Kendo MultiSelect - select value send to controller method MVC - javascript

In the form I have a kendo MultiSelect that allows you to select several add-ons to your order. After selecting, I want to show the price of the add-on but somehow I do not.
The value of the selected add-on is displayed without any problem, the problem occurs when I want to display the price it needs to get with GET from the controller.
The method in the controller returns an int value.
Could someone direct me in the right direction?
function onChange(e) {
var multiselect = $("#accessoriesCombo").data("kendoMultiSelect");
var accessoriesLabel = $("#accessoriesLabel");
var startDate = $("#rentStartPicker").data("kendoDateTimePicker").value();
var endDate = $("#rentEndPicker").data("kendoDateTimePicker").value();
var diffDay;
if (calculate(startDate, endDate) < 1) {
diffDay = calculate(startDate, endDate) + 1;
} else {
diffDay = calculate(startDate, endDate);
var textValues = "";
var arrayValues = this.value();
var total = 0;
arrayValues.forEach(function (item) {
textValues += item;
total += getPrice(item, diffDay);
accessoriesLabel.text(textValues + " (" + total + ")");
function getPrice(id, numberOgDays) {
var returnPrice = 0;
// return int Accessories Price
$.get('/Cars/GetAccessoriesPrice/?id=' + id + '&numberOfDays=' + numberOgDays, function (price) {
returnPrice = price;
return returnPrice;
}, 'json');
function calculate(first, second) {
var diff = Math.round((second - first) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24);
return diff;
<div class="select-vehicle" style="padding-top:10px">
.DataSource(source =>
source.Read(read =>
read.Action("Accessories_Read", "Cars");
.HtmlAttributes(new { #style = "width:100%" })
.Placeholder("Volitelné příslušenství")
.Events(events =>
<script type="text/x-kendo-tmpl" id="accessoriesTemplate">
<div style="padding: 5px; vertical-align:middle">
<input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" id="chb_accessories_#:AccessoriesID#" value="#:AccessoriesID#" /><label for="chb_accessories_#:AccessoriesID#" style="padding-left:5px"> #:AccessoriesName#</label>
<span style="font-size:12px; padding-left:5px">cena od: #:kendo.toString(data.LowestPrice, "c0", "cs-CZ")# / den</span>


Async/await function to show, wait, hide overlay not working in javascript

I'm having a problem with showing an overlay div element and then hiding it again after the runSearch() function has completed. In short, the overlay does not appear at all.
What the overlay should look like if it worked:
If I had to guess, I believe it could relate to a misunderstanding about how to implement async/await correctly in javascript.
Since I am limited for space here, the full Github project is accessible as a fully deployed page here, if you need more context. However, the most relevant excerpts are below:
The overlay div element in index.html:
<div class="overlay d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center">
<h5>Please wait...</h5>
<div class="spinner-border" role="status">
<span class="visually-hidden">Loading...</span>
The overlay in CSS:
.overlay {
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
z-index: 1000;
left: 0px;
display: none!important;
/* without !important, the overlay would immediately kick into effect */
The JS functions which show and hide the overlay when called upon:
function loadingOverlayOn() {
.style.display = 'block'
function loadingOverlayOff() {
.style.display = 'none'
JS with respect to button #1:
cityInstanceBtn.addEventListener('click',async function(e){
// for use in headings inside runSearch
// reset
globalCityName === null;
globalCityState === null;
globalCityCountry === null;
globalCityName =
globalCityState =
globalCityCountry =
await runSearch(cityName, cityState, cityCountry, cityLat, cityLng, units)
JS with respect to button #2, which occurs inside of a temporarily displayed Bootstrap modal:
cityInstanceBtn.addEventListener('click', async function(){
globalCityName = document.getElementById(id)
globalCityState = document.getElementById(id).dataset.state
globalCityCountry = document.getElementById(id)
await runSearch(cityName, cityState, cityCountry, cityLat, cityLng, units)
The JS function during which the overlay should be shown, and hidden once its execution is complete:
async function runSearch(
) {
console.log("check cityState: " + cityState);
console.log("check globalCityState: " + globalCityState);
var h2Today = document.getElementById("today-title");
var h2Next5Days = document.getElementById("next-5-days-title");
if (globalCityState != "undefined" && globalCityName && globalCityCountry) {
h2Today.innerHTML = `<span class="orange">Today's</span> forecast for <span class="cornflowerblue">${globalCityName}, ${globalCityState}, ${globalCityCountry}</span>`;
h2Next5Days.innerHTML = `<span class="orange">4-day</span> outlook for <span class="cornflowerblue">${globalCityName}, ${globalCityState}, ${globalCityCountry}</span>`;
} else if (
(globalCityState = "undefined" && globalCityName && globalCityCountry)
) {
h2Today.innerHTML = `<span class="orange">Today's</span> forecast for <span class="cornflowerblue">${globalCityName},${globalCityCountry}</span>`;
h2Next5Days.innerHTML = `<span class="orange">4-day</span> outlook for <span class="cornflowerblue">${globalCityName}, ${globalCityCountry}</span>`;
var newSearchObject = {
cityName: cityName,
cityState: cityState,
cityCountry: country,
cityLat: cityLat,
cityLng: cityLng,
detectedUnits: detectedUnits,
var retrievedLocalStorage = localStorage.getItem("savedCities");
retrievedLocalStorage = JSON.parse(retrievedLocalStorage);
// const arr = => {a.cityLat, a.cityLng})
if (retrievedLocalStorage === null) {
localStorage.setItem("savedCities", JSON.stringify([newSearchObject]));
} else if (
retrievedLocalStorage.length > 0 &&
retrievedLocalStorage.length < 5
) {
if (
!retrievedLocalStorage.some((s) => {
return (
s.cityLat == newSearchObject.cityLat &&
s.cityLng == newSearchObject.cityLng
) {
// Check if an array of objects contains another object:
// this solution which converts objects to string first isn't entirely reliable if you can't guarantee the same order is preserved, for example:
console.log("existingSearchObject2: " + retrievedLocalStorage);
} else if (retrievedLocalStorage.length >= 5) {
if (
!retrievedLocalStorage.some((s) => {
return (
s.cityLat == newSearchObject.cityLat &&
s.cityLng == newSearchObject.cityLng
) {
while (retrievedLocalStorage.length > 5) {
localStorage.setItem("savedCities", JSON.stringify(retrievedLocalStorage));
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => {
var timezone =;
console.log({ timezone });
var country =;
console.log({ country });
var cityName =;
console.log({ cityName });
var datesArray = [];
console.log({ datesArray });
const days = [
// var h2Today = document.getElementById('today-title')
// h2Today.innerHTML = `<span class="orange">Today's</span> forecast for <span class="cornflowerblue">${globalCityName}, ${globalCityState}, ${globalCityCountry}</span>`
// }
// h2Today.innerHTML = `<span class="orange">Today's</span> forecast for <span class="cornflowerblue">${globalCityName},${globalCityCountry}</span>`
// }
for (let i = 0; i < data.list.length; i++) {
var unixTimestamp = data.list[i].dt;
// you don't need it for dt_txt but if you want to use the unix timestamp in the data, you can do this conversion:
var jsTimestamp = unixTimestamp * 1000;
var date = new Date(jsTimestamp);
var basicDateLocalAU = date.toLocaleDateString("en-AU");
var basicDateLocalUS = date.toLocaleDateString("en-US");
var basicDateLocalUser = date.toLocaleDateString(`en-${country}`);
console.log(basicDateLocalAU); // Prints: 5/6/2022
console.log(basicDateLocalUS); // Prints: 6/5/2022
console.log(basicDateLocalUser); // Prints: 6/5/2022
var timeLocalAU = date.toLocaleTimeString("en-AU", {
hour: "2-digit",
minute: "2-digit",
}); // Prints: 13:10:34
data.list[i].basicDateLocalAU = basicDateLocalAU;
data.list[i].basicDateLocalUS = basicDateLocalUS;
data.list[i].basicDateLocalUser = basicDateLocalUser;
data.list[i].dayOfWeekIndex = date.getDay();
data.list[i].dayOfWeekValue = days[date.getDay()];
data.list[i].basicTime = timeLocalAU;
if (!datesArray.includes(basicDateLocalUser)) {
var dayOfWeek = days[date.getDay()];
console.log({ date });
console.log({ data });
var datalist = data.list;
console.log({ datalist });
var obj = groupBy(datalist, "basicDateLocalAU");
console.log({ obj });
// const result ={ basicCalendarDateAU }) => basicCalendarDateAU);
for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
var dayTableEle = document.querySelector(`#day${i} table`);
// var textNode = document.createTextNode(`${dayOfWeekValue}`);
dayTableEle.innerHTML = `<row><th>Time</th><th>Temp</th><th></th><th>Conditions</th><th>Humidity</th><th>Wind speed</th></row>`;
for (let j = 0; j < obj[i].length; j++) {
if (!document.querySelector(`#day${i} h5`).innerText) {
`#day${i} h5`
).innerText = `${obj[i][j].dayOfWeekValue}`;
if (
!document.querySelector(`#day${i} span#usercountry-dateformat`)
) {
`#day${i} span#usercountry-dateformat`
).innerText = `${obj[i][j].basicDateLocalUser}`;
if (
!document.querySelector(`#day${i} span#AU-dateformat`).innerText
) {
`#day${i} span#AU-dateformat`
).innerText = `${obj[i][j].basicDateLocalAU}`;
.querySelector(`#day${i} span#AU-dateformat`)
.style.setProperty("display", "none");
if (
!document.querySelector(`#day${i} span#US-dateformat`).innerText
) {
`#day${i} span#US-dateformat`
).innerText = `${obj[i][j].basicDateLocalUS}`;
.querySelector(`#day${i} span#US-dateformat`)
.style.setProperty("display", "none");
// var kelvinToCelcius = obj[i][j].main.temp - 273.15;
var tempMetric;
var tempImperial;
var windSpeedImperial;
var windSpeedMetric;
if (units == "metric") {
var tempMetric = obj[i][j].main.temp;
tempMetric = roundedToFixed(tempMetric, 1);
var tempImperial = tempMetric * 1.8 + 32;
tempImperial = roundedToFixed(tempImperial, 1);
var windSpeedMetric = obj[i][j].wind.speed;
windSpeedMetric = roundedToFixed(windSpeedMetric, 1);
var windSpeedImperial = windSpeedMetric * 2.23694;
windSpeedImperial = roundedToFixed(windSpeedImperial, 1);
var metricDisplay = "inline";
var imperialDisplay = "none";
} else if (units == "imperial") {
var tempImperial = obj[i][j].main.temp;
tempImperial = roundedToFixed(tempImperial, 1);
var tempMetric = (tempImperial - 32) / 1.8;
tempMetric = roundedToFixed(tempMetric, 1);
var windSpeedImperial = obj[i][j].wind.speed;
windSpeedImperial = roundedToFixed(windSpeedImperial, 1);
var windSpeedMetric = windSpeedImperial / 2.23694;
windSpeedMetric = roundedToFixed(windSpeedMetric, 1);
var metricDisplay = "none";
var imperialDisplay = "inline";
dayTableEle.innerHTML += `
<td id="tdTime">${obj[i][j].basicTime}</td>
<td id="tdTemp">
<span class="temp-metric metric" style="display:${metricDisplay};">${tempMetric} ${tempUnitsMetric}</span>
<span class="temp-imperial imperial" style="display:${imperialDisplay};">${tempImperial} ${tempUnitsImperial}</span>
<td><img src="${obj[i][j].weather[0].icon}.png" alt="weather icon"></td>
<td id="tdConditions">${obj[i][j].weather[0].description}</td>
<td id="tdHumidity">${obj[i][j].main.humidity} %</td>
<td id="tdWindSpeed">
<span class="windspeed-metric metric" style="display:${metricDisplay};">${windSpeedMetric} ${windSpeedUnitsMetric}</span>
<span class="windspeed-imperial imperial" style="display:${imperialDisplay};">${windSpeedImperial} ${windSpeedUnitsImperial}</span>
<td id="tdWindDir"><i style="transform: rotate(${obj[i][j].wind.deg}deg)" class="fa-solid fa-arrow-up"></i></td>
We can see here that the event listener is properly attached - this is true of both buttons but I'll show one here just to be representative:
Full Github project is accessible as a fully deployed page here.
To reiterate, the problem is that the overlay does not appear at all during this sequence of events and I'm seeing page elements prematurely before the page is built:
await runSearch(cityName, cityState, cityCountry, cityLat, cityLng, units)
You are not awaiting fetch, you are using then instead.
You have to await fetch
See below example
const response = await fetch(url);
const jsonData = await response.json()

How can I save the original value of a data attribute in jQuery

I have an element that I'm using with a quantity input. When the quantity changes I update the data attribute with the new value.
The problem is that when the data attribute is changed, the next iteration of the change is being based off the changed value not the original value.
service = $(this).closest(".service-option-card");
let quantity = getCurrentQuantity(service);
let newQuantity = quantity+1;
setNewQuantity(newQuantity, service);
updatePrice(newQuantity, service);
service = $(this).closest(".service-option-card");
let quantity = getCurrentQuantity(service);
let newQuantity = quantity-1;
if(newQuantity <= 0) {
let newQuantity = 0
setNewQuantity(newQuantity, service);
} else {
setNewQuantity(newQuantity, service);
updatePrice(newQuantity, $(this).closest(".service-option-card"));
function getCurrentQuantity(service) {
let quantity_str = service.find(".quantity").val();
quantity_num = Number(quantity_str);
return quantity_num;
function setNewQuantity(quantity, service) {
function updatePrice(quantity, service) {
var price = parseInt(service.find(".price").val().replace(/,/g, ""));
var total = quantity * price;
if(total < 0) {
total = 0;
newPrice = numberFormat(total);
service.find(".option-price").html("$" + newPrice);
var monthly ='monthly');
newMonthly = monthly * quantity;
updateReceiptMonthly(service, newMonthly);
function updateReceiptMonthly(service, newMonthly) {'monthly', newMonthly);
// Number format
function numberFormat(nStr)
nStr += '';
x = nStr.split('.');
x1 = x[0];
x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
while (rgx.test(x1)) {
x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
return x1 + x2;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="service-option-card" data-monthly="10">
<input style="display: none;" class="price" value="50">
<p class="option-price">$50</p>
<div class="quantity">
<button class="btn btn-quantity dec">-</button>
<input class="quantity-input quantity" value="1">
<button class="btn btn-quantity inc">+</button>
<div class="col-md-6 services-total-side">
<div class="calculated-totals">
<p class="cost-title">Monthly Cost:</p>
<p class="monthly-cost">$0</p>
When you run the above snippet, you can see the console.log is incrementing 10 > 20 > 60 > 240 and so on. this is because when I update the data-monthly attribute on my service-option-card its then multiplying the NEW value by the quantity. What I would like is for it to multiply by the ORIGINAL value of 10 so the console.log should be 10 > 20 > 30 > 40 and so on. I cant just put 10 in because the values change in my application for diffrent service option cards.
You could add another property with the same value, but then keep this value the same. Then you'll always have the original base value to use:
service = $(this).closest(".service-option-card");
let quantity = getCurrentQuantity(service);
let newQuantity = quantity+1;
setNewQuantity(newQuantity, service);
updatePrice(newQuantity, service);
service = $(this).closest(".service-option-card");
let quantity = getCurrentQuantity(service);
let newQuantity = quantity-1;
if(newQuantity <= 0) {
let newQuantity = 0
setNewQuantity(newQuantity, service);
} else {
setNewQuantity(newQuantity, service);
updatePrice(newQuantity, $(this).closest(".service-option-card"));
function getCurrentQuantity(service) {
let quantity_str = service.find(".quantity").val();
quantity_num = Number(quantity_str);
return quantity_num;
function setNewQuantity(quantity, service) {
function updatePrice(quantity, service) {
var price = parseInt(service.find(".price").val().replace(/,/g, ""));
var total = quantity * price;
if(total < 0) {
total = 0;
newPrice = numberFormat(total);
service.find(".option-price").html("$" + newPrice);
// now using original value here
var monthly ='base-monthly');
newMonthly = monthly * quantity;
updateReceiptMonthly(service, newMonthly);
function updateReceiptMonthly(service, newMonthly) {'monthly', newMonthly);
// Number format
function numberFormat(nStr)
nStr += '';
x = nStr.split('.');
x1 = x[0];
x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
while (rgx.test(x1)) {
x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
return x1 + x2;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="service-option-card" data-monthly="10" data-base-monthly="10">
<input style="display: none;" class="price" value="50">
<p class="option-price">$50</p>
<div class="quantity">
<button class="btn btn-quantity dec">-</button>
<input class="quantity-input quantity" value="1">
<button class="btn btn-quantity inc">+</button>
<div class="col-md-6 services-total-side">
<div class="calculated-totals">
<p class="cost-title">Monthly Cost:</p>
<p class="monthly-cost">$0</p>

Adding the result of separate results

Thanks in advance for any replies. I am new to JavaScript and have got this far in calculating 2 results that I require. My question is how do I add both results together?
Please see first result below:
$(document).ready(function() {
function checkSum(e) {
var result = 0;
$(".checksum").each(function() {
var i = 0;
if ($(this).val() != "") {
i = parseFloat($(this).val());
result = result + i;
$("#resultsum").html(result * 60.60);
$(".checksum").bind("keyup", checkSum);
and this is the second:
$(document).ready(function() {
function checkSum2(e) {
var result2 = 0;
$(".checksum2").each(function() {
var j = 0;
if ($(this).val() != "") {
j = parseFloat($(this).val());
result2 = result2 + j;
$("#resultsum2").html(result2 * 14.88);
$(".checksum2").bind("keyup", checkSum2);
Just add one line in the end of functions:
$("#resultsum3").html($("#resultsum").text() + $("#resultsum2").text());
$(document).ready(function() {
function checkSum(e) {
var result = 0;
$(".checksum").each(function() {
var i = 0;
if ($(this).val() != "") {
i = parseFloat($(this).val());
result = result + i;
$("#resultsum").html(result * 60.60);
$("#resultsum3").html($("#resultsum").text() + $("#resultsum2").text());
$(".checksum").bind("keyup", checkSum);
function checkSum2(e) {
var result2 = 0;
$(".checksum2").each(function() {
var j = 0;
if ($(this).val() != "") {
j = parseFloat($(this).val());
result2 = result2 + j;
$("#resultsum2").html(result2 * 14.88);
$("#resultsum3").html($("#resultsum").text() + $("#resultsum2").text());
$(".checksum2").bind("keyup", checkSum2);
I've combined your snippets in to one to remove the redundant code you have. This approach will allow you to add more checksums in future (.checksum3?) and also makes sure your calculation logic is same for all.
The result is calculated in to new element whenever any of the checksums change. Try the snippet below:
// function to calculate checksum
// used for both individual results as well as for total
function calcChecksum(elements) {
let result = 0;
elements.each( function(index, ele) {
result = result + (parseFloat($(ele).val()) || 0)
return result;
// update total result
function updateTotal() {
let total = calcChecksum($('.result'));
$(document).ready(function() {
// generate function for each set of checksum inputs
function genCheckSumFn(inputSel, outputSel, multiplier) {
return () => {
const result = calcChecksum($(inputSel));
$(outputSel).val(result * multiplier);
//checkSum bindings
// trigger initial calculation
display: block;
.box {
padding:10px 0px;
.box div {
.box.results input {
color: #FFA500;
font-size: 14px;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="box">
<input class="checksum" value="10">
<input class="checksum" value="5">
<input class="checksum2" value="20">
<input class="checksum2" value="15">
<div class="box results">
<div> Resultsum:
<input id="resultsum" class="result" readonly> </div>
<div> Resultsum(2):
<input id="resultsum2" class="result" readonly> </div>
<div> Resultsum(Total): <input id="resultsum_total" readonly> </div>

innerHTML does not dynamically update nor display on PHP page - JavaScript

I have managed to dynamically display the sum of 6 line-cost DOM elements from a php file. Unfortunately, when trying to calculate the delivery charge, my JavaScript methods regarding to the deliveryCharge implementation fails to display anything on the page. With the sub-total methods working and displaying perfectly, I tried to troubleshoot the problem by providing innerHTML with a constant value of both a string and an int- both times yielded nothing to be displayed on screen.
I have displayed both the working part of the sub-total calculation method as well as the non-working part of the delivery-charge calculation. Would the problem lie within an incorrect way of using innerHTML, be a calculation error or a different error entirely?
function calcST(){
var i;
var sum = 0; // initialize the sum
let p = document.getElementsByTagName("line_cost");
for (i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
if (!isNaN(Number(p[i].innerHTML))) {
sum = Number(sum + Number(p[i].innerHTML)); // p[i].innerHTML gives you the value
setST(sum, "sub_total");
function setST(sum, item_id){
let i = document.getElementById(item_id);
i.innerHTML = sum;
function getST() {
let i = document.getElementById("sub_total");
let v = i.innerHTML;
return v;
function calcDelivCharge(){
var delCharge;
var e = getST();
if(e < 100){
delcharge = e*0.10
delcharge = 0;
setDelivCharge("delivery_charge", delCharge);
function setDelivCharge(item_id, delCharge){
let i = document.getElementById(item_id);
i.innerHTML = delCharge;
function getDelivCharge() {
let i = document.getElementById("delivery_charge");
let v = i.innerHTML;
return v;
I managed to find that the DOM was not ready loading before the getST() method was called. This can be fixed with the following code:
if(document.getElementById("sub_total") != null){
let i = document.getElementById("sub_total");
let v = i.innerHTML;
return v;
Unfortunately, delivery-charge is seen as 'unidentified'. Why does this appear when the getST() method is altered?
Well, if you're HTML is like
You can do this:
function calcSubtotal() {
const costs = document.querySelector("line_cost").children;
let sum = 0;
for( let i = 0 ; i < costs.length ; i ++) {
sum += parseInt(costs[i].innerHTML);
setST(sum, "sub_total");
// Subtotal getter and setter
function setST(sum, item_id) {
document.getElementById(item_id).innerHTML = sum.toFixed(2);
function getSubTotal() {
return document.getElementById("sub_total").innerHTML;
function calcDeliveryCharge() {
const subTotal = getSubTotal();
setDeliveryCharge("delivery_charge", subTotal < 100 ? subTotal * 0.10 : 0);
function setDeliveryCharge(item_id, deliveryCharge){
document.getElementById(item_id).innerHTML = deliveryCharge.toFixed(2);
function getDeliveryCharge() {
return document.getElementById("delivery_charge").innerHTML;
<span>Sub Total: $
<span id="sub_total"></span>
<span>Delivery Charge: $
<span id="delivery_charge"></span>
Otherwise, if you have:
Then do this:
function calcSubtotal() {
const costs = document.querySelectorAll("line_cost");
let sum = 0
for( let i = 0 ; i < costs.length ; i ++) {
sum += parseFloat(costs[i].innerHTML);
setST(sum, "sub_total");
// Subtotal getter and setter
function setST(sum, item_id) {
document.getElementById(item_id).innerHTML = sum.toFixed(2);
function getSubTotal() {
return document.getElementById("sub_total").innerHTML;
function calcDeliveryCharge() {
const subTotal = getSubTotal();
setDeliveryCharge("delivery_charge", subTotal < 100 ? subTotal * 0.10 : 0);
function setDeliveryCharge(item_id, deliveryCharge){
document.getElementById(item_id).innerHTML = deliveryCharge.toFixed(2);
function getDeliveryCharge() {
return document.getElementById("delivery_charge").innerHTML;
line_cost {
display: block;
<span>Sub Total: $
<span id="sub_total"></span>
<span>Delivery Charge: $
<span id="delivery_charge"></span>

How to get dropdown list selected value in script using model in MVC

I'm trying to calculate the total of the selected quantity and price per piece. In some cases I have a list of allowed quantities, like 1000, 2000 etc in a dropdown list.
When I select the quantity from the dropdown it doesn't get the quantity as per the selected quantity.
#if (Model.AllowedQuantities.Count > 0)
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.EnteredQuantity, Model.AllowedQuantities, new { #class = "qty-dropdown", id = "productqty" })
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#productqty").change(function () {
var qty = Model.EnteredQuantity;
var qqt = "";
var price = "";
if (Model.AllowedQuantities.Count > 0)
foreach (var tierPrice in Model.TierPrices)
if (qty == tierPrice.Quantity)
price = tierPrice.Price;
} else
price = #Model.PriceValue.ToString("0.00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var prc = #price;
var qt = #qty;
var total = qt * prc;
console.log("Qty : " + qt + " Price : " + prc);
console.log("Total : " + total);

