Module Import error - cannot find module - javascript

I was trying to import the module dynamically in ES6 on Meteor application. But getting an error cannot find module. The same import works when I'm using the static import statement.
Please have a look at the below code -
const JOBS = ['update-report-cron'];
const jobs = {
start() {
JOBS.forEach((job) => {
console.log(`job ${job} has been started`);
let fileName = './' + job + '.js';
module.exports = {jobs};
ERROR - Cannot find module './update-report-cron.js'

export default const jobs = {
// your code
When you import, use
import { jobs } from './update-report-cron.js'

Ru's answer is not correct, not sure how it's your answer.
export default const jobs = {
// your code
When you import, use
import jobs from './update-report-cron.js'


How to convert require to import? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Pass options to ES6 module imports
(9 answers)
Closed last month.
How do you convert the following code to ES6:
const uu = require('url-unshort')();
try {
const url = await uu.expand('');
if (url)
console.log(`Original url is: ${url}`);
console.log('This url can\'t be expanded');
} catch (err) {
This snippet is from, a node package that unshorts links. However, the import/require part made me stumble.
const uu = require('url-unshort')();
I have seen require('') and import { } from pkg alone and have used them. But it's my first time to see a require('') and then besides it another ().
To add to my confusion, I think url-unshort has no modules inside of the package that I can extract using import { } from 'url-unshort'. I did try the following:
import * as uu from 'url-unshort';
But I think I'm missing a step because it doesn't work still.
It appears that the default export of require('url-unshort') is a function and you should call it.
So the solution would be:
import Unshort from 'url-unshort';
const uu = Unshort();
Use the import statement instead of const uu = require('url-unshort')(); to import the required module.
import urlUnshort from 'url-unshort';
const uu = urlUnshort();
(async () => {
try {
const url = await uu.expand('');
if (url) {
console.log(`Original url is: ${url}`);
} else {
console.log("This url can't be expanded");
} catch (err) {

I am getting a required error using graphql tools

I am building a gql server application using apollo server.
When I try to load my .graphql files using import { loadFilesSync } from '#graphql-tools/load-files', this works very well, but when I load my resolver files, i get an error
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module /userpath/index.js from /userpath/server-gql/noop.js not supported.
Instead change the require of index.js in /userpath/server-gql/noop.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
at Object.newLoader [as .js] (/userpath/server-gql/node_modules/pirates/lib/index.js:141:7)
at file:///userpath/server-gql/node_modules/#graphql-tools/load-files/esm/index.js:104:33
at (<anonymous>)
at loadFilesSync (file:///userpath/server-gql/node_modules/#graphql-tools/load-files/esm/index.js:95:10)
at file:///userpath/server-gql/schema.js:20:24
at async Promise.all (index 0) {
I am using "type": "module" in my package.json.
Here's my code snippet for where i get the error
import path from 'path'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
import { loadFilesSync } from '#graphql-tools/load-files'
import { mergeTypeDefs, mergeResolvers } from '#graphql-tools/merge'
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename)
const typesArray = loadFilesSync(path.join(__dirname, '.'), {
recursive: true,
extensions: ['graphql'],
const resolversArray = loadFilesSync(path.join(__dirname, './graphql/**/*.resolvers.js'), {
recursive: true,
extensions: ['js'],
const newResolversArray = resolversArray.slice(1)
export const typeDefs = mergeTypeDefs(typesArray)
export const resolvers = mergeResolvers(newResolversArray)
I think the error occurs in the resolvers array.
I was running into a very similar issue and found this workaround/solution worked for me:
I had to modify that answer a bit to get it working in my codebase...below is what my own resolverFiles snippet now looks like (I'm not 100% sure what your import/naming conventions look like, or I'd try to apply this to your code snippet).
I have a mixed, nested directory schema/ that contains resolver files of the format SomethingResolvers.ts. Each of these look like the following (I'm using codegen):
import { Resolvers } from "../../generated/graphql";
export const resolvers: Resolvers = { /* resolver implementations */ };
const resolverFiles = await loadFiles(
path.join(__dirname, "**/*Resolvers.js"),
requireMethod: async (path) => {
const module = await import(pathToFileURL(path).toString());
return module["resolvers"];
recursive: true,

SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word "await"

I keep getting this error even thought I am in a asynchronous function...
import { dirname, join } from "path";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = dirname(__filename);
export async function importer(client) {
const dir = join(__dirname, "../../commands/")
const commandCategories = readdirSync(dir)
for (let cat of commandCategories) {
const commandFiles = readdirSync(join(dir, cat)).filter(files => files.endsWith(".js"));
for (const file of commandFiles) {
const command = await import(join(dir, cat, file));
client.commands.set(, command.default);
Is there something I am missing? I definitely need the await part in import in const command. It imports a few commands then it drops the mentioned error in title on the console output.
The problem isn't the importer code, it's in one of the modules you attempted to import (and import crashes on parsing it)!
It's a bug in node that such a non-helpful error is thrown when this syntax error is encountered during dynamic import.
Try logging the filenames before importing them so you can see at which file it crashes. Once you know which file failed to parse, do a static import of it for testing, so you can get a proper error that tells you which line has the issue.

Not able to export function in nodejs

I have defined a function service in one of the file
import Category from '../models/Category.js';
export const AllCategories = () => {
const cursor = Category.find({});
return cursor
export default {AllCategories}
I am importing this in the controller file
import express from 'express';
import categoryService from '../services/categories.js'
const router = express.Router();
export const getCategories = async(req,res) => {
try {
const categoriesInfo = categoryService.AllCategories
} catch (error) {
res.status(404).json({ message: error.message });
export default router;
But the issue is that AllCategories is not getting run, what is wrong here
I also tried adding async/await
import Category from '../models/Category.js';
export const AllCategories = async () => {
try {
const cursor = await Category.find({});
return cursor
} catch (error) {
return error
export default {AllCategories}
But still no luck
You're not calling the function, this saves it in the variable categoriesInfo:
const categoriesInfo = categoryService.AllCategories
To get its return value:
const categoriesInfo = await categoryService.AllCategories();
Note: I think you need to make it async if you're doing a db transaction so keep the second version and test it.
You can't use the ES module or ESM syntax by default in node.js. You either have to use CommonJS syntax or you have to do 1 of the following.
Change the file extension from .js to .mjs
Add to the nearest package.json file a field called type with a value of module

electron "MAIN" : requiring you own js file and call function from it

I'm can't understand some things here related to electron. I've been searching for hours for the magic answer but couldn't find anything.
My goal is simple. I don't want my main electron.js file to be 5000 lines long without any kind of organization so I'm trying to split the code into multiple js file that make sense.
My idea was to use import { someFunction1, someFunction2 } from './scripts/someScript' in my electron.js and then just creating that file with the arrow function in it and export them.
Then I could call the function as I want in the main file. However, it doesn't seem to be possible. I've read electronjs doesn't support ES6 syntax. I've read about Babel (But from what I read, it implies a bunch of additional configuration and I don't want to spend days trying to add this to the bunch of configuration that are already messy with electron + React (No boiler plate here). And I didn't find anything specifics for this combo.
Question is. Is this doable in 2021? Am I missing anything? What would you guys recommend?
File would look something like this:
import { someNodeModuleFunction } from 'someNodeModule';
const someFunction1 = () => {
return 1;
const someFunction2 = () => {
return 2;
export { someFunction1, someFunction2 }
Here's the actual code I have a problem with. I still get
if the file is .js: "Must use import to load ES Module"
If the file is .mjs: "Cannot use import statement outside a module"
This script is simply using fs to create a directory:
import { existsSync, mkdir } from 'fs';
const electron = require('electron');
const app =;
const documentFolder = app.getPath('documents');
const CreateDataDirectory = () => {
const mainPath = documentFolder + 'AppName'
if (!existsSync(mainPath)) {
module.exports = { CreateDataDirectory }
Calling it like that in electron.js:
const { CreateDataDirectory } = require('./scripts/DataManagement.mjs');
Not sure how dividing the code can be that hard. :)
You may need to use Node.js module syntax (require and module.exports) or Babel (code transpiler).
For example:
import { someNodeModuleFunction } from 'someNodeModule';
const someFunction1 = () => {
return 1;
const someFunction2 = () => {
return 2;
module.exports = { someFunction1, someFunction2 }
Using your module:
const { someFunction1, someFunction2 } = require ('./FILE.js');
// ...
You could use module.exports:
const someFunction1 = () => {
return 1;
const someFunction2 = () => {
return 2;
module.exports = {
const { someFunction1, someFunction2 } = require('otherModule.js');

