Meteor HTTP call is different from jquery ajax? - javascript

I have the same call in Meteor HTTP and in jQuery ajax. But the response from server is different.
Meteor:"POST", url, {
params: data
}, function (error, result) {
//My works....
"url": url,
"method": "POST",
"data": data,
success: function(data_res) {
//My works...
I would expect the same result, but jquery is executed correctly, while meteor returns an error.
Are calls not identical?

In Meteor method call, Use 'data' field instead of 'params' as it's a POST request.
Try this in Meteor : URL, {data:dataToBePosted,headers:{key:value}}//if headers needed use headers field
,function( error, response ) {
if ( error ) {
console.log( error );
} else {
console.log( response);


jQuery $.AJAX to replace with JavaScript fetch - mvc4 method arguments are always null

We had a working jQuery script which calls an MVC4 C# controller method like this:
// C# controller method
public ActionResult MyMethod(String text, String number)
... do something ...
... returns a partial view html result ...
// javascript call
var myData = { text:"something", number: "12" };
$.ajax({ url:ourUrl, type:"GET", data: myData,
success: function(data) { processAjaxHtml( data )}});
Now we want to replace this $.ajax call to a native fetch(...) call like this (and use a Promise):
function startAjaxHtmlCall(url) {
var result = fetch( url, {method: "GET", body: myData});
return result.then( function(resp) { return resp.text(); });
starAjaxCall(ourUrl).then( resp => processAjaxHtml(resp) );
We have problems, and somehow we cannot find the answers:
using GET we cannot attach body parameters (I see that the html GET and POST calls are quite different, but the $.ajax somehow resolved this problem)
we changed the GET to POST but the controller method still got "null"-s in the parameters
we changed the fetch call to "body: JSON.stringify(myData)" but the method still gots null
we constructed a temp class with the 2 properties, changed the method parameters as well - but the properties still contains null
we added to the [FromBody] attribute before the method class parameter but it got still nulls
we replace body: JSON.stringify(myData) to body: myData - still the same
Note: we tried this in Firefox and Chrome, the code is MVC5, C#, .NET Framework 4.5 (not .CORE!) hosted by IIS.
We changed the javascript call as the following (and everything works again):
var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
url: url,
method: method,
data: myData,
success: function(data) { resolve(data); },
error: function(error) { reject(error); },
return promise;
// note: .then( function(resp) { return resp.text(); }) // needs no more
So: what do we wrong? what is the information we do not know, do not understand about fetch? How to replace $.ajax to fetch in this situation correctly? can it works with GET again? how to modify the controller method to receive the arguments?
GET requests do not have a BODY, they have querystring parameters. Using URLSearchParams makes it easy
var myData = { text:"something", number: "12" };
return fetch('' + new URLSearchParams(myData))
.then( function(resp) { return resp.text(); })
Other way of building the URL
const url = new URL(''); = new URLSearchParams(myData).toString();
return fetch(url)...
If you were planning on sending JSON to the server with a post request
fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(myData)

How to successfully use the callback on an javascript function with an http request

Note: I have limited exp with js so correct me if my I'm completely wrong in how I'm describing this scenario.
I have two javascript files. I am calling a function on the first file (client side) which calls a function on the second file and uses the callback from the second file's function for the purposes of response.success/.error on the first file.
If that doesn't make sense here is some code:
Note: this is being done temporarily using Parse's cloud functions. Let me know if more information is needed regarding those but not sure if it's important.
First file:
Parse.Cloud.define("methodName", function(request, response) {
secondFile.myFunction(param1, {
stuff: request.params.stuff,
}, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
} else {
response.success(res);// I'm assuming this is going to the hardcoded "yes." from httpRequest on second file's function
Second File:
myFunction: function(param1, properties, callback) {
if (!param1) return callback(new Error("Helpful error message"));
var headersForReq = {
var bodyForReq = ...; // the properties properly parsed
method: 'PUT',
url: ...,
headers: headersForReq,
body: bodyForReq,
success: function (httpResponse) {
callback(null, 'yes'); // the hardcoded "yes" i referred to
error: function (httpResponse) {
callback(httpResponse.status + httpResponse.error);
On my the client, the code is treated as a success (errors aren't thrown or returned back) but when I print out the value it comes across as (null) not "yes".
What's going on here? (Side note, httpRequest is currently not doing anything, its hard to verify if the request is properly being sent because it's being sent to a third party API).
I do know the second file's method is properly being called though. So it's not a silly issue with the module.exports or var secondFile = require('\path\secondFile')
I think you are just mis-use the api
Rewrite it with the example style.
method: 'PUT',
url: ...,
headers: headersForReq,
body: bodyForReq
}).then(function (httpResponse) {
callback(null, 'yes'); // the hardcoded "yes" i referred to
function (httpResponse) {
callback(httpResponse.status + httpResponse.error);
I think below will work, too.
method: 'PUT',
url: ...,
headers: headersForReq,
body: bodyForReq
}, {
success: function (httpResponse) {
callback(null, 'yes'); // the hardcoded "yes" i referred to
error: function (httpResponse) {
callback(httpResponse.status + httpResponse.error);
BTW, if you are using open source parse-server, you can use request or request-promise. These 2 npm package is used by many people. (Parse.Promise is not es6-like promise)

Using custom function as parameter for another

I'm currently dealing with refactoring my code, and trying to automate AJAX requests as follows:
The goal is to have a context-independent function to launch AJAX requests. The data gathered is handled differently based on the context.
This is my function:
function ajaxParameter(routeName, method, array, callback){
//Ajax request on silex route
var URL = routeName;
type: method,
url: URL,
beforeSend: function(){
.done(function(response) {
var response = [];
response.status = 0;
response.message = "Request failed, error : "+error;
My problem essentially comes from the fact that my callback function is not defined.
I would like to call the function as such (example)
ajaxParameter(URL_base, 'POST', dataBase, function(response){
if(response.status == 1 ){
console.log('Request succeeded');
I thought of returning response to a variable and deal with it later, but if the request fails or is slow, this won't work (because response will not have been set).
That version would allow me to benefit the .done() and .fail().
EDIT : So there is no mistake, I changed my code a bit. The goal is to be able to deal with a callback function used in both .done() and .fail() context (two separate functions would also work in my case though).
As far as I can see there really is nothing wrong with your script. I've neatened it up a bit here, but it's essentially what you had before:
function ajaxParameter (url, method, data, callback) {
type: method,
url: url,
data: data,
beforeSend: function(){
.done( function (response) {
if (callback)
.fail( function (error){
var response = [];
response.status = 0;
response.message = "Request failed, error : " + error;
if (callback)
And now let's go and test it here on JSFiddle.
As you can see (using the JSFiddle AJAX API), it works. So the issue is probably with something else in your script. Are you sure the script you've posted here is the same one you are using in your development environment?
In regards to your error; be absolutely sure that you are passing in the right arguments in the right order to your ajaxParameter function. Here's what I am passing in the fiddle:
the url endpoint (e.g
the method (e.g 'post')
some data (e.g {foo:'bar'})
the callback (e.g function(response){ };)
Do you mean something like this, passing the success and fail callbacks:
function ajaxParameter(routeName, method, array, success, failure) {
//Ajax request on silex route
var URL = routeName;
type: method,
url: URL,
beforeSend: function () {
}).done(function (response) {
}).fail(function (error) {
var response = [];
response.status = 0;
response.message = "Request failed, error : " + error;
Called like:
//success function
// fail function

how to determine jquery ajax return value or null

I am using jquery post ajax request to do something. the page submit.php return json value and sometime if fatal error occure it return nothing.
I cant determine the ajax return value or not. So how can this possible.
Here are the code i use:-
$.post( 'submitVoice.php', $('#frmVerify').serialize(), function( data ) {
//some code
}, 'json');
You can add .done and .fail handlers (or .then) in a chain after your $.post call:
.done(function(data, testStatus, jqXHR) { /* use data here */ })
.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { /* error handling here */ });
Note that in neither case can you return a value to the caller. If you need to do this, return the result of $.post instead.
Instead use ajax call which has success and error callback as shown:
url : 'submitVoice.php' ,
data: $('#frmVerify').serialize() ,
type: 'POST',
dataType :'JSON',
error: function() {
success: function(data) {
$.post is a shorthand way of using $.ajax for POST requests, so no difference.
$.ajax is generally better to use if you need some advanced configuration.
see reference here.
You can use error callback to know exact error.
$.post('wrong.html', {}, function(data) { })
.fail(function(xhr) { alert('Internal Server Error'); console.log(xhr)});

How to send ajax request when I process data from request before?

At start of my app I need to send three ajax get (Dojo xhrGET ) requests, but problem is that I need to send second when I process data from first and send third when I process data from second ( order is important ! ). I put this requests one behind other but it sometimes doesn't work. How to synchronize and solve this, is there any way to lock or wait like in Java ?
If you're using 1.6, check out the new Promises API (returned by dojo.xhrGet), or use deferreds in 1.5. They provide a 'neater' way to achieve this.
Essentially you can write:
url: './_data/states.json',
handleAs: 'json'
function(response) {
// Response is the XHR response
url: './_data/'+response.identifier+'.json',
handleAs: 'json'
function(response2) {
// The second XHR will fail
// Use the error function directly
function(errResponse) {
// Create a function to handle the response
var errorFun = function(err) {
See and for more information
You can use option sync = true, and put the request one behind other. With this, 3rd will be sent after 2nd after 1st.
Or you can begin send 2nd request after 1st is done by using load function.
dojo.xhrGet({ //1st request
load: function(){
dojo.xhrGet({ //2nd request
load: function(){
dojo.xhrGet({ //3nd request
For more information:
Can we make the second ajax request in the success callback method of the first request:
'type' : 'get', // change if needed
'dataType' : 'text', // data type you're expecting
'data' : { 'className' : divClass },
'url' : url,
'success' : function(newClass) {
//make the second ajax request...
And do the same thing for the third request.

