How to fetch/ get all the arguments of the function? - javascript

With JavaScript we have arguments property that lets us get the arguments of the function. I generally do it this way
function sum(){
var agumentCount = arguments.length;
var count =0;
var sumArguments = [];
// Fetching the arguments
while(count != agumentCount){
// function logic -- neglect this
var data = 0;
for(var i=0; i<sumArguments.length;i++){
return data;
// Calling the function
Is there better way of fetching the arguments, as this takes O(n), where n is the number of arguments for the function.

You can use this code it will not reduce complexity but it's much better approach to this kind of operation -
function sum() {
var arr = Array.from(arguments);
return arr.reduce(function(total, x) {
return total + x;
}, 0)
console.log(sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)); // 15

You could use ..., the spread operator to work with variable number of arguments:
function sum(...nums){ //The arguments are stored in the nums array.
var sum = 0;
return sum;
sum(1,2,3,4,5,6); //21
Check this out for more information.
Use the reduce function for more concise and readable code:
function sum(...nums){
return nums.reduce(function(add,num){
return add+num;
sum(1,2,3,4,5,6); //21

You do not need to fetch the arguments.
You can check if the first argument is an array and loop through that array.
function sum() {
let array= [],
ans = 0;
// Array check.
if (arguments[0] instanceof Array)
array = arguments[0];
else array = arguments;
// Sum all from array
const max = array.length;
for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) {
ans += array[i];
return ans;

arguments is like array because return item by index; has length property.
but actually it is not an array because it is not generated by constructor Array, therefor it doesn't inheritance the prototype functions of Array.
This is a defect for the design of JavaScript.
Lucky you can still "borrow" the prototype functions of Array to generate an actual array.
function a(){
var arr=Array.prototype.concat.apply(arguments);


How to double the numbers in an array of objects?

I want to double the key values in an array of objects and I always end up getting the last key:val in the list. I want to be able to print the whole array of objects doubled their values.
doubleArr = [];
function doubleSize (a,b) {
for(var i in a) {
if (a.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var doubleObj = {};
doubleObj[i] = b * a[i];
var results = doubleObj[i];
return doubleObj;
console.log(doubleSize({1:1,1:2,1:3,1:4,1:5}, 2))
I only get {1:10}. The goal is to get {1:2,1:4,1:6,1:8,1:10}. Thanks.
The primary issue with your code is that you cannot have duplicate keys in an object. Every key in an object must be unique; otherwise, you are essentially redeclaring the value associated with that key over and over (so, naturally, in your example, the key 1 will end up being associated with the last value you assign it: 5).
However, even if you used an object without duplicate keys, you still have the following issues:
Your doubleArr should not be declared in the global scope, but instead within the function; moreover, you don't need an array for what you're doing
Your code is actually constructing an array of objects rather than an object. If you want to return an object, you should build up an object with unique values in your function.
Here's an example of a modified version of your code:
function doubleSize (a,b) {
var doubleObj = {};
for(var i in a) {
if (a.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
doubleObj[i] = b * a[i];
return doubleObj;
console.log(doubleSize({1:1,2:2,3:3,4:4,5:5}, 2)) // Note the unique keys
However, I don't fully understand the need for objects. You could use arrays instead, and then replace all of your code with a simple one-liner using
var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
var doubledArr = => 2*x) // An arrow function that multiplies each value in the array by 2
You are using the same key for your objects 1. I am assuming that you don't need objects as they don't provide anything obvious to your code:
Edit If you insist on using objects, I have provided the second version also.
function doubleSize (a,b)
var doubleArr = [];
for(var i=0; i<a.length;i++)
return doubleArr;
console.log(doubleSize([1,2,3,4,5], 2))
function doubleSize2 (a,b)
var result = {};
for(var i in a)
result[i] = a[i]*b
return result;
console.log(doubleSize2({a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4,e:5}, 2))
You can't have duplicate keys in an object, you can have an array of objects with the same key though. Something like:
function doubleSize (a, b) {
var out = [];
for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
out.push({'1': a[i]['1'] * b});
return out;
console.log(doubleSize([{'1': 1}, {'1': 2}, {'1': 3}, {'1': 4}, {'1': 5}], 2));
function doubleSize (a,b) {
var midObject = {};
for(var i in a) {
if (a.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
midObject[i] = b * a[i];
return midObject;
console.log(doubleSize({1:1,2:2,3:3,4:4,5:5}, 5))

How to create a certain function with a for loop to add number as separate property

I'm very new to all this.
Create a function called countingArray that takes in an array and a number as arguments. The function should then:
Use a loop to count up to the number passed in
Add each number in the loop to the array as a separate property
Return the array
Then call the function with the provided empty array and number variable.
My code:
var emptyArray = [];
var number = 17;
function countingArray(array,num){
for (i=0;i<=array.length;i++){
return array;
Your question is unclear but the modified version of your code will count up to the number passed and place each increment into an array.
var emptyArray = [];
var number = 17;
function countingArray(array,num){
for (i=0;i<=number;i++){
return array;
You could
define all variables inside of the function,
use number for checking the upper bound of the for loop,
push the value of i to the array.
function countingArray(array, num) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i <= number; i++) {
return array;
var emptyArray = [],
number = 17;
console.log(countingArray(emptyArray, number));

can indexOf work on an updating array?

I understand that there are ways to get unique elements in an array. This question isn't asking about that. This question is asking why indexOf returns -1 for "kale" in the unique_vegetables array once it's already been added. Is there something about indexOf that makes it not work in this situation?
var vegetables = ["kale", "broccoli", "kale"];
function produce(){
var unique_vegetables = [];
unique_vegetables ={
if (v.length > 0){ //irrelevant check to make sure the string has characters
var k = unique_vegetables.indexOf(v);
return k < 0 ? v : null;
}else {
return null;
return unique_vegetables;
var t = produce();
console.log(t, "unique vegetables") /// ["kale", "broccoli", "kale"]
When you are using, there are 3 things that make it a whole.
Callback function
Return statement inside callback
Return from .map
Callback is the function that will be called on every iteration and will be passed 3 arguments viz., currentElement, index, and array itself.
Return from callback will initialize the value of this iteration in return array. This return array is a local array in .map and will not be accessible to you.
Return from map is the final step that returns the parsed local array pointed out in previous step. would look something like this in simple implementation:
function myMap(arr, callback){
var temp = [];
for(var i = 0; i< arr.length; i++){
temp[i] = callback(arr[i], i, arr);
return temp;
var a = [1,2,3,4,5];
var b = myMap(a, function(n, i, a){ return n * 2 })
Polyfill - MDN: You can refer it to check the actual code.
if (v.length > 0){
var k = unique_vegetables.indexOf(v);
if(k < 0) unique_vegetables.push(v);
unique_vegetables is an empty array until the map function finished and returned, so you need to change unique_vegetables while iterating.

JavaScript Remove Multiple Values from Array Using Filter and Loop

I'm new here and need some help with writing a function destroyer() to remove multiple values from an array.
The destroyer() function passes in an array and additional numbers as arguments. The idea is to remove the numbers from the array.
destroyer([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 2, 3)
Output: [1, 1]
destroyer(["tree", "hamburger", 53], "tree", 53)
Output: ["hamburger"]
destroyer([2, 3, 2, 3], 2, 3)
Output: []
Note: the examples only show 2 additional numbers to remove. But the function destroyer() should be able to remove any number of values (i.e. 4, 5, or 6 parameters).
However, my code does not produce the same result. Specifically, using console.log, I see that my filterer function does not loop properly.
1) Can anyone help me debug?
2) Any better way to write this function?
Thank you very much!!!
function destroyer() {
var args =;
var itemToRemove = args.slice(1);
var newArr = args[0];
function filterer(value) {
for (var i = 0; i < itemToRemove.length; i++) {
if (value != itemToRemove[i]) {
return value;
return newArr.filter(filterer);
Your filterer function can be much simpler:
function filterer (value) {
return itemToRemove.indexOf(value) === -1;
Using Array.prototype.indexOf() can be inefficient compared to object property lookup in terms of time complexity. I would recommend looping through the additional arguments once and constructing an object with target elements to be destroyed as keys. Then you can check if a given value is a target or not within a filtering callback that you pass to Array.prototype.filter().
function destroyer() {
var arr = arguments.length && arguments[0] || [];
var targets = {};
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
targets[arguments[i]] = true;
return arr.filter(function (x) {
return targets[x] === undefined;
One downside to this approach is that not all values in JS can be valid properties of an object, since properties must be strings. In this case, you're just using numbers as keys, and those numbers are implicitly converted to strings.
We can pass the arguments an extra parameter to our callback function in our filter() method.
function destroyer(arr) {
return arr.filter(filterer(arguments)); // Pass arguments
function filterer(args) {
return function(value) { // Actual filter function
for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
if (value === args[i]) // Seek
return false; // Destroy
return true; // Otherwise keep
This passes all 5 test cases for freeCodeCamp | Basic Algorithm Scripting | Seek and Destroy.
The following code will remove elements from an array. The elements it removes are defined by any extra parameters. ...remove is an ES6 feature that aggregates extra parameters into a single array.
I will iterate over the ...remove array and delete that element from the main array we are working on.
Here is a JSFiddle:
...extra_parameters is not supported in most browsers, you may want to use the arguments object.
function removeIndex(array, index) {if(index>-1){array.splice(index, 1);}}
function destroyer(array, ...remove) {
remove.forEach(function(elem, index) {
removeIndex(array, index);
var arr = ["tree", "hamburger", 53];
destroyer(arr, "tree", 53);
A simple function
function filter(arr, arg1, arg2){
var j = arr.length;
if (arr.indexOf(arg1) > -1 || arr.indexOf(arg2) > -1){
arr.splice(j - 1, 1);
For multiple arguments
A simple function
function filter(){
var j = -1;
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++){
j = arguments[0].indexOf(arguments[i]);
if(j > -1){
arguments[0].splice(j, 1);
return arguments[0];
you can call this function with no of args
filter([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], 1, 3, 5); //return [2,4,6,7,8,9]
filter([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], 1); //return [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
There are really good answers here, but you can do it very clean in this way, remember you have an objects option in filter method which you can use in the callback function, in this case i'm using it like : arguments[i] so I can check every value in the arguments array
function destroyer(arr) {
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++){
arr = arr.filter(isIn, arguments[i]);
function isIn(element,index, array){
if (element != this){
return element;
return arr;

new Function() with variable parameters

I need to create a function with variable number of parameters using new Function() constructor. Something like this:
args = ['a', 'b'];
body = 'return(a + b);';
myFunc = new Function(args, body);
Is it possible to do it without eval()?
Thank you very much, guys! Actually, a+b was not my primary concern. I'm working on a code which would process and expand templates and I needed to pass unknown (and variable) number of arguments into the function so that they would be introduced as local variables.
For example, if a template contains:
<span> =a </span>
I need to output the value of parameter a. That is, if user declared expanding function as
var expand = tplCompile('template', a, b, c)
and then calls
expand(4, 2, 1)
I need to substitute =a with 4. And yes, I'm well aware than Function is similar to eval() and runs very slow but I don't have any other choice.
You can do this using apply():
args = ['a', 'b', 'return(a + b);'];
myFunc = Function.apply(null, args);
Without the new operator, Function gives exactly the same result. You can use array functions like push(), unshift() or splice() to modify the array before passing it to apply.
You can also just pass a comma-separated string of arguments to Function:
args = 'a, b';
body = 'return(a + b);';
myFunc = new Function(args, body);
On a side note, are you aware of the arguments object? It allows you to get all the arguments passed into a function using array-style bracket notation:
myFunc = function () {
var total = 0;
for (var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++)
total += arguments[i];
return total;
myFunc(a, b);
This would be more efficient than using the Function constructor, and is probably a much more appropriate method of achieving what you need.
#AndyE's answer is correct if the constructor doesn't care whether you use the new keyword or not. Some functions are not as forgiving.
If you find yourself in a scenario where you need to use the new keyword and you need to send a variable number of arguments to the function, you can use this
function Foo() {
this.numbers = [].slice.apply(arguments);
var args = [1,2,3,4,5]; // however many you want
var f = Object.create(Foo.prototype);
Foo.apply(f, args);
f.numbers; // [1,2,3,4,5]
f instanceof Foo; // true; // "Foo"
ES6 and beyond!
// yup, that easy
function Foo (...numbers) {
this.numbers = numbers
// use Reflect.construct to call Foo constructor
const f =
Reflect.construct (Foo, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
// everything else works
console.log (f.numbers) // [1,2,3,4,5]
console.log (f instanceof Foo) // true
console.log ( // "Foo"
You can do this:
let args = '...args'
let body = 'let [a, b] = args;return a + b'
myFunc = new Function(args, body);
console.log(myFunc(1, 2)) //3
If you're just wanting a sum(...) function:
function sum(list) {
var total = 0, nums;
if (arguments.length === 1 && list instanceof Array) {
nums = list;
} else {
nums = arguments;
for (var i=0; i < nums.length; i++) {
total += nums[i];
return total;
sum() === 0;
sum(1) === 1;
sum([1, 2]) === 3;
sum(1, 2, 3) === 6;
sum([-17, 93, 2, -841]) === -763;
If you want more, could you please provide more detail? It's rather difficult to say how you can do something if you don't know what you're trying to do.
A new feature introduced in ES5 is the reduce method of arrays. You can use it to sum numbers, and it is possible to use the feature in older browsers with some compatibility code.
There's a few different ways you could write that.
// assign normally
var ab = ['a','b'].join('');
// assign with anonymous self-evaluating function
var cd = (function(c) {return c.join("");})(['c','d']);
// assign with function declaration
function efFunc(c){return c.join("");}
var efArray = ['e','f'];
var ef = efFunc(efArray);
// assign with function by name
var doFunc = function(a,b) {return window[b](a);}
var ghArray = ['g','h'];
var ghFunc = function(c){return c.join("");}
var gh = doFunc(ghArray,'ghFunc');
// assign with Class and lookup table
var Function_ = function(a,b) {
this.val = '';
this.body = b.substr(0,b.indexOf('('));
this.args = b.substr(b.indexOf('(')+1,b.lastIndexOf(')')-b.indexOf('(')-1);
switch (this.body) {
case "return":
switch (this.args) {
case "a + b": this.val = a.join(''); break;
var args = ['i', 'j'];
var body = 'return(a + b);';
var ij = new Function_(args, body);
Maybe you want an annoymous function to call an arbitary function.
// user string function
var userFunction = 'function x(...args) { return args.length}';
Wrap it
var annoyFn = Function('return function x(...args) { return args.length}')()
// now call it
new Function(...)
Declaring function in this way causes
the function not to be compiled, and
is potentially slower than the other
ways of declaring functions.
Let is examine it with JSLitmus and run a small test script:
<script src="JSLitmus.js"></script>
JSLitmus.test("new Function ... ", function() {
return new Function("for(var i=0; i<100; i++) {}");
JSLitmus.test("function() ...", function() {
return (function() { for(var i=0; i<100; i++) {} });
What I did above is create a function expression and function constructor performing same operation. The result is as follows:
FireFox Performance Result
IE Performance Result
Based on facts I recommend to use function expression instead of function constructor
var a = function() {
var result = 0;
for(var index=0; index < arguments.length; index++) {
result += arguments[index];
return result;
function construct(){
var globalVar=new construct();
var globalVar=new function (){
I prefer the second version if there are sub functions.
the b.apply(null, arguments) does not work properly when b inherits a prototype, because 'new' being omitted, the base constructor is not invoked.
In this sample i used lodash:
function _evalExp(exp, scope) {
const k = [null].concat(_.keys(scope));
k.push('return '+exp);
const args =, function(a) {return scope[a];});
const func = new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Function, k));
return func.apply(func, args);
_evalExp('a+b+c', {a:10, b:20, c:30});

