How to put Parameter only with Javascript through URL in the website - javascript

I am using the software rimacon.
And i am using this URL:
I want to send the Value of the serial number from Javascript (rimacon) into this input of this website: (see picture)
In this website, i click the mouse on the right and click "inspect Element/ Element Untersuchen". I get this HTML-Code:
<input type="text" class="serial-number">
i would like to change this into:
<input type="text" class="serial-number" value="xXx">
then i write URL like:"0QYG06DF3FA"
or i would like to change this CODE into:
<input type="text" class="serial-number" name="PUT-Serial-number">
then i write URL like:"0QYG06DF3FA"
i tried some Code with setAttribute or createAttribute and so on to get this fixed:
for example:
//var x = document.getElementsByClassName("serial-number").href="";
var x = document.querySelectorAll("input.serial-number[href^='']");
var y = x.innerHTML = "value="+seriennummer;
alert("y: "+y);
alert("Länge : "+y.length);
//var attr = document.createAttribute("Value");
//var attr = x.setAttribute("Value",seriennummer);
//alert("attr: "+attr.value);
// this shall open window and show the serialnumber in this websites
url = escape("");
var hpwindow ="http://xxx:8081/sprungxbrett.php?TARGET="+url);
This Code is in function of onclick().
Please I need your Help! Is there some way to get fixed this JS-Code!
Because in "Inspect element/Element Untersuchen", you can add Attribute Value into this
<input type="text" class="serial-number" value="0QYG06DF3FA">
then this serial number truly display in the input this website.
Thank you very much.

this should solve getting the URL params as JSON format (wont show anything here, try any test file with url params, ex: test.html?this=that&that=this)
<p id="result"> result: </p>
function getUrlVars() {
var map = {};
var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) {
map[key] = value;
//get your values as JSON, one of the following
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML += JSON.stringify(map);
return map;


Display results from api after user input

I'm learning JS and I need some help figuring out why my info isn't getting populated in the html. I'm just trying to get the basic functionality to work, so that I can continue to expand on it.
User is supposed to input a 3 digit route value, which will then return all the route information from an api call. I was able to get the route info to display earlier when I got the api call set up, but I'm struggling to figure why it's not displaying now that I tried adding in a feature to allow the user to input the route. See attached pen
<div class='container'>
<h1 id='header'>Route Info</h1>
<input id="input" type="text" placeholder="Enter 3 digit route ex 005" >
<input type="button" value="Get Route" onclick="getRoute()">
<p id = 'p'><span id="routeInfo"></span></p>
$(document).ready(function() {
var route = $('#input'); {
var scriptTag = document.createElement('SCRIPT');
scriptTag.src = "" + route;
var myCallback = function(data) {
var myarray =;
document.getElementById("routeInfo").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(myarray);
It looks like you are jumping through a lot of hoops you don't need to. As long as you are using Jquery, you should look into getting the api data with an ajax request. It's much easier and more intuitive. Also you have a few problems such as trying to get the input value with var route = $('#input'); which return the actual input element. You are also processing the returned data in a way that won't work.
Here's a basic example to get you going on (IMO) a better track:
function getRoute() {
var route = $('#input').val();
var url = "" + route;
$.ajax({url: url, success: function(data){
var retValue = "";
var i = 0
for(i; i< data.length; i++) {
retValue += data[i].BridgeName + "<br>"
document.getElementById("routeInfo").innerHTML = retValue;
If you intend functionality in the callback to run, you need to rewrite that as a method function getRoute(), or get the button element via jQuery and assign that to the variable getRoute. As it stands, you have the click method wired via the markup to a function named getRoute which does not exist. In the JS you are trying to register a click event to a jQuery object named getRoute which does not exist.
getRoute needs to be a global function for it to be called from html :
getRoute = (function() {
Also, myCallback needs to be a global function for it to be called from your loaded script (just remove the var):
myCallback = function(data) {

Get all form values into javascript array

I am attempting to get all the form values into a normal array[]. I had it working for tags but then I added some tags and can't seem to get it.
With just tags it worked with this
var content = document.querySelectorAll("#form input[name='content[]']");
I am currently trying something like this
var content = document.elements["content[]"].value;
This form can change from user input down the road as each section of the form is a module that they choose to add. It is also important to get the values in order, if that isn't possible then I would need to make it a JSON array. Pure javascript or jquery is fine either way.
Thank you for any help.
I used this to solve my problem
var contents=[]
var content = $('#form').serializeArray()
for (var i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
<form id="form">
<input type="text" name="content[]" value="abc" />
<textarea name="textarea" value="">123</textarea>
$(function() {
var form = $("#form");
// escape `[]`
var content = form.find("input[name=content\\[\\]]");
// array `literal declaration`
var _arr = [content.prop("value")];
// map all form values to single array
var arr = $.map(form.serializeArray(), function(v, k) {
return [v.value]
// array literal with `textarea` `value`
var t = [$("textarea").prop("value")];
console.log(_arr, arr, t);
// _arr: `["abc"]` , arr:`["abc", "123"]` t:`["123"]`
See Arrays

Getting a variable from form entry to add to a link?

I'm trying to obtain an input class=input type=text to add to a link not related to the page's address. The resulting link+text-entry will be displayed in an iframe.
I tried the following (which I found on here):
function GET_IT() {
var link = document.getElementById("LINKHERE");
var hrefOrig = link.href;
var dd = document.getElementById("TEXT_ID");
dd.onchange = function(){ link.href = hrefOrig + dd.value; }
window.attachEvent("load", init, false);
<form target="IFRAME" method="get">
<input class"input" type="text" size="25" id="TEXT_ID">
<input type="submit" value "Go" onClick="javascript: function('GET_IT');">
All it did was loop back the page that everything was entered into, in the iFrame...
Your JavaScript function should look something like this:
function GET_IT() {
var link = document.getElementById("LINKHERE");
var hrefOrig = link.href;
var dd = document.getElementById("TEXT_ID");
//Change the source of the iFrame with the new HREF...
document.getElementById('IFRAME ID').src = hrefOrig + dd.value;
This is the best answer I can give you without seeing more code. Check out this link for a more complete example that might help you:
Changing iframe src with Javascript
Fiddler Example:

Get the original url in this case with jquery

In the form below, I change the action attribute and submit the form. That works fine. What goes on is: if the current location is http://localhost/search/?mod=all and the search term is 14, the action will be changed to http://localhost/search/?mod=all&handle=14 and so will the url in the browser.
But the next time I try to search, since the url now is http://localhost/search/?mod=all&handle=14, I get http://localhost/search/?mod=all&handle=14&handle=15. It'll keep going on and on with each search term.
Any idea how I can retain the orginal url http://localhost/search/?mod=all through this all.
Here's the form:
<form method="GET" class="modForm" action="">
<input type="text" placeholder="Search" class="modSearchValue">
<input type="radio" name="text" value="text" class="text" title="Search">
Here's the jquery:
$('.modForm').submit(function(event) {
var $this = $(this);
var query = $this.find('.modSearchValue').val(); // Use val() instead of attr('value').
var locale = window.location;
if ($('.text').is(':checked')) {
query = '&text=' + query;
} else {
query = '&handle=' + query;
route = locale + query;
if (query.length >= 1) {
// Use URI encoding
var newAction = (route);
console.log(newAction); // DEBUG
// Change action attribute
$this.attr('action', newAction);
} else {
console.log('Invalid search terms'); // DEBUG
// Do not submit the form
There are few ways to do it. I would rather not mess with window.location and do something simpler:
<form method="GET" class="modForm" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="mod" value="all"> <!-- mod is a hidden variable -->
<input type="text" id="modSearchValue"> <!-- name not defined yet -->
<input type="checkbox" id="textOrHandle"> <!-- name not required -->
$(".modForm").submit(function() {
$("#modSearchValue").attr("name", $("#textOrHandle").is(":checked") ? "text" : "handle");
// let the form submit!
You have multiple ways to do it. Why can't you store original URL in a global variable (kept outside your functions like form submit etc.)
If you do not want that you can use window.location.hash which will return all the GET params you are sending. Using split you will be able to get exact parameter that you want. If you still need help, I will post the code.
Quickest solution: If, for this code, window.location should always be http://localhost/search/?mod=all, then you don't even need to say var locale = window.location. Just say var locale = "http://localhost/search/?mod=all" and you avoid the problem.
​var s = window.location.hostname; // gets the hostname
var d = window.location.protocol; // gets the protocol
var g =; // gets all the params
var x = g.split("&"); // split each parameter
var url = d+"//"+s+x[0]; // makes url you want
alert(url);​​​​ // just for chill

Javascript text box value and focus order

I have the following Javascript:
function PageOnLoadHandler() {
outputFieldElement = document.getElementById("ConsultantCode"); //
var position ="\\?");
if (position != -1) {
var querystring = window.location.href.substring(position);
outputFieldElement.value = querystring;
For the following html (cut down):
<body onload="PageOnLoadHandler();">
<br/>Enter Consultant Name:
<input name="ConsultantCode" type="text" id="ConsultantCode" size="30" />
<br/><center id="ErrorMessage"></center>
It gets the current url string, and attempts to put the querystring section of it into a textbox. My problem is that this only works if I comment out the outputFieldElement.focus() line. If this line is present- either before or after setting the value (or both), I can't see the value inside the textbox until I type- then the value appears! Any ideas?
I would like to both have the value, and set the focus to the textbox.
A complication- this isn't on a PC, its on a Mitel IP telephone. So I haven't been able to find out what browser it is using.
try using
window.onload = PageOnLoadHandler;
instead of using <body onload="....

