Cannot override data-aplay data attribute in jQuery on hover event - javascript

I am trying to disable the autoscroll function in my slider on hover, and similarly when I move the mouse away, begin the slider once again. The data attribute isn't getting updated. Even though it's showing in console.
HTML code:
<div id="featured" class="swiper-container gloria-sliders events-list-carousel swiper-container-horizontal swiper-container-undefined" data-item="3" data-column-space="1" data-sloop="true" data-aplay="4000">
As you can see, it is setting the data attribute data-aplay to 4000 by default.
Attaching script below:
$("#featured").hover( function () {
var featured = $('#featured').data('aplay','false');
}, function() {
console.log('not hovered');
When I hover, it displays:
But it doesn't update the data-aplay value, also when I remove the hover it displays
not hovered
If any additional info is required, please let me know. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank You
var stopScroll = setInterval(function(){ $(".metalhead").click(); }, 4000) ;
$('.oswald, .image a').click(function() {
stopScroll = setInterval(function(){ $(".metalhead").click(); }, 4000) ;
I am using setInterval and clearInterval now. It is working to some extent. But still not accurate
<i class="fa fa-angle-right metalhead" id="scroll" aria-hidden="true"></i>
So what I am doing now is adding a function to click on the right arrow every 4 seconds. So on mouseover I am using clearInterval to remove the timer and on mouseout using setInterval to revert back to 4 seconds.
I have also added another function, which stops the slider when a particular item is clicked. Still not confident it is working correctly though.

I do believe it is changing the data property properly, only that does not update the view of the attribute, try something like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
var featured=$('#featured');
featured.hover( function () {
}, function() {
console.log('not hovered');
featured.attr('data-aplay', '4000')'aplay','4000');


CSS/Javascript Mouseover Popup box

I have table cell with a javascript/css content box that pops up upon mouseover.
There are 20 cells on the page. Everything is working correctly, in that when you mouseover the product link, you see the content box. However, I want to put a LINK inside the content box that the user can click on if they choose. So, the popup box has to stay up long enough for the user to mouseover to click the link.
Really, I want the OnMouseOver to stay open until either a second or two has gone by and/or the user OnMouseOver's another cell.
The problem I'm having is that the pop up box doesn't stay open (due to OnMouseOut) to click the link. If I turn OnMouseOut off (which I tried), then all the pop up boxes just stay open, so this doesn't do the job either.
My CSS looks like this:
<style type="text/css" title="">
.NameHighlights {position:relative; }
.NameHighlights div {display: none;}
.NameHighlightsHover {position:relative;}
.NameHighlightsHover div {display:block;position:absolute;width: 15em;top:1.3em;*top:20px;left:70px;z-index:1000;}
And the html:
<span class="NameHighlights" onMouseOver="javascript:this.className='NameHighlightsHover'" onMouseOut="javascript:this.className='NameHighlights'">
Product 1
# of Votes: 123<br>
% Liked<br>
<a href="product review link>See User reviews</a>
So, how can I make the pop up box stay open long enough to click on the link, but also make it disappear if another content box is activated?
Thanks in advance.
You have to improve your HTML markup for this task, need to get rid of inline event handlers:
<span class="NameHighlights">
Product 1
# of Votes: 123<br>
% Liked<br>
See User reviews
Then you have to bind your events to all .NameHighlights spans:
var span = document.querySelectorAll('.NameHighlights');
for (var i = span.length; i--;) {
(function () {
var t;
span[i].onmouseover = function () {
this.className = 'NameHighlightsHover';
span[i].onmouseout = function () {
var self = this;
t = setTimeout(function () {
self.className = 'NameHighlights';
}, 300);
So the idea is to use setTimeout method.
Notes: I used querySelectorAll which is not supported by IE7, if you need to support it then you can use any of implementations of the getElementsByClassName method.
In case anyone is looking for a jQuery version of the accepted answer:
var t;
$(this).attr('class', 'NameHighlightsHover');
t = setTimeout(function() {
//$(this).attr('class', 'NameHighlights');
}, 300);
function hideAll() {
$('span.NameHighlightsHover').each(function(index) {
console.log('insde hideAll');
$(this).attr('class', 'NameHighlights');

jQuery slide changing with index and fadeout -- jumpiness

I am working on a jQuery slideshow plugin. One of my methods involves switching back and forth between pictures. I have been pretty successful in creating it, here is an isolated case with the code thus far for the particular method:
var images = $("#simpleslides").children("img");
$(".slideButtons ul li").on("click", "a", function() {
var anchorIndex = $(this).parent().index();
var $activeSlide = $("#simpleslides img:visible");
var $targetSlide = $(images[anchorIndex]);
if($activeSlide.attr("src") == $targetSlide.attr("src") || $":animated")) {
return false;
} else {
$activeSlide.css({ "z-index" : 0 });
$targetSlide.css({ "z-index" : 1 });
$targetSlide.stop().fadeIn("slow", function() {
Here is a fiddle to see it in working action:
For the most part, this works as you would expect it to. When a user clicks on the corresponding number, it fades in the picture.
However, I am running into some jumpiness and occasionally a complete hide of the slides when I am clicking around quickly. If you play with the fiddle, you will see what I am referring to Try clicking around on each image to see.
I have adopted stop which I thought would fix the problem but has not. I have put the hide method after the fadeIn callback, but that has also not helped the situation.
What am I doing wrong here??
var images = $("#simpleslides").find("img");
$(".slideButtons ul").on("click", "li", function(e) {
var i = $(this).index();

hide one div when another is showing in jQuery?

I am trying to hide a div when another one is visible.
I have div 1 and div 2.
If div 2 is showing then div 1 should hide and if div 2 is not showing then div 1 should be visible/unhide.
The function would need to be function/document ready upon page load.
I've tried this but I'm not having any luck, can someone please show me how I can do this.
window.onLoad(function () {
if ($('.div2').is(":visible")) {
} else if ($('.div2').is(":hidden")) {
Add a class of hidden to each div, then toggle between that class using jQuery. By the way, window.onload is not a function, it expects a string like window.onload = function() {}. Also, put fast in quotations. I don't know if that's required, but that's how jQuery says to do it.
<div class="div1"></div>
<div class="div2 hidden"></div>
.hidden { display: none }
$(document).ready(function() {
if($(".div1").hasClass("hidden")) {
else if($(".div2").hasClass("hidden")) {
You should pass a string to the .fadeIn() and .fadeOut() methods.
Instead of .fadeIn(fast) it'll be .fadeIn("fast"). Same for .fadeOut().
And in general since you're already using jQuery it's better to wrap your code like this:
$(function () {
// Code goes here
It looks like you're using jquery selectors (a javascript library). If you're going to use jquery make sure the library is loaded properly by including it in the document header (google makes this easy by hosting it for you <script src="//"></script>)
With jQuery loaded you can do it like this
if ($('.div1').is(":visible")) {
else if ($('.div2').is(":visible")) {
WORKING EXAMPLE: - just change display:none from div 2 to div 1 and click 'run' to see it alternate.
You can use setTimeout or setInterval to track if these divs exists
$(function() {
var interval = window.setInterval(function() {
if($('#div2').hasClass('showing')) {
if($('#div2').hasClass('hidden')) {
}, 100);
// when some time u don't want to track it
// window.clearInterval(interval)
for better performance
var div1 = $('#div1')
, div2 = $('#div2')
var interval ....
// same as pre code

JScrollPane Plugin - Reinitialize on Collapse

I'm trying to get JScrollPane to reinitialize on expand/collapse of my accordion found here. You can demo the accordion by clicking on one of the parents (Stone Tiles, Stone Sinks, Stone Wall Clading, etc).
Right now I set it as a click event using the following JQuery...
var pane = $('.menuwrap')
var api ='jsp');
var i = 1;
$("ul#widget-collapscat-5-top > li.collapsing").click(function() {
It seems to work when you click the parent the second time, but not the first. I have no idea why but I went into trying to edit the JS for the accordion so that I can add this function when the collapse is complete (as opposed to trying to do this click workaround). The collapse JS can be viewed here.
I tried to add the JS for the reinitialize function here, but I think I'm not doing something properly.
May you point me in the right direction?
The api.reinitialise() is working properly. What is happening is that it updates the size when you click, and at this moment the element is not expanded yet. You may notice that if you expand, colapse and expand again the same section, nothing happens. But if you expand one and then click another one, the ScrollPane will adjust to the size of the first expanded element.
You can solve this with events: place $(this).trigger('colapseComplete') when the colapse ends. Then you can use:
//Listening to the colapseComplete event we triggered above
$("#widget-collapscat-5-top > li.collapsing").on('colapseComplete', function() {
Maybe you can alter the addExpandCollapse function to call the reinitialise function at the end of each of its click actions this way :
function addExpandCollapse(id, expandSym, collapseSym, accordion) {
jQuery('#' + id + ' .expand').live('click', function() {
if (accordion==1) {
var theDiv = jQuery(this).parent().parent().find('span.collapse').parent().find('div');
createCookie(theDiv.attr('id'), 0, 7);
jQuery('#' + id + ' .expand .sym').html(expandSym);
expandCat(this, expandSym, collapseSym);
api.reinitialise(); // HERE
return false;
jQuery('#' + id + ' .collapse').live('click', function() {
collapseCat(this, expandSym, collapseSym);
api.reinitialise(); // and HERE
return false;
and to be on a safer side, make sure you have the var api ='jsp'); line before the above piece of code anywhere in the file.

jQuery conditionally change events depending on .html( 'string' ) values
Please feel free to change the heading if you think I've worded it wrong.
I'm running a wordpress site with multilingual control. And my menu/navigation is dynamic, controlled via the wordpress admin. The multilingual language plugin also changes the dynamic menu/navigation content, as well as page content.
My Contact button, which is in the dynamic navigation, opens a sliding menu using jQuery. Very simple animation using top css. The contact button is on the page twice, hence why I'm not using the .toggle for iterations. See jsFiddle.
var $button = $(".contact-button"),
// var for button which controls sliding div
$slide = $("#content-slide");
// var for the div which slides up and down
$button.on('click', function () {
// function for when button is clicked
if ($button.html() == 'Close') {
// run this if button says 'Close'
$slide.stop().animate({ top: "-269px" }, 300);
// close slide animation
// change text back to 'Contact'
} else {
// else if button says Contact or anything else
$slide.stop().animate({ top: "0" }, 300);
// open slide animation
// change text to 'Close'
Because I'm running multilingual on the site. The navigation spelling changes. See jsFiddle flag buttons for example. This is fine, the animation still runs OK, because it's using the button class 'contact-button'.
But because I'm using the .html to replace the text of the button to "Close" and then on the second iteration, back to "Contact" - obviously this is a problem for other languages, as it always changes to English 'close' and back to English 'Contact'
But my three languages and words that I need the iterations to run through are...
Contact - Close
Contatto - Cerca
Contacto - Chiudere
Can anyone help me expand my script to accommodate three languages, all my attempts have failed. The jsFiddle has the script.
The language functionality in the fiddle is only for demo purposes, so the iteration sequence can be tested from the beginning. I understand if you change the language whilst the menu is open (in the fiddle), it will confused it. But when the language is changed on my site, the whole page refreshes, which closes the slide and resets the sequence. So it does not matter.
Any pro help would be awesome thanks!!!
var $button = $(".contact-button"),
// Var for button which controls sliding div
$slide = $("#content-slide");
// Var for the div which slides up and down
$button.on('click', function () {
// function for when button is clicked
if ($button.html() == 'Close' || 'Cerca'|| 'Chiudere' ) {
// run this if button says Close or Cerca or Chiudere
$slide.stop().animate({ top: "-269px" }, 300);
// Close slide animation
$(function () {
if ($button.html(== 'Close') {
$button.html('Contact'); }
else if ($button.html(== 'Cerca') {
$button.html('Contatto'); }
else ($button.html(== 'Chiudere') {
$button.html('Contacto'); }
// Change text back to Contact in correct language
} else {
// else if button says Contact or anything else
$slide.stop().animate({ top: "0" }, 300);
// Open slide animation
$(function () {
if ($button.html(== 'Contact') {
$button.html('Close'); }
else if ($button.html(== 'Contatto') {
$button.html('Cerca'); }
else ($button.html(== 'Contacto') {
$button.html('Chiudere'); }
// Change text back to Close in the correct language
See my attempt script above which is not working on this jsFiddle.
Here's a working example:
When one of the language buttons gets clicked, it stores the strings for Contact and Close using jQuery's .data() method. Then, when the contact/close button gets clicked, it refers to those strings rather than having it hard-coded.
Here are the relevant lines of code:
$("#english").click(function() {
$("#spanish").click(function() {
$("#italian").click(function() {
if ($button.html() == 'Close') {
} else {
All you need to do to modify the "close" text appropriately is by editing the close property inside the calls to data() that occur in each of the click events.
You should never depend on label strings ... especially in a multilingual environment. Instead you should use placeholders that you store in an attribute (maybe using .data()). Then you write your own setters for the labels depending on the value of the attribute.
var myLabels = {'close': ['Close', 'Cerca', 'Chiudere'], 'contact' : ['Contact', 'Contatto', 'Contacto']};
var currLang = 2; // to select italian
// to set the label
$'mylabel', 'close');
if($'mylabel') == 'close') {
$'mylabel', 'contact');
} else {
$'mylabel', 'close');

