How to get data from multiple url's in Reactjs? - javascript

I want to get json data from multiple url's and display it on frontend.
Following are the url's:
1) localhost:3000/api/getdata1
2) localhost:3000/api/getdata2
3) localhost:3000/api/getdata3
Instead of using .fetch() on each of the url's like below:
Can this be done in more efficent way in ReactJs ?
I was trying:
const dataurls = [
const promisedurl =;
.then(data=> {
for (const d of data) {
.catch(reason => {
// Receives first rejection among the Promises
Please suggest which one should be used or is there any efficient way to do get data from multiple url's.

ReactJS is a View layer library. It has nothing to do with how you aquire any data from server.
Even state libraries, like Redux and Reflux do not implement any method of fetching data. In most cases you do that in your custom app code. Sometimes using extra libraries (e.g. Redux middlewares).
So, yes: your Promise.all(<several https requests here>) is the most natural way to achieve that.


How to isolate a Gunjs database?

I've been trying out GunJs for a couple of days now and I'm really enjoying it. As a starter project I've followed the Fireship chat dapp video aimed at building your own chat.
Here's the issue, now that I've finished the tutorial I would like to create my own chat. However, for some reason if I get a 'chat' node within my own app it seems to pick up on the same 'chat' node as the tutorial one that is online.
onMount(() => {
// Get Messages in large chat
.once(async (data, id) => {
if (data) {
// key for E2E - to do: change for web3
const key = '#foo';
var message = {
//transform the data
who: await db.user(data).get('alias'),
what: (await SEA.decrypt(data.what, key)) + '',
when:, 'what'),
if (message.what) {
messages = [...messages.slice(-100), message]
This is also the case if I change the encryption key (then the messages just become undefined). Multiple questions arise from this:
Are graph node names unique within the whole of GunDb?
How do you handle conflicts where two gun-based apps call on the same node name?
Is this problem generally solved through filtering using 'header' props?
How do I make it pick up on only my data?
Even if I've read most of the docs, there seems to be something I'm missing in my comprehension of how the graph is generally seperated between apps. Any insight on how this works would be much appreciated.
Are graph node names unique within the whole of GunDb?
How do you handle conflicts where two gun-based apps call on the same node name?
You don't. The expected result will be, they will overwrite each other.
Is this problem generally solved through filtering using 'header' props?
I don't think it's the right way to do it.
How do I make it pick up on only my data?
Use your own relay server.
Conclusion :
gunDB doesn't really care about the who fetch / put the data. If you want to protect your data, use your own relay server (not a public one), and put data in your user space. user space is readonly to the public, but read/write for the owner.

How to send file from VueJS to API/ExpressJS using axios

Firstly, sorry if my english is bad, i'm not native.
My problem is simple : i already succeded at post some form data from VueJS to ExpressJS API using axios just like that:'urlOfMyAPI', this.body).then(response => this.rep =;
The "this.body" thing is an object called body and inside this object, i map all my inputs, like that by example:
<v-textarea v-model='body.text'></v-textarea>
It work well, expressJS can take the data and do the job but when i try to do it with a "v-file-input", all the data inputs go to the API correctly, except the file. When i'm trying to console.log in my API (see the screen under) a random data from input in my API, the data is rendered in my console but the data file is rendered as "undefined".
Have to say one last thing : When i do "console.log(this.body)" in vueJS before the axios post, my file is in the body like expected, so the problem is with axios. I tried to find something on internet but just got some things with a "FormData" object i don't understand and tried to use without success.
My API Code btw, just for example :
exports.Create = (req,res) => {
Thanks you if you help me
You have to use formData when submitting files to axios, otherwise, your files won't be available on server-side.
This is a simple method that performs an upload of a file. Please note: if you want to send additional data within your request, you have to add as many formData.append() as you have properties.
uploadAvatar () {
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('avatar', this.file)
formData.append('other_field', this.otherField)'/avatars/upload', formData)
.then((response) => {
.catch((e) => {
From my experience, if you have a huge form and you want to avoid many formData.append(), the best option is to handle your uploads separately.

Data VS Async Data in Nuxt

Im using vue.js with nuxt.js, I'm just still confused as when to use Data VS Async Data. Why would I need to use Async data when I just have data that just displays on the page?
I have a data object of FAQ's and just want to display the data without doing anything with it. What are the benefits of using the asyncData? Or what are the cases or best use of them?
Should I display list data such as this as async by default if using data such as this inside of my component?
data:() => ({
asyncData(context) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(data => {
return data
.catch(e => {
asyncData happes on the serer-side. You cant access browser things like localStorage or fetch() for example but on the ther hand you can access server-side things.
So why should you use asyncData instead of vue cycles like created?
The benefit to use asyncData is SEO and speed. There is this special context argument. It contains things like your store with Its special because asyncData happens on server-side but the store is on the client side usually. That means you can get some data and then populate your store with it and somewhere else you display it. The benefit of this is that its all server-side and that increase your SEO so for example the google crawler doesnt see a blank page
why would I need to pre render it when it is going to be displayed
Yes for us it doesnt matter if i send 1 File to the client and it renders all data like in SPA's or if its pre-rendered. But it doesnt matter for the google crawler. If you use SPA mode the crawler just sees a blank page. You can discoverd it too. Go to any SPA website and click right-click and inspect you will see thats there only 1 Div tag and few <script> tags. (Dont press F12 and inspect like this thats not what i mean).

Multiple endpoints in same query

It works perfectly, with a single endpoint.
With apollo-link-rest, I have made a client that looks like this
const restLink = new RestLink({ uri: "" })
And export the client with a new ApolloClient({...})
Now to the question
On the same server, there are multiple endpoints, all with same fields but different data in each
The first query that works look like this
export const GET_PRODUCTS = gql`
query firstQuery {
products #rest(type: "data" path: "first/feed") { // the path could be second/feed and it will work with different data
I want all these different path into one and same json feed, because they all have the same fields, but with different data
Using aliases
You can (should be possible) use standard method to make similar queries - get many data (result) nurmally available as the same shape (node name). This is described here.
"1": products(....
"2": products(....
Paths can be created using variables
Results can be easy combined by iterating over data object. Problem? Only for fixed amount (not many) endpoints as query shouldn't be generated by strings manipulations.
Multiple graphql queries
You can create queries in a loop - parametrized - using Promise.all() and apollo-client client.query(. Results needs to be combined into one, too.
Custom fetch
Using custom fetch you can create a query taking an array of paths. In this case resolver should use Promise.all() on parametrized fetch requests. Combined results can be returned as single node (as required).
All these methods needs making multiple requests. Problem can be resolved by making server side REST wrapper (docs or blog).

Caching select query data on server side

I am writing an express app, where I'm pushing data from my views to a database. But most of the data is mapped to some other data in database tables.
For example, is a choose student name drop down- once you choose the student by his name , a drop down below - will show all roles that he is allowed for.
So I'm following this pattern of'\action1', function(req,res){
function querySomething(){
var defered = Q.defer();
return defered.promise;
function querySomethingElse(){
var defered = Q.defer();
return defered.promise;
Q.all([querySomething(), querySomethingElse()]).then((results,err) => {
res.render('some_view.ejs', {
Now the problem is that I have to follow this pattern of selecting something from multiple tables, pass all these function to a promise- and when the results is passed back, goto my view with all those result objects - so that I can use them in my view - as a means of doing drop downs dependent on one another.
Sometimes I have to re-write this multiple times.
Doing a select query like this would be performance intensive especially if all views are using the result of the same query.
Is there any way I can build a cached data store on my express server side code and query that instead of the actual database??
If there is an insert or an update - i will refresh this store and just do a new select * that one time.
What libraries are there on top of express which will help me do this??
Does mysql-cache does the same thing?? I'm also using connection pooling with createPool.
How do I achieve this - or do I just restore to using big mvc's like sails to rewrite my app?
You can try apiCache npm module.
"Sometimes I have to re-write this multiple times."
Based on the business need, you may want to handle each use case separately and this scenario doesn't deal with caching.
Doing a select query like this would be performance intensive especially if all views are using the result of the same query.
This is a classic example for the need of server-side caching.

