/dist/xrm-mock-generator.js"
map: {},
main: "./testRunner"
but xrm-mock/index.js looks like this:
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var formselector_mock_1 = require("./dist/page/formselector/formselector.mock");
exports.FormSelectorMock = formselector_mock_1.FormSelectorMock;
var formitem_mock_1 = require("./dist/page/formitem/formitem.mock");
exports.FormItemMock = formitem_mock_1.FormItemMock;
... 80 more lines...
and I get 404s for each require: "http://localhost:62576/test/dist/page/formselector/formselector.mock.js" which should be "http://localhost:62576/node_modules/xrm-mock/dist/page/formselector/formselector.mock.js"
I'm guessing I could add each and every module file as a module with a path, but that's 40 some modules I'd have to define. Is there an easier way?
Most devs use the npm plugin nowadays, do you know about it? Removes the need for this manual (and difficult) configuration
To answer your question though, I think what you want to do is remove the xrm-mock path and instead have something like
"xrm-mock/*": "../node_modules/xrm-mock/*.js"
and then a map for the main module:
"map": {
"xrm-mock": "xrm-mock/index"
I created a simple app using knockout/bootstrap/gulp that downloads a pdf using pdfMake.js. It works fine in debug mode using VS2017. After publishing and using gulp it gives this error when run: File 'Roboto-Regular.ttf' not found in virtual file system
Note: After gulp, all JS files are in one script.js file.
I tried many things, it always works when debugging, as soon as I run gulp, it gives the error.
I tried joepal1976's solution from here (what I did with the dependencies in require.config.js)
Someone suggested .pipe(uglify({
compress: {
hoist_funs: false
})) which doesn't appear to help.
Included in require.config like so:
var require = {
baseUrl: ".",
paths: {
"jquery": "js-libs/jquery.min",
"bootstrap": "js-libs/bootstrap.min",
"crossroads": "js-libs/crossroads.min",
"hasher": "js-libs/hasher.min",
"knockout": "js-libs/knockout",
"knockout-projections": "js-libs/knockout-projections.min",
"signals": "js-libs/signals.min",
"text": "js-libs/text",
"vfs_fonts": "js-libs/vfs_fonts",
"pdfMake": "js-libs/pdfmake.min"
shim: {
"bootstrap": { deps: ["jquery"] },
exports: 'vfs_fonts'
deps: ['pdfMake'],
exports: 'vfs_fonts'
JS for the page:
define(["knockout", "text!./home.html"], function (ko, homeTemplate) {
function HomeViewModel(route) {
var thisVM = this;
this.VMInit = function () {
var thePDF = {
content: [
'My test invoice.',
return { viewModel: HomeViewModel, template: homeTemplate };
The Gulp file:
// Node modules
var fs = require('fs'),
vm = require('vm'),
merge = require('deeply'),
chalk = require('chalk'),
es = require('event-stream');
// Gulp and plugins
var gulp = require('gulp'),
rjs = require('gulp-requirejs-bundler'),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
clean = require('gulp-clean'),
replace = require('gulp-replace'),
uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
htmlreplace = require('gulp-html-replace');
// Config
var requireJsRuntimeConfig =
vm.runInNewContext(fs.readFileSync('src/app/require.config.js') + '; require;');
requireJsOptimizerConfig = merge(requireJsRuntimeConfig, {
out: 'scripts.js',
baseUrl: './src',
name: 'app/startup',
paths: {
requireLib: 'js-libs/require'
include: [
insertRequire: ['app/startup'],
bundles: {
// If you want parts of the site to load on demand, remove them from the 'include' list
// above, and group them into bundles here.
// 'bundle-name': [ 'some/module', 'another/module' ],
// 'another-bundle-name': [ 'yet-another-module' ]
// Discovers all AMD dependencies, concatenates together all required .js
files, minifies them
gulp.task('js', function () {
return rjs(requireJsOptimizerConfig)
.pipe(replace('Views/src/', ''))
.pipe(replace('img/', 'Assets/img/'))
.pipe(replace('css/', 'Assets/css/'))
preserveComments: 'some'
gulp.task('css', function () {
return gulp.src(['./src/css/bootstrap.css',
// Copies index.html, replacing <script> and <link> tags to reference production
gulp.task('html', function () {
return gulp.src('./src/index.html')
dependencies_top: '<link href="Assets/css/styles.css"
dependencies_bottom: '<script src="Assets/js/scripts.js"></script>'
// Removes all files from ./dist/
gulp.task('clean', function () {
console.log("the clean task");
return gulp.src('./dist-app/**/*', { read: false })
// All tasks in [] must complete before 'default' can begin
gulp.task('default', ['html', 'js', 'css'], function (callback) {
console.log('\nPlaced optimized files in ' + chalk.magenta('dist-app/\n'));
The Startup.js file if its helpful:
'vfs_fonts'], function ($, ko, router) {
// Components can be packaged as AMD modules, such as the following:
ko.components.register('nav-bar', { require: 'components/nav-bar/nav-bar' });
ko.components.register('home-page', { require: 'components/home-page/home'
// ... or for template-only components, you can just point to a .html file
ko.components.register('about-page', {
template: { require: 'text!components/about-page/about.html' }
ko.components.register('new-page', { require: 'components/new-page/new-page'
// [Scaffolded component registrations will be inserted here. To retain this
//feature, don't remove this comment.]
// Start the application
ko.applyBindings({ route: router.currentRoute });
Following code worked for me:
import pdfMake from "pdfmake/build/pdfmake";
import pdfFonts from "pdfmake/build/vfs_fonts";
pdfMake.vfs = pdfFonts.pdfMake.vfs;
I battled with this recently on stackblitz when using it with angular. the issue was pdfmake.vfs on the window object was not being set. so i had to manually set it in the constructor of my pdf service like so.
constructor() {
(window as any).pdfMake.vfs = pdfFonts.pdfMake.vfs;
I came across this issue and resolved it by including vfs_fonts.js just after the pdfmake Javascript file.
Here is my code, you should just need to set the file path to wherever your copy of the file is placed.
<script src="~/Content/DataTables/pdfmake-0.1.32/pdfmake.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Content/DataTables/pdfmake-0.1.32/vfs_fonts.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pdfmake/0.1.53/pdfmake.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pdfmake/0.1.32/vfs_fonts.js"></script>
please follow the hierarchy/dependency of links else it won't work
It is just the sequence of the files, add first the pdfmake and then vfs_fonts.
#Rijo solution worked in one file, but oddly enough refused to work in another file.
In the other file I had to use:
import pdfMake from "pdfmake/build/pdfmake";
import pdfFonts from "pdfmake/build/vfs_fonts";
// Wherever you call createPdf, you have to pass VFS
pdfMake.createPdf(docDefinition, null, null, pdfFonts.pdfMake.vfs).open();
I am looking for a way to create and include a single script which will house all my Google Analytics event tracking code. There are various points in my application where I want to be able to track clicks and interaction and I would like to be able to have all these functions in a single file.
My problem is I can't find a suitable way of doing that with RequireJS, which my site uses.
This is an example of what I would have. I'd like to target an anchor with a class of resend and trigger a GA event.
Sure that is simple enough, but I don't want to have to require a module everywhere I want to do event tracking. Is this necessary or is there a clearer/cleaner way to do it? I should point out I don't want to include Google Analytics as there are many tutorials on how to do that and I am already doing that through the traditional way of having it in the footer - it's only GA event tracking code I want to include.
This is my requireJS config.js:
require = {
baseUrl: '/assets/js',
paths: {
// Amcharts.
'amcharts': '/assets/vendor/amcharts/dist/amcharts/amcharts',
'amcharts.funnel': '/assets/vendor/amcharts/dist/amcharts/funnel',
'amcharts.gauge': '/assets/vendor/amcharts/dist/amcharts/gauge',
bootstrap: '/assets/vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min',
jquery: '/assets/vendor/jquery/dist/jquery.min',
jstz: '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jstimezonedetect/1.0.4/jstz.min',
pwstrength: '/assets/vendor/pwstrength-bootstrap/dist/pwstrength-bootstrap-1.2.7.min',
shim: {
'amcharts.funnel': {
deps: [ 'amcharts' ],
exports: 'AmCharts',
init: function() {
AmCharts.isReady = true;
'amcharts.gauge': {
deps: [ 'amcharts' ],
exports: 'AmCharts',
init: function() {
AmCharts.isReady = true;
pwstrength: {
deps: [
bootstrap: {
deps: [
// Apply the urlArgs here for cache busting.
require.urlArgs = requireBase.urlArgs;
This is how I ended up configuring my RequireJS config.js.
require = {
baseUrl: '/assets/js',
paths: {
'gaEventTracking': '/assets/src/js/crmpicco/gaEventTracking',
shim: {
'gaEventTracking': {
deps: [
// Apply the urlArgs here for cache busting.
require.urlArgs = requireBase.urlArgs;
There then exists a gaEventTracking.js in the /assets/src/js/crmpicco directory.
I'm new to working with RequireJS, and am trying to figure out shimming 3rd-party, interdependent scripts. Specifically, I'm trying to get the Stanford Crypto scripts imported.
Basically, the suite is comprised of the core (jsbn.js, jsbn2.js, base64.js, rng.js, and prng4.js), a basic RSA script (rsa.js), and an extended RSA script (rsa2.js).
rsa.js defines the global variable-object RSAKey, and rsa2.js references it.
function RSAKey() {
this.n = null;
this.e = 0;
this.d = null;
this.p = null;
this.q = null;
this.dmp1 = null;
this.dmq1 = null;
this.coeff = null;
I've set up my shim in a way that I thought was correct, but I get the error "RSAKey is not defined" in rsa2.js. The following is my shim:
paths: {
'jsbn': "../StanfordRSA/jsbn.js",
'jsbn2': "../StanfordRSA/jsbn2.js",
'base64': "../StanfordRSA/base64.js",
'rng': "../StanfordRSA/rng.js",
'prng4': "../StanfordRSA/prng4.js",
'rsa': "../StanfordRSA/rsa.js",
'rsa2': "../StanfordRSA/rsa2.js"
shim: {
'rsa': {
deps: ['jsbn', 'jsbn2', 'base64', 'rng', 'prng4'],
exports: "RSAKey"
'rsa2': {
deps: ['rsa']
My understanding, then, is that if I set 'rsa2' as a requirement in one of my RequireJS modules, it would look at the shim and see that rsa2 is dependent on rsa, which is dependent on the core and exports RSAKey...But that's not what's happening, and it seems like either rsa isn't loading, or it isn't loading correctly. (Please note that all of this works using raw script tags. I'm trying to convert an already existing, already functioning webapp to RequireJS)
Your basic setup is correct, except for 2 things:
(really important!) You have to omit the .js extensions!!!
You probably have missed the exact dependencies between the scripts.
After some experimentation and reading the comments at the top of the scripts, the working configuration is:
paths: {
'jsbn': "../StanfordRSA/jsbn",
'jsbn2': "../StanfordRSA/jsbn2",
'base64': "../StanfordRSA/base64",
'rng': "../StanfordRSA/rng",
'prng4': "../StanfordRSA/prng4",
'rsa': "../StanfordRSA/rsa",
'rsa2': "../StanfordRSA/rsa2"
shim: {
'rng': {
deps: ['prng4']
'jsbn2': {
deps: ['jsbn']
'rsa': {
deps: ['jsbn', 'rng'],
exports: 'RSAKey'
'rsa2': {
deps: ['rsa', 'jsbn2'],
exports: 'RSAKey'
Check out a plunk here.
I'm using RequireJS (version 2.1.14) and would like to concatenate my JavaScript files into one single app-built.js.
I've created a little node module which reads my app.js, extracts the project paths and gets executed once I run node build in the js directory of my application.
The node module (build.js):
var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
directory = __dirname + path.sep,
requirejs = require(directory + 'vendor/r.js');
fs.readFile(directory + 'app.js', 'utf8', function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
} else {
data = data.replace(/'/g, '"').replace(/\s+/g, '');
var paths = data.substr(data.indexOf('{'), data.indexOf('}')),
paths = paths.substr(0, paths.indexOf('}') + 1),
paths = JSON.parse(paths);
function createAppBuilt(paths) {
var config = {
baseUrl: __dirname,
paths: paths,
name: 'app',
out: 'app-built.js',
preserveLicenseComments: false,
findNestedDependencies: true,
removeCombined: true
requirejs.optimize(config, function(buildResponse) {
var contents = fs.readFileSync(config.out, 'utf8');
console.log('Created app-built.js');
}, function(err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
var paths = {
'jquery': 'vendor/jquery-1.11.0.min',
// other paths
// Set language, necessary for validtaion plugin -> validation.js
if (Modernizr.localstorage) {
localStorage.getItem('language') || localStorage.setItem('language', navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage);
paths: paths,
shim: {
touchswipe: {
deps: ['jquery']
icheck: {
deps: ['jquery']
validate: {
deps: ['jquery']
mask: {
deps: ['jquery']
chosenImage: {
deps: ['jquery', 'chosen']
cookie: {
deps: ['jquery']
require(['globals', 'jquery', 'underscore'], function() {
var initial = ['main'];
if (!Modernizr.localstorage) {
require(initial, function(Main) {
$(function() {
if (!Modernizr.localstorage) {
$.cookie.json = true;
The app-built.js gets generated but when I include it in my index.php all the other modules get loaded as well. How can I prevent the loading of all modules and only load the app-built.js?
I recommend you look into http://webpack.github.io/
or http://browserify.org/ as these solve this problem for you.
They allow you to use require much as before, yet the code is compiled/concatenated into a single file.
Webpack allows for a bit more flexibility in loading different chunks of code for different parts of your site, but Browserify is the most well-known so far.
There may be a cost in switching over to these, as I don't think that they're 100% compatible requirejs, however they bring great advantages.
Here's someone's journey from RequireJS to Browserify with some Pros and Cons.
Separate modules into different files, e.g. app-built.js, user-built.js. Then load script when it's needed.
Here's a demo: http://plnkr.co/edit/s6hUOEHjRbDhtGxaagdR?p=preview .
When page loaded, requirejs only loads global.js. After clicking the Change Color button, requirejs starts to load colorfy.js and random-color.js, which required by colorfy.js.
I am not sure about the exact details, but, yet if you don't have an exports option, r.js doesn't define a named module for you, that causes to actually load the script.
I assume you have jquery plugins there so add this extra exports option:
shim: {
touchswipe: {
deps: ['jquery'],
exports: 'jQuery.fn.touchswipe'
This should force r.js to build a named module for touchswipe:
define("touchswipe", (function (global) {
return function () {
var ret, fn;
return ret || global.jQuery.fn.touchswipe;
Note that, exports option might not build this named module, in that case your best bet is to include this manually.
Again I am not sure about why and how this happens, It must be a bug in requirejs, it's unlikely there is a tweak for this.
Changing the r.js optimizer (to uglify2) solved the problem for me:
var config = {
baseUrl: __dirname,
paths: paths,
name: 'app',
out: 'app-built.js',
findNestedDependencies: true,
preserveLicenseComments: false,
removeCombined: true,
optimize: 'uglify2'
I have a requirejs module in which I am trying to load markdownjs. Here is the file:
define(function(require) {
'use strict';
var Backbone = require('backbone');
var blogCollectionTemplate = require('hbs!app.templates/blog.collection.view');
var BlogModelView = require('views/blog.item.view');
var markdown = require('markdown');
var BlogCollectionView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: blogCollectionTemplate,
initialize: function() {
render: function() {
return this;
renderAll: function() {
var that = this;
this.collection.each(function(blog) {
that.renderItem(new BlogModelView({model: blog}));
renderItem: function(blog) {
return BlogCollectionView;
Here is my require.config:
define(function() {
hbs : {
templateExtension : 'hbs',
disableHelpers: true,
disableI18n : true
shim: {
'backbone': {
deps: [
exports: 'Backbone'
bootstrap: {
deps: [ 'jquery' ]
DlHighlight: {
exports: 'DlHighlight'
'jqueryMockAjax': {
exports: '$.mockjax',
deps: ['jquery']
json2 : {
exports: "JSON"
'underscore': {
exports: '_'
paths: {
backbone: 'libs/backbone/backbone',
bootstrap: 'libs/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap',
DlHighlight: 'libs/hl/hl-all',
highlight: 'libs/highlightjs/highlight.pack',
jquery: 'libs/jquery/jquery',
jqueryMockAjax: 'libs/jquery-mockjax/jquery.mockjax',
markdown: 'libs/markdown/lib/markdown',
text: 'libs/text/text',
underscore: 'libs/underscore/underscore',
hbs: 'libs/hbs/hbs',
handlebars: 'libs/hbs/Handlebars',
i18nprecompile: 'libs/hbs/hbs/i18nprecompile',
json2 : 'libs/hbs/hbs/json2',
'app.templates': '../templates/'
Here is the strange behavior. In my initialize, when I hit the debugger, I have access to the markdown object that I have imported, BUT if I have try to use the markdown object, then it is always undefined. If I put markdown in the initialize or in one of the render methods, the markdown variable is undefined. It makes no sense, but is there some behavior that I dont understand about requirejs. Any ideas?
After reading the code of a bower installation of markdown-js, I found that what bower installs won't work with RequireJS as-is. Try adding this shim:
"markdown": {
exports: "markdown"
As to why were you able to get a value for markdown in the debugger without the shim, I believe you were getting it (perhaps without realizing it) from the global scope. Markdown-js installs itself into the global scope (window.markdown, which is then accessible as markdown if no other variable interferes with it) when it is loaded. This is speculation but it fits the facts.
You can require all of those modules in the define clause itself:
], function (
) {
'use strict';
// do stuff
Also, what do you mean by "If I put markdown in the initialize or in one of the render methods"? Do you mean actually explicitly requiring markdown in initialize and render? Is there any reason to not just load markdown in the define clause as labeled above?
If you are explicitly requiring markdown in initialize or render, I am not sure why that would return undefined, but let me know if moving requirements to the define clause fixes your issue (or if you can't do that). Perhaps you could post the code in the markdown module (if it's not a library that is)?