Start live Flot Chart at 0 - javascript

I have a Flot Chart that is live and generates random numbers that displays on the chart. It is used only as a dummy so I don't need real live data. I want the chart to start at 0 on yaxis and 100 on xaxis to make it look as real as possible. Below is my code in the js file.
var data = [], totalPoints = 100
h = 0
function getRandomData() {
//h = h + 1
//return h
if (data.length > 0)
data = data.slice(1)
// Do a random walk
while (data.length < totalPoints) {
var prev = data.length > 0 ? data[data.length - 1] : 50,
y = prev + Math.random() * 10 - 5,
if (y < 0) {
y = 0
} else if (y > 100) {
y = 100
// Zip the generated y values with the x values
var res = []
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
res.push([i, data[i]])
return res
var interactive_plot = $.plot('#interactive', [getRandomData()], {
grid : {
borderColor: '#f3f3f3',
borderWidth: 1,
tickColor : '#f3f3f3'
series: {
shadowSize: 0, // Drawing is faster without shadows
color : '#3c8dbc'
lines : {
fill : true, //Converts the line chart to area chart
color: '#3c8dbc'
yaxis : {
min : 0,
max : 100,
show: true
xaxis : {
show: true
var updateInterval = 500 //Fetch data ever x milliseconds
var realtime = 'on' //If == to on then fetch data every x seconds. else stop fetching
function update() {
// Since the axes don't change, we don't need to call plot.setupGrid()
if (realtime === 'on')
setTimeout(update, updateInterval)
if (realtime === 'on') {
$('#realtime .btn').click(function () {
if ($(this).data('toggle') === 'on') {
realtime = 'on'
else {
realtime = 'off'
There is a button that calls the Flot chart into action and it works great but it looks too much like a staged chart. I need it start at 0 on the y-axis and 100 on the x-axis. Any information on how to go about this would be great and very much appreciated.

Fill your data array with zeroes before you start, then your update function starts adding random points one at a time instead of starting with 100 random data points:
for (var i = 0; i < totalPoints; i++) {
See this fiddle for a full example.
PS: Please end your code lines with a semicolon!


Spurious point is being added in the end C3 charts

I'm using C3 charts library to draw charts. I send data to the chart using two arrays, which are 'timeArray' and 'dataArray', one for the X-Axis and the other one for Y-Axis respectively. This simple logic was working fine.
Later I had to implement a change such that I had to take average of every three elements of an array and then make a new array and then plot the graph using averaged values.
I started facing a problem that a spurious point was being plotted on the graph. Whenever this error occurs, only one spurious point is added in the end. I've checked the arrays that are used to plot the graph, they do not have that spurious point. When I take the average of every three elements, I face this problem almost every time, however when I take average of 500 or 1000 points I face this error only sometimes.
As you can see in the code I have already tried removing the last point of the final array since the spurious point that was being added was always the last point in the chart. I've also tried changing the graph type, it did not help.
socket.on('get-avg-graph', function(data) {
// dataPoints = Points for Y-Axis
// mili = Points for X-Axis
var dataPoints = data.dataPoints;
var mili = data.mili;
var sumX = 0;
var sumY = 0;
var avgXGraph = 0;
var avgYGraph = 0;
var avgXArray = [];
var avgYArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < dataPoints.length - 999; i++) {
for (var j = i; j < i + 999; j++) {
sumX = sumX + mili[j];
sumY = sumY + dataPoints[j];
if (sumY !== 0) {
avgXGraph = ( sumX / 1000 );
avgYGraph = ( sumY / 1000 );
sumX = 0;
sumY = 0;
avgXGraph = 0;
avgYGraph = 0;
io.emit('get-avg-graph-response', avgXArray, avgYArray);
socket.on('get-avg-graph-response', function(avgXArray, avgYArray) {
plot_X_axis = [];
plot_Y_axis = [];
avgXArray.splice( -1, 1);
avgYArray.splice( -1, 1);
plot_X_axis.push.apply(plot_X_axis, avgXArray);
plot_Y_axis.push.apply(plot_Y_axis, avgYArray);
function drawChart() {
var graphTitle = $("#test_type_show").val();
dataArray = [];
dataArray[0] = "PRESSURE";
dataArray.push.apply(dataArray, plot_Y_axis);
timeArray = [];
timeArray[0] = "TIME";
timeArray.push.apply(timeArray, plot_X_axis);
if (chart==null) {
chart = c3.generate({
bindto: '#chart1',
title: {
text: graphTitle
data: {
x: 'TIME',
columns: [
type: 'spline'
axis: {
x: {show:false},
y: {show: true}
grid: {
x: {
show: true
y: {
show: true
point: {
show: false
} else {
x: 'TIME',
columns: [
type: 'spline'
chart.internal.xAxis.g.attr('transform', "translate(0," + chart.internal.y(0) + ")");
chart.internal.yAxis.g.attr('transform', "translate(" + chart.internal.x(0) + ", 0)");
I expect the output of the code to be the actual graph without any spurious data added anywhere.

How to control requestAnimationFrame for waves speed

I have to create a animation for waves . I need to control the speed of the waves depends on the availability of the data. Is it possible to speed up the waves. I'm using canvas for the waves.
Thanks in advance
function animate() {
if (x > data.length - 1) {
if (continueAnimation) {
if (x++ < panAtX) {
var temp = data[x];
var final = constant-(temp);
ctx.fillRect(x, final, 1, 1);
ctx.lineTo(x, final);
} else {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.beginPath(); // reset the path
for (var xx = 0; xx < panAtX; xx++) {
var y = data[x - panAtX + xx];
var final = constant - (y);
ctx.fillRect(xx, final, 1, 1);
ctx.lineTo(xx, final);
Sub sampling data
Below is an example of data sampling. It uses linear interpolation to subsample a data source and display that data on a rolling graph display.
Regularly interval data.
The data from your question and fiddle suggest that you have a constant sample rate interval and that you want to vary the display rate of that data. This is what I have done in the demo below.
About the demo
The graph is a real-time display of the data and its speed from left to right is dependent on the rate at which you call the sample function.
displayBuffer.readFrom(dataSource, dataSpeed, samplesPerFrame)
displayBuffer is the object that holds the displayable data
dataSource is the source of data and has a read and seek function and a readPos You seek to a position; move ahead 0.01 data samples and then read the data; and the linear interpolated value is returned.
This allows you to speed up or slow down data streaming from the source data.
The data reader object
// data reader reads from a data source
const dataReader = {
readPos : 0,
seek(amount){ // moves read pos forward or back
if( === 0){
this.readPos = 0;
return 0;
this.readPos += amount;
this.readPos = this.readPos < 0 ? 0 :this.readPos >= ? - 1 : this.readPos;
return this.readPos;
// this function reads the data at read pos. It is a linear interpolation of the
// data and does nor repressent what the actual data may be at fractional read positions
var fraction = this.readPos % 1;
var whole = Math.floor(this.readPos);
var v1 =[Math.min(,whole)];
var v2 =[Math.min(,whole + 1)];
return (v2 - v1) * fraction + v1;
Timestamped data source.
The demo can be adapted by adding to the dataReader.
If your data sample rate is irregular than you will need to add a timestamp for each sample. You then add a timeSeek function that is similare to seek but uses the slope between time samples to calculate the read position for a given time. It will require sampling of each sample from the current sampled time to the next (in the seek direction) making CPU cycles needed to seek indeterminant.
The following is an example seekTime that finds the readPos (from above dataReader object) for time shifted forward by the timeShift argument. the object's readTime and readPos properties are updated and the next read() call will return the data at dataSource.readTime.
readTime : 0, // current seeked time
seekTime(timeShift){ // Example is forward seek only
if(this.timeStamps.length === 0){
this.readPos = 0;
return 0;
this.readTime += timeShift; // set new seeked time
var readPos = Math.floor(this.readPos);
// move read pos forward until at correct sample
while(this.timeStamps[readPos] > this.readTime &&
readPos++ < this.timeStamps.length);
// Warning you could be past end of buffer
// you will need to check and set seek time to the last
// timestamp value and exit. Code below the following line
// will crash if you dont vet here.
//if(readPos === this.timeStamps.length)
// now readPos points to the first timeStamp less than the needed
// time position. The next read position should be a time ahead of the
// needed time
var t1 = this.timeStamps[readPos]; // time befor seekTime
var t2 = this.timeStamps[readPos+1]; // time after seekTime
// warning divide by zero if data bad
var fraction = (this.readTime-t1)/(t2-t1)); // get the sub sample fractional location for required time.
this.readPos = readPos + fraction;
return this.readPos;
Warning I have omitted all safety checks. You should check for buffer end, bad time shift values. If time stamped data has bad samples you will get a divide by zero that will make the dataReader return only NaN from that point on and throw for any reads. So vet for safety.
Note For the above time stamped function to work you will need to ensure that for each data sample there is a corresponding timeStamp. If there is not a one to one matching time stamp of each sample the above code will not work.
Changes to the dataDisplay are simple. Just change the seek call in the function
dataDisplay.readFrom(dataSource,speed,samples) to dataSource.seekTime(speed / samples) the speed now represents time rather than samples. (or I just overwrite the seek() function with seekTime() if I have time stamps) this allows the dataDisplay object to handle both timeStamped and regular interval data as is.
The example samples random data and displays it at variable speed and sampling rates. Use left right to set display speed. The framerate is 60fps thereabouts but you can make the speed variable scaled to the time between frames.
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// the current data read speed
var dataSpeed = 1;
var samplesPerFrame = 1;
requestAnimationFrame(mainLoop); // start animation when code has been parsed and executed
// data reader reads from a data source
const dataReader = {
readPos : 0,
seek(amount){ // moves read pos forward or back
if( === 0){
this.readPos = 0;
return 0;
this.readPos += amount;
this.readPos = this.readPos < 0 ? 0 :this.readPos >= ? - 1 : this.readPos;
return this.readPos;
// this function reads the data at read pos. It is a linear interpolation of the
// data and does nor repressent what the actual data may be at fractional read positions
var fraction = this.readPos % 1;
var whole = Math.floor(this.readPos);
var v1 =[Math.min(,whole)];
var v2 =[Math.min(,whole + 1)];
return (v2 - v1) * fraction + v1;
// Create a data source and add a dataReader to it
const dataSource = Object.assign({
data : [],
// fill the data source with random data
for(let i = 0; i < 100000; i++ ){
// because random data looks the same if sampled every 1000 or 1 unit I have added
// two waves to the data that will show up when sampling at high rates
var wave = Math.sin(i / 10000) * 0.5;
wave += Math.sin(i / 1000) * 0.5;
// high frequency data shift
var smallWave = Math.sin(i / 100) * (canvas.height / 5);
// get a gaussian distributed random value[i] = Math.floor(smallWave + ((wave + Math.random()+Math.random()+Math.random()+Math.random()+Math.random()) / 5) * canvas.height);
// Data displayer used to display a data source
const dataDisplay = {
writePos : 0,
width : 0,
color : "black",
lineWidth : 1,
// this function sets the display width which limits the data buffer
// when it is called all buffers are reset
setDisplayWidth(width){ = 0;
this.width = width;
this.writePos = 0;
if(this.lastRead === undefined){
this.lastRead = {};
this.lastRead.mean = 0;
this.lastRead.max = 0;
this.lastRead.min = 0;
// this draws the buffered data scrolling from left to right
var data =; // to save my self from writing this a zillion times
const ch = canvas.height / 2;
if(data.length > 0){ // only if there is something to draw
ctx.lineWidth = this.lineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = this.color;
ctx.lineJoin = "round";
if(data.length < this.width){ // when buffer is first filling draw from start
ctx.moveTo(0, data[0])
for(var i = 1; i < data.length; i++){
ctx.lineTo(i, data[i])
}else{ // buffer is full and write position is chasing the tail end
ctx.moveTo(0, data[this.writePos])
for(var i = 1; i < data.length; i++){
ctx.lineTo(i, data[(this.writePos + i) % data.length]);
// this reads data from a data source (that has dataReader functionality)
// Speed is in data units,
// samples is number of samples per buffer write.
// samples is only usefull if speed > 1 and lets you see the
// mean, min, and max of the data over the speed unit
// If speed < 1 and sample > 1 the data is just a linear interpolation
// so the lastRead statistics are meaningless (sort of)
readFrom(dataSource,speed,samples){ // samples must be a whole positive number
samples = Math.floor(samples);
var value = 0;
var dataRead;
var min;
var max;
for(var i = 0; i < samples; i ++){ // read samples / samples); // seek to next sample
dataRead =; // read the sample
if(i === 0){
min = dataRead;
max = dataRead;
min = Math.min(dataRead,min);
max = Math.min(dataRead,max);
value += dataRead;
// write the samples data and statistics.
this.lastRead.min = min;
this.lastRead.max = max; = value / samples - this.lastRead.mean;
this.lastRead.mean = value / samples;[this.writePos] = value / samples;
this.writePos += 1;
this.writePos %= this.width;
// display data buffer
var displayBuffer = Object.assign({ // this data is displayed at 1 pixel per frame
data : [], // but data is written into it at a variable speed
dataDisplay // add display functionality
// for control
const keys = {
ArrowLeft : false,
ArrowRight : false,
ArrowUp : false,
ArrowDown : false,
function keyEvent(event){
if(keys[event.code] !== undefined){
keys[event.code] = true;
function mainLoop(time){
if(canvas.width !== displayBuffer.width){
// rest is display UI and stuff like that
ctx.font = "16px verdana";
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
//var dataValue =displayBuffer.lastRead.mean.toFixed(2);
//var delta =;
var readPos = dataSource.readPos.toFixed(4);
//if( > 0){ delta = "+" + delta }
// ctx.fillText("Data : " + dataValue + " ( " +delta +" )" ,4,18);
ctx.fillText("Speed : " + dataSpeed.toFixed(3) + ", Sample rate :" +samplesPerFrame + ", Read # "+readPos ,0,0);
if(samplesPerFrame === 1){
ctx.fillText("Keyboard speed -left, +right Sample rate +up",0,0);
ctx.fillText("Keyboard speed -left, +right Sample rate -down, +up",0,0);
keys.ArrowLeft = false;
if(dataSpeed > 1){
dataSpeed -= 1;
dataSpeed *= 1/1.2;
keys.ArrowRight = false;
if(dataSpeed >= 1){
dataSpeed += 1;
dataSpeed *= 1.2;
if(dataSpeed > 1){ dataSpeed = 1 }
keys.ArrowUp = false;
samplesPerFrame += 1;
keys.ArrowDown = false;
samplesPerFrame -= 1;
samplesPerFrame = samplesPerFrame < 1 ? 1 : samplesPerFrame;
canvas {
border : 2px black solid;
<canvas id=canvas width=512 height=200></canvas>
Reading and displaying data this way is quick and simple. It is easy it add grid markings and data processing to the data source and display data. The demo (regular interval data) can easily handle displaying large data sources while zooming in and out on data. Note that for timeStamped data the above seekTime function is not suitable for large datasets. You will need to index such data for more effective seek times.

How to reduce a data graph but keeping the extremes

I have a database that has got a month full of datasets in 10min intervals. (So a dataset for every 10min)
Now I want to show that data on three graphs: last 24 hours, last 7 days and last 30 days.
The data looks like this:
{ "data" : 278, "date" : ISODate("2016-08-31T01:51:05.315Z") }
{ "data" : 627, "date" : ISODate("2016-08-31T01:51:06.361Z") }
{ "data" : 146, "date" : ISODate("2016-08-31T01:51:07.938Z") }
// etc
For the 24h graph I simply output the data for the last 24h, that's easy.
For the other graphs I thin the data:
const data = {}; //data from database
let newData = [];
const interval = 7; //for 7 days the interval is 7, for 30 days it's 30
for( let i = 0; i < data.length; i += interval ) {
newData.push( data[ i ] );
This works fine but extreme events where data is 0 or differs greatly from the other values average, can be lost depending on what time you search the data. Not thinning out the data however will result in a large sum of data points that are sent over the pipe and have to be processed on the front end. I'd like to avoid that.
Now to my question
How can I reduce the data for a 7 day period while keeping extremes in it? What's the most efficient way here?
In essence I think I'm trying to simplify a graph to reduce points but keep the overall shape. (If you look at it from a pure image perspective)
Something like an implementation of Douglas–Peucker algorithm in node?
As you mention in the comments, the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker (RDP) algorithm is used to process data points in 2D figures but you want to use it for graph data where X values are fixed. I modified this Javascript implementation of the algorithm provided by M Oehm to consider only the vertical (Y) distance in the calculations.
On the other hand, data smoothing is often suggested to reduce the number of data points in a graph (see this post by csgillespie).
In order to compare the two methods, I made a small test program. The Reset button creates new test data. An algorithm can be selected and applied to obtain a reduced number of points, separated by the specified interval. In the case of the RDP algorithm however, the resulting points are not evenly spaced. To get the same number of points as for the specified interval, I run the calculations iteratively, adjusting the espilon value each time until the correct number of points is reached.
From my tests, the RDP algorithm gives much better results. The only downside is that the spacing between points varies. I don't think that this can be avoided, given that we want to keep the extreme points which are not evenly distributed in the original data.
Here is the code snippet, which is better seen in Full Page mode:
var svgns = '';
var graph = document.getElementById('graph1');
var grpRawData = document.getElementById('grpRawData');
var grpCalculatedData = document.getElementById('grpCalculatedData');
var btnReset = document.getElementById('btnReset');
var cmbMethod = document.getElementById('cmbMethod');
var btnAddCalculated = document.getElementById('btnAddCalculated');
var btnClearCalculated = document.getElementById('btnClearCalculated');
var data = [];
var calculatedCount = 0;
var colors = ['black', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'orange', 'purple'];
var getPeriod = function () {
return parseInt(document.getElementById('txtPeriod').value, 10);
var clearGroup = function (grp) {
while (grp.lastChild) {
var showPoints = function (grp, pts, markerSize, color) {
var i, point;
for (i = 0; i < pts.length; i++) {
point = pts[i];
var marker = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'circle');
marker.setAttributeNS(null, 'cx', point.x);
marker.setAttributeNS(null, 'cy', point.y);
marker.setAttributeNS(null, 'r', markerSize);
marker.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', color);
// Create and display test data
var showRawData = function () {
var i, x, y;
var r = 0;
data = [];
for (i = 1; i < 500; i++) {
x = i;
r += 15.0 * (Math.random() * Math.random() - 0.25);
y = 150 + 30 * Math.sin(x / 200) * Math.sin((x - 37) / 61) + 2 * Math.sin((x - 7) / 11) + r;
data.push({ x: x, y: y });
showPoints(grpRawData, data, 1, '#888');
// Gaussian kernel smoother
var createGaussianKernelData = function () {
var i, x, y;
var r = 0;
var result = [];
var period = getPeriod();
for (i = Math.floor(period / 2) ; i < data.length; i += period) {
x = data[i].x;
y = gaussianKernel(i);
result.push({ x: x, y: y });
return result;
var gaussianKernel = function (index) {
var halfRange = Math.floor(getPeriod() / 2);
var distance, factor;
var totalValue = 0;
var totalFactor = 0;
for (i = index - halfRange; i <= index + halfRange; i++) {
if (0 <= i && i < data.length) {
distance = Math.abs(i - index);
factor = Math.exp(-Math.pow(distance, 2));
totalFactor += factor;
totalValue += data[i].y * factor;
return totalValue / totalFactor;
// Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm
var ramerDouglasPeuckerRecursive = function (pts, first, last, eps) {
if (first >= last - 1) {
return [pts[first]];
var slope = (pts[last].y - pts[first].y) / (pts[last].x - pts[first].x);
var x0 = pts[first].x;
var y0 = pts[first].y;
var iMax = first;
var max = -1;
var p, dy;
// Calculate vertical distance
for (var i = first + 1; i < last; i++) {
p = pts[i];
y = y0 + slope * (p.x - x0);
dy = Math.abs(p.y - y);
if (dy > max) {
max = dy;
iMax = i;
if (max < eps) {
return [pts[first]];
var p1 = ramerDouglasPeuckerRecursive(pts, first, iMax, eps);
var p2 = ramerDouglasPeuckerRecursive(pts, iMax, last, eps);
return p1.concat(p2);
var internalRamerDouglasPeucker = function (pts, eps) {
var p = ramerDouglasPeuckerRecursive(data, 0, pts.length - 1, eps);
return p.concat([pts[pts.length - 1]]);
var createRamerDouglasPeuckerData = function () {
var finalPointCount = Math.round(data.length / getPeriod());
var epsilon = getPeriod();
var pts = internalRamerDouglasPeucker(data, epsilon);
var iteration = 0;
// Iterate until the correct number of points is obtained
while (pts.length != finalPointCount && iteration++ < 20) {
epsilon *= Math.sqrt(pts.length / finalPointCount);
pts = internalRamerDouglasPeucker(data, epsilon);
return pts;
// Event handlers
btnReset.addEventListener('click', function () {
calculatedCount = 0;
btnClearCalculated.addEventListener('click', function () {
calculatedCount = 0;
btnAddCalculated.addEventListener('click', function () {
switch (cmbMethod.value) {
case "Gaussian":
showPoints(grpCalculatedData, createGaussianKernelData(), 2, colors[calculatedCount++]);
case "RDP":
showPoints(grpCalculatedData, createRamerDouglasPeuckerData(), 2, colors[calculatedCount++]);
margin-bottom: 6px;
<button id="btnReset">Reset</button>
<select id="cmbMethod">
<option value="RDP">Ramer-Douglas-Peucker</option>
<option value="Gaussian">Gaussian kernel</option>
<label for="txtPeriod">Interval: </label>
<input id="txtPeriod" type="text" style="width: 36px;" value="7" />
<button id="btnAddCalculated">Add calculated points</button>
<button id="btnClearCalculated">Clear calculated points</button>
<svg id="svg1" width="765" height="450" viewBox="0 0 510 300">
<g id="graph1" transform="translate(0,300) scale(1,-1)">
<rect width="500" height="300" stroke="black" fill="#eee"></rect>
<g id="grpRawData"></g>
<g id="grpCalculatedData"></g>

how to display y-axis value to integers only in jqplot

How do i make the value of y-axis into integer?
i currently have this value 0.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0. i want to change it to some thing like this 0 1 2 3 etc....
thank you! cheers!
if i understand what you want, is to display in y axis integer values.
Try this,
min: 0,
tickInterval: 1,
tickOptions: {
formatString: '%d'
Override createTicks function and introduce new axis bool property - integersOnly.
// jqplot adding integersOnly option for an axis
var oldCreateTicks = $.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer.prototype.createTicks;
$.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer.prototype.createTicks = function (plot) {
if (this.integersOnly == true) {
var db = this._dataBounds;
var min = ((this.min != null) ? this.min : db.min);
var max = ((this.max != null) ? this.max : db.max);
var range = max - min;
if (range < 3) {
if (this.min == null) {
this.min = 0;
this.tickInterval = 1;
return oldCreateTicks.apply(this, plot);
Just to build on the top answer.
axes: {
yaxis: {
min: 0,
tickInterval: 1,
tickOptions: {
formatString: '%d'
Would just apply this to the yaxis. Helpful, if you have a bar chart or some other chart and you want to isolate the axis.
Try parseInt(y_axis)
(filler text, answer too short)

ExtJS - Stacked Bar Chart Conditional Coloring

EXTJS 4 - I am trying to customize the renderer function for the 'series' in StackedBarChart. I want to conditionally color the bars.
renderer: function(sprite, record, curAttr, index, store) {
return Ext.apply(curAttr, {
fill: color
return curAttr;
My Question is, how to find out which element its currently rendering. I want to give white color to the first element of each record in my data store/series.
Thank you.
I found a way to detect exactly which element is currently being rendered. First, you'll need the following override, which addresses several issues with the renderer parameters. It shouldn't affect the normal bar charts, but I haven't tested them.
drawSeries: function() {
var me = this,
chart = me.chart,
store = chart.getChartStore(),
surface = chart.surface,
animate = chart.animate,
stacked = me.stacked,
column = me.column,
enableShadows = chart.shadow,
shadowGroups = me.shadowGroups,
shadowGroupsLn = shadowGroups.length,
group =,
seriesStyle = me.seriesStyle,
items, ln, i, j, baseAttrs, sprite, rendererAttributes, shadowIndex, shadowGroup,
bounds, endSeriesStyle, barAttr, attrs, anim;
// ---- start edit ----
var currentCol, currentStoreIndex;
// ---- end edit ----
if (!store || !store.getCount()) {
//fill colors are taken from the colors array.
delete seriesStyle.fill;
endSeriesStyle = Ext.apply(seriesStyle,;
bounds = me.bounds;
items = me.items;
baseAttrs = column ? {
height: 0
} : {
width: 0
ln = items.length;
// Create new or reuse sprites and animate/display
for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
sprite = group.getAt(i);
barAttr = items[i].attr;
if (enableShadows) {
items[i].shadows = me.renderShadows(i, barAttr, baseAttrs, bounds);
// ---- start edit ----
if (stacked && items[i].storeItem.index != currentStoreIndex) {
//console.log("i: %o, barsLen: %o, j: %o, items[i]: %o",i,bounds.barsLen,i / bounds.barsLen,items[i]);
currentStoreIndex = items[i].storeItem.index;
currentCol = 0;
else {
// ---- end edit ----
// Create a new sprite if needed (no height)
if (!sprite) {
attrs = Ext.apply({}, baseAttrs, barAttr);
attrs = Ext.apply(attrs, endSeriesStyle || {});
sprite = surface.add(Ext.apply({}, {
type: 'rect',
group: group
}, attrs));
if (animate) {
// ---- start edit ----
rendererAttributes = me.renderer(sprite, items[i].storeItem, barAttr, (stacked? currentStoreIndex : i), store, (stacked? currentCol : undefined));
// ---- end edit ----
sprite._to = rendererAttributes;
anim = me.onAnimate(sprite, { to: Ext.apply(rendererAttributes, endSeriesStyle) });
if (enableShadows && stacked && (i % bounds.barsLen === 0)) {
j = i / bounds.barsLen;
for (shadowIndex = 0; shadowIndex < shadowGroupsLn; shadowIndex++) {
anim.on('afteranimate', function() {;
}, shadowGroups[shadowIndex].getAt(j));
else {
// ---- start edit ----
rendererAttributes = me.renderer(sprite, items[i].storeItem, Ext.apply(barAttr, { hidden: false }), (stacked? currentStoreIndex : i), store, (stacked? currentCol : undefined));
// ---- end edit ----
sprite.setAttributes(Ext.apply(rendererAttributes, endSeriesStyle), true);
items[i].sprite = sprite;
// Hide unused sprites
ln = group.getCount();
for (j = i; j < ln; j++) {
// Hide unused shadows
if (enableShadows) {
for (shadowIndex = 0; shadowIndex < shadowGroupsLn; shadowIndex++) {
shadowGroup = shadowGroups[shadowIndex];
ln = shadowGroup.getCount();
for (j = i; j < ln; j++) {
Here's the change list for renderer():
The second parameter is now mapped to the correct store item
The fourth parameter is now the store index number instead of the internal item number (worthless otherwise IMO)
Added a sixth parameter that tells the current segment index within the record, not counting other properties in the record that don't belong to the axis.
Example: for a record that looks like {name: 'metric': segment1: 12, segment2: 22}, the index for segment1 will be 0 instead of 1, because the first item in the record does not belong to its axis (it's the category name)
So, to answer your question, now you can use the renderer like so:
renderer: function(sprite, record, attr, storeIndex, store, col) {
// set the color to white for the first item in every record
return (col == 0)? Ext.apply(attr, { fill: '#fff' }) : attr;
If you want to set the color for a named item, you may also do it like this:
// let's say that every record looks like this:
// {name: 'metric one', user1: 23, user2: 50, user3: 10}
renderer: function(sprite, record, attr, storeIndex, store, col) {
// retrieve the segment property name from the record using its numeric index.
// remember that 'col' doesn't take into account other fields that don't
// belong to the axis, so in this case we have to add 1 to the index
var uid = Ext.Object.getAt(, col+1)[0];
// set the color to red for 'user2'
return (uid == 'user2')? Ext.apply(attr, { fill: '#f00' }) : attr;
For that last one, you'll need this function, which allows you to retrieve a property from an object using a numeric index:
* Returns the key and its value at the idx position
* #return {Array} Array containing [key, value] or null
Ext.Object.getAt = function(obj, idx) {
var keys = Ext.Object.getKeys(obj);
if (idx < keys.length) {
return [keys[idx],obj[keys[idx]]];
return null;
The index tells you which element is rendering. I've noticed however that in some situations renderer() is called 3 times before the elements start getting processed. I asked in the Sencha forums about this but to no avail.

