Save user input data - javascript

I'm trying to find a solution to my problem for quite some time. This is the web app that does some calculations.
I'd like to know if it's possible to save user input to an online database so it can be opened and edited. It'd have to autofill all the input fields once called. I was also thinking about the option to save whole page already filled and just store it as it is.
I have to mention that it won't always have the same amount of <tr>s inside each table, and that complicates the whole process for me.
I'm running out of ideas and would be very thankful if anyone could assist me in this matter.

You have 2 options, store the data in the client, this means to store in the localStorage of the browser (this only will let availability of information for the client that store it and not share the data with other users or from the other computer). The other option is as you say store in a database but this will require to you use a backend Technology like PHP, Java, Ruby, Python, etc. And a database engine as MySQL, Postgress, and so on. And the others NoSQL like MongoDB, Redis, etc.
According to I see in the webpage the information is well structured and wouldn't be complicated to store it.

In Html, it is not possible. To store data in a database would require another language. If you used Javascript it would be possible, but it would be really insecure and very difficult. I suggest using PHP and Mysql to do it, for the best outcome. So basically Html is not a database language and requires a backend language.


Share data without database

I have this web application that gets and displays data from SAP, but i need a way (maybe a JSON file?) to share some data between different users, with the possibility to modify these same data for each user (even at the same time), without a database. There will be really small data and few users, and what i would write is simple data that tells me who is online in that moment. How can i do? I'd like to know if exist an easy solution to share these really small and simple data. I'm using React with no back, because i'm taking all the data i need from SAP. Clearly, i'm a beginner. All advice is welcome.
If you talking about some prototype like MVPs, I think JSON files would be best.
However, consider to work also that you can work with Local Storage.
You could use LocalStorage, SessionStorage or IndexedDB, but the last option is an in-browser database. Maybe LocalStorage is your solution.

Store data on server without Database

I’m webGL engine developer (ThreeJS) in small company. We have some events in few weeks and my boss just told me that i have to make registration form as soon as possible, also one page should show names, lastnames and company of all registered members. Problem is that i’m very bad in databases and i have really small amount of time to re-learn it. How can i store registration data on Server without Database? I looked up on web and most instructions are unclear(because i’ve not worked on database before) and others are using localstorage (as far as i know its used for cacheing data)
What you're looking for is a flat file database system, try taffyDB it basically use Json to store its data or Papa parse that uses CSV files, you can easily edit with excel for example.
If you're really good with javascript you can consider using a real database after all,mongodb is a bit advance but still not as complicated as mysql or even sqlite.

Store data accessible to and editable for all users in JavaScript

Is this possible to do:
Create a (web) database where you can add data from a website either by writing to a file or another method.
Allow another user on the website to access this by reading from a file or another method.
If it is, I would like some information or code.
I Do not want to create an independent database because:
a) I just started learning html5 and javascript
b) I do not know how, or have the resources to (I think, I'm just a user on a shared system without sudo access)
Would I have to use something like firebase: (
If you have a Database , why would you need to write to a "file"?
What you really want is to create an application with a database. So search for tutorials, because there are hundreds available from google, in all web oriented languages you can imagine.
Or maybe you are looking for something like this?
IndexedDB API
IndexedDB is a transactional database system, like an SQL-based RDBMS. However, unlike SQL-based RDBMSes, which use fixed-column tables, IndexedDB is a JavaScript-based object-oriented database.

Adding nodes to XML with a form

I've created a list using XML and have embedded an XSL stylesheet in it. Now I want to know, because this is a list of movies that constantly grows, is there a way to create a form that will add child and grandchild nodes to the list.
I'm thinking there might be some javascript involved, but I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to scripting.
If the intension is to write new entries into this xml file you need to look at some form of serverside scripting. Javascript can not write to files.
PHP is probably the easiest to understand, start by buying a book that explains the basics with a few examples, it's not that hard to grasp, and a form and a simple function for writing to files shouldn't take you to long to figure out.
If you have no interest in that sort of thing, hire someone to do the job for you, it will probably only take a few hours for someone who knows what they are doing to get a complete system up and running for you, and unless you really would like to learn a serverside language that is probably the best option.
If you really want to do it all on the client side, you can try HTML5 client-side storage. This means the data will be persistent only for the user that enters the data (and only for the browser used to enter it, and only on the computer that was used).
If you want the movies to be accessible to multiple people, or from multiple computers, you need to use server-side storage.
FYI, HTML5 storage is not yet very well standardized across browsers.

How can you read and write to a MySQL database starting at a JavaScript web game?

First of all, I'm not much of a programmer if at all. This question may seem silly but I would honestly like some advice from real programmers.
I'd like to make a bit of an adventure game on a webpage.
Could I make it by having a MySQL database setup to store variables while JavaScript, HTML and CSS is used for the user interface and JavaScript for the game programming and PHP to communicate with MySQL.
I don't entirely understand it but I followed a tutorial and got it working. It also showed me how you can replace text on the screen by giving that text an elementid and then just setting its value to other text.
In this tutorial script, it has it so when the JavaScript file wants to communicate with php, it will open the php file with a ?=value at the end of the hyperlink where the value part turns into some kind of MySQL search value.
Something like this:
and then in the PHP file:
$sql="SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = '".$q."'";
This means you will always search by specific id number. The problem with this is that the php file is always set to look at the exact same table.
Sometimes you want to look at different tables, or multiple values from multiple tables, etc. Basically, you should be able to select each value like it's a record from one of those automatic DJs that radio stations used to have. Also, sometimes you'd want to write or append the database like when variables change and need to be updated and all of that has to happen securely.
The only thing I can think of is to have a ton of php files that work the same way and call the appropriate file when you want a certain kind of response. But then if I have a file on my website that has a php file that lets me write TO the database then someone can just read the javascript code, see that, and then basically hijack the mysql database.
So how can I securely do this?
I would recommend you to look into using jQuery and Ruby on Rails.
jQuery is a JavaScript library that will make easy your interaction with a server (MySQL) and will help you to get code that works in a lot of different web browsers.
Ruby on Rails is a web framework that will encapsulate everything you need to store state (game data) to a database (MySQL) and handle secure communication, as well as a host of other needs you may eventually face.
In addition to jQuery and Ruby on Rails, there are tons of other comparable frameworks you could use.
YUI3 ( and Django are two more examples. Express (for Node.js) is a JavaScript back end framework (like Ruby on Rails) that you could use with your existing JavaScript knowledge.
Anyway, good luck!
Theoretically, without moving towards different frameworks, here are a few things to think about...
I think you have the right idea with this what you are trying to do. The PHP file is used as server side logic. It should not be available to the user.
What the user can see is that there is a function available to make changes to something. This he will see from your AJAX call in JavaScript ( xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function()"GET","index.php?q="+str,true); ).
Your responsibility, in the PHP (server side logic) is to make sure you scan the parameters to this function before you allow any changes to be made on the Database.
As with any requests to a database, you need to make sure you are escaping the parameters before any call is made to prevent SQL Injections.
As with previous answer, there are some libraries that exist that have some tools already built in. Some poeple prefer certain tools/languages/libraries over others, but they can all pretty much all do the same thing. What changes is a bit of how it's done. I think you are on the right path, just need to protect those PHP pages of injections and inputs/parameters you do not want.
If you are using multiple PHP pages for different actions, it is possible to have the same PHP script accessed from all other pages. Therefore your escaping (preventing SQL Injections) can be done in the same script and don't need to include it in every single PHP page that makes a database call.
Hope this helps a bit!

