Call an objects setter when its children are assigned to - javascript

Let there be an object userSingleton defined as such:
var userSingleton = new function() {
var _user = undefined;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'activeUser', {
get: function() {
console.log("Getter called, done something cool");
return _user;
set: function(val) {
console.log("Setter called, do something cooler");
_user = val;
Now if I go to use it, userSingleton.activeUser = {name: 'John Doe'}; works great! I get a "Setter called, do something cooler".
However, if I try to do = 'John Doe'; I instead get a "Getter called, done something cool" and userSingleton._user is not updated.
What's happening is it's trying to set the name property of the object returned by the getter (userSingleton.activeUser).
How do I make it call a particular function when any (unknown at definition time) property is assigned to / modified?

A revisited solution Proxy based with a deeply nested example (NB: ECMA Script 2015):
var handler = {
get: function (target, key) {
return target[key];
set: function (target, key, value) {
do_action(target, key, value);
if (typeof value === 'object') {
target[key] = new Proxy(value, handler);
} else {
target[key] = value;
function do_action(target, key, value) {
console.log("firing action on:", key, value)
function singletonUser() {
if (!this._singleton) {
const _user = {}
this._singleton = {
activeUser: new Proxy(_user, handler)
return this._singleton;
var userSingleton = singletonUser(); = 'pippo';
userSingleton.activeUser.age = 10;
// a deeply nested example
userSingleton.activeUser.github = {};
userSingleton.activeUser.github.followers = ["gino", "pino"]


Run a function when deep property is set

I have an object like
const obj = { field1: obj1, field2: obj2 }
and now I'd like to run a function when anything in obj was changed:
function objChanged() { ... }
// decorate obj somehow ...
obj.field3 = data; // objChanged should be called (Proxy can see it)
obj.field1.val = data; //objChanged should be called (Proxy can't see it?)
AFAIK there is a MutationObserver which works only for DOM and Proxy which intercepts only own properties, right?
I do not own obj1 so I can not change it. Is there a way to achieve this functionality?
Following the piece of code will listen to object property you can iterate over object properties to listen all. I am curious, what are you trying to achieve?
const dog = { bark: true };
function Observer(o, property) {
var _this = this;
this.observers = [];
this.Observe = function (notifyCallback) {
Object.defineProperty(o, property, {
set: function (val) {
_this.value = val;
for (var i = 0; i < _this.observers.length; i++) {
get: function () {
return _this.value;
const observer = new Observer(dog, "bark");
observer.Observe(function (value) {
dog.bark = true;
dog.bark = true;
dog.bark = true;
dog.bark = true;
Orgil's answer works only with a single property that needs to be known and encoded. I wanted a solution which works for all properties, including later added. Inspired by his idea to create an observing object, I created a dynamic Proxy that adds another Proxies when needed.
In the following code dog1 serves as proxy: setting its properties modifies the original dog object and logs the assigned value to console.
function AssignProxy(o, fn, path) {
var tree = {};
if(!path) path = "obj";
return new Proxy(o, {
get: (_, prop) => {
if(typeof o[prop] != "object") return o[prop];
if(tree[prop] === undefined) tree[prop] = AssignProxy(o[prop], fn, `${path}.${prop}`);
return tree[prop];
set: (_, prop, val) => fn(o[prop] = val, prop, o, path) || 1
/****** TEST *******/
const dog = {
sounds: {},
name: "Spike"
let callback = (val, prop, o, path) => console.log(`assigning ${path}.${prop} to ${val}`)
const dog1 = AssignProxy(dog, callback, "dog1"); = "Tyke"; // overwrite property
dog1.age = 4; // create a property
dog1.sounds.howl = "hoooooowl"; // create a deep property
dog1.sounds.howl = {text: "hoowl", pitch: 5000}; // overwrite the deep property
var howl = dog1.sounds.howl; // access by reference
howl.pitch = 6000; // overwrite later added property
console.log(dog); // verify the original object

How to check objects properties or functions called or not in javascript?

I want to check that my object properties and method or anything else is called or not? for example,
// functions
function app(){
return {
name : 'Md Tahazzot',
info : function(){
Now if I call this like app(), I mean In this case I am not called any of the object properties or methods. So, Is it possible to check this that I am called only the function nothing else like this app().name ?
You could return a Proxy. If the proxy's getters (or setters?) are ever called, then you know that something has been done other than simply call the function - something attempted to get or set a property on the returned object:
function app() {
const target = {
name: 'Md Tahazzot',
info: function() {
return new Proxy(target, {
get(target, prop) {
console.log('Get attempted');
return target[prop];
set(target, prop, newVal) {
console.log('Set attempted');
return target[prop] = newVal;
console.log('Creating "a":');
const a = app();
console.log('Creating "b":');
const b = app();;
console.log('Creating "c":');
const c = app(); = 'foo';
If you have to do this from outside the app, then apply the same logic after the object has been returned:
function app() {
return {
name: 'Md Tahazzot',
info: function() {
const obj = new Proxy(app, {
get(target, prop) {
console.log('Get attempted');
return target[prop];
set(target, prop, newVal) {
console.log('Set attempted');
return target[prop] = newVal;
console.log('Proxy created');;
As functions are nothing but objects in JavaScript, you can create property on function itself to store any info at function level.
You could do something like this:
function app(){
app.callsCount = app.callsCount || 0;
return {
name : 'Md Tahazzot',
info : function(){
And can be used like this:
app.callsCount // 1
app.callsCount //2
Keep in mind, once function is called, the count is increased, if you want to increase count on inner function call you could do that too. However it would not be straight forward to know if a property is called after app function call.
Not exactly sure what exactly you are trying to achieve.

Override default get in javascript class such as __get in php

I'm building a javascript library and I would like to be able to do exactly like the PHP's __get does.
My library has a attributes property which stores each model's attributes. Now, I am force to get an attribute using a .get method. But I would be able to do it with a getter. Let's says that User extends my model class.
let instance = new User({firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Doe'});
console.log(instance.get('firstname')); // gives me 'John'
I want to be able to do instance.firstname which will call the .get method passing 'firstname' as parameter. In PHP you can do it that way :
Is this something possible?
Thank you all
This is easy using ES 2015 classes:
class Foo {
constructor () {
this._bar = null;
get bar () {
return this._bar;
set bar (val) {
this._bar = val;
return this;
var foo = new Foo(); = 3; // calls setter function
console.log(; // calls getter function
here's the (simplified) output from babel:
var Foo = function () {
function Foo() {
this._bar = null;
_createClass(Foo, [{
key: "bar",
get: function get() {
return this._bar;
set: function set(val) {
this._bar = val;
return this;
return Foo;
Note that this isn't just for classes, any arbitrary object can have these:
var baz = {
get qux() {
// arbitrary code
set qux(val) {
// arbitrary code
What you want is possible but only in native ES 6 environments, as Proxy cannot be polyfilled.
var getter = function(target, property, proxy) {
console.log(`Getting the ${property} property of the obj.`);
return target[property];
var setter = function(target, property, value, proxy) {
console.log(`Setting the ${property} property to ${value}.`);
target[property] = value;
var emptyObj = {};
var obj = new Proxy(emptyObj, {
get: getter,
set: setter
obj.a = 3; // logs 'Setting the a property to 3'
var foo = obj.a; // logs 'Getting the a property of the obj'
Quite simply assign the properties in a loop:
User = function (attrs) {
for (var name in attrs) {
this[name] = attrs[name];
User.prototype = {
// further methods
Using the ES6 class syntax, - I have to admit I do not see the point of writing things this way:
class User {
constructor (attrs) {
for (var name in attrs) {
this[name] = attrs[name];
// further methods
Remember: the second syntax is exactly what happens with the first one, only with some sugar on top.

Javascript overriding the property setting functionality

JavaScript is dynamic. Cool !
I have the following constructor function :
function Preferences () {
this._preferences = {}
var obj = new Preferences()
I want to achieve something like this:
>>> obj.something = 'value'
>>> this._preferences['something']
That is setting the property of the obj does not actually set it's own property but that of obj._preferences. That is I want to override the default behavior.
Is it possible ?
EDIT : I want to achieve this for all property names i.e the name of the property to be set is not already known.
Object.defineProperty(Preferences.prototype, 'something', {
get: function(){
return this._preferences.something;
set: function(value){
this._preferences.something = value;
should do it. It defines a property, 'something', using an accessor property instead of a data property, and will call the 'get' and 'set' functions to decide what do so when .something is accessed.
Using Proxy object you can do something like this and handle runtime defined properties
function Preferences() {
this._preferences = {};
var prefProxy = new Proxy(this, {
get: function(target, property) {
return property in target?
set: function(target, property, value, receiver) {
if(property in target){
target[property] = value;
} else {
target._preferences[property] = value;
return prefProxy;
I can be wrong but i think what you are asking is solved returning _preferences
function Preferences () {
this._preferences = {};
return _preferences;
var obj = new Preferences()
Using getter and setter you can redirect the property to _preferences
function Preferences () {
this._preferences = {}
Object.defineProperty(Preferences.prototype, 'something', {
get: function() {
return this._preferences['something'];
set: function(value) {
this._preferences['something'] = value;
var obj = new Preferences()

Override privileged method of base class

How can I go about making a child class override a privileged method of a base class?
If its not possible, is there another way to achieve what I am trying to accomplish in the simple code example below?
I cannot convert the baseclass function parseXML() to public because it requires access to private variables
function BaseClass()
var map = {};
// I cannot make this function public BECAUSE it accesses & changes private variables
this.parseXML = function( key, value )
map[key] = value;
function ChildClass()
this.parseXML = function( key, value, otherData )
// How can I call the base class function parseXML()?
//this.parseXML(); // calls this function not the parent function
//, key, value); // fails
//BaseClass.prototype.parseXML(); // fails
// perform specialised actions here with otherData
ChildClass.prototype = new BaseClass;
var a = new ChildClass();
function BaseClass() {
var map = {};
this.parseXML = function(key, value) {
map[key] = value;
function ChildClass() {;
var parseXML = this.parseXML;
this.parseXML = function(key, value, otherData) {
alert("ChildClass()::parseXML()");, key, value);
ChildClass.prototype = new BaseClass;
var a = new ChildClass();
Live Example
Basically you cache the privileged method (which is only defined on the object) and then call it inside the new function you assign to the privileged method name.
However a more elegant solution would be:
function BaseClass() {
this._map = {};
BaseClass.prototype.parseXML = function(key, value) {
this._map[key] = value;
function ChildClass() {;
ChildClass.prototype = Object.create(BaseClass.prototype);
ChildClass.prototype.parseXML = function(key, value, otherData) {
alert("ChildClass()::parseXML()");, key, value);
var a = new ChildClass();
Live Example
Also bonus implementation using pd
IMO, you need to use a Javascript library like Ext Js to simplify this task. Anyway, the following example illustrates how you can write some helper methods. It's a part of an unreleased open source project that I'm working on.
var JWObject = (function () {
var jwobj = function (){};
jwobj.prototype = { };
return jwobj;
var Prototype = (function () {
var scopeQueue = [ window ];
return {
beginScope: function (namespace) {
var parts = namespace.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var name = parts[i],
parent = this.getScope(),
part = parent[name];
if (part && !part.__namespace) {
throw Error('/* ERROR MESSAGE */');
scopeQueue.push(parent[name] = (part || { __namespace: true }));
endScope: function () {
if (scopeQueue.length > 1) {
getScope: function () {
return scopeQueue.pick();
define: function (name, members) {
var scope = this.getScope();
if (scope[name]) {
throw Error('The prototype already exist.');
this.extend(members, {
scope: scope,
extend: JWObject,
statics: {}
// Getting constructor
var ctor = (members.constructor === Object) ? function() { } : members.constructor;
delete members.constructor;
if (typeof members.extend === 'string') {
members.extend = scope[members.extend];
if (!members.extend) {
throw Error('The base class is not specified.');
// Deriving from parent type
ctor.prototype = new members.extend();
members.super = members.extend.prototype;
delete members.extend;
members.statics.__class = true;
this.extend(ctor, members.statics, true);
delete members.statics;
// Adding new members
this.extend(ctor.prototype, members, true);
// Adding and returning the created prototype
return scope[name] = ctor;
extend: function (expando, members, override) {
for (var m in members) {
if (override || !expando[m]) {
expando[m] = members[m];
Prototype.extend(Array.prototype, {
pick: function() {
return this[this.length - 1];
Here is the result:
* Prototype: Sample.Plugin
Prototype.define('Plugin', {
init: function() {
* Prototype: Sample.Extensions.Plugin
* Extend : Sample.Plugin
Prototype.define('Foo', {
extend: Sample.Plugin,
init: function() {;
alert('child: init!');
fun: function() {
statics: {
create: function() {
return new Sample.Extension.Foo();
As you can see in the preceding code, the Prototype object provides some functionality to defining a namespace (Prototype.beginScope, Prototype.endScope and Prototype.getScope) or defining a prototype (Prototype.define).
You can inherit a prototype from another using extend like java.
Prototype.define('Foo', {
extend: Sample.Plugin,
Or call the base class method as follows:
init: function() {;
Also, every prototype you define with above code will be derived from JWObject by default.

