Ionic 3 - download a file to directory - javascript

I have the similar problem like here:
How to download file to Download's directory with Ionic Framework?
I got success alert after download but I can't see the file in an Android file explorer under the path displayed after succeed download: file:///data/user/0/io.ionic.fileTest/image.jpg
My code:
const fileTransfer: FileTransferObject = this.transfer.create();
const url = "";, this.file.dataDirectory + 'laska.jpg', true).then((entry) => {
const alertSuccess = this.alertCtrl.create({
title: `Download Succeeded!`,
subTitle: `was successfully downloaded to: ${entry.toURL()}`,
buttons: ['Ok']
}, (error) => {
const alertFailure = this.alertCtrl.create({
title: `Download Failed!`,
subTitle: `was not successfully downloaded. Error code: ${error.code}`,
buttons: ['Ok']
Could I somehow manage to save this file in e.g "Download" folder or "Documents"? I also tried changing destination path to:
cordova.file.externalRootDirectory + '/Download/'
In that case, I received error 1.
In many examples I see people use
but it looks like the window doesn't have this method for me. I use visual studio code and ionic 3.

You got little bit mistake in
instead of this.file.applicationStorageDirectory use this.file.dataDirectory

Working code that downloads a file to Downloads directory:
downloadFile() {"", this.file.externalRootDirectory +
'/Download/' + "soap-bubble-1959327_960_720.jpg").then()
getPermission() {
.then(status => {
if (status.hasPermission) {
else {
.then(status => {
if(status.hasPermission) {


I am downloading multiple files using electron-dl but progressbar is getting corrupted

I am developing an application using React and electron. I need to download 2 files. I am downloading two files with .exe and .svg extensions. However, because the .svg file is small in size, the download ends immediately. In fact, while there is a file with a total size of 5 megabytes, since the svg is 128kb, the progressbar reaches 100% when downloading the svg file. However, even though there are still 4.5 megabytes of undownloaded files, the download acts as if it's completely finished.
ipcMain.on('download', (event, info) => { = (status) =>
mainWindow.webContents.send('download progress', status);
download(BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow(), info.url,
.then((dl) => mainWindow.webContents.send('download complete', dl.getSavePath())
const downloadPath = path.resolve('/', './exes');
const downloadPathWindows = `${downloadPath}\\${index}`;
ipcRenderer.send('download', {
url: `${book.SmartBookUrl}`,
properties: {
directory: downloadPathWindows,
ipcRenderer.send('download', {
url: `${book.CoverImageUrl}`,
properties: {
directory: downloadPathWindows,
/*Progress Bar*/
ipcRenderer.on('download progress', (event, progress) => {
const progressInPercentages = Math.floor(progress.percent * 100);
/*Download Complate*/
ipcRenderer.on('download complete', (event) => {

Downloaded xlsx file with fileSaver is invalid when opened

I have written function where I want to download an xlsx file via a service. Download also works so far. But when I open the file I get the error message file extension or file format is invalid. How can I solve the problem?
// Service
getDownloadPlan(): Observable<any> {
const url = `/download-plan?sales-plan=0&personnel-plan=0&investment-plan=0&loan-plan=0&material-cost-plan=0`;
return this.http.get(`${environment.baseUrl}` + url, { responseType: 'blob'});
// TS
downloadPlanBwa() {
this.planBwaService.getDownloadPlan().subscribe(response => {
const downloadFile: any = new Blob([response], { type: 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' });
fileSaver.saveAs(downloadFile, 'Plan');
}, error => console.log('ERROR'),
() => console.log('SUCCESSFUL')
If i use the MIME-Type application/;charset=utf-8 this is for the xls-format then it works.
What do I need to change in my code to successfully open xlsx files?

React download an image from uri and put in static folder? [duplicate]

I am building an app with React Native, for Android and iOS. I am trying to let the user download a PDF file when clicking on a button.
react-native-file-download does not support Android
react-native-fs does nothing when I trigger downloadFile (nothing shows up on the notification bar), and I am not able to find the file after that. I added android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to the Android Manifest file. I double-checked that the file I am trying to download exists (when it does not, the library throws an error)
I do not find other solutions for this problem. I have found libraries for viewing a PDF, but I would like to let the user download the PDF.
Just implemented the download feature an hour ago :p
Follow these steps:
a) npm install rn-fetch-blob
b) follow the installation instructions.
b2) if you want to manually install the package without using rnpm, go to their wiki.
c) Finally, that's how I made it possible to download files within my app:
const { config, fs } = RNFetchBlob
let PictureDir = fs.dirs.PictureDir // this is the pictures directory. You can check the available directories in the wiki.
let options = {
fileCache: true,
addAndroidDownloads : {
useDownloadManager : true, // setting it to true will use the device's native download manager and will be shown in the notification bar.
notification : false,
path: PictureDir + "/me_"+Math.floor(date.getTime() + date.getSeconds() / 2), // this is the path where your downloaded file will live in
description : 'Downloading image.'
config(options).fetch('GET', "").then((res) => {
// do some magic here
If you're using Expo, react-native-fetch-blob won't work. Use FileSystem.
Here's a working example:
const { uri: localUri } = await FileSystem.downloadAsync(remoteUri, FileSystem.documentDirectory + 'name.ext');
Now you have localUri with the path to the downloaded file. Feel free to set your own filename instead of name.ext.
I Followed the solution from Jonathan Simonney, above on this post. But I had to change it a little:
const { config, fs } = RNFetchBlob;
const date = new Date();
const { DownloadDir } = fs.dirs; // You can check the available directories in the wiki.
const options = {
fileCache: true,
addAndroidDownloads: {
useDownloadManager: true, // true will use native manager and be shown on notification bar.
notification: true,
path: `${DownloadDir}/me_${Math.floor(date.getTime() + date.getSeconds() / 2)}.pdf`,
description: 'Downloading.',
config(options).fetch('GET', '').then((res) => {
console.log('do some magic in here');
GetItem_downloadbtn = (item, itemname) => {
console.log("fiel url comiugn jdd " + item);
console.log("item name checkoing " + itemname);
const android =;
const filename = itemname;
const filepath = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs.DownloadDir + '/foldernamae/' + filename;
const downloadAppUrl = item;
addAndroidDownloads: {
useDownloadManager: true,
title: 'great, download success',
description:'an apk that will be download',
mime: 'application/',
// mime: 'image/jpeg',
// mediaScannable: true,
notification: true,
path: filepath
.fetch('GET', downloadAppUrl)
.then((res) => {
// console.log('res.path ', res.path());
alert('res.path ', res.path());
android.actionViewIntent(res.path(), 'application/');
.catch((err) => {
alert('download error, err is', JSON.stringify(err));
I had the same issue, got it working using Expo WebBrowser Module
// install module
npm install react-native-webview
// import the module
import * as WebBrowser from 'expo-web-browser';
// then in your function you can call this function
await WebBrowser.openBrowserAsync(file_ur);
it will open preview of the file and then user can download using share button.

Meteor Files Storing a image url in Mongo collection

I'm really lost when it comes to file uploading in meteor and manage the data between client and server.
I'm using Meteor Files from Veliov Group to upload multiple images on the client side. They're getting stored in a FilesCollection called Images and I have my Mongo.Collection called Adverts.
Adverts = new Mongo.Collection('adverts');
Images = new FilesCollection({
collectionName: 'Images',
storagePath: () => {
return `~/public/uploads/`;
allowClientCode: true, // Required to let you remove uploaded file
onBeforeUpload(file) {
// Allow upload files under 10MB, and only in png/jpg/jpeg formats
if (file.size <= 10485760 && /png|jpg|jpeg/i.test(file.ext)) {
return true;
} else {
return 'Limit 10mb';
// if client subscribe images
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// if server publish images
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publish('files.images.all', () => {
return Images.collection.find();
What I'm trying to achieve is, when I upload the images, I wanna store the URLs on the document in Adverts that I'm working with (I'm using iron:router to access those documents _id).
I managed to get the URL but only for the first image uploaded, my code for what I saw on the docs:
imageFile: function () {
return Images.collection.findOne();
myImage: () => {
'change #fileInput': function (e, template) {
if (e.currentTarget.files) {
_.each(e.currentTarget.files, function (file) {
file: file
I was using a Meteor.Call to send the URL to the server, but I couldn't manage to update the document with a new property pic and the value url of the image
imageUpload: (actDoc, imgURL) => { // actDoc is the document id that I'm working on the client
Adverts.update({'reference': actDoc}, {$set: {'pic': imgURL}})
This is probably a dumb question and everything might in the docs, but I've readed those docs back and forth and I can't manage to understand what I need to do.
The answer for my problem was to do it server side
main.js server
FSCollection.on('afterUpload'), function (fileRef) {
var url = 'http://localhost:3000/cdn/storage/images/' + fileRef._id + '/original/' + fileRef._id + fileRef.extensionWithDot;
MongoCollection.update({'_id': docId}, { $set: {url: imgUrl }}})

Uploading file to PouchDB/CouchDB

I'm building a mobile app with Cordova. I am using PouchDB for local storage so the app works without internet. PouchDB syncs with a CouchDB server so you can access your data everywere.
Now, i've got to the point where I need to add a function to upload (multiple) files to a document. (files like .png .jpg .mp3 .mp4 all the possible file types).
My original code without the file upload:
locallp = new PouchDB('hbdblplocal-'+loggedHex);
function addItem() {
//get info
var itemTitle = document.getElementById('itemTitle').value;
var itemDesc = document.getElementById('itemDesc').value;
var itemDate = document.getElementById('itemDate').value;
var itemTime = document.getElementById('itemTime').value;
//get correct database
//add item to database
var additem = {
_id: new Date().toISOString(),
title: itemTitle,
description: itemDesc,
date: itemDate,
time: itemTime
locallp.put(additem).then(function (result){
console.log("Added to the database");
location.href = "listfunction.html";
}).catch(function (err){
console.log("someting bad happened!");
I'll add a link to a JSfiddle where I show my attempt to add the file upload. i've also included the html part.
link to jsfiddle: click here
I've noticed an error in the console about there not being a content-type.
Is there someone who can help me?
I think you're not setting the content_type of your attachment right. Try changing type to content_type like so:
var additem = {
_id: new Date().toISOString(),
title: itemTitle,
description: itemDesc,
date: itemDate,
time: itemTime,
_attachments: {
"file": {
content_type: getFile.type,
data: getFile
Also see the docs for working with attachments.

