React doesn't re-render on props change - javascript

I am kinda new to react and to the webitself.
this is my render function
render() {
const {repositories} = this.props
return (
<div className='mt4 bt b--black-20 boardingbox scrollarea-content' style={{overflow: 'scroll', height: '100vh'}}>
{, index) => {
return <Note name={} desc={} key={index} onClick={ this.handleClick.bind(this) }/>
The repositories is changing the way I want, but for some reason the its not get re-rendered. I passing the repositiores property from the parent.
The first time I render it (click to the search button, get a response from the server, and set the repo array), its working fine. But at the 2nd search, when there is something in the array, its not working properly, and not re-render.
The parent's render / onClick
render() {
const {repositories} = this.state
return (
<div className='w-third navpanel br b--black-20'>
<SearchBar onClick={this.onClick} onChange={this.onChange}/>
<RepoList repositories={repositories}/>
//<NewNote />
//<Tags />
//<NoteList />
onClick = (event) => {
const {searchTerm} = this.state
let endpoint = '' + searchTerm;
.then(blob => blob.json())
.then(response => {
this.setState({ repositories: response.items });
Search Comp:
constructor({onClick, onChange}) {
this.onClick = onClick
this.onChange = onChange
this.state = {
imageHover: false
render() {
return (
<div className='flex items-center justify-between bb b--black-20'>
<div className='ma2 inputContainer w-100'>
<input className='pa1 pl4 boardingbox w-100 input-reset ba b--black-20 br4 black-50 f6' placeholder='repos' type="text" onChange={this.onChange}/>
<div className='mr2'>
<div className='boardingbox pointer contain grow'>
<img src={(this.state.imageHover) ? NoteImageOnHover : NoteImage} alt=''
onMouseOver={()=>this.setState({imageHover: true})}
onMouseOut={()=>this.setState({imageHover: false})}
first responde
second responde

and I am really ashamed that I could screw up like this.
So basicly the problem was:
return <Note name={} desc={} key={index} onClick={ this.handleClick.bind(this) }/>
So I was as stupid to use INDEX as a KEY so I could not add again the same key to the array.
Thanks anyway guys! :)

The root cause most probably is due to error in function binding.
In your SearchComponent you are using the "props" to create function bindings in the contructor. This can cause your SearchComponent to refer to wrong instance of the functions for onClick and onChange. Would suggest referring to the official documentation for more details.
you do not need to rebind the functions in your SearchComponent, you can just use the functions received in props.
<input className='pa1 pl4 boardingbox w-100 input-reset ba b--black-20 br4 black-50 f6' placeholder='repos' type="text" onChange={this.props.onChange}/>
<!-- snipped other irrelevant code -->
<img src={(this.state.imageHover) ? NoteImageOnHover : NoteImage} alt=''
onMouseOver={()=>this.setState({imageHover: true})}
onMouseOut={()=>this.setState({imageHover: false})}
Why could be happening to cause this behavior
Remember, constructor is only called once the component instance is being constructed, once it has been created and remains alive, React lifecycles take over.
So, when you first render your screen, the component is created and since there is only 1 of everything, it kind of works.
When you run your first search: onChange/onClick callbacks modify the state of the parent component. Which then calls render on the parent component.
At this point, it is possible that your SearchComponent maybe holding on to the wrong instance of the call back methods, which would thus not set state on the parent and thus not force re-render.
Additional Notes on your constructor
Normally you shouldn't refer to props in your constructor, but if you need to, then you need to have it in the format below. Here are the relevant docs:
constructor(props) {
// other logic


prevent re render component using React and React-memo

I would like to prevent component re-rendering using React. I've read some guides but I'm still having trouble getting my code to work.
The CreateItem component creates an input form from the json object. When the input states change, React re-renders all components. I would avoid this situation as it causes some problems.
I have used React.memo but my code still doesn't work. Is this a good way to implement this code? How can I correct my code? Thank you
function MyComponent() {
<div className="row">
{Array.from(new Map(Object.entries(json))).map((data) => (
<CreateItem obj={data} />
//function CreateDiv(props) {
const CreateDiv = React.memo((props) => {
console.log("rendering ");
return (
<form name="myForm" onSubmit= {formSubmit}>
<div className="row">
{Array.from(new Map(Object.entries(props.obj[1]))).map((data) => (
{(() => {
<div className="col-sm-2">
<CreateItem obj={data[1]} />
--- EDIT ---
CreateItem uses CreateCheckBoxComponent function to create my custom checkbox with default status from json value.
CreateCheckBoxComponent code is follwing:
function CreateCheckBoxComponent(props) {
if(parseInt(props.obj.defaultValue) === 5)
HandleCheckBoxChange works fine and changes state, but when I click on checkbox to change the flag, CreateCheckBoxComponent is re-render and
it sets the default state again. I would like to avoid this problem and I think preventing re-rendering can be a solution..
React.memo only prevents own rerendering.
You have considered the following things.
If the children are using React.memo but the parent re-renders
the children will render also.
React.memo prevents re-rendering if the component's state changes. but if the prop changes, the component re-renders.
Note: make sure when you render elements/Components with the map function or any iteration always provide a unique key to them.
For more information click here

Accessing properties of a react component from the parent

I want to bundle some data together with a component. Here is an example of a SFC that has a property called name. I do not want to use the property name with the component named MyFormTab. Instead I would like to access this property from the parent component and assign it to be displayed within the parent.
const MyFormTab = (props) => {
const name =
return (
<div className='flex-center-col'>
<input type='email'></input>
<input type='text'></input>
I would then like to render this component inside a parent and use the name property for another purpose
const ParentOfMyFormTab = () => {
const [currentTab, setCurrentTab] = useState(1)
const Tab1 = <MyFormTab name='Tab1' />
const Tab2 = <MyFormTab name='Tab2' />
return (
<div id="tabTitles">
<h2 onClick={setCurrentTab(1)}></h2>
<h2 onClick={setCurrentTab(2)}></h2>
{currentTab === 1 ? <Tab1 /> : <Tab2 />}
Instead of an SFC, I could also use a class I'm thinking.
class MyFormTab {
constructor(name){ = name
return (
<div className='flex-center-col'>
<input type='email'></input>
<input type='email'></input>
My project is predominantly using hooks however. My team lead(who doesn't know React much) will probably be hesitant towards mixing class components with hooks. I've read on other posts that hooks can basically replace class components in most situations. I don't know how hooks could be better, or even be used in this situation.
What do you think would be a good way to do what I am trying to do? Is putting SFC's with hooks and class components into the same project a good idea? Am I looking at this whole thing wrong?
Thank you
In react props are passed only from parent to child. So you can just have a parent with that name value and passed it down if you want to.
Edited my answer to respond to you edit.
const MyFormTab = (props) => {
const name =
return (
<div className='flex-center-col'>
<input type='email'></input>
<input type='text'></input>
const ParentOfMyFormTab = () => {
const [currentTab, setCurrentTab] = useState(1)
const Tab1 = <MyFormTab name=`Tab1` />
const Tab2 = <MyFormTab name=`Tab2` />
return (
<div id="tabTitles">
<h2 onClick={setCurrentTab(1)}>Tab1</h2>
<h2 onClick={setCurrentTab(2)}>Tab2</h2>
{currentTab === 1 ? <Tab1 /> : <Tab2 />}
To you question about mixing class based and function components. You can't use hooks with class based components so don't, and there is no need to. I think you should learn more about the basics of react. If you need to share data with other components, the data should be in the parent component, passed to children or in a React context.

How to access ref that was set in render

Hi I have some sort of the following code:
class First extends Component {
myfunction = () => { this.card //do stuff}
render() {
<Component ref={ref => (this.card = ref)} />
Why is it not possible for me to access the card in myfunction. Its telling me that it is undefined. I tried it with setting a this.card = React.createRef(); in the constructor but that didn't work either.
You are almost there, it is very likely that your child Component is not using a forwardRef, hence the error (from the React docs). ref (in a similar manner to key) is not directly accesible by default:
const MyComponent = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
<button ref={ref}>
// ☝️ now you can do <MyComponent ref={this.card} />
ref is, in the end, a DOMNode and should be treated as such, it can only reference an HTML node that will be rendered. You will see it as innerRef in some older libraries, which also works without the need for forwardRef in case it confuses you:
const MyComponent = ({ innerRef, children }) => (
<button ref={innerRef}>
// ☝️ now you can do <MyComponent innerRef={this.card} />
Lastly, if it's a component created by you, you will need to make sure you are passing the ref through forwardRef (or the innerRef) equivalent. If you are using a third-party component, you can test if it uses either ref or innerRef. If it doesn't, wrapping it around a div, although not ideal, may suffice (but it will not always work):
render() {
return (
<div ref={this.card}>
<MyComponent />
Now, a bit of explanation on refs and the lifecycle methods, which may help you understand the context better.
Render does not guarantee that refs have been set:
This is kind of a chicken-and-egg problem: you want the component to do something with the ref that points to a node, but React hasn't created the node itself. So what can we do?
There are two options:
1) If you need to pass the ref to render something else, check first if it's valid:
render() {
return (
<MyComponent ref={this.card} />
{ this.card.current && <OtherComponent target={this.card.current} />
2) If you are looking to do some sort of side-effect, componentDidMount will guarantee that the ref is set:
componentDidMount() {
if (this.card.current) {
Hope this makes it more clear!
Try this <Component ref={this.card} />

ReactJS: Maintain data state between parent and child

There's a parent, <MessageBox /> element, which contains a list of messages stored in its state. For each message in messages, a <Message /> element is created inside <MessageBox /> which has fields for message.subject and message.body. A user can edit the message.subject and message.body and once done, the message object is sent back to <MessageBox /> through a props.updateHandler() to maintain the message state in the parent.
In my current approach, I'm storing the message data in MessageBox's state and in the render() function, I'm creating the <Message /> elements and passing a callback to each of them to send back data changes. In the callback, the updated data from each of the <Message /> elements is updated back into MessageBox's state. The reason for this is to keep all the recent updated data in one place only. The above approach creates havoc if shouldComponentUpdate() method in <Message /> is not overloaded (infinite recursion).
Is there a better approach for this? I've to write a lot of code just to override the builtin methods to keep the entire thing stable. As I'm not planning to go for Flux/Redux, is there a React-only approach for this?
EDIT: Since there's a lot of confusion, I'm adding minimal code.
class Message extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
subject: this.props.subject,
body: this.props.body,
type: this.props.type,
messageIndex: this.props.messageIndex
componentDidUpdate() {
this.props.updateHandler(messageIndex, {
subject: this.state.subject,
body: this.state.body,
type: this.state.type
render() {
return (
onBlur={e => this.setState({subject:})} />
onBlur={e => this.setState({body:})} />
onChange={e => this.setState({type:})}>
<option>Type 1</option>
<option>Type 2</option>
class MessageBox extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
messages: aListOfMessageObjects
updateHandler(message) {
// Message update happens here and returns a list updatedMessages
messages: updatedMessages
render() {
let _this = this;
var messagesDOM = => {
return (
updateHandler={_this.updateHandler.bind(_this)} />
return (
If that can help, read thinking-in-react. It explains how data should go only one way to avoid be lost in UI updates.
React ToDo MVC will provide you an example of React good practice on a real case
To know how to pass props from your parent to children read controlled-components. you'll have to use value and onBlur on each input. Any onBlur event will call this.props.updateHandler with e as parameter instead of e => this.setState({type:}).
Don't do a callback to MessageBox from componentDidUpdate() of Message. Do a callback directly from an action in Message.
You don't need state in Message component at all. Props will keep the values you are interested if you update parent's state properly.
What you need is something like:
<input type="text"
onBlur={e => this.updateSubject(} />
updateSubject: function(newSubjectValue) {
this.props.updateHandler(messageIndex, {
subject: newSubjectValue,
body: this.props.body,
type: this.props.type
That way the component will get re-rendered, but won't do another call to the parent's setState.

How to force remounting on React components?

Lets say I have a view component that has a conditional render:
if (this.state.employed) {
return (
<MyInput ref="job-title" name="job-title" />
} else {
return (
<MyInput ref="unemployment-reason" name="unemployment-reason" />
<MyInput ref="unemployment-duration" name="unemployment-duration" />
MyInput looks something like this:
class MyInput extends React.Component {
return (
<input name={}
value={this.props.value || null}
onChange={this.handleTyping.bind(this)} />
Lets say employed is true. Whenever I switch it to false and the other view renders, only unemployment-duration is re-initialized. Also unemployment-reason gets prefilled with the value from job-title (if a value was given before the condition changed).
If I change the markup in the second rendering routine to something like this:
if (this.state.employed) {
return (
<MyInput ref="job-title" name="job-title" />
} else {
return (
<span>Diff me!</span>
<MyInput ref="unemployment-reason" name="unemployment-reason" />
<MyInput ref="unemployment-duration" name="unemployment-duration" />
It seems like everything works fine. Looks like React just fails to diff 'job-title' and 'unemployment-reason'.
Please tell me what I'm doing wrong...
Change the key of the component.
<Component key="1" />
<Component key="2" />
Component will be unmounted and a new instance of Component will be mounted since the key has changed.
Documented on You Probably Don't Need Derived State:
When a key changes, React will create a new component instance rather than update the current one. Keys are usually used for dynamic lists but are also useful here.
What's probably happening is that React thinks that only one MyInput (unemployment-duration) is added between the renders. As such, the job-title never gets replaced with the unemployment-reason, which is also why the predefined values are swapped.
When React does the diff, it will determine which components are new and which are old based on their key property. If no such key is provided in the code, it will generate its own.
The reason why the last code snippet you provide works is because React essentially needs to change the hierarchy of all elements under the parent div and I believe that would trigger a re-render of all children (which is why it works). Had you added the span to the bottom instead of the top, the hierarchy of the preceding elements wouldn't change, and those element's wouldn't re-render (and the problem would persist).
Here's what the official React documentation says:
The situation gets more complicated when the children are shuffled around (as in search results) or if new components are added onto the front of the list (as in streams). In these cases where the identity and state of each child must be maintained across render passes, you can uniquely identify each child by assigning it a key.
When React reconciles the keyed children, it will ensure that any child with key will be reordered (instead of clobbered) or destroyed (instead of reused).
You should be able to fix this by providing a unique key element yourself to either the parent div or to all MyInput elements.
For example:
if (this.state.employed) {
return (
<div key="employed">
<MyInput ref="job-title" name="job-title" />
} else {
return (
<div key="notEmployed">
<MyInput ref="unemployment-reason" name="unemployment-reason" />
<MyInput ref="unemployment-duration" name="unemployment-duration" />
if (this.state.employed) {
return (
<MyInput key="title" ref="job-title" name="job-title" />
} else {
return (
<MyInput key="reason" ref="unemployment-reason" name="unemployment-reason" />
<MyInput key="duration" ref="unemployment-duration" name="unemployment-duration" />
Now, when React does the diff, it will see that the divs are different and will re-render it including all of its' children (1st example). In the 2nd example, the diff will be a success on job-title and unemployment-reason since they now have different keys.
You can of course use any keys you want, as long as they are unique.
Update August 2017
For a better insight into how keys work in React, I strongly recommend reading my answer to Understanding unique keys in React.js.
Update November 2017
This update should've been posted a while ago, but using string literals in ref is now deprecated. For example ref="job-title" should now instead be ref={(el) => this.jobTitleRef = el} (for example). See my answer to Deprecation warning using this.refs for more info.
Use setState in your view to change employed property of state. This is example of React render engine.
someFunctionWhichChangeParamEmployed(isEmployed) {
employed: isEmployed
getInitialState() {
return {
employed: true
if (this.state.employed) {
return (
<MyInput ref="job-title" name="job-title" />
} else {
return (
<span>Diff me!</span>
<MyInput ref="unemployment-reason" name="unemployment-reason" />
<MyInput ref="unemployment-duration" name="unemployment-duration" />
I'm working on Crud for my app. This is how I did it Got Reactstrap as my dependency.
import React, { useState, setState } from 'react';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
import firebase from 'firebase';
// import { LifeCrud } from '../CRUD/Crud';
import { Row, Card, Col, Button } from 'reactstrap';
import InsuranceActionInput from '../CRUD/InsuranceActionInput';
const LifeActionCreate = () => {
let [newLifeActionLabel, setNewLifeActionLabel] = React.useState();
const onCreate = e => {
const db = firebase.firestore();
label: newLifeActionLabel
alert('New Life Insurance Added');
return (
<Card style={{ padding: '15px' }}>
<form onSubmit={onCreate}>
onChange={e => {
<Button onClick={onCreate}>Create</Button>
Some React Hooks in there

