How to get all items list on NetSuite? - javascript

I am just starting with NetSuite and trying to pull all items with details using Restlet. With some research, I am able to pull all the items but the way I am doing now is not straightforward. I first pull the all ids of item using nlapiSearchRecord and loop through each id to get details of each item using nlapiLoadRecord and added to array. This way, it is taking to much time. Is there other way to pull all items with their details? Below is my code.
function getAllIDs() {
return nlapiSearchRecord('item', null, null, null);
function getRecord() {
var all_IDs = getAllIDs();
var len=all_IDs.length;
var result =new Array();
for(var i=0;i<all_IDs.length;i++) {
return result;

You can use what #Krypton suggested but you will always get 1000 results at max.
Try following if you have requirement to get more than 1000 (using Suitescript 2.0):
var columns = [];
var filters = [['isinactive', 'is', 'F']];
columns.push(search.createColumn({ name: "itemid"}));
columns.push(search.createColumn({ name: "displayname"}));
columns.push(search.createColumn({ name: "salesdescription"}));
columns.push(search.createColumn({ name: "baseprice"}));
var inventoryitemSearch = search.create({
type: search.Type.INVENTORY_ITEM, //Change the type as per your requirement
filters: filters,
columns: columns
var arrResults = [];
var count = 1000;
var startIndex = 0;
var endIndex = 1000;
var resultSet=;
while (count == 1000) {
var results = resultSet.getRange(startIndex, endIndex);
arrResults = arrResults.concat(results);
startIndex = endIndex;
endIndex += 1000;
count = results.length;
log.debug({title: 'arrResults ', details: arrResults });

You can include the details you want in the search. So, for example, you can include an nlobjSearchFilter so that the search only returns inventory items, and add an nlobjSearchColumn for each field you want to see in the details. This way all the details you want to see are returned with the search and you can loop through the results to do what you want with them without loading every record individually - which will be where most of the performance hit is happening.
An example:
var inventoryitemSearch = nlapiSearchRecord("inventoryitem",null,
new nlobjSearchColumn("itemid",null,null).setSort(false),
new nlobjSearchColumn("displayname",null,null),
new nlobjSearchColumn("salesdescription",null,null),
new nlobjSearchColumn("baseprice",null,null)
Then you can loop through the results to get details:
var name, displayName, description, price;
for ( var i = 0; inventoryitemSearch != null && i < searchresults.length; i++ ) {
var searchresult = inventoryitemSearch[ i ];
name = searchresult.getValue( 'itemid' );
displayName = searchresult.getValue( 'displayname' );
description = searchresult.getValue( 'salesdescription' );
price = searchresult.getValue( 'baseprice' );
There is a lot to learn about scripted searches in NetSuite, so I'd recommend starting here (NetSuite login required) and follow the links and keep reading / experimenting until your eyes glaze over.

I just like to use a generic function that accepts a search object...
const getAllResults = searchObj => {
try {
const Resultset =
const maxResults = searchObj.runPaged().count
let ResultSubSet = null
let index = 0
const maxSearchReturn = 1000
let AllSearchResults = []
do {
let start = index
let end = index + maxSearchReturn
if (maxResults && maxResults <= end) {
end = maxResults
ResultSubSet = Resultset.getRange(start, end)
if (ResultSubSet.length === 0) {
// we could intriduce a record processor to lighetn up the load
AllSearchResults = AllSearchResults.concat(ResultSubSet)
index = index + ResultSubSet.length
if (maxResults && maxResults == index) {
} while (ResultSubSet.length >= maxSearchReturn)
return AllSearchResults
} catch (e) {
log.error(`getAllResults()`, `error : ${e}`)


How to push an entire array in javascript based on conditional content of single array element?

I have created a Google script that pushes data every hour from the Capital Bikeshare API to a Google Sheet, but I have noticed that the way I am currently pulling the data doesn't maintain consistency over time. Here's the code I'm using:
function myFunction() {
// Set the active spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var currentData = ss.getSheetByName("Current");
var historicData = ss.getSheetByName("Historic");
// Fetch API
var stationInfo = UrlFetchApp.fetch('');
var stationStatus = UrlFetchApp.fetch('');
// Get the current date and time
var today = new Date();
var date = today.getFullYear()+'-'+(today.getMonth()+1)+'-'+today.getDate();
var time = today.getHours() + ":" + today.getMinutes() + ":" + today.getSeconds();
var dateTime = date+' '+time;
// Parse the JSON reply
var jsonInfo = stationInfo.getContentText();
var dataInfo = JSON.parse(jsonInfo);
var jsonStatus = stationStatus.getContentText();
var dataStatus = JSON.parse(jsonStatus);
// Create the data frame for every BID station
var stationInfo72 = dataInfo["data"]["stations"][69];
var stationStatus72 = dataStatus["data"]["stations"][69];
var stationInfo87 = dataInfo["data"]["stations"][83];
var stationStatus87 = dataStatus["data"]["stations"][83];
var stationInfo330 = dataInfo["data"]["stations"][311];
var stationStatus330 = dataStatus["data"]["stations"][311];
var stationInfo153 = dataInfo["data"]["stations"][143];
var stationStatus153 = dataStatus["data"]["stations"][143];
var stationInfo226 = dataInfo["data"]["stations"][213];
var stationStatus226 = dataStatus["data"]["stations"][213];
var stationInfo365 = dataInfo["data"]["stations"][342];
var stationStatus365 = dataStatus["data"]["stations"][342];
var stationInfo473 = dataInfo["data"]["stations"][446];
var stationStatus473 = dataStatus["data"]["stations"][446];
var outputStationsInfo = [stationInfo72, stationInfo87, stationInfo330, stationInfo153, stationInfo226, stationInfo365, stationInfo473]
var outputStationsStatus = [stationStatus72, stationStatus87, stationStatus330, stationStatus153, stationStatus226, stationStatus365, stationStatus473]
Logger.log(outputStationsInfo, outputStationsStatus)
// Create lists of each element
var outputHead = [];
var outputTail = [];
outputStationsInfo.forEach(function(elem,i) {
outputHead.push([elem["station_id"],elem["name"],elem["capacity"], elem["lat"], elem["lon"]]);
outputStationsStatus.forEach(function(elem,i) {
outputTail.push([elem["num_bikes_available"], elem["num_ebikes_available"], dateTime]);
// Publish arrays in the Current sheet
// Publish arrays in the Historic sheet
historicData.getRange(historicData.getLastRow() + 1,1,7,5).setValues(outputHead);
historicData.getRange(historicData.getLastRow() - 6,6,7,3).setValues(outputTail);
Essentially, I am drilling into the 69th item in the indexes of the JSONs to get the data that I need from two different APIs, and then I merge them together to create a data frame of everything I need to push to the sheet. However, sometimes the API does not report them in the normal order and I end up getting bikeshare stations that aren't in my study area. For example, 99% of the time the 69th item in the array is station_id = 72, but occasionally it's station_id = 73 or something.
Is there a way to conditionally pull a specific array based on the station_id number within the array? I feel like the answer might allow me to do a loop as well to clean this up. Any advice is helpful, as I'm super new to this.
You have to check if the element's station_id is as expected. If not, check through the surrounding parts of the array using a custom iterator.
* #return indexes of the surrounding ``i`` in batches of 5
function* checkSurroundings(i, lastIndex) {
let j = i;
function* check(ct, border, reverse = true, limit = border < 5 ? border : 5) {
const margin = reverse ? ct - limit : ct + limit;
while (ct - margin !== 0) yield reverse ? --ct : ++ct;
return ct;
while (i !== 0 || j < lastIndex) {
if (i !== 0) i = yield* check(i, i);
if (j < lastIndex) j = yield* check(j, lastIndex - j, false);
//console.log({ i, j });
var stations = dataInfo["data"]["stations"];
var stationInfo72 = stations[69];
const iter = checkSurroundings(69,stations.length-1)
//if station_id is not 72, loop through the surrounding indexes
while(stationInfo72["station_id"] !== 72){
const next =;
if(next.done) {
console.error("station id 72 not found");
stationInfo72 = stations[next.value]
Snippet showing how checkSurroundings iterates:
* #return indexes of the surrounding ``i`` in batches of 5
function* checkSurroundings(i, lastIndex) {
let j = i;
function* check(ct, border, reverse = true, limit = border < 5 ? border : 5) {
const margin = reverse ? ct - limit : ct + limit;
while (ct - margin !== 0) yield reverse ? --ct : ++ct;
return ct;
while (i !== 0 || j < lastIndex) {
if (i !== 0) i = yield* check(i, i);
if (j < lastIndex) j = yield* check(j, lastIndex - j, false);
console.log({ i, j });
console.log("Order of iteration",[...checkSurroundings(50, 100)])
Conditionally picking elements: filter
For conditionally picking elements from an array in JavaScript, Array.prototype.filter should always be a consideration.
Create a predicate function that matches the shape of your data and checks for certain station IDs.
Here is a function that returns a predicate function. You put in the IDs you want in an array, and it returns the required function for filter.
function byStationId(stationIds) {
return function (obj) {
return stationIds.indexOf(obj.station_id) > -1;
var myStationFilter = byStationId([72, 73, 74]);
var outputStationsInfo =;
Transforming data: map
The pattern
var newArray = [];
oldArray.forEach(function (item) {
newArray.push(/* something based on item */);
can usually be replaced with
var newArray = (item) { return /* something based on item */});
Think of this as the "adapter" from one data shape to another.
function cleanInfo(info) {
return [info.station_id,, info.capacity,, info.lon];
var outputHead =;
For the dateTime injection, just do the same trick demonstrated above with the station IDs: have a function that takes a date string and returns the appropriate adapter function.
(Also note the provided date formatting utility Apps Scripts provides, Utilities.formatDate())
var dateTime = Utilities.formatDate(
new Date(),
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
function cleanStatus(dateTime) {
return function (status) {
return [status.num_bikes_available, status.num_bikes_available, dateTime];
var outputTail =;
Here's everything together, untested, just for inspiration. You must at the very least update the line with the station IDs to match your desired station IDs. Note that the helper functions for map and filter are at the bottom, taking advantage of JavaScript's hoisting feature.
function myFunction() {
// Set the active spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// Get the current date and time
var dateTime = Utilities.formatDate(
new Date(),
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
// Fetch API
var stationInfo = UrlFetchApp.fetch(
var stationStatus = UrlFetchApp.fetch(
// Parse the JSON reply
var dataInfo = JSON.parse(stationInfo.getContentText());
var dataStatus = JSON.parse(stationStatus.getContentText());
// Create the data frame for every BID station
var myStationFilter = byStationId([72, 73, 74]); //!! UPDATE THESE NUMBERS
var outputStationsInfo =;
var outputStationsStatus =;
// Create lists of each element
var outputHead =;
var outputTail =;
// Publish arrays in the Current sheet
var currentData = ss.getSheetByName("Current");
currentData.getRange(2, 1, 7, 5).setValues(outputHead);
currentData.getRange(2, 6, 7, 3).setValues(outputTail);
// Publish arrays in the Historic sheet
var historicData = ss.getSheetByName("Historic");
.getRange(historicData.getLastRow() + 1, 1, 7, 5)
.getRange(historicData.getLastRow() - 6, 6, 7, 3)
//-------- helper functions ------------
function byStationId(stationIds) {
return function (obj) {
return stationIds.indexOf(obj.station_id) > -1;
function cleanInfo(info) {
return [info.station_id,, info.capacity,, info.lon];
function cleanStatus(dateTime) {
return function (status) {
return [status.num_bikes_available, status.num_bikes_available, dateTime];

Trying to return all matched values rather than just the first value from sheets results

I am able to successfully return the value from the first or last position from a matched search in google sheets with the below code either using indexOf() or lastIndexOf(). Is there a way that it can return all positions and therefore all values of the search query rather than just one? I understand that indexOf() only returns 1 value. Essentially if the item is present more than once, the indexOf method returns the position of the first occurence rather than all of them.
The below code uses the value of the "model" field in my front-end form to find the position and return the price from the next column.
function getCost(model){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(url);
var ws = ss.getSheetByName("Index");
var data = ws.getRange(1, 1,
var modelList ={ return r[0]; });
var priceList ={ return r[1]; });
var dateList ={ return r[2]; });
var position = modelList.lastIndexOf(model);
var results = priceList[position];
if(position > -1){
return results;
} else {
return 'Please contact us for a valuation on this vehicle';
This returns the price of the matched vehicle from the form but if there are multiple matches of the same vehicle model and different prices then I want to return all matched values rather than just one.
Also ideally I want to return all values and find the average price of the values returned. Is this also possible?
Thank you in advance, I am new to Javascript and Google Apps Script.
Not sure what data types these hold, but this should help you:
function getCost(searchedModel) {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(url)
const ws = ss.getSheetByName('Index')
const data = ws
const results = data.filter(([model, price, date]) => searchedModel === model)
if (results.length > 0) {
return results
} else {
return 'Please contact us for a valuation on this vehicle'
Here is a solution that both returns all indexes, as well as calculates the average price:
function getCost(model){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(url);
var ws = ss.getSheetByName("Index");
var data = ws.getRange(1, 1, ws.getRange("B1").getDataRegion().getLastRow(), ws.getRange("C1").getDataRegion().getLastRow()).getValues();
var modelList ={ return r[0]; });
var priceList ={ return r[1]; });
var dateList ={ return r[2]; });
var position=getAllIndexes(modelList, model);
var results = [];
for(var j=0;j<position.length;j++){
var averageCost=average(results);
return averageCost;
} else {
return 'Please contact us for a valuation on this vehicle';
function getAllIndexes(modelList, model) {
var indexes = [];
for(var i = 0; i < modelList.length; i++){
if (modelList[i] == model){
return indexes;
function average(modelCost){
var sum=0;
for(var k=0;k<modelCost.length;k++){
return (sum/modelCost.length);
I incorporated some logs in the code, so you can retrace better what each function is doing.
Please doublecheck if you range definition is as intended. The syntax is getRange(row, column, numRows, numColumns).

Getting Incorrect range height for seemingly no reason?

I am writing a script to copy and paste a range from one sheet to another. The pasted range size should be reduced by using two functions : one to delete rows with specific values and the other is an aggregate function.
I started getting this error after I introduced the aggregate function The function is basically reducing the array size using the reduce JS function.
I have replicated my problem here and the code is accessible in the script editor.
When I run the script I am getting the following error :
Incorrect range height was 28 but should be 7 (line 36, file "test")
I have no idea why am I getting this error. My aggregate function returns a properly formatted array with the right length.
function append_range(){
var origin_sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('1-2ZheMz1p01qwtwY3ghbNjJedYfGXeylnLEjDMCLpMw');//open the file
origin_sheet = origin_sheet.getSheetByName('test');
var rangeStart = 2;
var range = origin_sheet.getRange('A'+ (rangeStart.toString())+':T'+ (origin_sheet.getLastRow()).toString());
var dataFromRange = range.getValues();
var dataFromRangeLength = dataFromRange.length;
var destination_sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('1-2ZheMz1p01qwtwY3ghbNjJedYfGXeylnLEjDMCLpMw');
destination_sheet = destination_sheet.getSheetByName('append');
var rowLast = destination_sheet.getLastRow()+1;
Logger.log("row last" + rowLast);
var formattedRange = deleteRows(dataFromRange);
var groups = aggregate(formattedRange);
var aggregates = [];
for(var group in groups)
var formattedRangeLength = aggregates.length;
Logger.log("formattedRangeLength" + formattedRangeLength);
destination_sheet.getRange(rowLast,1,formattedRangeLength, 20).setValues(deleteRows(dataFromRange));
function isDate(sDate) {
if (isValidDate(sDate)) {
sDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(sDate), "PST", "yyyy-MM-dd");
return sDate;
function isValidDate(d) {
if ( !== "[object Date]" )
return false;
return !isNaN(d.getTime());
function deleteRows(dataRange){//just pass the range in an array and this method will return another array with filtered range
var formatted = dataRange.filter(function(e) {
return e[8]||e[9]||e[10]||e[11]||e[12]||e[13]||e[14]||e[15]||e[16]||e[17]||e[18]||e[19];
return formatted;
function aggregate(data)
var groups = data.reduce(
function(accumulator, previous){
var key = previous[1] + previous[3] + previous[5] + previous[6];
var group = accumulator[key];
if(group == null || typeof group == 'undefined')
accumulator[key] = previous;
else {
var startIndex = 8;
for(var i = startIndex; i < previous.length;i++)
group[i] += previous[i];
return accumulator;
return groups;
The .setValues() is not setting your aggregates array it is trying to set deleteRows(dataFromRange)
// Change the setValues() to your reduced array
destination_sheet.getRange(rowLast,1,formattedRangeLength, 20).setValues(aggregates);
I think this might work:
var output=deleteRows(dataFromRange));
destination_sheet.getRange(rowLast,1,output.length, output[0].length).setValues(deleteRows(output));
This assumes a non jagged array.

Javascript sort and order

So i have this array
[ 'vendor/angular/angular.min.js',
And taking the following part from the above array as example:
I want to sort it like
So more specific of what i want is to find in that array where string is duplicated and after check if has at the end [.cfg.js, .ctrl.js, .module.js] and automatic order them to [.module.js, .cfg.js, .ctrl.js]
Can anyone please help me with that?
A single sort proposal.
var array = ['src/app/about/about.js', 'src/app/hekate.cfg.js', 'src/app/hekate.ctrl.js', 'src/app/hekate.module.js', 'src/app/home/home.js', 'src/app/user/dialog/user.signIn.ctrl.js', 'src/app/user/dialog/user.signIn.module.js', 'src/app/user/user.cfg.js', 'src/app/user/user.ctrl.js', 'src/app/user/user.module.js'];
array.sort(function (a, b) {
function replaceCB(r, a, i) { return r.replace(a, i); }
var replace = ['.module.js', '.cfg.js', '.ctrl.js'];
return replace.reduce(replaceCB, a).localeCompare(replace.reduce(replaceCB, b));
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(array, 0, 4) + '</pre>');
To prevent so much replaces, i suggest to have a look to sorting with map.
You can try something like this:
Group based on path and store file names as value.
Check for existence of one of special file ".cfg.js"
Sort following list based on custom sort.
Loop over object's property and join key with values to form full path again.
If you wish to sort full array, you can sort keys itself and then merge path with names. I have done this. If you do not wish to do this, just remove sort function from final loop.
var data=["vendor/angular/angular.min.js","vendor/angular-nice-bar/dist/js/angular-nice-bar.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/core/core.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/backdrop/backdrop.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/dialog/dialog.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/button/button.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/icon/icon.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/tabs/tabs.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/content/content.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/toolbar/toolbar.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/input/input.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/divider/divider.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/menu/menu.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/select/select.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/radioButton/radioButton.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/checkbox/checkbox.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/switch/switch.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/tooltip/tooltip.min.js","vendor/angular-material/modules/js/toast/toast.min.js","vendor/angular-clipboard/angular-clipboard.js","vendor/angular-animate/angular-animate.min.js","vendor/angular-aria/angular-aria.min.js","vendor/angular-messages/angular-messages.min.js","vendor/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.js","src/app/about/about.js","src/app/hekate.cfg.js","src/app/hekate.ctrl.js","src/app/hekate.module.js","src/app/home/home.js","src/app/user/dialog/user.signIn.ctrl.js","src/app/user/dialog/user.signIn.module.js","src/app/user/user.cfg.js","src/app/user/user.ctrl.js","src/app/user/user.module.js","src/common/services/toast.service.js","templates-common.js","templates-app.js"];
// Create groups based on path
var o = {};
data.forEach(function(item) {
var lastIndex = item.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
var path = item.substring(0, lastIndex);
var fname = item.substring(lastIndex);
if (!o[path]) o[path] = [];
var manualOrder= [".module.js", ".cfg.js", ".ctrl.js"];
Array.prototype.fuzzyMatch = function(search){
return this.some(function(item){
return item.indexOf(search)>-1;
Array.prototype.fuzzySearchIndex = function(search){
var pos = -1;
this.forEach(function(item, index){
pos = index;
return pos;
function myCustomSort(a,b){
var a_pos = manualOrder.fuzzySearchIndex(a);
var b_pos = manualOrder.fuzzySearchIndex(b);
return a_pos > b_pos ? 1 : a_pos < b_pos ? -1 : 0;
// Check for ".cfg.js" and apply custom sort
for (var k in o) {
if (o[k].fuzzyMatch(".cfg.js")) {
// Merge Path and names to create final value
var final = [];
Object.keys(o).sort().forEach(function(item) {
if (Array.isArray(o[item])) {
final = final.concat(o[item].map(function(fn) {
return item + fn
} else
final = final.concat(o[item]);
First make an array for names like 'hekate'.
Then make an array for final results.
We need 3 searching loops for ctrls, cfgs and modules.
If string contains arrayWithNames[0] + '.module' push the whole record to new array that you created. Same with ctrls and cfgs.
var allItems = []; //your array with all elements
var namesArray = [];
var finalResultsArray = [];
//fill name array here:
for(var i=0; i<=allItems.length; i++){
//you have to split string and find the module name (like 'hekate'). i hope you know how to split strings
//sort by modules, cfgs, ctrls:
for(var i=0; i<=namesArray.length; i++){
if(allItems[i].indexOf(namesArray[i] + '.module') > -1) {
for(var i=0; i<=namesArray.length; i++){
if(allItems[i].indexOf(namesArray[i] + '.cfg') > -1) {
for(var i=0; i<=namesArray.length; i++){
if(allItems[i].indexOf(namesArray[i] + '.ctrl') > -1) {
//now finalResultsArray have what you wanted
You can provide your own compare function to array.sort (see
Write one that returns the correct order for modules, ctrls and cfgs:
It should first remove the suffixes, and if the rest is the same, use the correct logic to return the order according to the suffix. Otherwise return a value according to the alphabetical order.
I didn't test this code (not is it finished), but it should look something like that:
arr.sort(function(a, b) {
if ((a.endsWith(".cfg.js") || a.endsWith(".ctrl.js") || a.endsWith(".module.js")) &&
(b.endsWith(".cfg.js") || b.endsWith(".ctrl.js") || b.endsWith(".module.js"))) {
var sortedSuffixes = {
".module.js": 0,
".cfg.js": 1,
".ctrl.js": 2
var suffixAIdx = a.lastIndexOf(".cfg.js");
if (suffixAIdx < 0) suffixAIdx = a.lastIndexOf(".ctrl.js");
if (suffixAIdx < 0) suffixAIdx = a.lastIndexOf(".module.js");
var suffixBIdx = b.lastIndexOf(".cfg.js");
if (suffixBIdx < 0) suffixBIdx = b.lastIndexOf(".ctrl.js");
if (suffixBIdx < 0) suffixBIdx = b.lastIndexOf(".module.js");
var prefixA = a.substring(0, suffixAIdx);
var prefixB = b.substring(0, suffixAIdx);
if (prefixA != prefixB)
return a.localeCompare(b);
var suffixA = a.substring(suffixAIdx);
var suffixB = b.substring(suffixBIdx);
return sortedSuffixes[suffixA] - sortedSuffixes[suffixB];
} else {
return a.localeCompare(b);
Update 2
Here is a fiddle ( that works.

Get data from variable "Users" and put data in fields in Spreadsheet

I have this script from Google Developer site that fetches all the domain users:
function listAllUsers() {
var pageToken, page;
do {
page = AdminDirectory.Users.list({
domain: '',
orderBy: 'givenName',
maxResults: 100,
pageToken: pageToken
var users = page.users;
if (users) {
for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
var user = users[i];
pageToken = page.nextPageToken;
} while (pageToken);
I would like to get each users parameters and add them to a spreadsheet.
The variable users have all these parameters (users.EmailAdress etc), but how do i put them in a spreadsheet?
You have to build an array of arrays (a 2D array) with one array for each row in the sheet, here is an example with 3 columns that list all the users of my domain using the simple UserManager class.
The code structure is pretty much the same, a for loop and users[i] properties...
The output array here is called 'r' and is written in the sheet using the final setValues(r); - the code has also a sorting function that you don't need but I left it here for info if ever someone needs it.
function listUsers(s) {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet()
var users = UserManager.getAllUsers();
var r = new Array();
var f = new Array();
for( var i = 0 ; i < users.length ; i++ ){
var Umail = users[i].getEmail();
var UnomF = users[i].getFamilyName()
var UnomP = users[i].getGivenName()
var xp = x[0].toLowerCase();
var yp = y[0].toLowerCase();
return xp == yp ? 0 : xp < yp ? -1 : 1;// sort on name ascending
var header = ['Nom de famille','Prénom','Email']

