I have some questions about Sapper/Svelte - javascript

I just started using Sapper (https://sapper.svelte.technology) for the first time. I really like it so far. One of the things I need it to do is show a list of the components available in my application and show information about them. Ideally have a way to change the way the component looks based on dynamic bindings on the page.
I have a few questions about using the framework.
First, I'll provide a snippet of my code, and then a screenshot:
<Layout page="{{slug}}">
<div class="content">
<TopBar :organization_name />
{{#each Object.keys(info.attributes) as attribute}}
<p>{{info.attributes[attribute].description}} <input type="text" on:keyup="updateComponent(this.value)" value="Org Name" /></p>
import Layout from '../_components/components/Layout.html';
import TopBar from '../../_components/header/TopBar.html';
let COMPONENTS = require('../_config/components.json');
export default {
components: {
Layout, TopBar
methods: {
updateComponent(value) {
this.set({organization_name: value});
data() {
return {
organization_name: 'Org Name'
preload({ params, query }) {
params['info'] = COMPONENTS.components[params.slug];
return params;
Now my questions:
I notice I can't #each through my object. I have to loop through its keys. Would be nice if I could do something like this:
{{#each info.attributes as attribute }}
Before Sapper, I would use Angular-translate module that could do translations on strings based on a given JSON file. Does anyone know if a Sapper/Svelte equivalent exists, or is that something I might need to come up with on my own?
I'm not used to doing imports. I'm more use to dependency injection in Angular which looks a bit cleaner (no paths). Is there some way I can create a COMPONENTS constant that could be used throughout my files, or will I need to import a JSON file in every occurence that I need access to its data?
As a follow-up to #3, I wonder if there is a way to better include files instead of having to rely on using ../.. to navigate through my folder structure? If I were to change the path of one of my files, my Terminal will complain and give errors which is nice, but still, I wonder if there is a better way to import my files.
I know there has got to be a better way to implement what I implemented in my example. Basically, you see an input box beside an attribute, and if I make changes there, I am calling an updateComponent function which then does a this.set() in the current scope to override the binding. This works, but I was wondering if there was some way to avoid the function. I figured it's possible that you can bind the value of the input and have it automatically update my <TopBar> component binding... maybe?
The preload method gives me access to params. What I want to know if there is some way for me to get access to params.slug without the preload function.
What would be really cool is to have some expert rewrite what I've done in the best possible way, possibly addressing some of my questions.

Svelte will only iterate over array-like objects, because it's not possible to guarantee consistent behaviour with objects — it throws up various edge cases that are best solved at an app level. You can do this sort of thing, just using standard JavaScript idioms:
{{#each Object.values(info.attributes) as attr}}
<p>{{attr.description}} ...</p>
<!-- or, if you need the key as well -->
{{#each Object.entries(info.attributes) as [key, value]}}
<p>{{attr.description}} ...</p>
Not aware of a direct angular-translate equivalent, but a straightforward i18n solution is to fetch some JSON in preload:
preload({ params, query }) {
return fetch(`/i18n/${locale}.json`)
.then(r => r.json())
.then(dict => {
return { dict };
Then, you can reference things like {{dict["hello"]}} in your template. A more sophisticated solution would only load the strings necessary for the current page, and would cache everything etc, but the basic idea is the same.
I guess you could do this:
// app/client.js (assuming Sapper >= 0.7)
import COMPONENTS from './config/components.json';
// app/server.js
import COMPONENTS from './config/components.json';
Importing isn't that bad though! It's good for a module's dependencies to be explicit.
You can use the resolve.modules field in your webpack configs: https://webpack.js.org/configuration/resolve/#resolve-modules
This would be a good place to use two-way binding:
{{#each Object.values(info.attributes) as attr}}
<p>{{attr.description}} <input bind:value=organization_name /></p>
Yep, the params object is always available in your pages (not nested components, unless you pass the prop down, but all your top-level components like routes/whatever/[slug].html) — so you can reference it in templates as {{params.slug}}, or inside lifecycle hooks and methods as this.get('params').slug, whether or not a given component uses preload.


Ember passing an action closure through an outlet

I am building a simple Ember app, but I have run into difficulty passing an action closure to a child component when that component is rendered in the {{outlet}} of a navigable container.
For context, here is a quick look at the aesthetically-astonishing app I have been building:
I have a roles/role path that displays a component (the yellow section above) with the following markup. Note that the model for this component is an instance of a Role:
// file: app/components/role.hbs
{{sel-nav-tabs items=this.tabConfig}}
<div class='route-content'>{{outlet}}</div>
(Where "sel" stands for "someone else's library".)
this.tabConfig is defines in the corresponding class:
// file: app/components.role.js
import Component from '#glimmer/component';
export default class RoleComponent extends Component {
get tabConfig() {
return [
{ label: 'Users', route: 'roles.role.users' },
{ label: 'Privileges', route: 'roles.role.privileges' },
Into the outlet in role.hbs will be rendered the appropriate list component, either users or privileges.
The users list is rendered by the following component. Note that the model is the list of User instances associated with the Role from its parent:
// file: app/components/role/user-list.hbs
{{#each #users as |user|}}
{{#sel-button type="toolbar" onActivate=this.removeUser}}
and when the button is clicked it calls an action defined in the RoleUserListComponent class:
// file: app/components/role/user-list.js
import Component from '#glimmer/component';
import { action } from "#ember/object";
export default class RoleUserListComponent extends Component {
#action removeUser(user) {
// remove the user model from the role... but which role?
The catch is that the relationship between users and roles is many-to-many, so I can't simply unset the user's owner and let Ember Data take care of things. The obvious answer seemed like passing an action closure from the role component to its child user-list component.
Except, there seems to be no way to pass the action closure through the {{outlet}}. What I was hoping for was something like:
{{outlet onActivate=(action removeUser #role)}}
which would pass the closure to any component that was rendered there. I tried instead to use {{yield user}} in the child to let the parent render the delete button and give it the appropriate action, but that also hit the outlet wall.
I also tried to use controllers, which aren't documented that well, probably since their role seems to have been evolving dramatically over Ember's maturation. But while this brief explanation does mention passing down actions, it doesn't go into details, and the few up-to-date examples I found all seem to break when an outlet joins the party.
I'm suspecting that {{outlet}} just plain isn't closure-friendly.
While defining a service would probably work, that doesn't seem to be what services are intended for, and I'd be cluttering up my global space to solve a local problem.
What is the best practice (or, really, any practice) for dealing with getting messages through outlets? I looked for ways to query the earlier parts of the path, but I didn't find any that were defined in the relevant classes.
EDIT to add more detail:
The route template for /roles/role is simply:
// file app/templates/roles/role
{{role role=#model}}
Where the Role component is in the first listing above. (I also added the role.js file contents above.) My reasoning for doing that was that by making a component I created a logical place to put the config (rather than inline helper functions) and it just gave me a sense of tidiness to have all ui elements be in components.
If a refactor can be the anchor to a good solution (essentially copying the entire Role component into the route template), however, I'll happily do it.
{{outlet}} only supports one optional string argument for a named outlet and nothing else, so you won't be able to achieve this through the use of {{outlet}}!

Display react component name in attribute

While working with React, i would like to display component name in an attribute of the component. E.g. if I have a component <LoginBox /> I would like it to be rendered as
<div data-react-name="LoginBox">...</div>
But I want this to be done automatically for each transpiled component. Reason for this is automated testing when I'd check for rendered elements in HTML/DOM, currently a component is not differentiated by the name in rendered HTML.
I thought I'd write a babel plugin, but I have no idea what visitors I'd use and how to make it robust enough. I tried google for such a plugin but I have no idea how it would be called and found nothing useful.
So is there any plugin or any way to achieve this?
Now after a year, as I'm rethinking, it should be quite easy.
For more details on writing plugins see handbook.
Use ASTexplorer to inspect what AST would your code result in. And then, for generated tree, prepare visitors. So e.g. with code:
<div><Custom some-prop="prop">Some text</Custom></div>
we would infer, that we need to use visitor JSXOpeningElement and alter node's property attribute. To this property - array we would add a new element that we would create by Babel.types.jsxAttribute(name, value). We will get the name of tag from node's property .name.name (the name string is nested inside name object). We also need to use appropriate types. So it would look like this:
module.exports = function(Babel) {
return {
visitor: {
JSXOpeningElement(path) {
const name = Babel.types.jsxIdentifier('data-testname');
const value = Babel.types.stringLiteral(path.node.name.name);
path.node.attributes.push(Babel.types.jsxAttribute(name, value));
The code is tested with the ASTExplorer.

Using Redux with vanilla JS how can I reach it without passing it to every component?

I'm using Redux in a vanilla JS project. I have a bunch of small modular UI files and controllers and such. In those UI files I might have code like:
const ExampleForm = function (StoreInstance) {
return $('<form />', {
submit: () => {
post: {
message: $TextareaComponent.val()
return false
The issue is I have a lot of simple view files like this and many of them are nested and I'm finding it to be ugly and error prone to have the store passed as a param to everything.
For example, I trimmed it for brevity but the form component has form element components such as a textarea. Currently I see two options of managing the Store:
Setting it to window when creating it in my entry file (index.js) and then just accessing Store globally. This seems the nicest, although not "best practice" and makes unit testing and server side rendering a bit harder.
Passing it to every component tediously. This is my example above. This I'd consider as "best practice" but it's pretty annoying to do for every file you make almost.
I'm wondering if there's any alternatives or tricks to passing the store instance. I'm leaning towards just making it global.
You could use the constructor pattern and create every view as new ConnectedView(). The ConnectedView would have a memoized instance of the store (this.store within the view), so it doesn't need to be global.

How to have all the static strings in one place

I am creating a vue webapp, I have few pages with Dynamic content and also few pages which has mostly static content. I want to move all these static strings to one place.
One option can be to use vue-i18n or vue-multilanguage, these gives support to have content files like this, but I really have no use case of support of multiple languages, so it also seems a bit over kill to me.
Another option can be to have a vuex store for all the strings, vuex I am already using for state management.
What can be good approach to do this.
I am not aware of a standard way of doing this, also this would be applicable to all the web frameworks. That said it is an interesting and valid problem.
If I had to do something about it:
I would want these strings to be available everywhere.
I would prefer not having to import these strings in all the components and each time I needed to use them.
I would want the storage space to be descriptive so that I don't have to go back and forth to check what I want to import. [The toughest part in my opinion]
To achieve 1, we can use:
A services/some.js file which exports an object.
I would go with plugins because:
I can get the strings by merely using this in a component, Vue.use(plugin) prevents the same plugin getting used twice, and at the same time achieve all the points (3rd will still be a tough nut to crack). Only disadvantage that I know of it might clutter the vue-instance.
So plugin can be designed like:
// stringsHelperPlugin.js
const STRING_CONST = {
[component_1_Name]: {
key1: val1,
key2: val2,
[component_2_Name]: {
key1: val1,
key2: val2,
StringConst.install = function (Vue, options) {
Vue.prototype.$getStringFor = (componentName, key) => {
return STRING_CONST['componentName'][key]
export default StringConst
in main.js this can be used like:
import StringConst from 'path/to/plugin'
and you could use this in a component template like so:
{{ $getStringFor(<component_1_name>, 'key1') }}
You can use something like this.$getStringFor(<componentName>, key) in a method. Pretty much everything that vuejs to has to offer.
Why I call the 3rd point hardest is: Maintainance if you ever change component names, you might also have to change it in the object returned by the plugin. This problem again, can be handled in many ways.
You can make an npm module with JSON files containing your strings
If you don't use vuex in your project, put your content in some javascript files which will be basically objects with all your static content and import them where you need just like Belmin menionted I am using Vue js and python flask as my backend. I want to have some local variable set. How can it be done?
A similar approach can be used for urls, configurations, errors etc.
If you use vuex, centralize everything there and make getters which you can use in each of your components.

Blaze Meteor dynamically instanciate template and datacontext

I'm dynamically instanciating template on event / or array change (with observe-like functionality).
To achieve that, I use
//whatever event you want, eg:
$(".foo").on("click", function(){
Blaze.renderWithData(Template.widgetCard, d, $(".cards").get(0));
That is working, but obviously, instances aren't bound to any parent's template.
Because I just rendered this template on the div.cards I'm unable to use the Template.parentData(1) to get the parent datacontext, even so this div.cards is include on a template.
The quick fix would be to set the wanted reference (which in my case is an object) variable parent's datacontext on global scope, or even use Session, or directly pass this context through the renderWithData's data.
Do you know any other way,even better the proper one (I mean Meteor fancy one), to achieve that?
Is it a good Blaze.renderWithData use case?
Tell me if i'm unclear or more code is needed.
Complementary context info:
I've a chart (d3) where it's possible to select some parts of it.
It has an array property to stock this selected data part.
Chart = function Chart(clickCb, hoverCb, leaveCb, addSelectionCb, removeSelectionCb){
var chart = this;
chart.selectedParts = [];
//... code
From outside of this Chart class (so on the Meteor client side), the chart.selectedParts is modified (add/delete).
The dream would be to "bind" this array chart.selectedParts like:
selectedDataChart: function(){
return Template.instance.chart.selectedParts;
and on the template being able to do something like that:
<div class="row">
<div class="large-12 columns">
<div class="cards">
{{#each selectedDataChart}}
{{> cardWidget}}
Like that, if the chart.selectedParts was reactive, Blaze could automatically create or remove cardWidget template instance due to the binding.
I've tried to use manuel:reactivearray package on it (and it's kind of anoying cause I'm doing complex manipulation on this array with Underscore, which obviously don't work with none-native Array type such reactiveArray).
Not working, but I dunno if it should have worked.
What do you think?
At this time, I'm doing things a bit dirty I suppose; I juste instanciate/destroying Blaze View on element added/removed chart.selectedParts as: Blaze.renderWithData(Template.widgetCard, {data: d, chart: this}, $(".cards").get(0));
So here how I manage to do that.
Actually I don't think using Blaze.renderWithData() is a good solution.
Best way I've found is to pass your data on "Reactive mode", to be able to use all Template functionalities, and keep using Spacebars to instanciate templates. (Like parent DataContext link).
Easiest way to have reactive datasource is to always match your data with your Mongo, so I don't have to declare a custom Reactive Data source (which could be tricky with complex from a complex js data structure).
If someone have the same problem, I'm pretty sure it's because you don't follow the "good" way to do (which was my case).
One con with always updating your DB as reactive Data source should be a case where you're doing a lot of UI state change, and after all, saving the change. On this case, it's pretty useless to always pass by the DB, but it's from far the quickest solution.
Ask me if you have any similar issue understanding philosophy/way to do, I'm starting to understand what i'm doing!

