Javascript circular calculation involving arrays (example: amortization schedule) - javascript

I'm fairly early on in building an app that can be used as an alternative to spreadsheets in a number of scenarios. It offers the user a non-tabular approach to creating and organizing the analysis. The user's instructions are transpiled to and executed by Javascript (using pure functions only). (The interface is between something like Google Blockly and straight coding in a text editor.) In place of cell ranges that you would typically use in a spreadsheet, this product uses Javascript arrays. A problem that I'm facing with this approach is (quasi-)circular calculations such as that found in a simple amortization schedule.
My (unsuccessful) attempts to resolve the issue so far involve:
lazy list evaluation (using
wrapping all transpiled JS in functions to delay eval so that the user's content doesn't need to be topologically sorted (which it currently is).
Below I'll provide hopefully enough context to illustrate the issue, which can be pretty broadly extrapolated. Take the example of an amortization schedule for a mortgage:
Basically, the BOP ("Beginning of Period") Balance depends on the EOP ("End of Period") Balance from the previous period. And the EOP Balance depends on the BOP Balance from the same period. In a spreadsheet that uses ranges of contiguous cells, this isn't circular because every BOP Balance and EOP Balance is a discrete cell. However, if BOP Balance and EOP Balance (and all of the other time-series-based calcs) are arrays then there is a circular reference when trying to retrieve elements. Spreadsheet screenshots of the example are provided at the end of the post as a supplement.
An attempt to build this analysis in my app generates the following JS (which I've edited and reorganized for clarity). This code, if translated over to a spreadsheet, works just fine (see supplemental screenshots at the end of the post):
// Credit: Apache OpenOffice
function payment (rate, periods, present_value, future_value, type) {
var fv = future_value || 0
var t = type || 0
if (rate === 0) {
return -1 * ((present_value + fv) / periods)
} else {
var term = (1 + rate) ** periods // Transpiling with Babel; otherwise, use Math.pow(1 + rate, periods)
if (t === 1) {
return -1 * ((fv * rate / (term - 1) + present_value * rate / (1 - 1 / term)) / (1 + rate))
} else {
return -1 * (fv * rate / (term - 1) + present_value * rate / (1 - 1 / term))
var loan_principal = 1000000
var annual_interest_rate = 0.06
var interest_rate_monthly = annual_interest_rate / 12
var amortization_period_years = 25
var amortization_period_months = amortization_period_years * 12
var months_range = _.range(1, amortization_period_months + 1, 1) // See: [1, 2, 3, ... 298, 299, 300]
var bop_balance = (current_element, current_list_position) {
if (current_list_position === 0) {
return loan_principal
} else {
// Along with eop_balance, this causes a graph cycle
return eop_balance[current_list_position - 1]
var monthly_payment = (current_element, current_list_position) {
return payment(interest_rate_monthly, amortization_period_months, loan_principal)
var principal_payment = (current_element, current_list_position) {
var current_mthly_pmt = monthly_payment[current_list_position]
var current_int_pmt = interest_payment[current_list_position]
return current_mthly_pmt - current_int_pmt
var interest_payment = (current_element, current_list_position) {
if (current_list_position === 0) {
return loan_principal * interest_rate_monthly * -1
} else {
var previous_bal = eop_balance[current_list_position - 1]
return previous_bal * interest_rate_monthly * -1
var eop_balance = (current_element, current_list_position) {
// This causes a graph cycle
var cur_bal = bop_balance[current_list_position]
var cur_prin_pmt = principal_payment[current_list_position]
return cur_bal + cur_prin_pmt
This code will not topologically sort because of the cycle between bop_balance and eop_balance. And it won't fully evaluate because of the circular reference.
Any suggestions on how to work around this general scenario? Thank you.
Supplemental Info:
Here are two views of the same spreadsheet representing the analysis:
The reliance on pure functions in the app is to try and minimize confusion for users coming from spreadsheets.
If seeing the actual app would help provide context, please feel free to visit I'm placing this at the end so it doesn't distract from the question.

You shouldn't do a double linked structure. I would suggest use a plain for loop and build up both arrays.
for(int i=0; i<range.length;i++){
bop_balance[i]= loan_principal;
eop_balance[i]= somecalculatedamount(loan_principal);
bop_balance[i] = eop_balance[i-1];
eop_balance[i] = somecalculatedamount(bop_balance[i])
I don't know if my function is correct but the essential point I am trying to make:
don't link the data structures
and use a control structure that is outside of both arrays
Based on the comment below I'd make the suggestion of using reduce.
let range = [1,2,3,4];
let output = range.reduce(function(accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex) {
let balance = {};
if (currentIndex == 0) {
balance.bop = 0;
balance.eop = currentValue;
balance.bop = accumulator[currentIndex-1].eop;
balance.eop = balance.bop+5;
return accumulator;
}, []);


Practicing arrays and loops in JS and can't get my int -> binary project to work

I know there's like 8 line solutions to convert integers to binary, but I'm trying my hand at creating a little program that does the same thing with arrays. I'm using 3 arrays, the first stores the original number to be converted and all the values of dividing that number by 2 and then rounding down when there's a remainder, aka [122, 61, 61, 30.5, 30, 15.5, 15, etc. etc.], and the second array will store the binary digits based on if remainder of division is true || false, aka [0,1,0,1,1,1,1]. Not yet written, but at the end I'll take the binaryArray and reverse and toString it to get 1111010, the correct binary for 211.
Obviously I'm doing more than one thing wrong, but I'm getting close as I can see the correct initial results when I console.log the main function. Any help here is appreciated, except I don't need to know how to do this entire concept easier, as I've already studied the easier solutions and am attempting this on purpose for practice.
Run the code snippet to see that the output is close to the solution, but obviously lastNumArray is not being updated and the entire thing is not looping.
let num = 122;
let array = [num];
let binaryArray = [];
let lastNumArray = array[array.length - 1];
function convertToBinary(number) {
let lastNumArray = number;
var result = (number - Math.floor(number)) !== 0;
if (result) {
binaryArray.push('1') &&
array.push(lastNumArray / 2) &&
array.push(Math.floor(array[array.length - 1]))
} else {
binaryArray.push('0') &&
array.push(lastNumArray / 2) && //this pushes 61
array.push(Math.floor(array[array.length - 1]))
while (array > 1) {
convertToBinary(lastNumArray) &&
lastNumArray.push(array[array.length - 1])
Any help or pointers here would be much appreciated. I've tried for loops, do while loops, and more and I'm getting close, but I really want to find out what I'm doing wrong here so I can learn. This is the first little function I've tried to write solo, and it's definitely keeping me humble!
You could try something like that with recursive call
let results = []
let binary = []
function cb(number) {
if (number === 0) return
results.push(number / 2)
results.push(Math.floor(number / 2))
const last_index = results.length - 1
if (results[last_index] === results[last_index - 1]) {
} else {

TurfJS: Efficiently locate the nearest point on a line string

The quicksort algorithm isn't actually working...😳
I have a line string with up to 2000 points. I am trying to find the nearest point on the line from the user's location. This operation is executed roughly every 5 seconds and failing to optimise it would unnecessarily drain the users battery.
The source code shows that the distance operation is conducted on every point on the line string - not good for my users.
I would like to implement a quick-sort style algorithm to get the nearest point and reduce the number of the operations. The example below is working quite well and produces a point on the line with far fewer operations (for a list of 1700 points it takes 14 operations to locate the closest point).
I cannot determine an elegant way to track the index of the result. Once I have the nearest point, I do not want to have to search the original list again to find it's index.
first operation - 0 | median
second - fHalf (0 | median of fHalf) | sHalf (median of list | median of sHalf)
third - at this point it becomes a mess to track
What I have so far:
import distance from "#turf/distance";
import { point } from "#turf/helpers";
const user = point([-77.037076, 38.884017]);
function getMedian(list) {
return Math.ceil(list.length / 2);
function getHalves(list) {
const median = getMedian(list);
const firstHalf = list.slice(0, median);
const secondHalf = list.slice(-median);
return { firstHalf, secondHalf };
function getClosest(list) {
const to = point(list[0]);
const meters = distance(user, to, { units: "meters" });
return meters;
let operations = 0; // used in development to track operations
function selectHalf(list) {
operations += 1;
const { firstHalf, secondHalf } = getHalves(list);
const firstDistance = getClosest(firstHalf);
const secondDistance = getClosest(secondHalf);
const nextList = firstDistance < secondDistance ? firstHalf : secondHalf;
if (list.length === 1)
console.log("operations:", operations, "closest point:", nextList);
else selectHalf(nextList);
const morePoints = `-37.0467378013181,145.1634433308106
// Full list is available in the codesandbox link below
.map((p) => p.split(",").map((n) => parseFloat(n)));

Map numbers to other numbers with interpolation in Javascript

I have a dataset with a volume for a given surface elevation of an irregular basin. For example:
cm kL
11870 : 6043453
11871 : 6053522
11872 : 6063591
11873 : 6073674
11874 : 6083767
(...1550 rows)
cm is a series that always increments by one; The associated kL values are irregular but always increase and are never duplicated. The mapping never changes and it can be loaded/stored in any convenient format.
Does Javascript have a simple way to convert between cm and kL? Ideally with linear interpolation in both directions. Ultimately I am looking for this functionality:
cm_to_kL(11872.2); //Expect 6065607.6
kL_to_cm(6065600); //Expect 11872.199
I wrote an example of how to start solving this problem. Like already mentioned, there are no internal functionality for interpolating or handling such structures, but you need to write your own logic.
I have to admit I'm not an expert what comes to math (+ it's 2am here, but this question got me interested in :D).
I hope this helps you at least to get started:
const data = {
11870 : 6043453,
11871 : 6053522,
11872 : 6063591,
11873 : 6073674,
11874 : 6083767,
const cm_to_kL = (val) => {
const cm_ref = Math.floor(val);
const factor = parseFloat((val % cm_ref).toFixed(5));
const lower = data[cm_ref];
const higher = data[cm_ref + 1];
if (isNaN(lower) || isNaN(higher)) {
throw Error('Data entry point not found');
const result = lower + ((higher - lower) * factor);
if (isNaN(result)) {
throw Error('Incorrect data provided');
return result;
const kL_to_cm = (val) => {
const [cm, kL] = Object.entries(data).find(([k, v]) => val < v);
if (isNaN(cm) || isNaN(kL)) {
throw Error('Data entry point not found');
const lower_cm = cm - 1;
const lower_kL = data[lower_cm];
const diff = (val - lower_kL) / (kL - lower_kL);
const result = parseFloat((lower_cm + diff).toFixed(5))
if (isNaN(result)) {
throw Error('Incorrect data provided');
return result;
Yes of course JS have to do what you need! You can create 2 Maps from your given array, one for cm to kL and another for kL to cm. Create two functions for them cm_to_kL and kL_to_cm to gat value from Maps after this you can easily get elements with O(1) complexity

Creating millions of Objects in Javascript

Let me be the first to say that this isn't something I normally do, but out of curiousity, I'll see if anyone has a good idea on how to handle a problem like this.
The application I am working on is a simulated example of the game Let's make a Deal featuring the Monty Hall problem.
I won't go into details about my implementation, but it more or less allows a user to enter a number of how many games they want to simulate, and then if an option is toggled off, the player of those x games won't switch their choice, while if it is toggled on, they will switch their choice every single instance of the game.
My object generator looks like this:
const game = function(){
this[0] = null;
this[1] = null;
this[2] = null;
this.pick = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
this.correctpick = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
this[this.correctpick] = 1;
for (let i=0; i<3; i++){
if ((this[i] !== 1) && (i !== this.pick)){
this.eliminated = i;
const games = arg => {
let ret = [];
for(let i=0; i<arg; i++){
ret.push(new game);
return ret;
This structure generates an array which i stringify later that looks like this:
"0": 1,
"1": null,
"2": null,
"pick": 2,
"correctpick": 0,
"eliminated": 1
"0": null,
"1": null,
"2": 1,
"pick": 2,
"correctpick": 2,
"eliminated": 0
As sloppy as the constructor for game looks, the reason is because I have refactored it into having as few function calls as possible, where now I'm literally only calling Math functions at the current time (I removed any helper functions that made the code easier to read, in opt for performance).
This app can be ran both in the browser and in node (cross platform), but I have clamped the arg a user can pass into the games function to 5 million. Any longer than that and the process (or window) freezes for longer than a few seconds, or even potentially crashes.
Is there anything else I can do to increase performance if a huge number is given by a user? Also, if you need more information, I will be happy to supply it!
The obvious performance optimisation would be not to create and store 5 million objects at all, relieving memory pressure. Instead you'd create the objects on the fly only when you need them and throw them away immediately after. I'm not sure what your app does, but it sounds like you want to re-use the same game instances when evaluating results with the different options. In that case, you need to store them of course - but I'd advise to re-think the design and consider immediately evaluating each game with all possible options, accumulating only the results for each choice of options but not keeping all games in memory.
Apart from that, I'd recommend to simplify a bit:
You can drop that loop completely and use some clever arithmetic to find the eliminated option: this.eliminated = this.pick == this.correctpick ? +!this.pick : 3 - this.pick - this.correctpick;. Or use a simple lookup table this.eliminated = [1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0][this.pick * 3 + this.correctpick].
I'd avoid changing the type of the array elements from null (reference) to 1 (number). Just keep them as integers and initialise your elements with 0 instead.
Don't store 6 properties in your object that are completely redundant. You only need 2 of them: pick and correctpick - everything else can be computed on the fly from them when you need it. Precomputing and storing it would only be advantageous if the computation was heavy and the result was used often. Neither of this is the case, but keeping a low memory footprint is important (However, don't expect much from this).
Not sure about your implementation, but do you really need an Array?
How about only using results (see snippet)?
If it's blocking the browser that worries you, maybe delegating the work to a web worker is the solution for that: see this jsFiddle for a web worker version of this snippet.
(() => {
.addEventListener("click", playMontyHall().handleRequest);
function playMontyHall() {
const result = document.querySelector("#result");
const timing = document.querySelector("#timing");
const nOfGames = document.querySelector("#nGames");
const switchDoors = document.querySelector("#switchyn");
// Create a game
const game = (doSwitch) => {
const doors = [0, 1, 2];
const pick = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
const correctPick = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
const eliminated = doors.filter(v => v !== pick && v !== correctPick)[0];
return {
correctpick: correctPick,
pick: doSwitch ? doors.filter(v => v !== pick && v !== eliminated)[0] : pick,
eliminated: eliminated,
const getWinner = game => ~~(game.correctpick === game.pick);
// Sum wins using a generator function
const winningGenerator = function* (doSwitch, n) {
let wins = 0;
while (n--) {
wins += getWinner(game(doSwitch));
yield wins;
// calculate the number of succeeded games
const calculateGames = (nGames, switchAlways) => {
const funNGames = winningGenerator(switchAlways, nGames);
let numberOfWins = 0;
while (nGames--) {
numberOfWins =;
return numberOfWins;
const cleanUp = playOut => {
result.textContent =
"Playing ... (it may last a few seconds)";
timing.textContent = "";
setTimeout(playOut, 0);
const report = results => {
timing.textContent = `This took ${
( - results.startTime).toFixed(3)} milliseconds`;
result.innerHTML =
`<b>${!results.switchAlways ? "Never s" : "Always s"}witching doors</b>:
${} winners out of ${results.nGames} games
// (public) handle button click
function clickHandle() {
cleanUp(() => {
const nGames = nOfGames.value || 5000000;
const switchAlways = switchDoors.checked;
switchAlways: switchAlways,
winners: calculateGames(nGames, switchAlways),
nGames: nGames
return {
handleRequest: clickHandle
body {
margin: 2em;
font: normal 12px/15px verdana, arial;
#timing {
color: red;
<p><input type="number" id="nGames" value="5000000"> N of games</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" id="switchyn"> Always switch doors</p>
<p><button id="doit">Play</button>
<p id="result"></p>
<p id="timing"></p>

webpack css-loader localIdent name hash length

I use webpack and css-loader, and in my css-loader config I use these options:
options: {
importLoaders: 1,
modules: true,
localIdentName: '[hash:base64:3]'
Just like you see, it is obvious that I desire all of my class name will have 3 characters, and after build absolutely my desire come true but there is a very big issue.
Some class names has same name! (conflict!)
for example:
._1mk { /*dev name was .home*/
color: red;
} /*line 90*/
._1mk { /*dev name was .news*/
color: blue;
This is a big issue, but when I use [hash:base64:5] everything would be ok and each class has its own hash name without any conflict.
I search this issue about 4 hours and saw all developers use number 5 as less of length of hash for their config. I don't know why! I calculate that 64 characters [a-z][A-Z][0-9][-,_] in three length can has 262144 different words, so why it can not some different names?
how can I settle this conflict? Really should I miss the number 3 ? and use 5 like others?
Finally, I find the right way, it is hash, not randomNaming function. this is made to hash so it is so obviously in short length with vast naming maybe it produces a collision. so I write my own Webpack naming function and use the variables and the function top on the Webpack config file. these are the steps of my solution:
At first, two variables for cache and queue. cache for easy accessing to LocalName and its new randomName and queue for holding variable entries that involve all new random names for avoiding a collision.
let q = [],
cache = {};
Second, we declare the randomNaming function. I know, maybe it is not very optimized but it works well. the export file is awesome without any collision.
function randomNaming(length, limit) {
let result = '',
chars = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_',
/*All valid chars*/
fchars = 'abcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_';
/*All valid first chars*/
do {
if (q.length >= 52 * Math.pow(64, limit - 1) && limit >= length) {
return 'OutOfPossibility';
} else if (q.length >= 52 * Math.pow(64, limit - 1) && limit < length) {
result = '';
result += fchars[Math.floor(Math.random() * fchars.length)];
for (let i = limit - 1; i > 0; --i) {
result += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
} while (q.includes(result));
q.push(result); /*push for avoiding collision in next time of funtion call*/
return result;
At Third, in css-loader scope inside of webpack config I used getLocalIdent not localIdentName.
const getLocalIdent = (loaderContext, localIdentName, localName, options) => {
var randName = randomNaming(3, 2);
if (localName.match(/^i-/i)) {
randName = `i-${randName}`;
} else if (localName.match(/^i_/i)) {
randName = `i_`;
} else {
randName = `${randName}`;
if (typeof cache[localName] == 'undefined') {
cache[localName] = randName;
return cache[localName];
} else {
return cache[localName];
And now all of the names are hashed and the CSS file is in minimal possible volume size. And the HTML is so lightweight.

