Wordpress backend for my own frontend - javascript

Until now, I've always found answers for my questions without even asking them on stack overflow, but in this case I need you assistance.
I hope that you will not find this question to silly.
I'm a pure frontend-focused. I work with html/sass/React/Redux, and I design UI. I've no experience and knowledge in any of backed techniques.
I would like to kick-start some blog. It would just display some posts, pagination, categories, sharing posts on social media, page "about me"... You all know this stuff. I've clear idea how front-end of this thing will work and I know what approach to designing this I will choose.
I just need some kind of back-end to support me with possibility of doing some AJAX calls for posts. I do not need comments, server side rendering etc. I just would like to create my own front-end html + css + js application that will get my posts from server and display it in way I want.
Ok, so I know about Wordpress. Ages ago, I did few sites with it (you gotta make your living somehow), using free templates. I just added some background, changed options and gave my "client" password and login, so they could post some things. that was working just OK.
But now is the thing. I don't want to use any Wordpress template at all. I just need Wordpress interface for posting/managing Posts, and "AJAX get" to fetch the posts. Rest is done with my own front-end that is not concern right now. what should I start with? I do not expect clear answer, just I need someone to point me if this is even possible, or should I think about other approach. I would like to avoid inventing a wheel once again from scratch.
Here I found this:
My first recommendation is to use existing software, like WordPress. In that case, you'll want to use their backend, which is going to be a relational database.
This would just be great.
So I found also this:
What is your opinion on such approach?


Thymeleaf or Angular4 with Springboot

I've mostly worked with Springboot framework only with JSP to cover the things I need for the website part. Now, I've got a project to do that mostly revolves, if not all, around the website and I have a couple of questions.
Just to be clear first, I don't have experience either with Thymeleaf or Angular so whichever I pick will be the first time (I think thymeleaf syntax would be easier for me to handle).
Ok so the main goal in my mind is not to render the whole page every time I load data from the backend, so I figure I would have like a header/content/footer parts where every time I click something only the content part would change. Also, I would like the possibility for a loader to show and go away when the content part is changing. This web application will need to be secure for users that register.
I've searched the web to investigate both frameworks, but can not seem to find the right answer so I can continue with my development
I do not mind creating separate REST services in later development if some other platform needs to hook up to the service if I decide to go with Thymeleaf.What do you guys think in what direction should I go, Thymeleaf or Angular? Any help and/or discussion would be much appreciated.
I am sorry if this seems like a general question, but I just need some basic guidelines to start with. Cheers!
I think transitioning to ThymeLeaf is probably going to be the easiest for you, but Angular is a great choice as well, and from there it is up to you. Would you rather use mostly expressions similar to JSTL expressions, but in Spring's SpEL language, then use ThymeLeaf, or would you rather use JavaScript, then use Angular. It just a user's preference for what you are doing.
The fragmenting portion (header, footer, body, etc..) is native to both frameworks. It just depends on which one you want to use. Whatever you go with, to load specific sections while not rendering the others, is going to require AJAX and for you to feel comfortable with how the template frameworks work.
I would suggest reading up on both of them to figure out which one you feel more comfortable with.
Both of them have great documentation for beginners and the Baeldung and Mkyong have good walkthrus for ThymeLeaf. Angular's documentation I found good enough on its own.
For a loader, you can do with simple CSS and JS. There is a ton of demos out there on how to do full screen loaders and how to turn them on or off with JS or CSS. IHateTomatoes has a good article about how to build a full screen loader, that has a No JS fallback option and should give you a good starting point.
Your point about it needing to be secure is a whole other monster. I would look into Spring Security. It's relatively straightforward, especially when using Spring Boot. If you want it can control the users session and assist in preventing session jacking, add CSRF to prevent cross site forgery, control permissions to urls and on down the line, or not. It all just depends.
Either way, don't randomly stab at security, it will end up in something that you feel is secure but it is not, which leaves you and your users in a very bad spot. Again, Baeldung has a great walkthru on the user registration and login process that can help get you started with Spring security and how to tie everything together.
Pretty high level answer, but hopefully gave you some good starting points and some resources.
Build apps decoupling frontend from the backend.
Always build apps following the "The API-first approach"
The API-first approach involves setting up the foundation of your app, which is the application programming interface
For me the differences between Thymeleaf and Angular:
Using Thymeleaf: You don't need to create Restful/web service endpoints on your frontend side because you just need to make calls to the backend from the frontend itself.
Using Angular: Besides of your Restful/ web service endpoints on your backend side, you have to build Restful/ web services endpoints on your frontend side because you don't want to expose direct access from Javascript code to the backend.
Hope this helps and happy coding time!

How do I add a full site search to a website in Javascript/jQuery?

I am creating a HTML5 website and I need to create a site search box that
displays results in a results page with description and photo.
How would I go about this.
I have looked alot and only see google search and thats not what im after.
Can this be done without PHP or RAILS?
Looking for purely JS and html5 and css and jquery.
Thanks and a point i the correct direction would be great.
Example is this Wordpress sites search http://agroamerica.com/
I dont want to use WP but hand code it.
Any help is great.
Your best bet, given that you don't want to implement a third party indexing service, would be to set an indexing function on your server's back end to handle search requests. You mentioned Rails, and there are some pretty great gems for this.
One point of trouble you will have with this question is that, in my experience, full site search functionality without a back end / database to query is not a very useful solution for any applications I've seen.
However, given that you want to keep it JS, you might look into the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js) which does some pretty sweet things like two-way data binding. It's a pure Javascript solution (albeit not a purely-front end solution).
Honestly, it sounds like you might be taking too big of bites to start off with. Try working through a scripting language on a site like Code Academy and learning about basic web application setups like MVC (a common way to handle different parts of a web application (used by the aforementioned Rails)). Stack Overflow users can be pretty brutal when you ask questions about advanced functionality without some understanding of the functionality's underlying elements or functional requirements, and search engines from the ground up have historically been the thing of doctoral dissertations.
Good luck!

using php and jquery together

I've been working on a dynamic webpage that uses quite a bit of jQuery. I'm going to give my users the ability to post short messages similar to Facebook or Twitter and I want to use PHP/mySql to do so. So while most of the page will be written in Javascript/jQuery, I will have a div positioned on the side displaying a Facebook like status feed.
My question is this...Is it ok to readily mix PHP and jQuery/Javascript or will this lead to problems?
I'm fairly new to programming so I thought I would ask
Yes, that is perfectly fine, and in some situations a perfect solution, combined the powers of both.
Good to remember: Never trust the input of javascript (clientside data), it can always have been altered to mess up your website. BUt the same for for plain'ol'inputs.
To give you an example right here in SO, when someone votes, you will see the 1-up aswell-> ajax.
Its not a problem at all. Look into AJAX, as its designed to do exactly what you're trying to do: communicate from Client to Server in the background. This way you don't have to load a page just to send/receive data to/from the server.

Display Comic Book files on a webpage?

I'm thinking about creating a webpage and I'm trying to brainstorm some ways to display them in the page.
If i wanted to get dirty and create everything myself, i think i could do it with html5, CSS3, and javascript/jquery. Just do some kind of page buttons with an image tag and maybe get into some more detailed stuff as it comes up (i dont know how i would do zooming and multiple pages).
But wahat i really want to know is if there is already some way to do this? I've looked around for a bit and cant seem to find any sort of plugin that would read a cbz file or display an set of images with the 'e-reader' type of tools in mind. Just wondering if anyone knows of anything?
I used to use an online reader for a long time so I started an experiment to build one myself a while back: netcomix
It's open source so you can see if you find anything appealing in what I did. I figured I'd do all the real UI work client side with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and the server was strictly responsible for acting as a service (for example, to supply a list of comics or a list of all the pages in a particular issue) and serving up the individual JPG/PNG/GIF files. That compartmentalized things nicely and I was very pleased with how jQuery BBQ gave me a history that I could back through even though I stayed on one page the whole time.
Now if I were to do the same experiment again, I'd use Backbone.js to give some structure to the client side and obviously it needs a lot of love because the server side really does nothing at the moment. Early versions were strictly hard coded although I started putting in some simple SQL stuff in there in the latest version. It's nothing more than an experiment though and should be treated as such. It's there for ideas and little else. If you find it interesting and want some more ideas contact me and I'll be happy to let you know all my wacky ideas for such a program.
I know this is an old question. But web technologies have gotten better in the last few years. There are several comic book readers that can work in the browser using pure HTML and JavaScript. I wrote one called: http://comic-book-reader.com .
If you want to see a very simple example of how to read CBR and CBZ files in the browser. You should check out http://workhorsy.github.io/uncompress.js/examples/simple/index.html which uses the JavaScript library https://github.com/workhorsy/uncompress.js

How should I create a web interface for my application? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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First, a little background: I have written a little application in python with SQLAlchemy, which is roughly an improved RSS reader: it selects links that should interest the user, and shows them to him. I already have a very simple command-line interface, and I envision a variety of interfaces: web, instant-messaging, desktop...
For now I'd like to create a simple web interface, but I have absolutely zero experience in the matter (appart from making a simple php forum 5 or 6 years ago...). So I'm comming here for advice on where to start:
Is there a good tutorial on HTML/CSS/Javascript focused on making a website look good simply? I know about w3schools, but it's a terrible tutorial IMHO, since it teaches you about HTML/CSS but doesn't show you how to use them.
Should I use a javascript library? Which one?
Should I use a web framework? I'm guessing either not or a very lightweight one, since I already have an application core with a database and SQLAlchemy, and I don't want to drop it.
Any other advice?
I recommend that you use some kind of web framework, it will make things a lot easier. Since you already know Python you should look into Django framework. It seems that you can use SQLAlchemy with Django, see djange-sqlalchemy project.
I recommend using JQuery framework/library for Javascript stuff. It greatly simplifies coding and takes care of most web browser incompabilities.
This CSS tutorial seems to give you the basics.
I would start by reading the Django tutorial and start trying things out. I wouldn't worry too much about HTML stuff, you should be able to pick up enough from Django tutorial. Make your site first functional with HTML, Django and SQLAlchemy. Only then start worring about Javascript. Who knows, maybe you do not need Javascript at all?
Do not try make your site work and look good at the same time. When you are making your site work, use simple and ugly HTML pages. When you are making you web site look good, work only with static HTML pages and CSS files. It is easier to combine the two in the end.
Just like everyone else here, I'll chime in with "Use my favorite framework, because it's what I use...."
I would start with small goals for a web interface. Get something simple up and running that to make sure you understand how things work.
Write an app that responds to the following url and returns something.
Once you understand the little bit of machinery it takes to make that possible, what is handed to you as far as information about the request, and what you need to produce to return to the caller, it should be come clear how to fill in the blanks to get from your existing application to data thrown at the web browser.
Learn WSGI for no other reason than most of the libraries that will help you build a web application utilize this to some degree.
One of the links from the above page that I found extremely beneficial in understanding how all this works. was Ian Bickings article "A Do-it Yourself Framework"
Once you get a grasp of that stuff, you may find that dealing with WSGI at such a low level is maybe a little too cumbersome. That's when you'll probably want something like WebOb
which is just one of several ways people have come up with for abstracting away the low level details of the request/response cycle into some convenient objects. In a sense encompassing the HTTP protocol without trying to make it make sense to someone who doesn't want to know what HTTP is.
Depending on the complexity of your application you may decide that handling a request, looking at the path and dispatching off to one of many functions is a drag you'd rather not deal with. This is where everyone's favorite framework starts to be beneficial. And I would suspect that you would know enough by this point to better assess the frameworks that are out there and determine which fits your needs and goals.
Lots prefer django, maybe you will too. Others prefer Turbogears, and or Pylons, maybe bfg, maybe grok, maybe zope, maybe plone. But no one here knows what you want your application to do.
It's an interestingly common mistake: all of the above answers provide technological advise on what's the best technology to do ... what exactly? You should work the other way around.
I think that if you want your application to be successful, you have to make sure it enables its users to get the most out of it in the most natural way to them.
Therefore, i suggest you first "storyline" how things should happen from a user's perspective. Use paper and pen, or more sophisticated wireframing tools such as balsamiq mockups.
So, first lay out what the experience should be, and this will tell you which technology will be the best choice to enable that experience.
Oh, and don't forget to read this.
HTML, CSS and JS Book: DHTML and CSS for the World Wide Web
Javascript Library: JQuery
Web Framework: Not sure, DJango?
Other Advice: Learn to write HTML, CSS, and JS in a a simple text editor with syntax highlighting. Complex IDE's are cool, but for this stuff, they will make you learn slower.
Web applications are not simple.
HTML and CSS: Head First HTML is probably a good starting point. The Head First series are usually excellent tutorials. As Josh said, write your pages by hand.
Javascript: you don't need this to get started. Maybe in a later version. When you have a better idea what you'll need Javascript for, you'll be better equipped to pick a library that suits your needs.
Web framework: You should probably start with Django. That's the opposite of a "very lightweight" framework, but in this context "lightweight" requires more expertise to make something polished. So it's a good idea to aim for "feature rich and well supported" instead.
Here is another option, I feel it's worth mentioning before making any decision.
As web framework I would advise web2py, it is very easy to setup and yet powerful. Here is a document showing the differences between Django, web2py and some others. It is somewhat old but will give you a good overview.
Since you have legacy code, if you really want to keep it there is a fair compatibility between the two although you should double-check. The easiest would be to adapt your code, of course, the differences aren't so big. But that's your call :-)
Regarding the Javascript library, probably jQuery.
The best introduction you could follow is the opera web standards curriculum. Some of the information will be too basic - but a full understanding of all the topics covered will give you a very good grounding.
Alternatively team up with someone who specialises in front-end development.

