how to add last three lines of textarea to three different variables? - javascript

I have a html file with textarea tag in which i will copy and paste some text with multiple lines and i want to get the last three lines each separately in three different variables using javascript.
textarea is assigned an id="txt".
Function clicked is assigned to a button in html file.
function clicked(){
var txt = document.getElementById("txt");
var original = txt.value; //original text transfered to original variable
var lastline = //add last line in this variable
var secondlast = //add second last line in this variable
var thirdlast = //add third last line in this variable
var modified = //add text without these three lines in this variable
console.log(lastline); //how are you
console.log(secondlast); //now is the time
console.log(thirdlast); //helloo there
console.log(modified); //school data is the important
//checking home
//not there
text inputed in textarea:
school data is the important
checking home
not there
helloo there
now is the time
how are you
how are you
now is the time
helloo there
school data is the important
checking home
not there

simple function:
function letsgo() {
var area= document.getElementById("mytext"),
//get all the lines in the textarea, seperated by \n or \r\n
lines = area.value.match(/[^\r\n]+/g),
//get bottom 3 lines, reverse them
bottom3 = lines.slice(-3).reverse();
var lastline=bottom3[0];
var secondlast=bottom3[1];
var thirdlast=bottom3[2];
//get all text except bottom 3 lines, joining them together with linefeed again
var rest = lines.slice(0, -3).join("\n");
//glue bottom3 and rest together
var result=bottom3.join("\n")+"\n"+rest;
//put in the textarea again

Line breaks within the value of a textarea are represented by line break characters rather than an HTML <br> element,].
You can get the individual lines by normalizing the line breaks to \n and then calling the split() method on the textarea's value.
Here is a utility function that calls a function for every line of a textarea value:
function actOnEachLine(textarea, func) {
var lines = textarea.value.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").split("\n");
var newLines, i;
// Use the map() method of Array where available
if (typeof != "undefined") {
newLines =;
} else {
newLines = [];
i = lines.length;
while (i--) {
newLines[i] = func(lines[i]);
textarea.value = newLines.join("\r\n");
var textarea = document.getElementById("txt");
var lines; // Store your lines in an array
actOnEachLine(textarea, function(line) {
lines.push(line) //

This works simply.
var lastline,secondlast,thirdlast,modified;
function parse()
var elem = document.getElementById("txt");
var text = elem.value;
var arr = text.replace(/\n/g,"$").split("$");
if(arr.length) lastline = arr.pop();
if(arr.length) secondlast = arr.pop();
if(arr.length) thirdlast = arr.pop();
modified = arr.join("\n");
<textarea id="txt"></textarea>
<button onclick="parse()">Parse</button>


Take variable values and put them in another file

I'm coding the game blockly, I have a variable called lineCount which counts the number of line breaks. however this variable is in a file called lib-dialog.js. When I insert the value of this variable with innerHTML I can get the value of lines by creating a div in the soy.js file (File by which I need to treat the result) But I need this value in a variable to put an if(lines == 6) { }
// Add the user's code.
if (BlocklyGames.workspace) {
var linesText = document.getElementById('dialogLinesText');
linesText.textContent = '';
// Line produces warning when compiling Puzzle since there is no JavaScript
// generator. But this function is never called in Puzzle, so no matter.
var code = Blockly.JavaScript.workspaceToCode(BlocklyGames.workspace);
code = BlocklyInterface.stripCode(code);
var noComments = code.replace(/\/\/[^\n]*/g, ''); // Inline comments.
noComments = noComments.replace(/\/\*.*\*\//g, ''); /* Block comments. */
noComments = noComments.replace(/[ \t]+\n/g, '\n'); // Trailing spaces.
noComments = noComments.replace(/\n+/g, '\n'); // Blank lines.
noComments = noComments.trim();
var lineCount = noComments.split('\n').length;
var pre = document.getElementById('containerCode');
pre.textContent = code;
if (typeof prettyPrintOne == 'function') {
code = pre.innerHTML;
code = prettyPrintOne(code, 'js');
pre.innerHTML = code;
if (lineCount == 1) {
var text = BlocklyGames.getMsg('Games_linesOfCode1');
} else {
var text = BlocklyGames.getMsg('Games_linesOfCode2')
.replace('%1', String(lineCount));
document.getElementById("contarBloco").innerHTML = lineCount;
var contandoBloco = lineCount;
I need to take the variable lineCount and put its value in another js.but I'm only managing to insert it into a div with innerHTML
it is better you use localstorage . Set the value of localcount in the local storage and get wherever you want
var lineCount = noComments.split('\n').length;
localStorage.setItem("lineCount", lineCount); // in first file
var count = localStorage.getItem("lineCount") // in second file
with this logic you will get the value but it will be string then for that you either use directly string or convert into integer using parseInt method
may be it will help . Thanks
I don't know if your Javascript files are modules, if so, you can return a function in your lib-dialog.js page and return it.
lib-dialog.js =
let Dialog = (function() {
function SetLineCountVariable(LocalLineCount){
LineCount = LocalLineCount;
return SetLineCountVariable
And in your soy.js file
let Soy = (function() {
And do not forgot to call your JS file in order in your HTML page
Another way, if you only want the variable result in your another JS file, in your lib-dialog.js, show the result of LineCount in html tag and get it in your another JS file with document.getElementById

Google App Script to Break out Query Parameters in Google Sheets

I have a Google Sheet with 100 https request URLs with query parameters. The URLs look like this:
I want to use Google App Script to break out the query parameters and put them neatly into the Google Sheet like this:
I got as far as the code below to break query string and split the query string parameters by the & delimiter, but I am not sure what to do next.
A couple cases that I need to consider as well.
There could be URLs with more or fewer parameters than my sample URL, but there will always be some overlay. I want to have the column headers automatically update.
There could be values like c1=D%3Dv1 where the decoded value is c1=D=v1
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
function test() {
var url = "";
var cleanUrl = decodeURIComponent(url);
var params = cleanUrl.split('?')[1];
var s = params;
var t = s.split('&');
var output = [];
t.forEach(function(q) {
The following code breaks out the query parameters and puts them into a specific sheet. It also addresses a couple of possible scenarios:
1 There is no match for an existing code. In that case, a space is entered as a place holder.
2 The URL includes codes not included in the existing list. In that case, the "new" code(s) are added to the list, and their values are recorded also.
3 As the questioner pointed out, some URL parameters include multiple "Equals" signs ("="). Split can't be used in this case because though a parameter can be used to limit the number of split found, the left-over text is not returned in the new array. So I used indexOf (which returned the index of the first occurrence of searchValue) and subString to calculate the two parts of the URL component.
I assumed that the existing list of codes was in Row1, so I created a NamedRange to be able to manage them. If the code finds URL parameters that don't find a match with the codes in the Named Range, then the NamedRange is deleted and re-created to include the "new" codes.
The code outputs results to the "third sheet" (ss.getSheets()2;) in the spreadsheet; this is something that can be changed.
The last row containing data is determined, and the results of the analysis are set in the following row
Note: the url is hard coded.
function so_52825789() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var datasheet = ss.getSheets()[2];
// the codes are in Row1 in a Named Range called DataVariables
var urlvars = ss.getRangeByName('DataVariables').getValues();
// get the number of Columns for the Named Range
var datalen = urlvars[0].filter(String).length;
//Logger.log("Number of columns of codes = "+datalen); //DEBUG
//get the last row of containing data
var lastvals = ss.getRange("A1:A").getValues();
var lastrow = lastvals.filter(String).length;
//Logger.log("the last row is "+lastrow);// DEBUG
// Get the url
var url = "";
// Javascript function to remove the URL encoded charaters
var cleanUrl = decodeURIComponent(url);
// get the URL variables (the second half of the split)
var params = cleanUrl.split('?')[1];
var s = params;
// get the specific query variables by spliting on "&"
var t = s.split('&');
// get the number of query variables
var tlen = t.filter(String).length;
// setup some variables for use later
var output = [];
var mismatchcode = [];
var mismatchdata = [];
var tcount = [];
var nomatch = 0;
var ttest = 0;
var ztest = 0;
// Loop through the known codes from the Named Range
for (i = 0; i < datalen; i++) {
// set a variable value so that you can count how many named codes were found
ttest = 1;
// Start a loop though the query variables in the URL
for (z = 0; z < tlen; z++) {
// get the position of the Equals sign "="; there may be more than one but we only want the first one.
var n = t[z].indexOf("=");
if (n > 0) {
//var result="Equals appears at position = "+(n+1)+" (actual value = "+n+")";
//get the length of the element
var nstr = t[z].length;
//Logger.log("Length = "+nstr); //DEBUG
// break the element into two halves. The first half is the "Code" and the second half is the "value"
var code = t[z].substring(0, n);
var codevalue = t[z].substring((n + 1), nstr);
//Logger.log("z = "+z+", code is = "+code+", and the value is "+codevalue); // DEBUF
// test to whether there is a match between the Named Range Code and the URL
if (urlvars[0][i] == code) {
// set the variable to note a match was detected.
ttest = 0;
// push the code value into an array
// push the Named range code ID onto an array
//Logger.log("Match "+urlvars[0][i]+" = "+code); //DEBUG
} // end of the URL variables loop
// having looped through the URL variables, test to see whether there was a match
// if not (ttest still equals One) then put an empty string in the output array, so ensure that every code has a value
// and keep count of the number of "nomatches"
if (ttest == 1) {
output.push(" ");
Logger.log("No match for " + urlvars[0][i]);
nomatch = nomatch + 1;
} // end of the Named Range loop
// create an array for 2d format
var outeroutput = [];
// put the loop array into the blank array. The result is a 2d array that can be read by the Google sheets script.
// For the NamedRange analysis, we can now set the values from the loop
var targetrange = datasheet.getRange(lastrow + 1, 1, 1, datalen);
//Logger.log("targetrange = "+targetrange.getA1Notation()); //DEBUG
// count how matches were found for URL variables
var tcountlen = tcount.filter(String).length;
// compare the number of variables in the URL with the number of matches.
// If there is a difference, then we need to loop through the URL variables, find the ones that didn't match and do stuff with them.
if ((tlen - tcountlen) > 0) {
// starp loop for URL variables
for (z = 0; z < tlen; z++) {
// set the variable to detect whether or not a a match was made.
ztest = 1;
// Repeat the process of splitting the component code and value
var n = t[z].indexOf("=");
if (n > 0) {
// get the length of the variable
var nstr = t[z].length;
// get the componet parts
var code = t[z].substring(0, n);
var codevalue = t[z].substring((n + 1), nstr);
//Logger.log("z = "+z+", code is = "+code+", and the value is "+codevalue); //DEBUG
// start the loop for thecodes in the NamedRange
for (i = 0; i < datalen; i++) {
// If there's a match, chnage the value of the 'match testing' varuable
if (urlvars[0][i] == code) {
ztest = 0;
} // end of the loop for NamedRange codes
// if there hasn't been match, then
// push the url variable code and value onto some respective arrays
if (ztest == 1) {
} // end of the URL variables loop
//Logger.log("Code fields = "+datalen+", data fields = "+tlen);// DEBUG
//Logger.log("Total no-matches for codes = "+nomatch); // DEBUG
// Logger.log("Total no-matches for URL fields = "+(tlen-tcountlen)); //DEBUG
// So, what shall we do if there the number of variables in the NAMED RANGE does equal the number of variables
// if((tlen-tcountlen) !=0){
// These rows are just for DEBUG assignstance.
// for (i=0;i<(tlen-tcountlen);i++){ //DEBUG
// Logger.log("URL field not found: code = "+mismatchcode[i]+", value = "+mismatchdata[i]); //DEBUG
// } //DEBUG
// create the arrays to act as 2d
var outermismatchcode = [];
var outermismatchdata = [];
// Push the mismatch arrays to the create the 2d arrays
// Identify the range for the addition URL Codes and values
// set the respective values
var extraurlcoderange = datasheet.getRange(1, datalen + 1, 1, (tlen - tcountlen));
var extraurldatarange = datasheet.getRange(lastrow + 1, datalen + 1, 1, (tlen - tcountlen));
// We want to add the "new" codes found in the URL to the Named Range.
// Start by deletinging the existing NamedRange
// Define the parmeters for a new range.
// The main thing is that we need to add more columns
var newnamedrange = datasheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, (datalen + (tlen - tcountlen)))
// So, Create a new NamedRange using the same name as before.
ss.setNamedRange('DataVariables', newnamedrange);
// The following lines are just to check that everything worked OK
// var rangeCheck = ss.getRangeByName("DataVariables"); // DEBUG
// if (rangeCheck != null) { //DEBUG
// Logger.log("Columns in the new named range = "+rangeCheck.getNumColumns());//DEBUG
// } ,//DEBUG
// var rangeCheckName = rangeCheck.getA1Notation(); //DEBUG
// Logger.log("the new named range is = "+rangeCheckName);//DEBUG
} // end of the loop to identify URL variables that didn't match a code in the NamedRange
Note the addition value of the c1 code includes the relevant equals sign. Also the URL includes an additional parameter ("ejb=1") that is not in the existing list; this code and its value are added to the spreadsheet, and the NamedRange now includes the "new" code.

Remove unlimited amounts of text between two text values

I'm using the following code to delete text between a range of characters.
However, when I try to delete multiple paragraphs of text, I receive the following error:
Index (548) must be less than the content length (377). (line 195, file "")
How I can remove unlimited amounts of text between two text values?
function removeCbSevHD1(X) {
var rangeElement1 = DocumentApp.openById(X).getBody().findText('<CS1>');
var rangeElement2 = DocumentApp.openById(X).getBody().findText('<CS2>');
if (rangeElement1.isPartial()) {
var startOffset = rangeElement1.getStartOffset();
var endOffset = rangeElement2.getEndOffsetInclusive();
Expanding on my answer to your previous question, you cannot select from the beginning of one range to the end of another range. That is what the if (element.isPartial()) { ... } else { ... } condition is for. If the range is the entire element, it will remove the whole element.
If you want to remove multiple ranges, then you have to remove one at a time.
In the following example I do this by looping through an array of search strings and applying the function to each.
function removeCbSevHD1(X) {
// If you want to add more things to match and remove, add to this array
var search = /<CS1>.*<CS2>/;
var rangeElement = DocumentApp.openById(X).getBody().findText(search);
if (rangeElement.isPartial()) {
var startOffset = rangeElement.getStartOffset();
var endOffset = rangeElement.getEndOffsetInclusive();
} else {
Note: Not tested.
Tiny G! Thanks for all the help man.
I was able to find some help. Here's the answer:
function removeSection3(X) {
for (var i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
var search = '<ZY' + i + '>';
var rangeElement = DocumentApp.openById(X).getBody().findText(search);
if (rangeElement) {

Highlight phone number and wrap with tag javascript

The following code checks if the selected tag has childnodes. If a child node is present , it loops till a child node is found. When there are no further child nodes found, it loops out i.e it reaches a text node causing the loop to end. The function is made recursive to run until no child node is found. The code runs as per above info, but when I try to match TEXT_NODE (console.log() outputs all text node), replace() is used to identify phone numbers using regex and replaced with hyperlink. The number gets detected and is enclosed with a hyperlink but it gets displayed twice i.e. number enclosed with hyperlink and only the number.Following is the code
function DOMwalker(obj){
var regex = /\+\d{1,4}?[-.\s]?\(?\d{1,3}?\)?[-.\s]?\d{1,4}[-.\s]?\d{1,4}[-.\s]?\d{1,9}/g;
var y = "$&";
var child = obj.firstChild;
if (child.nodeType=== 3) {
var text = child.nodeValue;
console.log(typeof text);
var regs = regex.exec(text);
match = text.replace(regex,y);
var item = document.createElement('a');
var detect = document.createTextNode(match);
var x=item.appendChild(detect);
var tag = document.querySelector(".gcdMainDiv div.contentDiv");
Following are the screenshot of the output:
Here the number gets printed twice instead of one with hyperlink which is been displayed(expected highlighted number with hyperlink) and second widout tags
Following is console.log of x
I have already gone through this.
The solution provided below works well with FF. The problem arises when used in IE11. It throws Unknown runtime error and references the .innerHTML. I used the appenChild(),but the error couldn't be resolved.
You've got a couple of problems with what you posted. First, if a child is not node type 3 and not a SCRIPT node, you re-call recursivetree() but you do not pass the child in. The function will just start over at the first div element and again, infinitely loop.
Second, you're calling replace() on the node itself, and not the node's innerHTML. You're trying to replace a node with a string, which just won't work, and I think you mean to replace any matching numbers within that node, rather than the entire node.
If you have <div>My number is +111-555-9999</div>, you only want to replace the number and not lose everything else.
Try this as a solution:
function recursivetree(obj){
var regex = /\+\d{1,4}?[-.\s]?\(?\d{1,3}?\)?[-.\s]?\d{1,4}[-.\s]?\d{1,4}[-.\s]?\d{1,9}/g;
var y = "$&";
var obj = obj || document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
var child = obj.firstChild;
if(child.nodeType !== 3 && child.nodeName !== 'SCRIPT'){
//Recall recursivetree with the child
//A nodeType of 3, text nodes, sometimes do not have innerHTML to replace
//Check if the child has innerHTML and replace with the regex
if (child.innerHTML !== undefined) {
child.innerHTML = child.innerHTML.replace(regex,y);
Honestly? If you're trying to loop through the entire page and replace all instances of numbers, just do a replace on the body.
var regex = /\+\d{1,4}?[-.\s]?\(?\d{1,3}?\)?[-.\s]?\d{1,4}[-.\s]?\d{1,4}[-.\s]?\d{1,9}/g;
var y = "$&";
var body = document.body;
body.innerHTML = body.innerHTML.replace(regex, y);
Finally, I got the solution of my question. I referred to this answer which helped me to solve my query.
Here goes the code:
function DOMwalker(obj){
var child = obj.firstChild;
var children = obj.childNodes;
var length = children.length;
for(var i = 0;i<length;i++){
var nodes = children[i];
if(nodes.nodeType !==3){
//Pass the parameters nodes:current node being traversed;obj:selector being passed as parameter for DOMwalker function
child = child.nextSibling;
function highlight(node,parent){
var regex =/(\d{1}-\d{1,4}-\d{1,5})|(\+\d{1,4}?[-.\s]?\(?\d{1,3}?\)?[-.\s]?\d{1,4}[-.\s]?\d{1,4}[-.\s]?\d{1,9})/g;
//Stores the value of current node which is passed through the if loop
var matchs =;
if matchs is true,add it to DOM
var anchor = document.createElement("a");
var y = /[(]\d[)]|[.-\s]/g;//removes spaces periods or dash,also number within brackets
var remove = number.replace(y,'');
//tel uri,if you have an app like skype for click-to dial
//the anchor tag should be inserted before in the current node in the DOM
//append it toh the DOM to be displaye don the web page
return false;
I hope this code helps others.

proper use of length in JS

I am attempting to print out lables (bar codes) from a table using JS (the table is using JQ Tablesorter) and the barcode jquery. My issue is that I need to iterate through all of the isbn's and it is showing one number per line. Here is the code I have:
$("#barcode").live('click', function(){
var title="";
var isbn="";
var first = "";
var second = "";
var indexGlobal = 0;
$('#acctRecords tbody tr').each(function()
isbn += $(this).find('#tableISBN').html();
title += $(this).find('#tableTitle').html();
}); //end of acctRecords tbody function
//Print the bar codes
var x=0;
for (x=0;x<isbn.length;x++)
first += '$("#'+indexGlobal+'").barcode("'+isbn[x]+'", "codabar",{barHeight:40, fontSize:30, output:"bmp"});';
second += '<div class="wrapper"><div id="'+indexGlobal+'"></div><div class="fullSKU">&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp '+isbn[x]+
'</div><br/><div class="title">'+title[x]+'</div></div><br/><br/>';
var barcode ='','BarcodeWindow','width=400');
var html = '<html><head><title>Barcode</title><style type="text/css">'+
'.page-break{display:block; page-break-before:always; }'+
'body{width: 8.25in;-moz-column-count:2; -webkit-column-count:2;column-count:2;}'+
'.wrapper{height: 2.5in;margin-left:10px;margin-top:5px;margin-right:5px;}'+
'.fullSKU{float: left;}'+
'.shortSKU{float: right;font-size:25px;font-weight:bold;}'+
'.title{float: left;}'+
'</style><script type="text/javascript"src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" src="../barcode/jquery-barcode.js"></script><script>$(document).ready(function() {'+first+'window.print();window.close();});</script></head><body>'+second+'</body></html>';;
}); // end of click function
I am pretty sure that the issue is with these lines:
var x=0;
for (x=0;x<isbn.length;x++)
For example if an isbn is 9780596515898 I am getting 9 on the first line, 7 on the second, 8 on the third etc.
How do I get it to print out the entire isbn on one line?
Nope, those 2 lines are fine. But these 2, on the other hand...
var isbn="";
isbn += $(this).find('#tableISBN').html();
This makes isbn a string. And you are just making the string longer every time you add an isbn to it. "string".length will tell you the number of characters in that string, which is why you get one character per iteration.
You want an array instead, which you append items to with the [].push() method. [].length will tell you the number of items in that array.
var isbn = [];
for (var x=0; x<isbn.length; x++) {
isbn[x]; // one isbn

