babel with express js :avoid relative path imports - javascript

Currently my imports like this
import router from '../../app/routes'
Is there any way to avoid this ../../ for eg: import router from 'app/routes' in typescript I can do it like
Is anything same available in Babel??

Yes, you can use babel-plugin-module-resolver
"plugins": [
["module-resolver", {
"root": ["./src"],
"alias": {
"app": "./app",
for instance to alias all references to "app" to be ./src/app.


Lazy-loaded modules warnings after updating Angular from 8 to 9

After Angular update all lazy-loaded modules return warning:
Error: [path/to/module/module-name.ts] is missing from the TypeScript
compilation. Please make sure it is in your tsconfig via the 'files'
or 'include' property.
My function which returns modules array:
export function manifests(prefix = '') {
return [
loadChildren: () => import(prefix + '/path/to/a.module').then(m => m.AModule),
path: 'a',
loadChildren: () => import(prefix + '/path/to/b.module').then(m => m.BModule),
path: 'b',
If I replace that function with static array everything seems to be fine, though. Why?
"extends": "./tsconfig.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "./out-tsc/app",
"types": []
"files": [
"include": [
In my case, for some reason, the file name in the import statements were capatilized.
For instance, let's say I had the following .ts file: companySearchModel.ts
export class CompanySearchModel {
//some properties
The import statement in another file, where the companySearchModel is used, looked like this:
import { CompanySearchModel } from './models/CompanySearchModel.ts'
When it should have looked, like this:
import { CompanySearchModel } from './models/companySearchModel.ts'
Not sure why this happened, but hopefully this will help you.
you can add this path to exclude in tsconfig below include property
"exclude": [

babel-plugin-module-resolver adding extra ../ to path

While I am aware that Babel is capable of transpiling TypeScript itself, I've had enough weird issues I'd like to first transpile TypeScript->JS and then run Babel on that.
I've got my tsconfig.json files working as expected. When I compile my TypeScript (from ./src folder relative to babel.config.json's path), it outputs to a ./build folder. I have Babel set to take what's in the ./build folder and output to the ./dist folder.
The output of TSC shows import {bar} from 'foo' and import {thing} from 'foo/util', as expected. But Babel's output looks like ../../../libfoo/libfoo.js when it should be ../../libfoo/libfoo.js
No matter what I try with root/cwd, I can't seem to get that extra ../ to disappear. I've managed to make it go away a couple times, but then I rebuild without changing the babel config, and it comes back.
My babel.config.json currently looks like this:
"presets": [
["#babel/preset-env", {"targets": {
"node": true,
"electron": "80"
["#babel/preset-typescript", { "onlyRemoveTypeImports": true }]
"plugins": [
["babel-plugin-module-resolver", {
"alias": {
"^foo/(.+)": "./libfoo/\\1.js",
"^foo$": "./libfoo/libfoo.js"
["#babel/plugin-transform-typescript", {
"allowNamespaces": true,
"allowDeclareFields": true,
"onlyRemoveTypeImports": true
["#babel/plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator", { "proposal": "fsharp" }],
["#babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { "decoratorsBeforeExport": true }],
"sourceMaps": true
Well, I found a solution that doesn't really fix the problem but makes it works.
My files structure is something like this:
When babel compiles the code, the import of db/connect in src/index.ts, go from this:
import ... from "db/connect"
to this:
var _connect = require("../db/connect");
To resolve this, I simply add /dist to the paths in .babelrc
"root": ["./"], # or ["src"] or "src" or ["./src"] or "./src" or any way you can imagine
"alias": {
"db": "./db",
"alias": {
"db": "./dist/db",
And the import is now:
var _connect = require("../dist/db/connect");
As you said, the root doesn't affect the require path, so I just removed it.
This doesn't fix the problem, but makes it work.
Hope it helps, good luck! :)

Jest : TypeError: require(...) is not a function

The application is written by React with ES6 so import and export statements are used inside the application. So Jest is configured to work compatible with ES6, but compiled node_modules dependencies are causing an error which is
TypeError: require(...) is not a function
when tests started.
I assume this is happening because Jest configured to work with babel-jest to handle import statements, but compiled codes are using require for handling the modules. I tried to exclude node_modules folder, but nothing changed. I think, ES6 modules using compiled modules placed into the node_modules as a dependency because of that it cannot be excluded? Is it possible?
Also, I am having a problem to understand how does jest handle both import and require at the same time? If ES6 codes are compiled first then each module will be handled as require after that compiling process. So what is the problem?
Here are the configurations
module.exports = {
clearMocks: true,
moduleNameMapper: {
"^.+\\.(js|jsx)$": "babel-jest",
modulePathIgnorePatterns: [
/* eslint-disable */
module.exports = {
presets: [
targets: {
browsers: ["ie >= 9", "safari >= 8"]
plugins: [
["#babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { legacy: true }],
{ loose: true }
plugins: [
["#babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { legacy: true }],
{ loose: true }
If you are tying to import any file for example a font file, then simply create a mockFile that just have
// mockFile.ts or mockFile.js
export default {};
and then in jest.config.js
moduleNameMapper: {
'^.+\\.(woff2)$': '<rootDir>/<path to file>/mockFile.ts',
This will resolve to the mockFil when it will try to import a font file. You can also add other file extentions like '^.+\\.(jpg|png|woff2)$: '<rootDir>/<path to file>/mockFile.ts'.
It should work.

Adding a module mapper to Jest?

The tsconfig.json has paths setup like this:
"paths": {
"#fs/*": ["src/*"],
"#test/*": ["test/*"]
With that all #fs/blah/blah imports are resolving fine in VSCode. In order to get Jest to work with the same import declaration I added moduleMapper to jest.config.ts and this is the full config:
module.exports = {
roots: ["./src"],
transform: {
"^.+\\.tsx?$": "ts-jest"
testRegex: "(/__tests__/.*|(\\.|/)(test|spec))\\.tsx?$",
moduleFileExtensions: ["ts", "tsx", "js", "jsx", "json", "node"],
moduleNameMapper: {
"#fs/*": ["src/*"]
With that statements like import { isBoolean } from "#fs/is"; do not resolve.
When changed using a relative import it Jest does resolve it (import { isBoolean } from "./is";)
According to the jest document, keys of moduleNameMapper are regular expressions. (not glob patterns)
And <rootDir> can be used to reference the root of the project. (docs)
So, we can configure like below:
moduleNameMapper: {
"^#fs/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/$1"

How to use JSPM overrides in SystemJS config file?

My JSPM version: 0.17.0-beta.5.
My project is using ES6 style import statement using TypeScript.
I installed angular-ui-router like so:
jspm install angular-ui-router
This saves the following lines to my package.json:
"jspm" {
"overrides": {
"github:angular-ui/ui-router#0.2.17": {
"directories": {
"lib": "release"
"format": "cjs",
"main": "angular-ui-router",
"registry": "jspm",
"dependencies": {
"angular": "^1.3.2"
"meta": {
"angular-ui-router.js": {
"deps": [
// ... other stuff
Great! So it says the file that should be loaded is located in the release folder.
But in my browser, I load my jspm.conf.js file, which says:
"packages": {
"github:angular-ui/ui-router#0.2.17": {
"map": {
"angular": "github:angular/bower-angular#1.4.9"
// ... little further
"map": {
"angular-ui-router": "github:angular-ui/ui-router#0.2.17"
So there is no notion there that SystemJS should look in the release folder as I mentioned above. Therefor, I can't import like
import 'angular-ui-router'
but only like
import angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router
How do I use the overrides from package.json in my SystemJS config file jspm.config.js which is loaded in the browser?

