dropdown menu dont close after selection - javascript

I'm working a simple dropdown menu that changes the options after selecting the provinces to city.
What I want is, to prevent the dropdown to close after choosing the province, but just update the options inside to cities.
I tried this code.
$(document).on('click', '#provinceCity', function (e) {
but doesn't work on me.
here's my code
function loadProvince(){
$("#provinceCity").html("<option value=''>Select province</option>");
for (var i=0; i<province.length; i++){
$("#provinceCity").append("<option value='"+province[i]["id"]+"'>"+province[i]["name"]+"</option>");
var selectedText = $("#provinceCity option:selected").text();
if (selectedText != 'Select province') {
if (localStorage.getItem("selectedProvince") === null) {
localStorage.setItem("selectedProvince", selectedText);
}else if (localStorage.getItem("selectedProvince") !== null) {
localStorage.setItem("selectedCity", selectedText);
var selectedProvinceCity = localStorage.getItem("selectedProvince") + "-" + localStorage.getItem("selectedCity");
$('#provinceCity').append($('<option>', {
value: selectedProvinceCity,
text: selectedProvinceCity,
selected: "selected"
}, 500);
for (var i=0; i<province.length; i++){
if ($(this).val() == province[i]["id"]){
var cities = province[i]["city"];
$("#provinceCity").html("<option value=''>Select city</option>");
for (var j=0; j<cities.length; j++){
$("#provinceCity").append("<option value='"+cities[j]["id"]+"'>"+cities[j]["name"]+"</option>");
$( window ).load(function() {
// Run code


Multiple filter for an especific table

I have this code working for any table.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.CalendarFilter').click(function () {
var values = [];
$('.filter').each(function () {
var colIdx = $(this).data('col');
$(this).find('option:selected').each(function () {
if ($(this).val() != "") values.push( {
text: $(this).text(),
colId : colIdx
filter('table > tbody > tr', values);
function filter(selector, values) {console.log(values);
$(selector).each(function () {
var sel = $(this);
var tokens = sel.text().trim().split('\n');
var toknesObj = [], i;
toknesObj[i] = {
var show = false;
$.each(values, function (i, val) {
if (toknesObj[val.colId].text.search(new RegExp("\\b"+val.text+"\\b")) >= 0) {
toknesObj[val.colId].found = true;
var count = 0;
$.each(toknesObj, function (i, val) {
if (val.found){
show = (count === values.length);
show ? sel.show() : sel.hide();
It filters good, the problem I have is with an special table that is not working. I have the ID of the table but I don't know how to implement the code for work exclusively for this table ID. I tried modifying this part filter('#TABLEID > tbody > tr', values); but is nor working.
Goal: modify the code to work only with an specific table (specifically one with ID posts-table-1, see jsfiddle below), because the code, which supposedly works for any table, doesn't work
Here is an example: https://jsfiddle.net/mdomfu/gzLktpmw/3/

After first click of radio button can not fire change event

My jquery change event of radio button not working after first click and does not give any error please help me. i stuck in this from last week.and also cant count proper value because of this problem.
function checkValue(evt) {
var package = $("#package_value").val();
var emailing = $('input[name="emailing"]:checked').val();
$('input[name="emailing"]').on("mousedown", function() {
var select = $('input[name="emailing"]:checked').val();
}).on("mouseup", function() {
$('input[name="emailing"]').prop('checked', false);
$(this).prop('checked', true).checkboxradio("refresh");
var selected = $("#selected").val();
var update = $("#update").val();
if(update != '')
var hiddenPackage = $("#hidden_pricing").val();
var hiddenRadion = $("#hidden_radio").val();
var totalValue = package - hiddenRadion;
if(emailing == 1)
var value = Number(totalValue) + 38;
if(emailing == 2)
var value = Number(totalValue) + 55;
if(emailing == 0)
var value = Number(totalValue) + 0;
You should use delegate
$(document).delegate( "input[name='emailing']", "change", function() {
Use on() function with any element id instead of (document)
$(document).on('change', 'input[name="emailing"]', function() {

Jquery : swap two value and change style

i need to make a script for select a black div by click(go red), and put black div value into a white div value by another click, this is ok but when i try to swap values of two white case, the change do correctly one time, but if i retry to swap two value of white case the values swap correctly but whitout the background color red.
This is my code :
var lastClicked = '';
var lastClicked2 = '';
$(".blackcase").click(function(e) {
var i = 0;
if ($(this).html().length == 0) {
return false;
} else {
if (lastClicked != this.id) {
var currentId = $(this).attr('id');
var currentVal = $(this).html();
$(".whitecase").click(function(e) {
var currentId2 = $(this).attr('id');
if (i <= 0 && $("#" + currentId2).html().length == 0) {
$("#" + currentId2).html(currentVal);
$("#" + currentId).html("");
i = 1;
} else {
lastClicked = this.id;
$(".whitecase").click(function(e) {
var j = 0;
if ($(this).html().length == 0) {
return false;
} else {
if (lastClicked2 != this.id) {
var currentId0 = $(this).attr('id');
var currentVal0 = $(this).html();
$(".whitecase").click(function(e) {
var currentId02 = $(this).attr('id');
var currentVal02 = $(this).html();
if (j <= 0 && currentVal0 != currentVal02) {
$("#" + currentId02).html(currentVal0);
$("#" + currentId0).html(currentVal02);
j = 1;
return false;
} else {
lastClicked2 = this.id;
This is JSfiddle :
Try to take 12 and put into first white case, put 39 into second white case, click on the white case with 12 (go red) then click on the white case with 39, the values swap correctly with the red color when it's select, but if you try to reswap two whitecase values thats work but without the red color.
Thanks a lot
I have spent some time to rewrite your code to make it more clear. I don't know what exactly your code should do but according to the information you have already provided, my version of your code is the following:
var selectedCase = {color: "", id: ""};
function removeSelectionWithRed() {
function selectWithRed(element) {
function updateSelectedCase(color, id) {
selectedCase.color = color;
selectedCase.id = id;
function moveValueFromTo(elemFrom, elemTo) {
setValueToElem("", elemFrom);
function setValueToElem(value, elem) {
function swapValuesFromTo(elemFrom, elemTo) {
var fromValue = elemFrom.html();
var toValue = elemTo.html();
setValueToElem(fromValue, elemTo);
setValueToElem(toValue, elemFrom);
function isSelected(color) {
return selectedCase.color == color;
function clearSelectedCase() {
selectedCase.color = "";
selectedCase.id = "";
function elemIsEmpty(elem) {
return elem.html().length == 0;
$(".blackcase").click(function (e) {
if (elemIsEmpty($(this))) {
alert("black is selected");
updateSelectedCase("black", $(this).attr("id"), $(this).html());
$(".whitecase").click(function (e) {
if (isSelected("black")) {
alert("moving black to white");
moveValueFromTo($("#"+selectedCase.id), $(this));
if(isSelected("white") && selectedCase.id !== $(this).attr("id")) {
alert("swap whitecase values");
swapValuesFromTo($("#"+selectedCase.id), $(this));
alert("white is selected");
updateSelectedCase("white", $(this).attr("id"), $(this).html());
Link to jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/12gwq95u/21/
If my answers were helpful, please up them.
It happens because you have multiple $(".whitecase").click() handlers and they don't override each other but instead they all execute in the order in which they were bound.
I advise you to debug your code in browser console by setting breakpoints in every click() event you have (in browser console you can find your file by navigating to the Sources tab and then (index) file in the first folder in fiddle.jshell.net).
In general I think you should rewrite you code in such a way that you won't have multiple handlers to the same events and you can be absolutely sure what your code does.

How to avoid getting same functionality by jquery in same multiple elements?

I've very little knowledge at jQuery. I'm working at a webpage. There are different kinds of select option element at that page. Among one of them, I've to use a jQuery Dropdown checkbox. This one, I've used.
I can implement this at my webpage successfully. But, problem is it affects all my Select option element!! I've different class name for different select element. like
<select name="company" class="company">
<option> Company Name </option>
<option> Company Name </option>
<option> Company Name </option>
<option> Company Name </option>
<option> Company Name </option>
<select name="institute" class="institute">
<option> Company Name </option>
<option> Company Name </option>
<option> Company Name </option>
<option> Company Name </option>
<option> Company Name </option>
<select name="group" class="dropdownCheckbox">
<option> Company Name </option>
<option> Company Name </option>
<option> Company Name </option>
<option> Company Name </option>
<option> Company Name </option>
I've used the jquery at last one(class="dropdownCheckbox"). But, it affected all the select element. I can't understand how I edit the jquery defining only for class="dropdownCheckbox".
This is the javascript code for HTML file:
<script type="text/javascript">
And the main javasript file for the effect(jquery.multiselect.js):
(function($, undefined) {
var multiselectID = 0;
var $doc = $(document);
$.widget("ech.multiselect.dropdownCheckbox", {
// default options
options: {
header: true,
height: 175,
minWidth: 310,
classes: 'dropdownCheckbox',
checkAllText: 'Check all',
uncheckAllText: 'Uncheck all',
noneSelectedText: 'Select Group',
selectedText: 'Select Group',
selectedList: 0,
show: null,
hide: null,
autoOpen: false,
multiple: true,
position: {},
appendTo: "body"
_create: function() {
var el = this.element.hide();
var o = this.options;
this.speed = $.fx.speeds._default; // default speed for effects
this._isOpen = false; // assume no
// create a unique namespace for events that the widget
// factory cannot unbind automatically. Use eventNamespace if on
// jQuery UI 1.9+, and otherwise fallback to a custom string.
this._namespaceID = this.eventNamespace || ('multiselect' + multiselectID);
var button = (this.button = $('<button type="button"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s"></span></button>'))
.addClass('ui-multiselect ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all')
.attr({ 'title':el.attr('title'), 'aria-haspopup':true, 'tabIndex':el.attr('tabIndex') })
buttonlabel = (this.buttonlabel = $('<span />'))
menu = (this.menu = $('<div />'))
.addClass('ui-multiselect-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all')
header = (this.header = $('<div />'))
.addClass('ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-multiselect-header ui-helper-clearfix')
headerLinkContainer = (this.headerLinkContainer = $('<ul />'))
.html(function() {
if(o.header === true) {
return '<li><a class="ui-multiselect-all" href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-check"></span><span>' + o.checkAllText + '</span></a></li><li><a class="ui-multiselect-none" href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-closethick"></span><span>' + o.uncheckAllText + '</span></a></li>';
} else if(typeof o.header === "string") {
return '<li>' + o.header + '</li>';
} else {
return '';
.append('<li class="ui-multiselect-close"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-close"></span></li>')
checkboxContainer = (this.checkboxContainer = $('<ul />'))
.addClass('ui-multiselect-checkboxes ui-helper-reset')
// perform event bindings
// build menu
// some addl. logic for single selects
if(!o.multiple) {
// bump unique ID
_init: function() {
if(this.options.header === false) {
if(!this.options.multiple) {
this.headerLinkContainer.find('.ui-multiselect-all, .ui-multiselect-none').hide();
if(this.options.autoOpen) {
if(this.element.is(':disabled')) {
refresh: function(init) {
var el = this.element;
var o = this.options;
var menu = this.menu;
var checkboxContainer = this.checkboxContainer;
var optgroups = [];
var html = "";
var id = el.attr('id') || multiselectID++; // unique ID for the label & option tags
// build items
el.find('option').each(function(i) {
var $this = $(this);
var parent = this.parentNode;
var description = this.innerHTML;
var title = this.title;
var value = this.value;
var inputID = 'ui-multiselect-' + (this.id || id + '-option-' + i);
var isDisabled = this.disabled;
var isSelected = this.selected;
var labelClasses = [ 'ui-corner-all' ];
var liClasses = (isDisabled ? 'ui-multiselect-disabled ' : ' ') + this.className;
var optLabel;
// is this an optgroup?
if(parent.tagName === 'OPTGROUP') {
optLabel = parent.getAttribute('label');
// has this optgroup been added already?
if($.inArray(optLabel, optgroups) === -1) {
html += '<li class="ui-multiselect-optgroup-label ' + parent.className + '">' + optLabel + '</li>';
if(isDisabled) {
// browsers automatically select the first option
// by default with single selects
if(isSelected && !o.multiple) {
html += '<li class="' + liClasses + '">';
// create the label
html += '<label for="' + inputID + '" title="' + title + '" class="' + labelClasses.join(' ') + '">';
html += '<input id="' + inputID + '" name="multiselect_' + id + '" type="' + (o.multiple ? "checkbox" : "radio") + '" value="' + value + '" title="' + title + '"';
// pre-selected?
if(isSelected) {
html += ' checked="checked"';
html += ' aria-selected="true"';
// disabled?
if(isDisabled) {
html += ' disabled="disabled"';
html += ' aria-disabled="true"';
// add the title and close everything off
html += ' /><span>' + description + '</span></label></li>';
// insert into the DOM
// cache some moar useful elements
this.labels = menu.find('label');
this.inputs = this.labels.children('input');
// set widths
// remember default value
this.button[0].defaultValue = this.update();
// broadcast refresh event; useful for widgets
if(!init) {
// updates the button text. call refresh() to rebuild
update: function() {
var o = this.options;
var $inputs = this.inputs;
var $checked = $inputs.filter(':checked');
var numChecked = $checked.length;
var value;
if(numChecked === 0) {
value = o.noneSelectedText;
} else {
if($.isFunction(o.selectedText)) {
value = o.selectedText.call(this, numChecked, $inputs.length, $checked.get());
} else if(/\d/.test(o.selectedList) && o.selectedList > 0 && numChecked <= o.selectedList) {
value = $checked.map(function() { return $(this).next().html(); }).get().join(', ');
} else {
value = o.selectedText.replace('#', numChecked).replace('#', $inputs.length);
return value;
// this exists as a separate method so that the developer
// can easily override it.
_setButtonValue: function(value) {
// binds events
_bindEvents: function() {
var self = this;
var button = this.button;
function clickHandler() {
self[ self._isOpen ? 'close' : 'open' ]();
return false;
// webkit doesn't like it when you click on the span :(
.bind('click.multiselect', clickHandler);
// button events
click: clickHandler,
keypress: function(e) {
switch(e.which) {
case 27: // esc
case 38: // up
case 37: // left
case 39: // right
case 40: // down
mouseenter: function() {
if(!button.hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
mouseleave: function() {
focus: function() {
if(!button.hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
blur: function() {
// header links
this.header.delegate('a', 'click.multiselect', function(e) {
// close link
if($(this).hasClass('ui-multiselect-close')) {
// check all / uncheck all
} else {
self[$(this).hasClass('ui-multiselect-all') ? 'checkAll' : 'uncheckAll']();
// optgroup label toggle support
this.menu.delegate('li.ui-multiselect-optgroup-label a', 'click.multiselect', function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
var $inputs = $this.parent().nextUntil('li.ui-multiselect-optgroup-label').find('input:visible:not(:disabled)');
var nodes = $inputs.get();
var label = $this.parent().text();
// trigger event and bail if the return is false
if(self._trigger('beforeoptgrouptoggle', e, { inputs:nodes, label:label }) === false) {
// toggle inputs
$inputs.filter(':checked').length !== $inputs.length,
self._trigger('optgrouptoggle', e, {
inputs: nodes,
label: label,
checked: nodes[0].checked
.delegate('label', 'mouseenter.multiselect', function() {
if(!$(this).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
.delegate('label', 'keydown.multiselect', function(e) {
switch(e.which) {
case 9: // tab
case 27: // esc
case 38: // up
case 40: // down
case 37: // left
case 39: // right
self._traverse(e.which, this);
case 13: // enter
.delegate('input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"]', 'click.multiselect', function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
var val = this.value;
var checked = this.checked;
var tags = self.element.find('option');
// bail if this input is disabled or the event is cancelled
if(this.disabled || self._trigger('click', e, { value: val, text: this.title, checked: checked }) === false) {
// make sure the input has focus. otherwise, the esc key
// won't close the menu after clicking an item.
// toggle aria state
$this.attr('aria-selected', checked);
// change state on the original option tags
tags.each(function() {
if(this.value === val) {
this.selected = checked;
} else if(!self.options.multiple) {
this.selected = false;
// some additional single select-specific logic
if(!self.options.multiple) {
$this.closest('label').toggleClass('ui-state-active', checked);
// close menu
// fire change on the select box
// setTimeout is to fix multiselect issue #14 and #47. caused by jQuery issue #3827
// http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/3827
setTimeout($.proxy(self.update, self), 10);
// close each widget when clicking on any other element/anywhere else on the page
$doc.bind('mousedown.' + this._namespaceID, function(event) {
var target = event.target;
&& target !== self.button[0]
&& target !== self.menu[0]
&& !$.contains(self.menu[0], target)
&& !$.contains(self.button[0], target)
) {
// deal with form resets. the problem here is that buttons aren't
// restored to their defaultValue prop on form reset, and the reset
// handler fires before the form is actually reset. delaying it a bit
// gives the form inputs time to clear.
$(this.element[0].form).bind('reset.multiselect', function() {
setTimeout($.proxy(self.refresh, self), 10);
// set button width
_setButtonWidth: function() {
var width = this.element.outerWidth();
var o = this.options;
if(/\d/.test(o.minWidth) && width < o.minWidth) {
width = o.minWidth;
// set widths
// set menu width
_setMenuWidth: function() {
var m = this.menu;
// move up or down within the menu
_traverse: function(which, start) {
var $start = $(start);
var moveToLast = which === 38 || which === 37;
// select the first li that isn't an optgroup label / disabled
var $next = $start.parent()[moveToLast ? 'prevAll' : 'nextAll']('li:not(.ui-multiselect-disabled, .ui-multiselect-optgroup-label)').first();
// if at the first/last element
if(!$next.length) {
var $container = this.menu.find('ul').last();
// move to the first/last
this.menu.find('label')[ moveToLast ? 'last' : 'first' ]().trigger('mouseover');
// set scroll position
$container.scrollTop(moveToLast ? $container.height() : 0);
} else {
// This is an internal function to toggle the checked property and
// other related attributes of a checkbox.
// The context of this function should be a checkbox; do not proxy it.
_toggleState: function(prop, flag) {
return function() {
if(!this.disabled) {
this[ prop ] = flag;
if(flag) {
this.setAttribute('aria-selected', true);
} else {
_toggleChecked: function(flag, group) {
var $inputs = (group && group.length) ? group : this.inputs;
var self = this;
// toggle state on inputs
$inputs.each(this._toggleState('checked', flag));
// give the first input focus
// update button text
// gather an array of the values that actually changed
var values = $inputs.map(function() {
return this.value;
// toggle state on original option tags
.each(function() {
if(!this.disabled && $.inArray(this.value, values) > -1) {
self._toggleState('selected', flag).call(this);
// trigger the change event on the select
if($inputs.length) {
_toggleDisabled: function(flag) {
this.button.attr({ 'disabled':flag, 'aria-disabled':flag })[ flag ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]('ui-state-disabled');
var inputs = this.menu.find('input');
var key = "ech-multiselect-disabled";
if(flag) {
// remember which elements this widget disabled (not pre-disabled)
// elements, so that they can be restored if the widget is re-enabled.
inputs = inputs.filter(':enabled').data(key, true)
} else {
inputs = inputs.filter(function() {
return $.data(this, key) === true;
.attr({ 'disabled':flag, 'arial-disabled':flag })
.parent()[ flag ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]('ui-state-disabled');
// open the menu
open: function(e) {
var self = this;
var button = this.button;
var menu = this.menu;
var speed = this.speed;
var o = this.options;
var args = [];
// bail if the multiselectopen event returns false, this widget is disabled, or is already open
if(this._trigger('beforeopen') === false || button.hasClass('ui-state-disabled') || this._isOpen) {
var $container = menu.find('ul').last();
var effect = o.show;
// figure out opening effects/speeds
if($.isArray(o.show)) {
effect = o.show[0];
speed = o.show[1] || self.speed;
// if there's an effect, assume jQuery UI is in use
// build the arguments to pass to show()
if(effect) {
args = [ effect, speed ];
// set the scroll of the checkbox container
// positon
// show the menu, maybe with a speed/effect combo
$.fn.show.apply(menu, args);
// select the first not disabled option
// triggering both mouseover and mouseover because 1.4.2+ has a bug where triggering mouseover
// will actually trigger mouseenter. the mouseenter trigger is there for when it's eventually fixed
this._isOpen = true;
// close the menu
close: function() {
if(this._trigger('beforeclose') === false) {
var o = this.options;
var effect = o.hide;
var speed = this.speed;
var args = [];
// figure out opening effects/speeds
if($.isArray(o.hide)) {
effect = o.hide[0];
speed = o.hide[1] || this.speed;
if(effect) {
args = [ effect, speed ];
$.fn.hide.apply(this.menu, args);
this._isOpen = false;
enable: function() {
disable: function() {
checkAll: function(e) {
uncheckAll: function() {
getChecked: function() {
return this.menu.find('input').filter(':checked');
destroy: function() {
// remove classes + data
// unbind events
return this;
isOpen: function() {
return this._isOpen;
widget: function() {
return this.menu;
getButton: function() {
return this.button;
position: function() {
var o = this.options;
// use the position utility if it exists and options are specifified
if($.ui.position && !$.isEmptyObject(o.position)) {
o.position.of = o.position.of || this.button;
// otherwise fallback to custom positioning
} else {
var pos = this.button.offset();
top: pos.top + this.button.outerHeight(),
left: pos.left
// react to option changes after initialization
_setOption: function(key, value) {
var menu = this.menu;
switch(key) {
case 'header':
menu.find('div.ui-multiselect-header')[value ? 'show' : 'hide']();
case 'checkAllText':
menu.find('a.ui-multiselect-all span').eq(-1).text(value);
case 'uncheckAllText':
menu.find('a.ui-multiselect-none span').eq(-1).text(value);
case 'height':
menu.find('ul').last().height(parseInt(value, 10));
case 'minWidth':
this.options[key] = parseInt(value, 10);
case 'selectedText':
case 'selectedList':
case 'noneSelectedText':
this.options[key] = value; // these all needs to update immediately for the update() call
case 'classes':
case 'multiple':
menu.toggleClass('ui-multiselect-single', !value);
this.options.multiple = value;
this.element[0].multiple = value;
case 'position':
$.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(this, arguments);
How can I make this jquery active only for class="dropdownCheckbox"?
you can use
You can use the class selector
<script type="text/javascript">
// Targets the select with class="company"
jQuery uses the same selctors as CSS does :)

Javascript to add class when checkbox is selected

I have this piece of code:
<div class="quote-box-col14">
<label for="seo" class="quote-service-seo">SEO</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="seo" id="seo" value="Y" class="checkbox-seo" />
Someone can help with a JavaScript that adds class "selected" to when checkbox is selected?
This jQuery will do it:
if($(this).is(":checked")) {
} else {
See this jQuery fiddle for a working example.
If you need it to work in IE too, use the click event instead:
if($(this).is(":checked")) {
} else {
And in pure JavaScript (for HTML5)
document.getElementById ('seo').addEventListener ('click', function (ev) {
ev.target.parentNode.classList[ ev.target.checked ? 'add' : 'remove'] ('selected');
}, false);
There is also a classList.toggle function but there is always a danger that the checkbox and the classList might lose synchronism.
You can infer from this: jQuery toggleClass and check checkbox
But essentially, you can use toggleClass to toggle a specific CSS class:
$("#seo").click(function() {
Or use addClass to add a new class only:
$("#seo").click(function() {
If you are talking a range of checkboxes, you can target with $(":checkbox") too.
Here's pure js that will work for adding and removing the selected class when any checkbox is checked or unchecked.
Working example: http://jsfiddle.net/S9tSS/
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
var checkboxes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
if (inputs[i].type == "checkbox") {
if (inputs[i].checked) {
for (var j = 0; j < checkboxes.length; j++) {
checkboxes[j].onclick = function() {
if (this.checked == true) {
this.className += " selected";
} else {
removeClassName(this, 'selected');
function removeClassName(e,t) {
if (typeof e == "string") {
e = xGetElementById(e);
var ec = ' ' + e.className.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'') + ' ';
var nc = ec;
if (ec.indexOf(' '+t+' ') != -1) {
nc = ec.replace(' ' + t + ' ',' ');
e.className = nc.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
return true;
Sources: ...well... I would post them, but I'm a new use an can't post more than two links.
With jQuery:
$('input[type="checkbox"]').change(function() {
if (this.checked) {
} else {
$('#seo').click(function() {
if (this.checked) {
} else {
$(this).toggleClass('selected', this.checked);

