How can I repair this? - javascript

I want to change:
<b class="added-points">0</b>
in my website using javascript. I searched and found
document.getElementById("added-points").innerHTML = "9999999999999";
but it is for id and I search for class. How to do it?

If you use
document.getElementsByClassName("added-points")[0].innerHTML = "9999999999999";
<b class="added-points">0</b>
you will set the first ([0]) element in the array of elements with the class added-points to 9999999999999. Note document.getElementsByClassName gives you an array result even if there is just one item found.

Simply use document.querySelector(".added-points").

in chrome
document.querySelector(".added-points").innerHTML = "9999999999999";
in IE'*'), item => {
if (item.className.split(' ').indexOf('added-points') > -1) {
item.innerHTML = '9999999999999'


How to use jQuery to select deeply nested elements created dynamically with javascript

So I have an object in my code and I use js to add the properties of the object to an array named rec based on users interaction. then I use a function named unRec to get unique elements of the array. Then I add the values returned by unRec to the HTML. Then I use jquery to wrap each of the values in anchor tags. So the code is basically like this
obj= {
0: "<span>module1</span>",
1: "<span>module1</span>",
function unRec(arr){
preRec = [];
for (j of arr){
if (preRec.indexOf(j)=== -1) {
return (preRec);
Recom.innerHTML = unRec(rec);
$('#congrat #recom span').wrap('')
Now am unable to select the created anchors. Hence this function doesn't work
$('#congrat #recom .disp').click(function(e) {
var url = $(this).attr('href') + '#' + $(this).text();
$('#module').html('loading...).load(url); e.preventDefault();
I have tried to use find to select the anchors but it still doesn't work. This is the test
var t = $('#congrat #recom').find ('a').length;
The HTML is basically like this:
<div id="congrat">
<span id="recom"></span>
<div id="module">click on one of the modules above<div>
Please provide a solution to select the created anchors. Thanks in advance

Unable to click an element on element all

Unable to click on element all method. I am getting Object Object has no method filter. While researching I found out that it has to do with some strings. Please advise. Thanks
var sflag = $('a[ng-click="flagPhoto()"]');
browser.wait(EC.elementToBeClickable(sflag), 30000, "not clickable");
$('a[ng-click="flagPhoto()"]').filter(function(elem, index) {
return elem.getText().then(function(text) {
return text === 'flag for abuse';
}).then(function(filteredElements) {
You are not selecting multiple elements with this selector. Only the first found element will be selected:
Instead, use this:

Compare Elements via jQuery

I'm in a situation where I want to check if two elements (one is clicked and another one a reference) are the same, what I'm trying to do is:
$("#process li").click(function() {
currentElement = $(this);
referenceElement = $("#process li:first-child");
if (currentElement === referenceElement) {
So what I want is to check if the clicked <li> is the first child of the ul#process and if so first remove a .mark class from another element and then add it to the clicked one. I don't get any working result - ideas anyone?
Thanks you very much! This is my solution:
$("#processlist li").click(function() {
currentElement = $(this);
if ('li:first-child')) {
Now if I click on a , if it is the first child of this list, the class .mark is added - sweet!
Comparing objects in JS is very troublesome. The simplest way is to just pick a few key properties and compare those, eg:
if (currentElement.prop('id') === referenceElement.prop('id') {
// rest of your code...
However, given your use case you could use is:
if ('#process li:first-child')) {
// rest of your code...
Example fiddle
You need to extract the DOM element from the jQuery object. You can use the get method of jQuery for this.
e.g. if( currentElement.get( 0 ) === referenceElement.get( 0 ) )

Select element by element's content

I have list:
<ul class='mates'>
<li class='m' id='1'>Jakub</li>
<li class='f' id='2'>Vinnie</li>
<li class='m' id='3'>David</li>
How can I select 'li' tags "ONE BY ONE" to be checked if their content (between 'li' tags) is equal to 'xyz'.
element = document.getElementsByClassName('.mates').firstChield.innerHTML;
do {
//do something
}while (element = element.nextSibling);
but I'm not getting even far enough to select firstChild. This error is showing in console: "Cannot read property 'innerHTML' of undefined". This needs to be done in plain JavaScript. Any ideas?
<ul class='mates'>
<li class='m' id='1'>Jakub</li>
<li class='f' id='2'>Vinnie</li>
<li class='m' id='3'>David</li>
var mates = document.getElementsByClassName('mates')[0];
for (var i=0; i< mates.childNodes.length; i++){
if(mates.children[i].innerHTML == 'Vinnie') alert("Got you! ID "+mates.children[i].id)
Drop the dot in the parameter. Like this:
element = document.getElementsByClassName('mates').firstChild.innerHTML;
The dot is not a part of the name of the class.
EDIT also notice that the question originally had a typo in firstChild.
Your element variable is not an element (its value is probably undefined). It should work if you use it like this:
var element = document.getElementsByClassName('mates')[0].firstChild;
do {
if(element.innerHTML == 'foo'){
//do something
} while (element = element.nextSibling);
The code above fixes:
The class name as pointed out by #Renan
The typo in .firstChild
Also note that getElementsByClassName returns a list of elements, so you have to grab the first one in the list (index 0) to reach your <ul>.
Finally, keep in mind that you'll be looping over all children of the <ul>, including empty text nodes (see a demonstration at This can be avoided if you use firstElementChild and nextElementSibling, but I'm not sure if there are cross browsers issues with those properties (MDN only says it's Firefox 3.5+).
Few mistakes
Class name to getElementsByClassName should not have .
Spelling mistake in firstChild
getElementsByClassName returns an array, not a dom reference
When using nextSibling it could return text nodes also, you need to check the nodeType to make sure the element is a element node(nodeTye = 1), also you can check the tagName == 'LI'
var element = document.getElementsByClassName('mates')[0].firstChild;
do {
if(element.nodeType == 1){
}while (element = element.nextSibling);
Demo: Fiddle

JQuery | Find all "," (comma) in an <ul> and erase them / replace with ' '

<ul class="tabbox">
JQuery (My Idea - does NOT work)
$(".tabbox").replace(',' , ''); // This was my idea, and it does not work ..
How can I remove the , from the < ul > ?
It seems to me that you're asking the wrong question.
If the intent is to remove the spurious text nodes (which happen to contain commas) from between the <li> nodes, you should do this:
$('.tabbox').contents().filter(function() {
return (this.nodeType === 3);
Working demo at
Note the use of .contents() to ensure that text nodes are included in the results.
If instead you want to purify the code to remove anything that isn't an <li> from the <ul>, use this:
$('.tabbox').contents().not(function() {
return (this instanceof HTMLLIElement);
FWIW, since #ShadowWizard reports that this doesn't with with IE < 8.0 I tried:
and it didn't work. Reading the jQuery source it seems that pure string selectors completely ignore text nodes, but this does work:
$('.tabbox').contents().not(function() {
return $(this).is('li');
EDIT I've changed a couple of the examples above to use .not() instead of .filter() so as to remove the double negative.
One way to clean the list and leave only the list items is such code:
var list = $(".tabbox");
var items = $(".tabbox li");
items.each(function() {
Live test case:
This will not only remove comma but any other text or elements that do not belong there.
var tabbox = $(".tabbox"),
tabHtml = tabbox.html();
tabbox.html(tabHtml.replace(/,/g , ''));
This would replace all of them.
Although, why would you have a ',' after each li?
var tabHtml = $(".tabbox").html();
$(".tabbox").html(tabHtml.replace(/,/g , '')); //#Tomgrohl already answered it
My example makes use of the function parameter for .html().
$('.tabbox').html(function (index, oldhtml) {
return oldhtml.replace(/,/g, '');
jsFiddle Demo

