Turning your browser into proxy server - javascript

I have a logic written on my server mostly doing curl requests (e.g. accessing social networks). though, some of the sites, will be blocking my server(s) IPs soon.
I can of course, use VPN or deploy multiple servers per location, but it won't get accurate, and still some of the networks might get block the user account.
I am trying to find creative solution to run it from the user browser (it is ok to ask for his permission, as it is an action he is explicitly trying to execute) Though I am trying to avoid extra installations (e.g. downloadable plugins\extension or a desktop app)
Is there a way to turn the client browser into a server-proxy, to run those curl-calls from his machine instead of sending it from my own server? (e.g. using web-sockets, polling, etc.)

It depends on exactly what sort of curl requests you are making. In theory, you could simulate these using an XMLHttpRequest. However, for security reasons these are generally not allowed to access resources hosted on a different site. (Imagine the sort of issues it could cause for instance if visiting any website could cause your browser to start making requests to Facebook to send messages on your behalf.) Basically it will depend on the Cross-origin request policy of the social networks that you are querying. If the requests being sent are intended to be publicly available without authentication then it is possible that your system will work, otherwise it will probably be blocked.


How to secure the source code of react native application?

I am building an application that has auth system and a lot of post requests,
I want to know how to make my backend endpoints accept only requests that are coming from my application, not from anything else like Postman.
For example, if a user submitted a registration form, a post request is sent to my backend with user info, how can I make sure this post request is coming from my application?
What I was thinking of, is saving a secret on the client’s side that is to be sent with each request to the backend, so that I can make sure the request is coming from my app.
I think SSL pinning is meant for this.
I know that anyone can access my app source code if they extract the APK file.
I want to make sure that no one can alter or steal my source code.
I read that I can make my code unreadable by Obfuscating it ( I still need to figure out how I am going to do that on my EAS build ), is this enough?
And I have to use JailMonkey to detect if the device is rooted.
I am using Expo secure store to save my sensitive info on the client side.
Is this approach good enough, is there anything I am missing?
I have zero information about security, this is just what I learned through searching.
Let me know if you have better suggestions.
Thank you in advance.
The Difference Between WHO and WHAT is Accessing the API Server
I want to know how to make my backend endpoints accept only requests that are coming from my application, not from anything else like Postman.
First, you need to understand the difference between WHO and WHAT is accessing the API Server to be in a better position to look for a solution to your problem.
I wrote a series of articles around API and Mobile security, and in the article Why Does Your Mobile App Need An Api Key? you can read in detail the difference between who and what is accessing your API server, but I will extract here the main takes from it:
The what is the thing making the request to the API server. Is it really a genuine instance of your mobile app, or is it a bot, an automated script or an attacker manually poking around your API server with a tool like Postman?
The who is the user of the mobile app that we can authenticate, authorize and identify in several ways, like using OpenID Connect or OAUTH2 flows.
So think about the who as the user your API server will be able to Authenticate and Authorize access to the data, and think about the what as the software making that request in behalf of the user.
When you grasp this idea and it's ingrained in your mindset, then you will look into mobile API security with another perspective and be able to see attack surfaces that you never though they existed before.
Certificate Pinning and MitM Atacks
What I was thinking of, is saving a secret on the client’s side that is to be sent with each request to the backend, so that I can make sure the request is coming from my app. I think SSL pinning is meant for this.
Certificate pinning on the mobile app side serves to guarantee that the app is talking only with your API server and not anything else, like when a MitM attack occurs and the app has its requests intercepted, and potentially modified and/or replayed, or simply saved to later extract the secrets from it.
Pinning doesn't guarantee to your API server that the request is coming indeed from what it expects, a genuine and unmodified version of your mobile app, "unless" you implement mutual pinning, that isn't encouraged to do so, because you will need to ship the private key for the API server certificate in the mobile app. Even if you do so, all an attacker needs to do is to extract the private key and will be able to communicate with your API server like if it was your genuine mobile app.
I don't have an article to implement pinning on a react-native mobile app but you can take a look to the one I wrote for Android to understand better all the process. Read my article Securing HTTPS with Certificate Pinning on Android on how you can implement certificate pinning and by the end you will understand how it can prevent a MitM attack.
In this article you have learned that certificate pinning is the act of associating a domain name with their expected X.509 certificate, and that this is necessary to protect trust based assumptions in the certificate chain. Mistakenly issued or compromised certificates are a threat, and it is also necessary to protect the mobile app against their use in hostile environments like public wifis, or against DNS Hijacking attacks.
You also learned that certificate pinning should be used anytime you deal with Personal Identifiable Information or any other sensitive data, otherwise the communication channel between the mobile app and the API server can be inspected, modified or redirected by an attacker.
Finally you learned how to prevent MitM attacks with the implementation of certificate pinning in an Android app that makes use of a network security config file for modern Android devices, and later by using TrustKit package which supports certificate pinning for both modern and old devices.
Bypassing Certificate Pinning
I think SSL pinning is meant for this.
The good news is that you already learned how good pinning is to prevent MitM attacks, now the bad news is that it can be bypassed, and yes I also wrote an article on how to it on Android (sorry to not be specific on react-native). If you want to learn the mechanics of it then read my article How to Bypass Certificate Pinning with Frida on an Android App:
Today I will show how to use the Frida instrumentation framework to hook into the mobile app at runtime and instrument the code in order to perform a successful MitM attack even when the mobile app has implemented certificate pinning.
Bypassing certificate pinning is not too hard, just a little laborious, and allows an attacker to understand in detail how a mobile app communicates with its API, and then use that same knowledge to automate attacks or build other services around it.
Code Obfuscation and Modifying Code
I know that anyone can access my app source code if they extract the APK file. I want to make sure that no one can alter or steal my source code.
Sorry, but once you release it to the public is up for grabs for everyone, even if heavily obfuscated its still possible to modify it statically or during runtime.
I read that I can make my code unreadable by Obfuscating it ( I still need to figure out how I am going to do that on my EAS build ), is this enough?
No, you can use the best obfuscation tool, but then an attacker well versed in deobuscation techniques will be able to understand your code and modify it statically or at runtime. Several open-source tools exist to ake this easy, and if you read the article to bypass certificate pinning then you already saw an example of doing it at runtime with Frida:
Inject your own scripts into black box processes. Hook any function, spy on crypto APIs or trace private application code, no source code needed. Edit, hit save, and instantly see the results. All without compilation steps or program restarts.
RASP - Runtime Application Self-Protection
And I have to use JailMonkey to detect if the device is rooted.
Using Frida the check can be modified to always return that the device is not rooted. Also JailMonkey may not detect all ways used to hide that a device is rooted, and this a moving target, because hackers and developers are in a constant cat and mouse game.
Sensitive Info Security
I am using Expo secure store to save my sensitive info on the client side.
Even when a secret is securely stored it will need to be used at some point, and the attacker will hook Frida to this point and extract the secret or do it in a MitM attack.
Possible Solutions
Is this approach good enough, is there anything I am missing?
From all I wrote it looks no matter what you are doomed to failure in properly secure your sensitive info and to guarantee that your API server knows that what is making the request is the genuine mobile app it expects, but security its all about of applying as many layers of defences as possible, like done in medieval castles, prisons, etc., because this will increase the level of effort, time and expertise required to succeed in an attack.
You now need to find a solution that allows you to detect MitM attacks, tampered and modified apk binaries, Frida present at runtime and that can deliver a runtime secret to mobile apps that pass a mobile app attestation that guarantees with a very high degree of confidence that such threats are not present. Unfortunately I don't know any open-source project that can deliver all this features, but a commercial solution exists (I work there), and if you want to learn more about you can read the article:
Hands-on Mobile App and API Security - Runtime Secrets Protection
In a previous article we saw how to protect API keys by using Mobile App Attestation and delegating the API requests to a Proxy. This blog post will cover the situation where you can’t delegate the API requests to the Proxy, but where you want to remove the API keys (secrets) from being hard-coded in your mobile app to mitigate against the use of static binary analysis and/or runtime instrumentation techniques to extract those secrets.
We will show how to have your secrets dynamically delivered to genuine and unmodified versions of your mobile app, that are not under attack, by using Mobile App Attestation to secure the just-in-time runtime secret delivery. We will demonstrate how to achieve this with the same Astropiks mobile app from the previous article. The app uses NASA's picture of the day API to retrieve images and descriptions, which requires a registered API key that will be initially hard-coded into the app.
Do You Want To Go The Extra Mile?
In any response to a security question I always like to reference the excellent work from the OWASP foundation.
OWASP API Security Top 10
The OWASP API Security Project seeks to provide value to software developers and security assessors by underscoring the potential risks in insecure APIs, and illustrating how these risks may be mitigated. In order to facilitate this goal, the OWASP API Security Project will create and maintain a Top 10 API Security Risks document, as well as a documentation portal for best practices when creating or assessing APIs.
For Mobile Apps
OWASP Mobile Security Project - Top 10 risks
The OWASP Mobile Security Project is a centralized resource intended to give developers and security teams the resources they need to build and maintain secure mobile applications. Through the project, our goal is to classify mobile security risks and provide developmental controls to reduce their impact or likelihood of exploitation.
OWASP - Mobile Security Testing Guide:
The Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG) is a comprehensive manual for mobile app security development, testing and reverse engineering.
short answer you can't.
I want to know how to make my backend endpoints accept only requests
that are coming from my application, not from anything else like
the only thing you can do here is cors Cross-Site Request Forgery Prevention. Y to stop other servers from calling your api.
and you can't make only your application communicate with the server
you can hard code(parameters in the request) in the application to send to the server.but hackers can listen to request made from devices
I know that anyone can access my app source code if they extract the
APK file. I want to make sure that no one can alter or steal my source
short answer you also can't
you can use ProGuard(native code) to obfuscate on native android and ios have compiled binary on release but those are not to js
so basically anyone can read your bundle js in plain text editor.
maybe in the future facebook can make something for hermes.

how can I force fetch to accept a self-signed certificate in a web app front end?

I am prototyping a simple web app front end that needs to fetch JSON data from my server. The server itself works fine -- I can click on the link, and the JSON data shows up in the browser. But the following simple script fails:
fetch('https://x.x.x.x:8000') // MY URL FAILS
// fetch('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1') // ALTERNATE URL WORKS
.then(function() {
.catch(function() {
I'm completely new to this sort of front-end work (and to Javascript in general), so I might be overlooking an obvious reason, but the two that come to mind are
my server uses a self-signed certificate for testing purpose; and/or
I'm using a non-standard port.
The first of these possible explanations seems more likely.
Accessing the web page generates a bunch of errors, none of which mean anything to me (except for not finding the favicon):
I will temporarily post the full URL in a comment below, in case anyone else wants to see what happens, but I would delete it once a working solution is suggested.
To answer your question as asked, no, you definitely can't use fetch to force the client (browser) to ignore cert errors. Especially in cross-origin requests (and going from one port to another is cross-origin), that would be a HUGE security hole. It would allow anybody who could get a man-in-the-middle position on a victim's network (not hard) to steal information from the victim's HTTPS connections using fraudulent certificates to intercept the HTTPS requests and responses.
You might be able to force server-side JS (in Node or similar) to ignore cert validation errors, since in that case you (hopefully!) control the code the server is running. But it doesn't look like that's what you're doing, and in a web page, somebody else (the server owner) controls what code you (the browser) are running, so you definitely can't let that code turn off important security features!
Attack scenario for if JS could turn off cert validation:
Suppose you and I both control web servers. I, a malicious attacker, would like to intercept the traffic between your users and your web server. I even have a man-in-the-middle (MitM) network position on some of your users! However, you are of course using TLS (via HTTPS), so I can't decrypt or modify the traffic.
However, your users sometimes connect to my server as well, not knowing it is malicious (maybe I mostly use it to serve relatively innocuous stuff, like a comment system or analytics tools, so lots of sites embed my scripts). My server can tell when a browser requests content from an IP address where I could launch an MitM attack, and serve them malicious scripts.
Now, in the real world, this doesn't matter! Sites don't trust other sites, because of the Same-Origin Policy, a critical browser security feature. My site (or the scripts I serve) can cause your users to submit requests to any other server that I choose, but they can't read the responses (if the other server is cross-origin), and they can't turn off certificate validation so my MitM position is mostly useless.
However, suppose that there was a way - as you propose - for scripts to tell the browser "it's ok, just trust this one particular self-signed cert when making this request". This changes everything. My MitM host will generate a self-signed cert (and corresponding private key) for your site, and send the cert to my own web server. When a potential victim loads a script from me, it only only contains instructions to make HTTP requests to your site, it also specifies that the browser should trust the self-signed certificate that my MitM node generated.
The victim's browser would then start the request, attempting to establish a TLS connection to your server. My MitM node would intercept the request, and reply with its self-signed certificate. Normally the browser would reject that, but in this case it doesn't because you created a way to tell browsers to accept a particular self-signed cert. Therefore, the victim's browser trusts my self-signed certificate. The actual request never even makes it to your server. The victim's browser, believing itself to be interacting with the legitimate server (yours) rather than with my MitM host, sends an HTTP request containing secrets such as cookies and/or API keys / bearer tokens / login credentials / etc. My MitM intercepts that (as it's intercepting all traffic), decrypts it (because it is in fact one end of the TLS tunnel, this is trivial), and can access the victim's account on your server. (My MitM host can also duplicate the responses from your server that the victim would usually see, to keep them unsuspecting. The MitM host can even tamper with this responses, if I want it to mislead the user.)
The usual way to solve this is to install the server's certificate as trusted in the browser (or in the OS). That way, the browser will recognize the certificate's issuer (itself) as valid, and consider the certificate valid.
What happens if you go to https://x.x.x.x:8000/ in the browser directly? If you get a certificate error, well, that's your problem: the browser doesn't trust the certificate of the server hosted on that port. You should have an opportunity to temporarily or permanently trust that certificate (exact details will depend on the browser).
Note that, of course, doing this on your own computer won't fix it for anybody else's computer. They'd need to manually trust your certificate too.
The actual solution is, of course, to install a trusted certificate. Perhaps you should try Let's Encrypt or similar, for a nice free cert that every client will trust without extra shenanigans?
Just had the same problem and stumbled upon the solution by accident. It is possible by just making the user open the self-signed site, click on 'Show more' and 'Accept the risk and continue'. After doing that, fetch requests go through like nothing ever went wrong.
It works on Firefox:
and Chrome:
This method just has the caveat that you have to do the setup, and on Chrome it displays 'Not secure' even when the rest of the page is secure.
But if you need HTTPS locally, this works like a charm. Hope this helps the people who came here from Google :)
Also worth mentioning, I tested it on localhost but it works everywhere.

How do I make my Node.js websocket socket.io server more resilient to DoS?

My project has a WebSocket server built in Node.js using socket.io.
Reviewing the causes of a recent outage, I found that the front-end app gets into a state where it keeps making malformed connection attempts which the server rejects. It does so in a loop with no back-off.
What ends up happening on this server is that the single Node.js CPU thread ends up getting clogged up with the backlog and it creates a cascading effect -- no new request can be made, no other processing can happen, and so on.
The easy way to fix this is on the client -- figure out why it goes into the rapid-fire loop and add some exponential back-off.
However, this doesn't solve the problem of a similar issue happening in the future. So, I need to find a way to make my server more resilient.
One approach could be to use the backlog parameter when calling server.listen. That, however, could prevent legitimate client requests from going through.
I'd love to be able to somehow identify an out of control client in some way. IP address might not work well because of NAT, proxies, and firewalls.
So, what would be a good way of protecting my server from this type of DoS?
The ideal place to intercept a DoS attack is BEFORE the connection gets to your application server. That would typically be in a router, firewall or load balancer and you'd rely on the means that it has for rate limiting from a particular source. If you are paying for a hosting service, this should be one of the features the hosting service has to offer as many of the larger or more visible tenants will want that type of service.
From an accidentally misbehaved browser (like you describe in your question), you can cookie a request that has been denied and then rate limit any client that presents that cookie (limit them to no more than N connection requests/minute).
You cannot rely on a cookie for an actual purposeful DoS attack since attackers probably won't preserve cookies if it interferes with their attack. For that, all any infrastructure can do is to look for identifying information in the source (which is typically the IP address). If you accidentally sweep up a few legitimate clients who happen to be sharing the same NAT or proxy (and thus get identified as the same IP address as where a DoS attack is coming from), then that's just the nature of the problem. There isn't much you can do about that. You have to protect the integrity of the service at all cost and there really isn't much else you can do if cookies aren't being preserved by a real attacker.
If you choose to try to implement this type of protection yourself, then you can either try implementing it in your application server (and accept some performance hit for doing so) or you can deploy an intermediary on your same host such as NGINX to serve as mitigation for DoS attacks. Here's an article on using NGINX for that: Mitigating DDoS Attacks with NGINX and NGINX Plus.

Circumventing the same-origin policy with DNS trickery

I'm writing a web app with Javascript which needs to access a third-party API (located on x.apisite.com and y.apisite.com). I was using XMLHTTPRequest, but when serving the files from my own local server, this fails because of the same-origin policy.
Now, this web app is supposed to be installed on my mobile device, where any downloaded files will be cached. So, I changed my DNS entries to point x.apisite.com and y.apisite.com to my own local server. I then download the files and then change the DNS entries back to the correct ones. I thought that since the browser thinks that the scripts were downloaded from *.apisite.com, I could now make XMLHTTPRequests to *.apisite.com. However, this does not seem to be the case, I still get same-origin policy errors.
What am I doing wrong?
Here's the basic idea of what I'm doing:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- this will actually be downloaded from my own local server -->
<script src="http://x.apisite.com/script-0.js">
<script src="http://y.apisite.com/script-1.js">
In script-0.js, I make an XMLHTTPRequest to x.apisite.com, and likewise in script-1.js, I access y.apisite.com.
Practical answer (not recommended): Create CNAME records to the third-party domains from domains that you control, then use those domains and hope that the hosts of the third-party aren't looking at the HTTP Host header. Note that this wouldn't work if the clients attempt to authenticate the third-party hosts either; for example when using HTTPS (some client browsers may force the use of HTTPS in certain scenarios).
Ideal answer: Ask the third-party to authorize requests made by code that came from your origin domain using CORS (some hosts already allow requests from code from any origin, you should check that).
Alternative: If the third-party doesn't want to give clients the go-ahead to make cross-origin requests with code from your domain, then you have to make those requests yourself (from your server). The code you send to the client browsers will then only interact with the same origin, but this also means that users will have to trust you with their credentials if you're proxying requests for them (if that's relevant), or you must have credentials of your own to authenticate your server to the third-party hosts, which allow you to do whatever it is you want to do there. It also means you take the traffic load as well, which may or may not be heavy depending on the application. There are potentially many other implications, which all derive from the fact that you explicitly take responsibility for these requests.
Note: While this may sound a bit complicated, it may be useful to understand the trust mechanics between the user, the user's client browser, the code executing in the browser, the origin of that code, and the domains to which that code makes requests. Always keep in mind the best interests of each party in mind and it'll be easy to find a solution for your specific problem.
Final answer (everybody hates it, but you probably expected it): "It depends on what exactly you're trying to do." (Sorry.)

My Understanding of HTTP Polling, Long Polling, HTTP Streaming and WebSockets

I have read many posts on SO and the web regarding the keywords in my question title and learned a lot from them. Some of the questions I read are related to specific implementation challenges while others focus on general concepts. I just want to make sure I understood all of the concepts and the reasoning why technology X was invented over technology Y and so on. So here goes:
Http Polling: Basically AJAX, using XmlHttpRequest.
Http Long Polling: AJAX but the server holds on to the response unless the server has an update, as soon as the server has an update, it sends it and then the client can send another request. Disadvantage is the additional header data that needs to be sent back and forth causing additional overhead.
Http Streaming: Similar to long polling but the server responds with a header with "Transfer Encoding: chunked" and hence we do not need to initiate a new request every time the server sends some data (and hence save the additional header overhead). The drawback here is that we have to "understand" and figure out the structure of the data to distinguish between multiple chunks sent by the server.
Java Applet, Flash, Silverlight: They provide the ability to connect to socket servers over tcp/ip but since they are plugins, developers don't want to depend on them.
WebSockets: they are the new API which tries to address the short comings of above methods in the following manner:
The only advantage of WebSockets over plugins like Java Applets, Flash or Silverlight is that WebSockets are natively built into browsers and does not rely on plugins.
The only advantage of WebSockets over http streaming is that you don't have to make an effort to "understand" and parse the data received.
The only advantage of WebSockets over Long Polling is that of elimination of extra headers size & opening and closing of socket connection for request.
Are there any other significant differences that I am missing? I'm sorry if I am re-asking or combining many of the questions already on SO into a single question, but I just want to make perfect sense out of all the info that is out there on SO and the web regarding these concepts.
There are more differences than the ones you have identified.
Uni-directional: HTTP poll, long poll, streaming.
Bi-direcitonal: WebSockets, plugin networking
In order of increasing latency (approximate):
Plugin networking
HTTP streaming
HTTP long-poll
HTTP polling
CORS (cross-origin support):
WebSockets: yes
Plugin networking: Flash via policy request (not sure about others)
HTTP * (some recent support)
Native binary data (typed arrays, blobs):
WebSockets: yes
Plugin networking: not with Flash (requires URL encoding across ExternalInterface)
HTTP *: recent proposal to enable binary type support
Bandwidth in decreasing efficiency:
Plugin networking: Flash sockets are raw except for initial policy request
WebSockets: connection setup handshake and a few bytes per frame
HTTP streaming (re-use of server connection)
HTTP long-poll: connection for every message
HTTP poll: connection for every message + no data messages
Mobile device support:
WebSocket: iOS 4.2 and up. Some Android via Flash emulation or using Firefox for Android or Google Chrome for Android which both provide native WebSocket support.
Plugin networking: some Android. Not on iOS
HTTP *: mostly yes
Javascript usage complexity (from simplest to most complicated). Admittedly complexity measures are somewhat subjective.
HTTP poll
Plugin networking
HTTP long poll, streaming
Also note that there is a W3C proposal for standardizing HTTP streaming called Server-Sent Events. It is currently fairly early in it's evolution and is designed to provide a standard Javascript API with comparable simplicity to WebSockets.
Some great answers from others that cover a lot of ground. Here's a little bit extra.
The only advantage of WebSockets over plugins like Java Applets, Flash or Silverlight is that WebSockets are natively built into browsers and does not rely on plugins.
If by this you mean that you can use Java Applets, Flash, or Silverlight to establish a socket connection, then yes, that is possible. However you don't see that deployed in the real world too often because of the restrictions.
For example, intermediaries can and do shutdown that traffic. The WebSocket standard was designed to be compatible with existing HTTP infrastructure and so is far less prone to being interfered with by intermediaries like firewalls and proxies.
Moreover, WebSocket can use port 80 and 443 without requiring dedicated ports, again thanks to the protocol design to be as compatible as possible with existing HTTP infrastructure.
Those socket alternatives (Java, Flash, and Silverlight) are difficult to use securely in a cross-origin architecture. Thus people often attempting to use them cross-origin will tolerate the insecurities rather than go to the effort of doing it securely.
They can also require additional "non-standard" ports to be opened (something administrators are loathe to do) or policy files that need to be managed.
In short, using Java, Flash, or Silverlight for socket connectivity is problematic enough that you don't see it deployed in serious architectures too often. Flash and Java have had this capability for probably at least 10 years, and yet it's not prevalent.
The WebSocket standard was able to start with a fresh approach, bearing those restrictions in mind, and hopefully having learned some lessons from them.
Some WebSocket implementations use Flash (or possibly Silverlight and/or Java) as their fallback when WebSocket connectivity cannot be established (such as when running in an old browser or when an intermediary interferes).
While some kind of fallback strategy for those situations is smart, even necessary, most of those that use Flash et al will suffer from the drawbacks described above. It doesn't have to be that way -- there are workarounds to achieve secure cross-origin capable connections using Flash, Silverlight, etc -- but most implementations won't do that because it's not easy.
For example, if you rely on WebSocket for a cross-origin connection, that will work fine. But if you then run in an old browser or a firewall/proxy interfered and rely on Flash, say, as your fallback, you will find it difficult to do that same cross-origin connection. Unless you don't care about security, of course.
That means it's difficult have a single unified architecture that works for native and non-native connections, unless you're prepared to put in quite a bit of work or go with a framework that has done it well. In an ideal architecture, you wouldn't notice if the connections were native or not; your security settings would work in both cases; your clustering settings would still work; your capacity planning would still hold; and so on.
The only advantage of WebSockets over http streaming is that you don't have to make an effort to "understand" and parse the data received.
It's not as simple as opening up an HTTP stream and sitting back as your data flows for minutes, hours, or longer. Different clients behave differently and you have to manage that. For example some clients will buffer up the data and not release it to the application until some threshold is met. Even worse, some won't pass the data to the application until the connection is closed.
So if you're sending multiple messages down to the client, it's possible that the client application won't receive the data until 50 messages worth of data has been received, for example. That's not too real-time.
While HTTP streaming can be a viable alternative when WebSocket is not available, it is not a panacea. It needs a good understanding to work in a robust way out in the badlands of the Web in real-world conditions.
Are there any other significant differences that I am missing?
There is one other thing that noone has mentioned yet, so I'll bring it up.
The WebSocket protocol was designed to a be a transport layer for higher-level protocols. While you can send JSON messages or what-not directly over a WebSocket connection, it can also carry standard or custom protocols.
For example, you could do AMQP or XMPP over WebSocket, as people have already done. So a client could receive messages from an AMQP broker as if it were connected directly to the broker itself (and in some cases it is).
Or if you have an existing server with some custom protocol, you can transport that over WebSocket, thus extending that back-end server to the Web. Often an existing application that has been locked in the enterprise can broaden it's reach using WebSocket, without having to change any of the back-end infrastructure.
(Naturally, you'd want to be able to do all that securely so check with the vendor or WebSocket provider.)
Some people have referred to WebSocket as TCP for the Web. Because just like TCP transports higher-level protocols, so does WebSocket, but in a way that's compatible with Web infrastructure.
So while sending JSON (or whatever) messages directly over WebSocket is always possible, one should also consider existing protocols. Because for many things you want to do, there's probably a protocol that's already been thought of to do it.
I'm sorry if I am re-asking or combining many of the questions already on SO into a single question, but I just want to make perfect sense out of all the info that is out there on SO and the web regarding these concepts.
This was a great question, and the answers have all been very informative!
If I may ask one additional thing: I came across in an article somewhere that says that http streaming may also be cached by proxies while websockets are not. what does that mean?
(StackOverflow limits the size of comment responses, so I've had to answer here rather than inline.)
That's a good point. To understand this, think about a traditional HTTP scenario... Imagine a browser opened a web page, so it requests http://example.com, say. The server responds with HTTP that contains the HTML for the page. Then the browser sees that there are resources in the page, so it starts requesting the CSS files, JavaScript files, and images of course. They are all static files that will be the same for all clients requesting them.
Some proxies will cache static resources so that subsequent requests from other clients can get those static resources from the proxy, rather than having to go all the way back to the central web server to get them. This is caching, and it's a great strategy to offload requests and processing from your central services.
So client #1 requests http://example.com/images/logo.gif, say. That request goes through the proxy all the way to the central web server, which serves up logo.gif. As logo.gif passes through the proxy, the proxy will save that image and associate it with the address http://example.com/images/logo.gif.
When client #2 comes along and also requests http://example.com/images/logo.gif, the proxy can return the image and no communication is required back to the web server in the center. This gives a faster response to the end user, which is always great, but it also means that there is less load on the center. That can translate to reduced hardware costs, reduced networking costs, etc. So it's a good thing.
The problem arises when the logo.gif is updated on the web server. The proxy will continue to serve the old image unaware that there is a new image. This leads to a whole thing around expiry so that the proxy will only cache the image for a short time before it "expires" and the next request goes through the proxy to the web server, which then refreshes the proxy's cache. There are also more advanced solutions where a central server can push out to known caches, and so on, and things can get pretty sophisticated.
How does this tie in to your question?
You asked about HTTP streaming where the server is streaming HTTP to a client. But streaming HTTP is just like regular HTTP except you don't stop sending data. If a web server serves an image, it sends HTTP to the client that eventually ends: you've sent the whole image. And if you want to send data, it's exactly the same, but the server just sends for a really long time (like it's a massively gigantic image, say) or even never finishes.
From the proxy's point of view, it cannot distinguish between HTTP for a static resource like an image, or data from HTTP streaming. In both of those cases, the client made a request of the server. The proxy remembered that request and also the response. The next time that request comes in, the proxy serves up the same response.
So if your client made a request for stock prices, say, and got a response, then the next client may make the same request and get the cached data. Probably not what you want! If you request stock prices you want the latest data, right?
So it's a problem.
There are tricks and workarounds to handle problems like that, it is true. Obviously you can get HTTP streaming to work since it's it's in use today. It's all transparent to the end user, but the people who develop and maintain those architectures have to jump through hoops and pay a price. It results in over-complicated architectures, which means more maintenance, more hardware, more complexity, more cost. It also means developers often have to care about something they shouldn't have to when they should just be focussing on the application, GUI, and business logic -- they shouldn't have to be concerned about the underlying communication.
HTTP limits the number of connections a client can have with a server to 2 (although this can be mitigated by using subdomains) and IE has been known to enforce this eagerly. Firefox and Chrome allow more (although I can't remember of the top of my head exactly how many). This might not seem like a huge issue but if you are using 1 connection constantly for real-time updates, all other requests have to bottleneck through the other HTTP connection. And there is the matter of having more open connections from clients puts more load on the server.
WebSockets are a TCP-based protocol and as such don't suffer from this HTTP-level connection limit (but, of course, browser support is not uniform).

