concrete5 ccm_activateTabBar() not defined when not logged in - javascript

I have a specific question, I did build a component with tabs in concrete5 v8 with this tutorial:
Creating tabbed panels in concrete5
It worked just fine, as long as I was logged in into concrete5, as soon as I am not logged in I get the following error in the console, and therefor I'm not able to click on the different tabs:
Uncaught ReferenceError: ccm_activateTabBar is not defined
at HTMLDocument. (entsorgung-von-abfaellen:84)
at j (jquery.js:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:2)
at Function.ready (jquery.js:2)
at HTMLDocument.J (jquery.js:2)
The error references to this part of the line 84:
<script type="text/javascript">$(function() { ccm_activateTabBar($('#ccm-tabs-1077221103'));});</script>
which follows directly after the ul element and seems to got generated by concrete5.
I was not able to find anything related at all, I guess it has something to do with missing assets that are only loaded when logged in as administrator.
I'm currently only loading the following assets when not logged in:
$u = new User();
if(!$u->isLoggedIn()) {
$this->requireAsset('javascript', 'jquery');
Maybe someone already worked with the concrete5 tabs and can help me with this error.

Ass suggested by Michele Locati, you should probably use jquery/ui or bootstrap components to build you tab component.
But if you find yourself in the same situation as I was, a very simple fix is to copy the tabs.js from
to your theme folder and include it if the user is not logged in.
For example like this:
$u = new User();
if(!$u->isLoggedIn()) : ?>
<script src="<?php echo $view->getThemePath(); ?>/js/c5_tabs/tabs.js"></script>
<?php endif; ?>
The tabs.js is part of app.js which is quite big, so I only used tabs.js, which only contains the needed function I was missing.
Credits for this information to MrKDilkington from the concrete5 forum:


react-monaco-editor blackout... TypeError: Cannot read property 'pushUndoStop' of undefined

I use "react-monaco-editor" for my project.
import { MonacoDiffEditor } from 'react-monaco-editor';
renderSideBySide: true,
This error can only be viewed after deploy my server.
simpleWorker.js:25 Could not create web worker(s). Falling back to
loading web worker code in main thread, which might cause UI freezes.
Please see el #
simpleWorker.js:25 simpleWorker.js:28 You must define a function
MonacoEnvironment.getWorkerUrl or MonacoEnvironment.getWorker el #
simpleWorker.js:28 react-dom.production.min.js:5058 TypeError: Cannot
read property 'pushUndoStop' of undefined
at l.value (diff.js:283)
at ls (react-dom.production.min.js:5163)
at react-dom.production.min.js:6408
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (scheduler.production.min.js:309)
at Ui (react-dom.production.min.js:2816)
at Cl (react-dom.production.min.js:6204)
at cl (react-dom.production.min.js:5895)
at react-dom.production.min.js:2851
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (scheduler.production.min.js:309)
at Ui (react-dom.production.min.js:2816) rs # react-dom.production.min.js:5058
I test in local with nginx, but only serviceWorker warnings logged.
I think that ServiceWorker warnings are http environment in my server.
What is pushUndoStop... I really don't know this error.
help me...
Not sure if you fixed this issue or not by now, since it has been a while, but in case anyone else lands here, I got this issue too. I had v0.20.0 of monaco-editor and v0.35.0 react-monaco-editor which worked fine. Then I updated to v0.23.0 and I ran into this issue as a regression. I then tried v0.25.2 with no change. After that I tried updating react-monaco-editor to the v0.43.0 and the problem stopped happening! I'm thinking it is an issue where they made a change in monaco-editor and if you didn't update react-monaco-editor to a newer version it would break with that error.

For WordPress element editor frontend.min.js And jquery.min.js conflict

For WordPress element editor frontend.min.js And jquery.min.js conflict.
Error message:
Uncaught TypeError: e.elementorWaypoint is not a function
at Frontend.waypoint (frontend.min.js:2)
at Counter.onInit (frontend.min.js:2)
at Counter.Module.trigger (frontend-modules.min.js:2)
at Counter.e.each.r.<computed> [as trigger] (frontend-modules.min.js:2)
at init (frontend-modules.min.js:2)
at Counter.Module (frontend-modules.min.js:2)
at Counter.child [as constructor] (frontend-modules.min.js:2)
at new child (frontend-modules.min.js:2)
at Counter._createSuperInternal (frontend.min.js:2)
at new Counter (frontend.min.js:2)
Introduce and introduce local via Google CDN jQuery.js It's not all right.It also tried to replace $JQ with JQ, which did not help.I need help and time is running out.
error message images

Uncaught Error: Graph container element not found

I saw answer "JavaScript's code gets executed before the DOM contains #annual element. Put the javascript after the div or use jQuery.ready()" But I don't know to put after what div?
<script src="/bower_components/morris.js/morris.min.js"></script> this is script include?
enter image description here
Uncaught Error: Graph container element not found
at d [as constructor] (morris.min.js:6)
at d.c [as constructor] (morris.min.js:6)
at new d (morris.min.js:6)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (dashboard.js:129)
at j (jquery.min.js:2)
at k (jquery.min.js:2)
If you are using adminLte template in an angular project, you have to delete the import dashboard.js from the scripts array in angular.json file.
i confirm resolution :
im using AdminLTE in angular :
delete the import dashboard.js from the scripts array in angular.json file.

Including Angular-UI-Validate in my project

The project uses Angular 1.3 (from a CDN, links removed below) and I'm trying to install Angular-UI-Validate. I have included both in script tags, and in the inspector, I can see that they're both getting retrieved correctly. Still, it seems as if I'm missing something:
Error: [$injector:unpr]$injector/unpr?p0=ui.validateProvider%20%3C-%20ui.validate%20%3C-%20app.runtimeStackAdminController
at Error (native)
at https://***
at https://***
at Object.d [as get] (https://***
at https://***
at d (https://***
at e (https://***
at Object.g.instantiate (https://l***
at b.$get (https://***
at $ (https://*** <div id="ng-view-wrapper" class="container-fluid ng-scope" ng-view="" autoscroll="true">
Am I missing a library that I have to include? Thanks in advance!
You need to load the ui.validate module.
See for all instructions.

Issues Integrating ACE Editor with Keystonejs App

It says here( just copy one of src* subdirectories somewhere into your project
I have put it in mykeystoneapp/public/js(my default home is mykeystoneapp/public)
Here are the errors I get:
1.Uncaught TypeError: $.cookie is not a function(ui.js:8)
2.Uncaught Error: Missed anonymous define() module: function …(require.js:141)
Here is my Jade code:
require.config({paths: {ace: "/js/ace/build/src"}});
define('testace', ['ace/ace'],
function(ace, langtools) {
console.log("This is the testace module");
var editor = ace.edit("editor_container");
require(["/js/ace/lib/ace/requirejs/text!src/ace"], function(e){
Secondly if I put debugger in EventEmitter(
I can see it’s properly reaching EventEmitter._dispatchEvent with
eventName=‘changeMode’ but it returns without any operation as there are no !listeners or defaultHandler
editor.session.setMode('javascript'); is wrong, it should be editor.session.setMode('ace/mode/javascript'); instead. Same for theme which is supposed to be ace/theme/eclipse.
error in ui.js is not related to ace, since ace doesn't have a file named ui.

