Node Js printing before execution - javascript

I am using node Js for automation and its printing all the console.log statements in one go, even before the browser opens up. Basically i have a print statement(console.log) after each line of code to make sure that my code has been executed, however this node.js prints all the print statement in one go.... even before the browser fires up... and then throws exception- element not found. How can i make sure that only after the code line has been executed, the next line executes ?? - below line of code, i am trying to execute...
Secondly, I am not able to make the script wait explicitly - in java there is a simple method Thread.sleep(5000) ...
how does it work in Javascript?
var un =driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[#id='userName']")).sendKeys('CIT.XXXX');
console.log("login text entered");
var pwd =driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[#id='password']")).sendKeys('ABCD123!');
console.log('Password keys Sent');
var Login =driver.findElement(By.xpath("//button[#id='smLogin']")).click();
console.log('Login Clicked');

You can use the library for synchronous processing in javascript.


undefined result javascript

I have a simple javascript code, that validate when you write a order number and generates tags with javascript(with bootstrap-tagsinput js):
var order = $('#order_number').val();
if ($.inArray(order, $('#input_order_tags').val()) >= 0) {
$('#input_order_tags').tagsinput('add', order);
var params = {
email: email,
order_code: order
AjaxServices.validateOrderNumberByEmail(params, function(error, result) {
if (error)
$('#input_order_tags').tagsinput('add', result.order);
This works fine but, every time trigger the error message when send a order number:
Console chrome debug:
How I can avoid the error of alert?
This is not a javascript issue. Server-side in you application you use order_code in one of the calls which returns the error message you see in the ajax call. Debug the offending call server-side, see which call returns that error and adjust your code so it works properly.
There might be two possibilities
client side issue ( javascript error) if so, its because the field order_number is disabled field.
as mentioned in this link
undefined index on javascript dynamic variables when passing to php form
If so, remove that disabled and use read-only and check if it works, without any error.
Server side issue( ajax call) if so, server side code which performs on call of that ajax call is causing that issue.

"Expression does not produce a value" in javascript,

In the Create View of the "Deal" model, I've defined a javascript function that creates a new object in a List Property when clicking a button.
I get the error "expression does not produce a value". I'm not expecting a value, I only need to create a new empty object in the list, so I don't understand this error.
javascript in my view, the line that adds the new Period to the list throws the error:
<script type="text/javascript">
function addRow() {
#Model.Periods.Add(New DealPeriod());
"Deal" Model:
Public MustInherit Class Deal
Public Property Periods As New List(Of DealPeriod)
There are two issues here - to cover the issue in the question "expression does not produce a value":
The #symbol here means "output the result of the following to the http response stream".
As List.Add() returns void, there is nothing to send to the response stream, so it gives you that error message.
Put another way, the # needs a value and List.Add() does not generate a value.
The second issue is that it appears you are mixing server-side execute with client-side execution (note I don't say server-side/client-side code, that's allowed in a similar way to how you have it). It appears you want to add a new "DealPeriod" when "addRow" is called - that's simply not how it works. The VB.Net code runs on the server and the javascript code runs on the client, in the browser. They are not linked together.
There are ways to link them such as an ajax call or signalr.
You are expecting #Model.Periods.Add(New DealPeriod()); to run when that javascript function is called, but that is not what is happening. The inline VB code is run server-side before sending HTML to the client.
With your webpage open, view source of the page and observe the code that gets rendered in that javascript function. You will not see that line of code.
What you want to do is make an ajax call to a controller that will perform the logic you want.

Basic questions about javascript

Please take a peek at the following code, which is in _form.html.erb:
function typeCatch(){
$.post("<%= update_readers_link_essay_path(#essay) %>");
$(this).off("keypress", typeCatch);//remove handler
("form#new_revision").on("keypress", typeCatch);
When the user starts typing in a form, the ajax request should be fired and update the readers list. However, the post request is not fired when I start typing in the form and I am trying to debug this problem.
Since I am not that familiar with javacsript yet, I would appreciate if you helped me clarify a few things.
a. For the second part, can I just do
$("form#new_revision").on("keypress", typeCatch);
without wrapping it with $(function() {} ?
b. Is there anything that I'm doing wrong? Since ajax call isn't fired, I must have made a mistake in the second part?
Additional Question
my_personal_chat.js (in app/assets/javascripts pipeline)
$(function() {
var pusher = new Pusher('app_key');
var channel = pusher.subscribe('presence-my-chat');
channel.bind('pusher:subscription_succeeded', function(members) {
... other functions ...
This is how I implemented my chat feature, using Pusher. Since the channel is private, everytime I call var channel, an ajax call to POST /pusher/auth is invoked.
I found that every time I navigate to a different page, even when it's not where the chat feature is, POST /pusher/auth is called. Basically, every time my_personal_chat.js is loaded, the ajax call will be unnecessarily invoked.
Question: How do I prevent this from happening? my_personal_chat.js should only be loaded when I go to Should I just pull out everything from the javascript file and put it inside chat.html.erb? Is that the conventional way of doing it?
to answer my own question: I moved the code from my_personal_chat.js to and deleted my_personal_chat.js. Now the javascript only gets loaded when users go to the chat page.
a. There are alternatives, but wrapping the code in $(function() {}) is one of the best ways to ensure that the code isn't executed until all the elements are loaded into the DOM. It's a jQuery feature.
b. ("form#new_revision").on("keypress", typeCatch); should be $("form#new_revision").on("keypress", typeCatch);. You're missing the $ at the beginning.

How to make JS execute in HTML response received using Ajax?

I have following workflow
div on the page is used
on users operation request is done
to server side page whose html is
retrived using ajax and dumped into
the div
With html markup some JavaScript is
also dumped however that is not
getting executed.
Why is so ? What could be the possible fix ?
Though i avoid doing things like this but in some old code implementations like these are very common.
Scripts added using .innerHTML will not be executed, so you will have to handle this your self.
One easy way is to extract the scripts and execute them
var response = "html\<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"foo\");<\/script>html";
var reScript = /\<script.*?>(.*)<\/script>/mg;
response = response.replace(reScript, function(m,m1) {
eval(m1); //will run alert("foo");
return "";
alert(response); // will alert "htmlhtml"
This will extract the scripts, execute them and replace them with "" in the original data.

How to catch javascript exceptions/errors? (To log them on server)

Automatic feedback on JavaScript error
Logging JavaScript-Errors on Server
How would I go about logging errors in javascript? I can't wrap every line of javascript in try catch block.
I talking about the errors that for example in IE, would show an Error On page message and have the line and char the caused the error. If I can just figure out how to catch this error on the client side, I can just log the error on the server using an ajax call.
I use this function in all my projects:
window.onerror = function(m,u,l){"ajax/js_error_log.php",
{ msg: m,
url: u,
line: l,
window: window.location.href });
return true};
Make sure it is the very first javascript the browser receives or at least precedes any potentially error-causing code. Requires jQuery of course, but you could code ajax functions in pure javascript if you wanted to.
Please note: this will not help you if you have a syntax error. All javascript instantly dies if there is a syntax error.

