combining knockout js with truffle app.js - javascript

I am learning on how to create a voting app with truffle and rendering on the screen everything goes well. So now I don't want to use vanilla js but want to add a framework to it, called knockout.js
I tried it in everyway but for some reason the knockout js is not working inside the app.js file given by truffle framework.
Here is the piece of code that works but it looks like the observables don't really work at all.
function AppViewModel() { // Loading the appviewmodel
var self = this;
App = {
web3Provider: null,
contracts: {},
account: '0x0',
init: function() {
return App.initWeb3();
initWeb3: function() {
// TODO: refactor conditional
if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined') {
// If a web3 instance is already provided by Meta Mask.
App.web3Provider = web3.currentProvider;
web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);
} else {
// Specify default instance if no web3 instance provided
App.web3Provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:7545');
web3 = new Web3(App.web3Provider);
return App.initContract();
initContract: function() {
$.getJSON("Election.json", function(election) {
// Instantiate a new truffle contract from the artifact
App.contracts.Election = TruffleContract(election);
// Connect provider to interact with contract
return App.render();
render: function() {
var electionInstance;
var loader = $("#loader");
var content = $("#content");
var name = ko.observable('masnad'); //added the observable!;
// Load account data
web3.eth.getCoinbase(function(err, account) {
if (err === null) {
App.account = account;
$("#accountAddress").html("Your Account: " + account);
// Load contract data
App.contracts.Election.deployed().then(function(instance) {
electionInstance = instance;
return electionInstance.candidatesCount();
}).then(function(candidatesCount) {
var candidatesResults = $("#candidatesResults");
for (var i = 1; i <= candidatesCount; i++) {
electionInstance.candidates(i).then(function(candidate) {
var id = candidate[0];
var name = candidate[1];
var voteCount = candidate[2];
// Render candidate Result
var candidateTemplate = "<tr><th>" + id + "</th><td>" + name + "</td><td>" + voteCount + "</td></tr>"
}).catch(function(error) {
$(document).ready(function () {
ko.applyBindings(new AppViewModel(), document.getElementById('vote_app'));
I have attached comments on the above code where the knockout js observables are used but unfortunetly in the HTML file they don't exist.
Here is the piece of code on the HTML file that should work..
<h1 class="text-center"><span data-bind="text:name"></span></h1>

Knockout is not able to find the observable because you initialized it as a local variable, i.e., as var name = ...
Instead, you need to make it a property of the viewModel instance using the this operator, because that's how you expose it to the HTML.
Try replacing that line with = ko.observable('masnad');


How to get utility function from helper file on node.js server?

I have a node/express server and I'm trying to get a function from a helper file to my app.js for use. Here is the function in the helper file:
CC.CURRENT.unpack = function(value)
var valuesArray = value.split("~");
var valuesArrayLenght = valuesArray.length;
var mask = valuesArray[valuesArrayLenght-1];
var maskInt = parseInt(mask,16);
var unpackedCurrent = {};
var currentField = 0;
for(var property in this.FIELDS)
if(this.FIELDS[property] === 0)
unpackedCurrent[property] = valuesArray[currentField];
else if(maskInt&this.FIELDS[property])
//i know this is a hack, for cccagg, future code please don't hate me:(, i did this to avoid
//subscribing to trades as well in order to show the last market
if(property === 'LASTMARKET'){
unpackedCurrent[property] = valuesArray[currentField];
unpackedCurrent[property] = parseFloat(valuesArray[currentField]);
return unpackedCurrent;
At the bottom of that helper file I did a module.export (The helper file is 400 lines long and I don't want to export every function in it):
module.exports = {
unpackMessage: function(value) {
Then in my app.js I called
var helperUtil = require('./helpers/ccc-streamer-utilities.js');
and finally, I called that function in app.js and console.log it:
res = helperUtil.unpackMessage(message);
The problem is that the console.log gives off an undefined every time, but in this example: (which is not node.js) it works perfectly. So I think I am importing wrong. All I want to do is use that utility function in my app.js
The unPackMessage(val) call doesn't return anything:
module.exports = {
unpackMessage: function(value) {
you need to return CCC.CURRENT.UNPACK(value);
module.exports = {
unpackMessage: function(value) {
return CCC.CURRENT.unpack(value);

Invalid Locator error

I tried to rewrite my tests in Page Object style but something goes wrong.
I use Class Tab and this is a part of my code:
var World = require('../support/world.js');
const isAllAjaxRequests = require('../scripts/util').isAllAjaxRequests;
const isElementLocatedAndVisible = require('../scripts/util').isElementLocatedAndVisible;
module.exports.Tab = class Tab {
constructor(data) { = "Base";
this.locators = {
'nextStepIsLocked': {xpath: '//md-tab-item[#aria-selected="true"]//div[#class="cc-status red"]'},
'isActiveTab': {xpath: '//md-tab-item[#aria-selected="true"]//span[text()="'+ data + '"]'}
waitForElement(bySelector) {
var driver = World.getDriver();
var self = this;
//var bySelector = self.locators[bySelector];
return driver.wait(isAllAjaxRequests(driver), waitTimeOut).then(() => {
return driver.wait(isElementLocatedAndVisible(bySelector), waitTimeOut);
tabIsOpen(tabName) {
var driver = World.getDriver();
var self = this;
var bySelector = By.xpath('//md-tab-item[#aria-selected="true"]//span[text()="'+ tabName + '"]');
return self.waitForElement(bySelector);
Code in util:
exports.isElementLocatedAndVisible = function isElementLocatedAndVisible(driver, bySelector) {
return new Condition('element is located and visible', function(driver) {
return driver.findElements(bySelector).then((arr) => {
if (arr.length > 0) {
return arr[0].isDisplayed();
else {
return false;
I tried to use is in my test:
this.Then(/^Tab "([^"]*)" is open$/, function (tabName) {
//var bySelector = tab.getLocator(isActiveTab);
return tab.tabIsOpen(tabName);
But I recieved an Invalid Locator error.
Via debug print I see thah I miss bySelector value when code go to exports.isElementLocatedAndVisible function. This is undefiened.
What I did wrong?
I suspect it is just missing of a parameter causing the issue.
In the following line:
return driver.wait(isElementLocatedAndVisible(bySelector), waitTimeOut);
add driver object as first argument and then bySelector, as follows:
return driver.wait(isElementLocatedAndVisible(driver, bySelector), waitTimeOut);
function is defined as follows:
function isElementLocatedAndVisible(driver, bySelector)
so, expecting driver object along with bySelector

AngularJS service inheritance issues

I have a base service which looks like this:
.service('BaseImageService', ['$q', 'ApiHandler', 'UploadService', function ($q, api, uploadService) {
// Get our api path
var apiPath = 'logos';
// Creates our logo
var _createLogo = function (model) {
// Handle our uploads
return _handleUploads(model).then(function () {
// Create our logo
return, model);
// Edit our logo
var _editLogo = function (model) {
// Handle our uploads
return _handleUploads(model).then(function () {
// Create our logo
return api.put(apiPath, model);
// Handles our files
var _handleUploads = function (model) {
// Create a promises array
var promises = [];
// Get our file
var file = model.file,
old = model.old;
// If we have a file
if (file) {
// Try to upload the file
promises.push(uploadService.upload(model.file).then(function (response) {
// Update our model
model.path = response.path;
model.thumbnail = response.thumbnail;
// If we have an old model
if (old) {
// Delete both our files
// After all promises have completed
return $q.all(promises);
// Create our service
var service = {
// Update our api path
updateApiPath: function (path) {
// Set the api path
apiPath = path;
// Gets a list of logos
list: function (t) {
if (t) {
// Get our logo
return api.get(apiPath);
// Get a single logo
get: function (id) {
// Get our logo
return api.get(apiPath, { id: id });
// Create our logo
save: function (model) {
// If we are editing
if ( {
// Edit our logo
return _editLogo(model);
// If we are creating
} else {
// Create our logo
return _createLogo(model);
// Deletes our logo
delete: function (id) {
// Delete our logo
return api.delete(apiPath, { id: id });
// Prepare for editing
prepareForEditing: function (model) {
// Create our old object
model.old = {
path: model.path,
thumbnail: model.thumbnail
// Return our service
return service;
and then I have a few services which "inherit" this service, like this:
.service('ImageService', ['BaseImageService', function (baseService) {
// Get our api path
var apiPath = 'images';
// Update the apiPath
// Return our service
return baseService;
.service('LogoService', ['BaseImageService', function (baseService) {
// Get our api path
var apiPath = 'logos';
// Update the apiPath
// Return our service
return baseService;
.service('PlayerTextService', ['BaseImageService', function (baseService) {
// Get our api path
var apiPath = 'playerText';
// Update the apiPath
// Return our service
return baseService;
I thought that this was working fine. But I have this page that calls all 3 services (ImageService, LogoService and PlayerTextService) sequentially. On the first view of the page everything is fine, if I navigate away and then come back the images service actually pulls back thing from the player text service. Now I know this is because of services being singletons but I am not sure how to fix my issue.
Can anyone give me a hand?
I have added a codepen with an attempted solution:
Attempt 2
The solution you tried doesn't work because the BaseService is a singleton. So you inject exactly the same instance into all three service registration functions and all of them configure the same object. So basically the last one wins.
Looks like you want to have separate services with different configurations. This is what providers are used for. They allow a two-step process of building a service instance. Please see this great Stackoverflow answer on the topic:
AngularJS: Service vs provider vs factory
For reference, Restangular is a library that needs to achieve exactly the same as you want. You could use this as a blueprint and see how Restangular handles this requirement:
Please be aware that these concepts are based on AngularJS 1 and you need to handle this differently when you want to use AngularJS 2 later on.
After a lot of messing around; I finally found a solution adapting this bit of code
My base service looks like this:
.factory('BaseImageService', ['$q', 'ApiHandler', 'UploadService', 'vectorExtensions', function ($q, api, uploadService, vectorExtensions) {
// Creates our logo
var _createLogo = function (model) {
// Handle our uploads
return _handleUploads(model).then(function () {
// Create our logo
return, model);
// Edit our logo
var _editLogo = function (model) {
// Handle our uploads
return _handleUploads(model).then(function () {
// Create our logo
return api.put(BaseImageService.apiPath, model);
// Handles our files
var _handleUploads = function (model) {
// Create a promises array
var promises = [];
// Get our file
var file = model.file,
old = model.old;
// If we have a file
if (file) {
// Try to upload the file
promises.push(uploadService.upload(model.file).then(function (response) {
// Update our model
model.path = response.path;
model.thumbnail = response.thumbnail;
model.fileName = response.fileName;
// If we have an old model
if (old) {
// Delete both our files
// After all promises have completed
return $q.all(promises);
// Addes a property to the image array to state if they are vector images or not
var _addVectorProperties = function (images) {
// Loop through our images
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
// Get our current image
var image = _addVectorProperty(images[i]);
// Return our images
return images;
// Adds a property to the image to state if it is vector or not
var _addVectorProperty = function (image) {
// Vector flag
var vector = false;
// Get our file extension
var parts = image.path.split('.');
// If we have any parts
if (parts.length) {
// Get our last part
var ext = parts[parts.length - 1],
index = vectorExtensions.indexOf(ext);
// If our extension exists in our vector array
if (index > -1) {
// Change our vector property
vector = true;
// Update our image with the new property
image.vector = vector;
// Return our image
return image;
// Create our service
var BaseImageService = function (path) {
// Set our apiPath
this.apiPath = path;
// Update our api path
this.updateApiPath = function (path) {
// Set the api path
apiPath = path;
// Gets a list of logos
this.list = function () {
// Get our logo
return api.get(this.apiPath).then(_addVectorProperties);
// Get a single logo
this.get = function (id) {
// Get our logo
return api.get(this.apiPath, { id: id }).then(_addVectorProperty);
// Create our logo = function (model) {
// If we are editing
if ( {
// Edit our logo
return _editLogo(model);
// If we are creating
} else {
// Create our logo
return _createLogo(model);
// Deletes our logo
this.delete = function (id) {
// Delete our logo
return api.delete(this.apiPath, { id: id });
// Set our active image
this.setActive = function (images, image) {
// Loop through our images
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
// Get our current image
var current = images[i];
// Set whether we are active or not = === ? true : false;
// Prepare for editing
this.prepareForEditing = function (model) {
// Create our old object
model.old = {
path: model.path,
thumbnail: model.thumbnail
// Return our service
return BaseImageService;
and the child services look like this:
.service('ImageService', ['BaseImageService', function (baseService) {
// Create our base service
var child = new baseService('images');
// Return our new service
return child;
.service('LogoService', ['BaseImageService', function (baseService) {
// Create our base service
var child = new baseService('logos');
// Return our new service
return child;
.service('PlayerTextService', ['BaseImageService', function (baseService) {
// Create our base service
var child = new baseService('playerText');
// Return our new service
return child;
That works fine.
Yes it append because it's singleton. You have to perform inheritance if you want to do this.
Here is a code that i use and append to angular :
angular.baseResourceServiceMaker = function(service){
return ['$injector', '$resource', 'TypeService', '$http', '_', 'BackEndpoint',
function($injector, $resource,TypeService, $http, _, BackEndpoint){
//skipping not interesting code
// sample fields to inherits
this.sample = "test";
this.sampleFN = function(){[...]}
// THE line that does the magic
$injector.invoke(service, this);
Now time of usage
.service('MyService',angular.baseResourceServiceMaker(['$http', function($http){
// overriding fields
this.sampleFN = function(){[...]}
So basically what do we have here ? A function baseResourceServiceMaker which represent a generic particular service. The $injector that call the service we want to instantiate and set the scope to the generic service, so the this on the child class will bind to the same reference than the generic class. The generic service will be instantiated as many times you call it, no confict.
I personally use this code for the resource module of angular to define some basic methods having a custom serializer / deserializer than handle dates and some other stuffs. In your case the baseResourceServiceMaker will be your baseImageService with ending with the $injector.invoke(service, this).
EDIT : found a link with something probably cleaner : AngularJS service inheritance
It becomes very easy if you use (or switch to) ES6 or TypeScript.
export class Base {
// . . .
import {app} from '../app';
import {Base} from './base';
export class Child extends Base {
// . . .
app.service('child', Child);
From your Attempt 1:
your BaseService looking for apiPath at global level,
while angular preparing dependency your last dependency is ImageService,
first it will prepare dependency then it will execute list() method,
all ways your apiPath will refer global level declared value, i.e apiPath = 'images'; from step2
Solution: use this operator in front of apiPath under BaseService and list().
working Plunker

Javascript--Breeze Manager Not Detecting Changes

I'm using the EntityManager from Breeze for the API portion of data-binding. However, the EntityManager fails to track the changes. It will execute the code like it's supposed to but it never recognizes the changes. What's the issue? Please, refrain from saying anything that is not constructive or any personal attacks. We're here as professionals and scientists(i know i am). Here is my code:
(function () {
var serviceId = 'UWRLService';
.factory(serviceId, ['$q', 'breeze', 'logger', 'appSettings', UWRLService]);
// console.log('Initialized UWRL Service.js');
function UWRLService($q, breeze, logger, appSettings) {
// console.log('inside datacontext -- UWRLService');
// configure logging for this service
logger = logger.forSource(serviceId);
var logError = logger.logError;
var logSuccess = logger.logSuccess;
var logWarning = logger.logWarning;
//Setup variables with common Breeze query classes
var entityQuery = breeze.EntityQuery;
// setup breeze entity manager
var serviceName = appSettings.apiUrl + '/breeze/Uwrl/';//Where the entire service is pointing to
var manager = new breeze.EntityManager(serviceName);
var entityStateChangeAction = breeze.EntityAction.EntityStateChange;
// expose methods
var service = {
getChangesCount: getChangesCount,
saveChanges: saveChanges,
rejectChanges: rejectChanges,
getDivisions: getDivisions,
getPools: getPools,
getRandomCust: getRandomCust
//createChangeFactorEntity: createChangeFactorEntity,
return service;
//Attaches a new entity to the Breeze repository
//Passes the name and an array of values to seed the entity with
//function createChangeFactorEntity(entityName, initialValues) {
// var newFactor = manager.createEntity(entityName, initialValues);
// return newFactor;
function getRandomCust()
var query = breeze.EntityQuery.from('alpha')
.where('customerNumber', '==', 1);
return executeQuery(query, 'Alpha found!');
function getDivisions()
var query = breeze.EntityQuery
//executeQuery([query name], [query title])
return executeQuery(query, 'Divisions Found');
function getPools()
var query = breeze.EntityQuery
return executeQuery(query, 'Pools Found');
//Saves changes and logs exceptions
function saveChanges() {
var hasChanges = manager.hasChanges();
return manager.saveChanges()
function saveSucceeded(saveResult) {
logSuccess("# of items saved = " + saveResult.entities.length, null, true);
function saveFailed(error) {
var reason = error.message;
var detail = error.detail;
if (error.entityErrors) {
//Do nothing
} else if (detail && detail.ExceptionType &&
detail.ExceptionType.indexOf('OptimisticConcurrencyException') !== -1) {
// Concurrency error
reason =
"Another user, perhaps the server, " +
"may have deleted one or all of the todos." +
" You may have to restart the app.";
} else {
reason = "Failed to save changes: " + reason +
" You may have to restart the app.";
logError(reason, error, true);
throw error; //Downstream: users know it has failed
//Discards changes in Breeze Manager
function rejectChanges() {
if (manager.hasChanges()) {
count = getChangesCount();
logWarning('Discarded ' + count + ' pending changes(s)', null, true);
//Returns (Nth-1) index of Breeze manager getChanges array
function getChangesCount() {
var ents = manager.getEntities();
var changes = manager.getChanges();
if (changes.length > 0)
alert("Changes made: " + manager.getChanges().length);
return manager.getChanges().length;
//Query Execution w/ toasters(logger)
function executeQuery(query, entityType) {
var promise = manager.executeQuery(query).then(querySucceeded, queryFailed);
return promise;
function querySucceeded(response) {
logSuccess(entityType + " query was successful", null, true);
return response.results;
function queryFailed(response) {
var message = response.message || entityType + " query failed";
logError(message, response, true);
throw error;
Controller (javascript):
(function () {
'use strict';
var controllerId = 'UWRLController';
// console.log('Initialized UWRLController');
//Last item in passed array is the Controller (specific)
['$scope', 'UWRLService', 'logger',
'$routeParams', 'allStatesService', UWRLController]);
function UWRLController($scope, UWRLService, logger, $routeParams, allStatesService) {
// console.log('inside UWRLController');
//Loggin Initialization
logger = logger.forSource(controllerId);
var logError = logger.logError;
var logSuccess = logger.logSuccess;
var logWarning = logger.logWarning;
var uwrl = {};
$scope.uwrl = uwrl;
//Parameters we pass from Renewal Group Maintenance screen
//uwrl.PlanCode = $routeParams.PlanCode;
//uwrl.Contract = $routeParams.ContractNumber;
//uwrl.Mch = $routeParams.Mch;
//Functions in Javascript Controller
//[scope].[property] = [function name]
uwrl.saveChanges = save;
uwrl.discardChanges = discardChanges;
uwrl.changesCount = changesCount();
// = select;
init();//Initialize all customer related data for page
function init()
gettingDivisions();//Initialze getting data from Division's table through UWRL-service.js
function gettingRandom()
uwrl.alpha = alpha;
uwrl.beta = uwrl.alpha[0].customerName;
function gettingDivisions()
.then(function (divisionNumber) {
uwrl.divisionNumber = divisionNumber;
function getAllFiftyStates()
.then(function (allStates)
uwrl.allStates = allStates;
function gettingPools()
.then(function (poolNumber)
uwrl.poolNumber = poolNumber;
//Clicking the Drop-down Button
//function select(change) {
// this.MchMcpPlanDesignId = change.MchMcpPlanDesign.MchMcpPlanDesignId;
// change.expanded = !change.expanded; //toggle back and forth
////.then = [if] success
////.fail = failure
////.finally = always executed despite evaluated conditionals
//function getPlans() {//returns a promise
// uwrl.loadingPlans = true;
// UWRLService.getChangeFactors(uwrl.Mch, uwrl.Contract, uwrl.PlanCode)
// .then(function (deltaChangeFactor) {
// uwrl.deltaChangeFactor = deltaChangeFactor;
// }).finally(function () { uwrl.loadingPlans = false; });
////Returns all data in ChangeFactorType table
//function getChangeFactorTypes() {
// UWRLService.getTypes().then(function (changeFactorTypes) {
// uwrl.changeFactorTypes = changeFactorTypes;
// });
//Clicking on Save Button
function save() {
console.log('Save Button Clicked!');
//Validation -- checks for empty values
//if (uwrl.changeFactorType != null && uwrl.effectiveDate != null &&
// uwrl.changeFactorAmount != null) {
// //Adds a new Breeze Entity for ChangeFactor table in SQL database
// UWRLService.createChangeFactorEntity('ChangeFactor',
// {
// MchMcpPlanDesignId: this.MchMcpPlanDesignId,
// ChangeFactorType: uwrl.changeFactorType,
// EffectiveDate: uwrl.effectiveDate,
// ChangeFactorAmount: uwrl.changeFactorAmount
// });
//Saves to Breeze Manager
//Must hit Art's ESB service -- to be researched
//Gets rid of changes and logs it
function discardChanges() {
console.log('Discard Button Clicked!');
//Notifies user(s) of changes made that are
//either: savable, discardable
function changesCount() {
// console.log("Changes Made: " + UWRLService.getChangesCount)//for debugging purposes
return UWRLService.getChangesCount;
The answer is to make sure to effect the model. For example: uwrl.alpha[0].customerName instead of urwl.beta

Azure mobile services and Ember.js

I learning Ember.js as Web-Client Windows Azure Mobile Services from this tutorial.
When I write:
Tothevoidjs.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
// admittedly, this should be in IndexRoute and not in the
// top level ApplicationRoute; we're in transition... :-)
model: function(params) {
return Tothevoidjs.Secret.findAll();
I get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Object function () {
if (!wasApplied) {
Class.proto(); // prepare prototype...
o_defineProperty(this, GUID_KEY, undefinedDescriptor);
o_defineProperty(this, '_super', undefinedDescriptor);
var m = meta(this), proto = m.proto;
m.proto = this;
if (initMixins) {
// capture locally so we can clear the closed over variable
var mixins = initMixins;
initMixins = null;
this.reopen.apply(this, mixins);
if (initProperties) {
// capture locally so we can clear the closed over variable
var props = initProperties;
initProperties = null;
var concatenatedProperties = this.concatenatedProperties;
for (var i = 0, l = props.length; i < l; i++) {
var properties = props[i];
Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports mixing in other definitions, use createWithMixins instead.", !(properties instanceof Ember.Mixin));
for (var keyName in properties) {
if (!properties.hasOwnProperty(keyName)) { continue; }
var value = properties[keyName],
if (IS_BINDING.test(keyName)) {
var bindings = m.bindings;
if (!bindings) {
bindings = m.bindings = {};
} else if (!m.hasOwnProperty('bindings')) {
bindings = m.bindings = o_create(m.bindings);
bindings[keyName] = value;
var desc = m.descs[keyName];
Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports defining computed properties.", !(value instanceof Ember.ComputedProperty));
Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports defining methods that call _super.", !(typeof value === 'function' && value.toString().indexOf('._super') !== -1));
Ember.assert("`actions` must be provided at extend time, not at create time, when Ember.ActionHandler is used (i.e. views, controllers & routes).", !((keyName === 'actions') && Ember.ActionHandler.detect(this)));
if (concatenatedProperties && indexOf(concatenatedProperties, keyName) >= 0) {
var baseValue = this[keyName];
if (baseValue) {
if ('function' === typeof baseValue.concat) {
value = baseValue.concat(value);
} else {
value = Ember.makeArray(baseValue).concat(value);
} else {
value = Ember.makeArray(value);
if (desc) {
desc.set(this, keyName, value);
} else {
if (typeof this.setUnknownProperty === 'function' && !(keyName in this)) {
this.setUnknownProperty(keyName, value);
} else if (MANDATORY_SETTER) {
Ember.defineProperty(this, keyName, null, value); // setup mandatory setter
} else {
this[keyName] = value;
finishPartial(this, m);
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
m.proto = proto;
sendEvent(this, "init");
} has no method 'findAll'
My app.js:
var Tothevoidjs = window.Tothevoidjs = Ember.Application.create();
var client = new WindowsAzure.MobileServiceClient(
Tothevoidjs.WAMAdapter = Ember.Object.extend({
table: null,
init: function() {
this.table = this.get('table');
find: function(record, id) {
var query = this.table.where({
id: id
return {, record.load, data);
findAll: function(klass, records) {
var _self = this;
return {, records.load, klass, data);
findQuery: function(klass, records, params) {
var query = this.table.where(params);
return {, records.load, klass, data);
createRecord: function(record) {
return this.table.insert(record.toJSON()).then(function(data) { {
record.load(, data);
/* Order and include as you please. */
My model file:
var attribute = DS.attr;
Tothevoidjs.Secret = DS.Model.extend({
id: attribute('number'),
body: attribute('string')
var client = new WindowsAzure.MobileServiceClient(
Tothevoidjs.Secret.adapter = Tothevoidjs.WAMAdapter.create({
table: client.getTable('secret')
And router:
Tothevoidjs.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
// admittedly, this should be in IndexRoute and not in the
// top level ApplicationRoute; we're in transition... :-)
model: function(params) {
return Tothevoidjs.Secret.findAll();
I do not understand what I did wrong. :(
Please tell me how to avoid this error or what I should read to understand it.
If you need to know version of Ember.js - it's from yeoman generator - 1.0.0
P.S. I'm newbie in web-dev.
Your tutorial is using the ember-model libray. But your current code use ember-data version 1.0.0.beta.x. Both are data libraries for ember, have similar api, but are different.
I recommend you to use the ember-model libray, so you will be able to finish the tutorial.
So, import the ember-model script, the source is here, make sure it comes after the ember.js script, and change your model definition to use ember-model:
var attribute = Ember.attr;
Tothevoidjs.Secret = Ember.Model.extend({
id: attribute('number'),
body: attribute('string')
I hope it helps

