componentWillReceiveProps in Vue - javascript

I am new pretty new to Vue, and coming from a rather React-y suburb. I am rebuilding my SideNav ("drawer") component from the latter. There, when one clicked the button (not being related to the navigation per se), it setStateed this.state.toggle that was tied to appropriate
class thePage extends React.Component {
this.handleToggleClick = this.handleToggleClick.bind(this);
this.state ={
toggleState: false
// Slide out buttons event handlers
toggleState: !this.state.toggleState
render() {
const button = <a href="#" onClick={this.handleToggleClick}>here</a>
const isOpenWithButton = this.state.toggleState;
return (
<SideNav logo="logo.png" isOpenWithButton={isOpenWithButton}>
. . .
export default SideNavPage;
the SideNav looks as follows:
class SideNav extends React.Component {
this.state = {
isThere: false,
showOverlay: false,
this.handleOverlayClick = this.handleOverlayClick.bind(this);
componentWillReceiveProps(NextProps) {
if (this.props.isOpenWithButton !== NextProps.isOpenWithButton) {
isThere: true,
showOverlay: true
isThere: false,
showOverlay: false
render() {
const {
tag: Tag,
} = this.props;
let isThere = this.state.isThere;
let showOverlay = this.state.showOverlay;
const overlay = <div class="overlay" onClick={this.handleOverlayClick}></div>
const sidenav = (
{logo &&
<div className="logo-wrapper">
<a href={href}>
<img src={logo} className="img-fluid flex-center d-block"/>
return (
{isThere && sidenav}
{showOverlay && overlay}
export default SideNav;
So, as you can see, clicking the button causes the isOpenWithButton props to change, and whenever it happens (componentWillReceiveProps), the sidenav with overlay appear.
I did some work on porting it to Vue, but as it lacks this lifecycle hook I am stuck with props. I have a following problem: clicking the button opens the overlay, but as you close it with clicking in the overlay, the Boolean prop sent by button does not change, what necessitates clicking the button twice if the sidenav has been already open. I know I must be missing a vital part in Vue logic, I just cannot grasp which.

Using .sync modifier
What you are looking for is called in vue a .sync modifier.
When a child component mutates a prop that has .sync, the value change will be reflected in the parent.
With this you can achive what you described:
clicking the button opens the overlay, but as you close it with clicking in the overlay, the Boolean prop sent by button does not change
Using a centralised store - (like vuex)
The same could also be achieved if you have a centralised state/store, in this case both of your components could rely on that state property.
See state management on Vue documentation:
Large applications can often grow in complexity, due to multiple pieces of state scattered across many components and the interactions between them
You could simple toogle the same property, for example:


React state toggle render not persisting

I am rendering my component when a link in my footer is clicked, however the element is almost immediately re-rendered away.
class Footer extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
privacyVisibile: false
this.togglePrivacyVisible = this.togglePrivacyVisible.bind(this)
togglePrivacyVisible = () => {
const { privacyVisibile } = this.state;
this.setState({ privacyVisibile : !privacyVisibile })
render() {
return (
{this.state.privacyVisibile && <Privacy />}
<ul className="footer-menu">
<li onClick= {this.togglePrivacyVisible}>Privacy</li>
export default Footer;
If I move the state rendering from above my UL to below it it doesn't render at all when I attempt to toggle.
I've seen suggestions to restart my app but that seems to have no effect, any other ideas what may be happening here?
When the link is clicked the browser navigates away from the page and attempts to load the privacy.html page. Try using a button instead of a link, no href:
<button onClick={this.togglePrivacyVisible}>Privacy</button>
You could prevent the default action of a click on an anchor tag, by using Event#preventDefault. Like:
togglePrivacyVisible = (event) => {
const { privacyVisibile } = this.state;
this.setState({ privacyVisibile : !privacyVisibile })
I don’t think you need to use arrow function syntax for your function AND bind(this) in your constructor. Not sure if that causes odd behavior but you should use one or the other.

How to use props or state to render or not render 1 out of these 5 forms on click?

I'm looking for advice on how to render one out of five forms in React on the click on one of their five related buttons. I've got it working actually for one form, but I'm pretty sure this is not how things should be done in React.
There is a sidebar with 5 buttons and a content area that displays some content. One of the forms should appear in the content area after a click on their respective buttons in the sidebar. Only one form should be displayed at a time. Both the sidebar and the content area are functions inside of a class called GraphArea that renders them.
AddNodes (one of five buttons in the sidebar):
const AddNodes = ({ showAdd }) => (
<li role="presentation" className="list-inline">
<a href="" className="nav-link" onClick={showAdd}>
<i className="fa fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"/> Add
export default AddNodes;
The problem is, there are five forms and buttons... There's no way one could reasonably continue like this.
I'm using Apollo link state. All 5 five forms won't be rendered by default, so they've got a default value of false. The values are written to the cache. Apollo queries and mutates a default value in the cache to true on click.
It would mean a lot to me if you could show me the right way here. I'm missing that 'click' of how things work in React and this would be a great oppertunity for it. This is the sidebar's and content area's parent full component:
GraphArea: (parent)
class GraphArea extends Component {
render() {
const { updateEditGraph, editGraph: { mode } } = this.props;
const showAdd = (e) => {
variables: {
index: 'mode',
value: 'addNode'
const showLink = (e) => {
variables: {
index: 'mode',
value: 'addLink'
return (
<div className="item">
<GraphSidebar showAdd={showAdd} showLink={showLink}/>
export default compose(
graphql(updateEditGraph, {name: 'updateEditGraph'}),
graphql(getEditGraph, {
props: ({data: {editGraph}}) => ({
class GraphContent extends Component {
render() {
let content;
if (this.props.editGraph.mode === 'addNode') {
content = <AddNodesForm/>
} else if (this.props.editGraph.mode === 'addLink') {
content = <LinkNodesForm/>
} else {
content = null;
return (
<div className="content">
export default compose(
graphql(getEditGraph, {
props: ({data: {editGraph}}) => ({
const GraphSidebar = ({ showAdd, showLink }) => (
<div className="avatars">
<AddNodes showAdd={showAdd} />
<SequenceNodes />
<EditNodes />
<LinkNodes showLink={showLink} />
<DeleteNodes />
I will answer what should happen in principle.
You say you have a top level component GraphArea that renders both the component for selecting a form, and the container of the forms:
<GraphSidebar onClickName={handleClick}/>
GraphSidebar and GraphContent are related in such a way that GraphSidebar changes the state that should be presented on GraphContent, that is they relate to the same state. Because of that their common parent (GraphArea) should hold that state. You then pass the state to the GraphContent which contains the forms.
Make GraphArea a class:
class GraphArea extends React.Component {
this.state = {formId: 1};
handleClick(formId) {
this.setState({fromId: formId});
return (
<GraphSidebar onClickName={handleClick}/>
<GraphContent formId={this.state.formId}/>
Also I think you say GraphContent doesn't directly render the forms but renders some other component that renders the form. You pass formId as property through the nested components all the way to the component that selects which form to render. For example if GraphContent renders Graph component that renders (selects) the forms you do like this:
<div className="content">
<Graph formId={this.props.formId}/>
or just
<div className="content">
<Graph formId={formId}/>
if GraphContent is not a class but a function like
GraphContent = ({formId}) => {
Let's say Graph is finally the component that renders (selects) the forms then you can use:
Graph = ({formId}) => {
if (formId === 1) {
return(<div>...code for form1</div>)
} else if (formId === 2) {
return(<div>...code for form2</div>)
} ...

Delay in Rendering a Component?

I'm attempting to make my own personal website, and trying to use React to do so. In the process, I intend to make each section a different React Component. My plan is to have the navbar at the top be able to select which component is currently "active", and actually gets rendered and shown. In addition, when switching to a new section, I would like the old component to have a "leaving" animation, and the new component to have an "entering" animation (these are done with react-motion). However, currently both the entering and leaving are done at the same time, because I'm changing the active state for both components at the same time. Is there any way to delay one component becomes active after another one becoming inactive?
The parent component that houses each section looks like so:
class Website extends React.Component {
this.state = {
homeActive: true,
aboutActive: false
homeActive: true,
aboutActive: false
homeActive: false,
aboutActive: true
return (
<NavBar handleHome={this.homeActivator.bind(this)} handleAbout=
<Home active={this.state.homeActive} />
<About active={this.state.aboutActive} />
And then one of the "sections" would look like so:
class Home extends React.Component{
render() {
let content = (
if (!{
return (
//Some jsx that results in the content leaving the page
//Some jsx that results in the content entering the page
I did not have a ton of time to answer this, but came up with the best example I could. It's not an exact replica of what you are looking to do, but is very similar, so if you understand it, you will be able to figure out your problem quite easily.
To make things a little easier to understand, I am mimicking components with methods placed inside the React Class. Obviously in the real world, you would be importing your components from other files. I'm sure you'll understand what's going on.
export default class Example extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
c1: true,
c2: false
// Component One
renderc1() {
return (
I am component one
// Component Two
renderc2() {
return (
I am component two
changeComponents = () => {
this.setState({ c1: false })
setTimeout(() => {
this.setState({ c2: true })
}, 1500)
render() {
return (
<div className="example">
{this.state.c1 ? this.renderc1() : null}
{this.state.c2 ? this.renderc2() : null}
<button onClick={this.changeComponents}>Click me</button>
Clicking the button will fire off the changeComponents function, which will then immediately set the state of "c1" to false. A setTimeout after that ensures that component 2 will be delayed rendering to the screen.
Notice the arrow syntax, I used, which binds the this keyword to the class, so you don't have to worry about writing bind this everywhere.

Toggle Class in React

I'm using react for a project where I have a menu button.
<a ref="btn" href="#" className="btn-menu show-on-small"><i></i></a>
And a Sidenav component like:
<Sidenav ref="menu" />
And I wrote the following code to toggle the menu:
class Header extends React.Component {
this.toggleSidenav = this.toggleSidenav.bind(this);
render() {
return (
<div className="header">
<i className="border hide-on-small-and-down"></i>
<div className="container">
<a ref="btn" href="#" className="btn-menu show-on-small"><i></i></a>
<Menu className="menu hide-on-small-and-down"/>
<Sidenav />
toggleSidenav() {
componentDidMount() {
this.refs.btn.addEventListener('click', this.toggleSidenav);
componentWillUnmount() {
this.refs.btn.removeEventListener('click', this.toggleSidenav);
The thing is that this.refs.sidenav is not a DOM element and I cant add a class on him.
Can someone explain me how to toggle class on the Sidenav component like I do on my button?
You have to use the component's State to update component parameters such as Class Name if you want React to render your DOM correctly and efficiently.
UPDATE: I updated the example to toggle the Sidemenu on a button click. This is not necessary, but you can see how it would work. You might need to use "this.state" vs. "this.props" as I have shown. I'm used to working with Redux components.
return {"showHideSidenav":"hidden"};
render() {
return (
<div className="header">
<i className="border hide-on-small-and-down"></i>
<div className="container">
<a ref="btn" onClick={this.toggleSidenav.bind(this)} href="#" className="btn-menu show-on-small"><i></i></a>
<Menu className="menu hide-on-small-and-down"/>
<Sidenav className={this.props.showHideSidenav}/>
toggleSidenav() {
var css = (this.props.showHideSidenav === "hidden") ? "show" : "hidden";
Now, when you toggle the state, the component will update and change the class name of the sidenav component. You can use CSS to show/hide the sidenav using the class names.
.hidden {
refs is not a DOM element. In order to find a DOM element, you need to use findDOMNode menthod first.
Do, this
var node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.btn);
alternatively, you can use like this (almost actual code)
this.state.styleCondition = false;
<a ref="btn" href="#" className={styleCondition ? "btn-menu show-on-small" : ""}><i></i></a>
you can then change styleCondition based on your state change conditions.
Toggle function in react
At first you should create constructor
like this
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
close: true,
Then create a function like this
yourFunction = () => {
close: !this.state.close,
then use this like
render() {
const {close} = this.state;
return (
<div onClick={() => this.yourFunction()}></div>
<div className={close ? "isYourDefaultClass" : "isYourOnChangeClass"}></div>
Please give better solutions
Ori Drori's comment is correct, you aren't doing this the "React Way". In React, you should ideally not be changing classes and event handlers using the DOM. Do it in the render() method of your React components; in this case that would be the sideNav and your Header. A rough example of how this would be done in your code is as follows.
class Header extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="header">
<i className="border hide-on-small-and-down"></i>
<div className="container">
<a ref="btn" href="#" className="btn-menu show-on-small"
<Menu className="menu hide-on-small-and-down"/>
<Sidenav ref="sideNav"/>
showNav() {;
class SideNav extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
open: false
render() {
if ( {
return (
<div className = "sideNav">
This is a sidenav
} else {
return null;
show() {
open: true
You can see here that we are not toggling classes but using the state of the components to render the SideNav. This way, or similar is the whole premise of using react. If you are using bootstrap, there is a library which integrates bootstrap elements with the react way of doing things, allowing you to use the same elements but set state on them instead of directly manipulating the DOM. It can be found here -
Hope this helps, and enjoy using React!
For anybody reading this in 2019, after React 16.8 was released, take a look at the React Hooks. It really simplifies handling states in components. The docs are very well written with an example of exactly what you need.

ReactJS keeping a single "Active" state between multiple components

I am attempting to keep with best practices, while adhering to the documentation. Without creating to many one-off methods to handle things for a maintainability standpoint.
Anyway all in all, I am trying to achieve a state between sibling elements that is in sorts an "active" state visually at the least. With something like jQuery I would simply do..
$(document).on('.nav-component', 'click', function(e) {
However in react, each component in it of itself is independent of the next and previous, and should remain as such per the documents.
That said, when I am handling a click event for a component I can successfully give it a state of active and inactive, toggling it on and off respectively. But I end up in a place where I have multiple "active" elements when I don't need them as such.
This is for setting up a navigation of sorts. So I want the one in use at the moment to have that active class while the rest won't
I use an with reflux to set state for multiple pages/components. You can do the same passing state up to a common component but using the flux pattern is cleaner.
class AppCtrlRender extends Component {
render() {
let page = this.state.appState.currentPage;
let hideAbout = (page != 'about');
let hideHome = (page != 'home');
return (
<div id='AppCtrlSty' style={AppCtrlSty}>
<div id='allPageSty' style={allPageSty}>
<AboutPage hide={hideAbout} />
<HomePage hide={hideHome} />
let getState = function() { return {appState: AppStore.getAppState(),}; };
export default class AppCtrl extends AppCtrlRender {
constructor() {
this.state = getState();
componentDidMount = () => { this.unsubscribe = AppStore.listen(this.storeDidChange); }
componentWillUnmount = () => { this.unsubscribe(); }
storeDidChange = () => { this.setState(getState()); }
In the page/component check for this.props.hide.
export default class AboutPage extends Component {
render() {
if (this.props.hide) return null;
return (
<div style={AboutPageSty}>
React 1.4 ReFlux used for app state. This is the About Page.
<NavMenu />
Siblings needing to share some sort of state in React is usually a clue that you need to pull state further up the component hierarchy and have a common parent manage it (or pull it out into a state management solution such as Redux).
For sibling components where only one can be active at a time, the key piece of state you need is something which lets you identify which one is currently active and either:
pass that state to each component as a prop (so the component itself can check if it's currently active - e.g. if each item has an associated id, store the id of the currently active one in a parent component and pass it to each of them as an activeId prop)
var Nav1 = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
return {activeId: null}
handleChange(activeId) {
render() {
return <div className="Nav">
{ =>
or use it to derive a new prop which is passed to each component (such as an active prop to tell each component whether or not it's currently active - e.g. in the id example above, check the id of each component while rendering it: active={activeId ===})
var Nav2 = React.createClass({
// ... rest as per Nav1...
render() {
return <div className="Nav">
{ =>
active={this.state.activeId ===}
The trick with React is to think of your UI in terms of the state you need to render if from scratch (as if you were rendering on the server), instead of thinking in terms of individual DOM changes needed to make the UI reflect state changes (as in your jQuery example), as React handles making those individual DOM changes for you based on complete renderings from two different states.

