Convert array of objects into lowercase - javascript

Array looks like this:
I need to convert type:'one' value 'Testing' into lowercase i.e. value = Testing needs to be 'testing'. Is there a way to so this keeping the same structure?
Note: "type":"one","value":"Testing", may not always be included in the array. So I guess in this scenario I first need to do a check if they exist?
I have tried .map, however I am unable to get the result I want. Any help would be appreciated.
Ideal structure:

Iterate over the elements in myTags, check if type is "one" and only then change the content of value to lowercase (if present)
var data = {
"myTags": [{
"type": "one",
"value": "Testing",
"note": "Hey"
}, {
"type": "one",
"note": "Hey"
}, {
"type": "two",
"value": "Yg5GE",
"note": "hey2"
data.myTags.forEach(function(tag) {
if (tag.type === "one" && typeof tag.value !== "undefined") {
tag.value = tag.value.toLowerCase();
You may also first filter the content of myTags to get the element(s) with "type": "one" and only iterate over those element(s)
var data = {
"myTags": [{
"type": "one",
"value": "Testing",
"note": "Hey"
}, {
"type": "one",
"note": "Hey"
}, {
"type": "two",
"value": "Yg5GE",
"note": "hey2"
.filter(function(tag) {
return tag.type === "one";
.forEach(function(tag) {
if (typeof tag.value !== "undefined") {
tag.value = tag.value.toLowerCase();

This one works perfectly
var objects ={"myTags":
[{"type":"one","value":"Testing", "note":"Hey"}
,{ "type":"two", "value":"Yg5GE", "note":"hey2"}]};
var obj = {
a.value = a.value.toLowerCase();
return a;
{type: "one", value: "testing", note: "Hey"}
{type: "two", value: "yg5ge", note: "hey2"}
Thank you

Achieve this very simply by using an arrow function and the map() method of the Array
var words = ['Foo','Bar','Fizz','Buzz'].map(v => v.toLowerCase());


Unable to update a JSON value

I'm writing a code where I need to filter a JSON array and update a value of a key. Here is my code.
var data = [{
"Id": "1",
"ab": '123',
"afb_Educational_expense_types_for_school__c": "Books or supplies"
}, {
"Id": "2",
"ab": '343',
"afb_Educational_expense_types_for_school__c": "Mandatory fees"
}, {
"Id": "3",
"ab": '34',
var itemVar = data.filter(item => item.Id == '3');
itemVar['ab'] = '22';
Here I'm trying to set 'ab' to 22 but it is not working. Where am I going wrong?
Your itemVar is an array, because .filter always returns an array. You have to specify that you want the first element in the array [0]
itemVar[0]['ab'] = '22';
You can use findIndex and then update the relevant item of the array:
const data = [
{ "Id": "1", "ab": '123', "afb_Educational_expense_types_for_school__c": "Books or supplies" },
{ "Id": "2", "ab": '343', "afb_Educational_expense_types_for_school__c": "Mandatory fees" },
{ "Id": "3", "ab": '34' }
let index = data.findIndex((item) => item.Id == '3');
if (index !== -1) data[index].ab = '22';
var itemVar = data.find((item) => item.Id == '3')
itemVar.ab = '22'
Thats the easiest way to solve it.

How to remove empty object in array?

I am trying to remove the empty object {} from the below structure.
data = [{
"total" : "value",
"status" : "statusVal",
"recs" : [{
"total" : "value",
"region" : "name",
"recs" : [{},{
"recs" : [{
"recs" : [{
"value" : "a",
"label" : "fn"
This is my JavaScript code where I process the data and trying to remove the empty object from the result.
var result = json.parse(data);
for(var i=0;i<result.length;i++){
var fset = result[i].recs;
for(var j=0;j<fset.length;j++){
if(fset[j].recs === undefined || fset[j].recs === null){
delete fset[j].recs;
var sset = fset[i].recs;
for(var k=0;k<sset.length;k++){
var tset = sset[i].recs;
for(var z=0;z<tset.length;z++){
// logic to push
I tried checking null and undefined and also with property check bool as false. Since the empty {} is always returning length as 1, that is also ruled out. I am stuck here on processing the removal of empty object.
Above code is removing the entire recs node. Can you help me find what I am missing?
Check the length of the Object.keys() to see if object is empty or not.
Object.keys(fset[j].recs).length === 0
You can't iterate all the dynamic levels of array manually, so better to write the function which has recursive function call.
var data = [{
"total": "value",
"status": "statusVal",
"recs": [{
"total": "value",
"region": "name",
"recs": [{}, {
"recs": [{
"recs": [{
"value": "a",
"label": "fn"
function removeEmpty(ary) {
ary.forEach((item, index) => {
if (Object.keys(item).length === 0) { ary.splice(index, 1); }
else if (item.recs && item.recs.length > 0)

How to push values to an object from inside a map function when a condition is met?

How can we push values to an object from inside a map function and return that single object. I have string comparison condition inside the map function. I tried using Object.assign but it returns an array with multiple object inside that array. Instead of this multiple object I'm expecting a single object inside an array.
Map function
let arrayObj = {
var myObj = {};
if(item.inputvalue === 'Name'){
Object.assign(myObj, {name: item.value});
} else if (item.inputvalue === 'Email'){
Object.assign(organizerInfo, {email: item.value});
} else if (item.inputvalue === 'Company'){
Object.assign(organizerInfo, {company: item.value});
return myObj;
console.log("The array object is", arrayObj)
This return the array of objects as follows
"name": "Tom"
"email": ""
"company": "ABC"
But The array I'm expecting is
"name": "Tom",
"email": "",
"company": "ABC"
// or
"returned": {
"name": "Tom",
"email": "",
"company": "ABC"
An example of arrayToTraverse can be considered as following
"id": "1",
"inputvalue": "Name",
"value": "Tom",
"type": "Short Text"
"id": "2",
"inputvalue": "Email",
"value": "",
"type": "Email ID"
"id": "3",
"inputvalue": "Company",
"value": "Google",
"type": "Long Text"
Simply put, you're trying to reduce an array to a single object, not map one array to another.
var arrayToTraverse = [
{inputvalue:"Foo",value:"Bar"} // wont show up
var valuesRequired = ["Name","Email","Company"];
var result = arrayToTraverse.reduce( (acc, item) => {
acc[item.inputvalue.toLowerCase()] = item.value;
return acc;
}, {});
Edit: Added lookup array for required fields.

lodash filter by single value and value in array

I have a quick and easy function that I need to use lodash for.
let obj =
"AttributeID": "1",
"KeyID": "0",
"Value": "Undefined",
"MetaInsertUtc": "2017-09-13T01:52:22.280"
"AttributeID": "1",
"KeyID": "1",
"Value": "Tier 1",
"MetaInsertUtc": "2017-09-13T01:52:22.280"
}, {
"AttributeID": "1",
"KeyID": "2",
"Value": "Tier 2",
"MetaInsertUtc": "2017-09-13T01:52:22.280"
}, {
"AttributeID": "1",
"KeyID": "3",
"Value": "Tier 3",
"MetaInsertUtc": "2017-09-13T01:52:22.280"
}, {
"AttributeID": "1",
"KeyID": "4",
"Value": "Tier 4",
"MetaInsertUtc": "2017-09-13T01:52:22.280"
let parent = 1;
let children = ['1', '2', '3', '4'];
let test = _.filter(obj, function(item) {
return parseInt(item.AttributeID) === parent && parseInt(item.KeyID) IN[Children];
I am trying to filter my objects by a specific parent ID and within those results, find all those that have KeyID that are in our children array.
Here is my end result based on the selected answer. If there is a more shorthand way to do this by chaining some of these lodash methods together, let me know.
let valueObj = {
"id" : "1",
"name": "Joe"
"id" : "2",
"name": "Bob"
let selectedValues =, 'id');
let result = _.filter(obj, function(item) {
return item.AttributeID === attributeID && _.includes(selectedValues, item.KeyID);
Use lodash#includes method. If children array contains string values, you shouldn't convert item.KeyID to a number, just compare two strings:
let test = _.filter(obj, function(item) {
let attrId = parseInt(item.AttributeID);
return attrId === parent && _.includes(children, item.KeyID);
Assuming your obj is actually an array.
object.filter(item => {
return parseInt(item['AttributeID']) === parent && children.indexOf(parseInt(item['AttributeID'])) > -1;
You can do this simple filtering in regular JS.

convert integer to array of object.

var items = [
{ "id": 1, "label": "Item1" },
{ "id": 2, "label": "Item2" },
{ "id": 3, "label": "Item3" }
I have this array of objects named 'items'. I get itemselected = 3 from the database.
I need to convert this 3 into the following form.
Similarly, if i have a value 2 coming from the database, i should convert it to
Can anyone please let me hint of how to get it solved. i am not here to get the answer. These questions are quite tricky for me and i always fail to get the logic right. Any advice on how to master this conversions will be of great help. thanks.
Since you tagged underscore.js, this should be very easy:
var selectedObject = _.findWhere(items, {id: itemselected});
Using ECMA6, you can achieve the same using .find method on arrays:
let selectedObject = items.find(el => === itemselected);
With ECMA5, you can use filter method of arrays. Be careful that filter returns undefined if no element has been found:
var selectedObject = items.filter(function(el) { return === itemselected});
Use jquery $.map function as below
$.map(item, function( n, i ) { if(n["id"] == 3) return ( n );});
Based on the title of your question: «convert integer to array of object». You can use JavaScript Array#filter.
The filter() method creates a new array with all elements that
pass the test implemented by the provided function.
Something like this:
var items = [{
"id": 1,
"label": "Item1"
"id": 2,
"label": "Item2"
"id": 3,
"label": "Item3"
var value = 2;
var result = items.filter(function(x) {
return === value;
console.log(result); // Prints an Array of object.
Try this
var obj = {} ;
items = [
{ "id": 1, "label": "Item1" },
{ "id": 2, "label": "Item2" },
{ "id": 3, "label": "Item3" }
]; { obj[] = n });

