Getting specific digits in a binary number in javascript - javascript

I need to be able to take the first 8 digits in a binary number, and save that value to a variable, then save the next 8, and so on. I read this on bitwise operations, but didn't see anything about getting a specific digit or set of digits. I suppose I could just AND the number in question with another number that is all zeros except for the digits in question, which would be ones. For instance if the number in question was 10110011010111, and I wanted the first 5 digits, I could do 1000110011010111 & 0000000000011111 which would return 0000000000010111, which would be fine, but if there's a better or more direct way to do this, I would prefer that.
Edit: I'm doing this to be able to store a number as a number in base 256, so I can use color to encode information. I don't need to know the actual ones and zeros in those locations, but what number they would be taken in groups of 8, and saving that number.

You could use splice:
var str = '10110011010111';
var arr = str.split('');
console.log(arr.splice(arr.length - 5, 5).join('')); // prints 10111


Implementing extendible hash table in javascript: how to use binary number as index

I'm studying data structures and trying to implement extendible hashing from scratch in Javascript and I'm confused. Here is an example I'm using as reference hash table with binary labels
Example: to store "john":35 in a table of size: 8 indexes / depth 3 (last 3 digits of binary hash)
"john" gets converted to a hash, example: 13,
13 is converted to a binary: 1101
find which index of the table 1101 belongs to, by looking at the last 3 digits "101"
This is where I'm stuck. Am I suppose to convert 101 back to decimal form (which would be 5), to then access the index by doing array[5]? Is there a way to label the array indexes in binary format like array[101] (but then wouldn't it be better to use an object?)? This seems like a lot of unnecessary extra steps to avoid just using modulo (13%8), am I missing something? Is this implementation useful in not-javascript language?
First post - thanks in advance!
Internally, all data in the computer is stored in binary, so you can't "convert" from decimal to binary since everything is already binary (it's just shown to use as decimal). If you want to print out a number as binary for debugging purposes, you can do:
console.log((5).toString(2)); // will print "101"
The .toString(2) method converts the number to a string with the binary representation of the number.
You can also write numbers in binary by starting it with 0b:
let x = 0b1101; // == 13
If you want to get the last few binary digits of a number, use the modulo operator to 2 to the power of the number of digits you want:
(0b1101 % (2**3)).toString(2) // "101"
With the table selected, you probably want to use the rest of the number that you haven't used already as the index in the table. We can use the bitshift operator, >>, to do this:
(0b1101 >> 3).toString(2) // "1", right three bits cut off
With a longer number:
// Note that underscores don't mean anything, they are just used for spacing
(0b1101_1101 >> 3).toString(2) // "11011" you can see that the right three bits have been cut off
Keep in mind that you probably shouldn't be using .toString(2) to actually store anything in the table; it should only be used for debugging.

Splitting payload after fixed number of decimals

I need to split a payload in Node-RED whenever it is longer than a certain number of characters, and after a certain number of decimals.
I am working on a project where a sensor is providing feedback to Node-RED, but it sometimes puts two outputs together, and I can't seem to find a way to split the resulting data into two parts at a position which is not at the decimal point, but a number of digits AFTER the decimal point.
At the moment, I am scrapping the wrong outputs using
if (msg.payload.length < 11){return msg;}
so that only single output results are processed further, while anything else is discarded.
Output can be like 123.4567123.4687 instead of 123.4567and 123.4687.
Note that the problem only occurs sometimes (something like every 100th measurement).
Note that the number of digits BEFORE the decimal point is not necessarily the same every time, so it is not just a matter of splitting after a certain number of digits from the first.
If the number of digits after the decimal point is constant you could use a regular expression to extract the needed values, for example:
var input = "123.4567123.4678";
var results = input.match(/\d+\.\d{4}/g);
results is an array that contains the two values as strings: [ '123.4567', '123.4678' ]
The Regex globally matches one or more digits (\d+) followed by a point (\.) followed by four digits (\d{4})

How can I find the missing integer in a string of random non-repeating integers in a range

I'm having trouble even beginning to think of how to do this.
I need to find a missing number in a string of random numbers that don't have separators.
Here's an example: 14036587109. In this example, the missing number is 2, the range is 0-10 (inclusive).
How can I write a JavaScript/Node.JS program to solve this?
The part I can't figure out is how the program separates the numbers; In the example above, how would the program know that the number 10 (before the last number) isn't the numbers 1 and 0.
There are two things we know about the missing integer: the total number of digits in the input tells us the number of digits in the missing integer, and (as #samgak mentioned in a comment) counting the occurrences of each digit in the input tells us which digits the missing integer is made of. This may give us a quick path to the solution, if one of the permutations of those digits is missing from the input. If it doesn't, then:
Find the integers from highest to lowest number of digits; if the range is e.g. 0-999, then search the 3-digit integers first, then 2, then 1.
If an integer is only present at one location in the input, mark it as found, and remove it from the input.
Then, start again with the longest integers that haven't been found yet, and look at the ones that are present at two locations; try both options, and then check whether all other integers that rely on the digits we're using are also present; e.g. if 357 is present at two locations:
... 1235789 ... 2435768 ...
357 357
23 43
123 243
235 435
578 576
78 76
789 768
When trying the first location for the 357, check whether there is another possibility for 23, 123, 235, 578, 78, and 789. For the second location, check 43, 243, 435, 576, 76 and 768.
If these checks show that only one of the options is possible, mark the number as found and remove it from the input.
Go on to do this for shorter integers, and for integers that are present at 3, 4, ... locations. If, after doing this to a certain point, there is still no result, you may have to recursively try several options, which will quickly lead to a huge number of options. (With especially crafted large input, it is probably possible to thwart this method and make it unusably slow.) But the average complexity with random input may be decent.
Actually, when you find an integer that is only present in one location in the input, but it is a permutation of the missing digits, you should not remove it, because it could be the missing integer. So the algorithm might be: remove all integers you can unequivocally locate in the input, then try removing all possible missing integers one by one, and look for inconsistencies, i.e. other missing numbers that don't have the correct length or digits.
It's all a question of heuristics, of course. You try something simple, if that doesn't work you try something more complicated, if that doesn't work, you try something even more complicated... and at each step there are several options, and each one could be optimal for some input strings but not for others.
E.g. if the range is 0-5000, you'd start by marking the 4-digit integers that are only present at one location. But after that, you could do the same thing again (because integers that were present twice could have had one of their options removed) until there's no more improvement, or you could check integers that are present twice, or integers that are present up to x times, or move on to 3-digit integers... I don't think there's a straightforward way to know which of these options will give the best result.
This solution should work for any input string and any start/end range:
We can think about the numbers in the string as a pool of digits that we can choose from. We start at startRange and go through to endRange, looking for each number along the way in our pool of digits.
When we find a number that can be composed from our pool of digits, we delete those digits from our pool of digits, as those digits are already being used to form a number in our range.
As soon as we come across a number that cannot be composed from our pool of digits, that must be the missing number.
const str = "14036587109"; // input
const numsLeft = str.split("").map(num => parseInt(num)); // array of numbers
const startRange = 0;
const endRange = 10;
for(let i = startRange; i <= endRange ; i++) {
// check if number can be formed given the numbers left in numsLeft
const numFound = findNum(numsLeft, i);
if(!numFound) {
console.log("MISSING: " + i); // prints 2
function findNum(numsLeft, i) {
// array of digits
const numsToFind = String(i).split("").map(num => parseInt(num));
// default is true, if all digits are found in numsLeft
let found = true;
numsToFind.forEach(num => {
// find digit in numsLeft
const numFoundIndex = numsLeft.indexOf(num);
if(numFoundIndex < 0) {
// digit was not found in numsLeft
found = false;
} else {
// digit was found; delete digit from numsLeft
numsLeft.splice(numFoundIndex, 1);
return found;
var input = '10436587109';
var range = [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0];
var expr1 = new RegExp(range.join('|'),'g');
var expr2 = new RegExp('[0-9]','g');
var a = input.match(expr1).map(Number).concat(input.match(expr2).map(Number));
var x = range.filter(function(i){ return a.indexOf(i)===-1; });

how to get the number of digits in a number with leading zeros

For normal numbers, like var a = 123, it is easy to count the number of digits (with a.toString().length), but what if var a = 00123? (assume it is still in decimal).
There are a couple of problems you might experience here with a possible easy solution. First entering a number value with leading zeros, will be interpreted differently than expected. Generally it wont store the number in decimal format but instead octal or some other base. If you just want to get the length of that value then you need to store it as a string.
var a = '00123';
Just keep in mind if you dont store it as a string the number will probably not be stored as decimal.
This is a common Javascript gotcha with a simple solution:
Just specify the base, or 'radix', like so:
parseInt('000123',10); // 123
You could also use Number:
Number('000123'); // 123

Add comma separator to a value variable

I have read some thousand comma separator JavaScript question/answer but found it hard to apply it in practice. For example I have the variable
x = 10023871234981029898198264897123897.231241235
How will I separate it in thousands with commas? I want a function that not only works with that number of digits but more. Regardless of the number of digits the function I need has to separate the number in commas and leaving the digits after the decimal point as it is, Can anyone help? It has to work on number and turn it into string.
First of all, for such huge numbers you should use string format:
var x = "10023871234981029898198264897123897.231241235";
Otherwise, JavaScript will automatically convert it to exponential notation, i.e. 1.002387123498103e+34.
Then, according to the question about money formatting, you can use the following code:
x.replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, "$1,");
It will result in: "10,023,871,234,981,029,898,198,264,897,123,897.231241235".

