Share randomly generated variable across .js and .ejs files with nodeJS - javascript

I am generating a random number inside a javascript file that I need to pass through to an .ejs file. Obivously I can't just reproduce it there because it is random.
I am working with these files: app.js, game.js and game.ejs. I need to use the variable in both game files.
This is the variable I need to be shared
var num = Math.floor(Math.random()*4)
I already tried passing the variable through my app.js to the game.ejs which worked. I can still not work with it in my game.js though.
Any help is appreciated

make this varibale global like
global.num = Math.floor(Math.random()*4)
now use it at any place inside your environment.
Global varibales must be handled with care as it pollutes


How to read/pass vercel system enviroment variables to code in Sanity?

I want to pass the VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF variable to my javascript bundle. I've deployed Sanity in Vercel and it only passes variables with the prefix SANITY_STUDIO_.
So, I've created an environment variable named SANITY_STUDIO_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF and want to pass VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF into it.
I tried a few ways but it doesn't seem to work!
Here is what I want to achieve:
You can map environment variables by creating a .env.production file.

How to operate within.env file?(addition, multiplication)

I'm working on proyect with Nodejs. I work with .env file and I came up with a question.
I guees that I can't do this.
My .env file
#time in seconds
How to operate on an .env file? Through what method can I do?
Sorry the ignorance and thanks for the help.
In .env file you can't use mathematical operations and can only store constant values and if you want to change it dynamically than you can change it in your project file by using any user defined function or any other method you can use to change the value of the constant by accessing the variable using process.env.TOKEN_TIME_LIVE.
I'm sure it would help solve your question, In case I'm wrong any where please correct me and clear my misconception.

How to use .env file variable in .js file other than Keystone.js?

We are using keystone frame work in one of our project and i am trying to use .env file variable to one of my .js file to connect with http site.I have used dotenv and called process.env.xxyz where xxyz is the variable we are using.Please let me know if there is any other method to call variable from .env file.
Reading process.env is the standard way to retrieve environment variables. See the docs.
The dotenv package you mentioned takes what is in your .env file and puts it in process.env. However, no validation is performed, so it is easy to make mistakes.
Instead, try out my envy module which prevents all of the common mistakes you might be making. It checks for missing variables, amongst other things.
If .env files are still giving you trouble:
Make sure you are using the correct variable names.
Make sure there are no typos.
Make sure you are using the proper syntax.
Consider using command line arguments instead. I recommend meow for this. Also see an example of using envy and meow together.
Regarding syntax: depending on which loader you are using (e.g. dotenv vs envy), the syntax in the .env file could have a big impact on how it is parsed. For example, in Bash and other shells (which the files are based on), each and every one of the following examples behaves entirely differently...
MY_VAR='foo $BAR'
MY_VAR="foo $BAR"
Also, environment variable names are case sensitive and by convention are all uppercase. This can lead to mistakes in languages where that is uncommon. In the Node.js program reading process.env, sometimes you might forget that the naming conventions for environment variables are different than the rest of the program.
const myVar = process.env.myVar; // wrong
const myVar = process.env.MY_VAR; // correct
Casing is not an issue if you use envy, as it fixes this by normalizing variable names to camelcase before returning them.
const { myVar } = envy(); // correct, no matter how it is in `.env`
Regardless of which loader you use, you will of course need to call its load function before the .env file will be read. This is pretty much impossible to forget with envy() because you use only its direct return value. But if you are using dotenv, you can easily access process.env at the wrong time because it is already available and populated (but not with all the desired properties) before calling dotenv.config().
Another trick that will help with debugging and save time and effort is to make a dedicated module for configuration. Thanks to the require cache, we avoid doing the work multiple times and also avoid relying upon the loader being idempotent.
Put this in a file called env.js.
const envy = require('envy');
module.exports = envy();
Then import it elsewhere.
const env = require('./env');
Now you have something very simple to debug and it should work the same no matter where you import it.
Just add xxyz=HTTPSiteAddress to your .env file. Then you can call the variable anywhere by using process.env.xxyz.
For example:
var request = require("request");
request(process.env.xxyz, function(error, response, body) {
This will work as long as your keystone.js file contains at the top:

Javascript global declaration

I've just started out with javascript and came across this line in a file called global.js There is only one line in the file. I'm not sure what does App do. Any ideas?
Filename: globals.js
//The Application
App = {};
it creates an object with a name of App... that's all it does.
I would assume that the idea behind the global.js file in your case is to include the file in your base html/template so that the variables in there can be accessed from anywhere in the app.
In some of our projects, we've had global files like this containing references to collections and "setting" variables, which is quite handy :)
It is creating an object named App in the global namespace. App has no functions or attributes (yet).
It (implicitly) declares a variable called App in a "global" context and assigns an empty object as its value. Assuming this is used on a web page somewhere, it's the same as declaring window.App = {}.
How this affects the rest of your application, we won't know until you post more relevant code.
This script just instantiate this empty Object. Probably, others scripts that ran along with this uses that object and depends that it is created there.

Setting a variable of a javascript from an other, in javascript

I have the following problem:
In file (let a.js be) I have:
var kindofdisplay ;
In an other file ( let b.js be)
I get the information to set kindofdisplay.
Now, I would like to set kindofdisplay from file b.js so that when a.js is executed it will be able to process the variable in a correct way.
Many thanks
As Raja pointed out. If you can access the kindofdisplay variable on b.js, you can change it. You just need to take care not to declare it again.
You can try give a default value like:
var kindofdisplay='none';
And check if that's the value the variable has when on b.js. If it's not, you are probably declaring it again.
If you're using the two javascript files on different web pages, you could always set the variable as a cookie (providing you don't need it to be secure).
Have a look at this tutorial about cookies.
Another way to do this would be to put the script that defines the function for setting the variable in one file, link it to both pages that you need the variable to exist in and call the function on each page.
Of course, as a couple of people have already explained, if you're using the two javascript files on the same page, there's no need to do this - just ensure that the variable has the appropriate scope.

