Universal script for moving elements in DOM - javascript

I want to create a universal code for easy moving elements in DOM between desktop and mobile. It's not my idea as well as not my code. It was for Prestashop 1.7 only, but I want to change it for any project.
The idea is that you can wrap some code you want to move in an absolute different place on mobile with <div id="_desktop_some-block">Some content</div>, and place empty <div id="_mobile_some-block"></div> where you want to see it on mobile devices and when window reach (for ex.) 768px the HTML of the element will be moving to another one.
So here is an original code:
import $ from 'jquery';
import prestashop from 'prestashop';
prestashop.responsive = prestashop.responsive || {};
prestashop.responsive.current_width = window.innerWidth;
prestashop.responsive.min_width = 768;
prestashop.responsive.mobile = prestashop.responsive.current_width < prestashop.responsive.min_width;
function swapChildren(obj1, obj2)
var temp = obj2.children().detach();
function toggleMobileStyles()
if (prestashop.responsive.mobile) {
$("*[id^='_desktop_']").each(function(idx, el) {
var target = $('#' + el.id.replace('_desktop_', '_mobile_'));
if (target.length) {
swapChildren($(el), target);
} else {
$("*[id^='_mobile_']").each(function(idx, el) {
var target = $('#' + el.id.replace('_mobile_', '_desktop_'));
if (target.length) {
swapChildren($(el), target);
prestashop.emit('responsive update', {
mobile: prestashop.responsive.mobile
$(window).on('resize', function() {
var _cw = prestashop.responsive.current_width;
var _mw = prestashop.responsive.min_width;
var _w = window.innerWidth;
var _toggle = (_cw >= _mw && _w < _mw) || (_cw < _mw && _w >= _mw);
prestashop.responsive.current_width = _w;
prestashop.responsive.mobile = prestashop.responsive.current_width < prestashop.responsive.min_width;
if (_toggle) {
$(document).ready(function() {
if (prestashop.responsive.mobile) {
Here is what I'm trying to do:
var windowWidth = $(window).innerWidth();
var windowMinWidth = 768;
var windowResponsiveMobile = windowWidth < windowMinWidth;
function swapChildren(obj1, obj2)
var temp = obj2.children().detach();
function toggleMobileStyles()
if (windowResponsiveMobile) {
$("*[id^='_desktop_']").each(function(idx, el) {
var target = $('#' + el.replace('_desktop_', '_mobile_'));
if (target.length) {
swapChildren($(el), target);
} else {
$("*[id^='_mobile_']").each(function(idx, el) {
var target = $('#' + el.replace('_mobile_', '_desktop_'));
if (target.length) {
swapChildren($(el), target);
$(window).on('resize', function() {
var _cw = windowWidth;
var _mw = windowMinWidth;
var _w = $(window).innerWidth();
var _toggle = (_cw >= _mw && _w < _mw) || (_cw < _mw && _w >= _mw);
windowWidth = _w;
windowResponsiveMobile = windowWidth < windowMinWidth;
if (_toggle) {
$(document).ready(function() {
if (windowResponsiveMobile) {
Currently it doesn't work, but I don't see any errors in the console and it little bit confuse...
Please help me to finish it so it could work.

var windowWidth = $(window).innerWidth();
var windowMinWidth = 768;
var windowResponsiveMobile = windowWidth < windowMinWidth;
function swapChildren(obj1, obj2)
var temp = obj2.children().detach();
function toggleMobileStyles()
if (windowResponsiveMobile) {
$("[id^='_desktop_']").each(function(idx, el) {
var target = $('#' + el.id.replace('_desktop_', '_mobile_'));
if (target.length) {
swapChildren($(el), target);
} else {
$("[id^='_mobile_']").each(function(idx, el) {
var target = $('#' + el.id.replace('_mobile_', '_desktop_'));
if (target.length) {
swapChildren($(el), target);
$(window).on('resize', function() {
var _cw = windowWidth;
var _mw = windowMinWidth;
var _w = $(window).innerWidth();
var _toggle = (_cw >= _mw && _w < _mw) || (_cw < _mw && _w >= _mw);
windowWidth = _w;
windowResponsiveMobile = windowWidth < windowMinWidth;
if (_toggle) {
$(document).ready(function() {
if (windowResponsiveMobile) {
Here is the updated code, you just removed the id in the target selector.


How could I add the following to my mediawiki main page?

I would like to add this timeline gimmick https://codepen.io/alvarotrigo/pen/yLzBJaN to the main page in my medawiki. How might I go about importing it? I have a script that enables HTML, but I do not know how to enable the CSS or JS.
I am not really a programmer and just trying to figure out the best way to test this out.
here is the code:
(function ($) {
$(function () {
$(window).on('scroll', function () {
$(window).on('resize', function () {
var agTimeline = $('.js-timeline'),
agTimelineLine = $('.js-timeline_line'),
agTimelineLineProgress = $('.js-timeline_line-progress'),
agTimelinePoint = $('.js-timeline-card_point-box'),
agTimelineItem = $('.js-timeline_item'),
agOuterHeight = $(window).outerHeight(),
agHeight = $(window).height(),
f = -1,
agFlag = false;
function fnOnScroll() {
agPosY = $(window).scrollTop();
function fnOnResize() {
agPosY = $(window).scrollTop();
agHeight = $(window).height();
function fnUpdateWindow() {
agFlag = false;
top: agTimelineItem.first().find(agTimelinePoint).offset().top - agTimelineItem.first().offset().top,
bottom: agTimeline.offset().top + agTimeline.outerHeight() - agTimelineItem.last().find(agTimelinePoint).offset().top
f !== agPosY && (f = agPosY, agHeight, fnUpdateProgress());
function fnUpdateProgress() {
var agTop = agTimelineItem.last().find(agTimelinePoint).offset().top;
i = agTop + agPosY - $(window).scrollTop();
a = agTimelineLineProgress.offset().top + agPosY - $(window).scrollTop();
n = agPosY - a + agOuterHeight / 2;
i <= agPosY + agOuterHeight / 2 && (n = i - a);
agTimelineLineProgress.css({height: n + "px"});
agTimelineItem.each(function () {
var agTop = $(this).find(agTimelinePoint).offset().top;
(agTop + agPosY - $(window).scrollTop()) < agPosY + .5 * agOuterHeight ? $(this).addClass('js-ag-active') : $(this).removeClass('js-ag-active');
function fnUpdateFrame() {
agFlag || requestAnimationFrame(fnUpdateWindow);
agFlag = true;

JavaScript - Set function to return all items based on 1 or 2 selected tags (NO jQUERY)

I have some JavaScrip that is meant to check if there are any media tags selected or industry tags selected--this is so the portfolio items can be sorted and displayed accordingly in the browser.
What I have almost works 100%, but I can't figure out how to make it so that if only a media tag is selected or if only an industry tag is selected, the portfolio items should still be sorted accordingly. Currently, you have to select a media tag AND an industry tag, but I'd like users to be able to search using just a media tag OR just an industry tag.
Here is what I want to accomplish: If only a media tag is selected, then get all portfolio pieces that are associated with that media tag. If only an industry tag is selected, get all portfolio items that are associated with that industry tag. If a media tag AND industry tag are selected at the same time, get all portfolio items that are associated with BOTH.
Vanilla JS isn't my strong point so forgive me if this is a dumb question, but this has had me stumped for hours now.
No jQuery answers, please, as this whole page's functionality is built using JavaScript.
Here is the function:
var update = function () {
// update ui to reflect tag changes
// get our list of items to display
var itemsToDisplay = [];
var currentMediaTag = controlsContainer.querySelector('.media.selected');
var currentIndustryTag = controlsContainer.querySelector('.industry.selected');
if (currentMediaTag != "" && currentMediaTag != null) {
selectedMediaFilter = currentMediaTag.innerHTML;
if (currentIndustryTag != "" && currentIndustryTag != null) {
selectedIndustryFilter = currentIndustryTag.innerHTML;
if (selectedMediaFilter == "" && selectedIndustryFilter == "") {
itemsToDisplay = portfolioItems.filter(function (item) {
return item.preferred;
} else {
itemsToDisplay = portfolioItems.filter(function (item) {
var mediaTags = item.media_tags,
industryTags = item.industry_tags;
if(industryTags.indexOf(selectedIndustryFilter) < 0){
return false;
else if(mediaTags.indexOf(selectedMediaFilter) < 0){
return false;
return true;
Not entirely sure it's necessary but just in case, here is the complete JS file that handles the portfolio page:
(function ($) {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
// for portfolio interaction
var portfolioGrid = (function () {
var gridSize = undefined,
parentContainer = document.querySelector('.portfolio-item-container');
containers = parentContainer.querySelectorAll('.view'),
drawer = parentContainer.querySelector('.drawer'),
bannerContainer = drawer.querySelector('.banner-container'),
thumbsContainer = drawer.querySelector('.thumbs-container'),
descriptionContainer = drawer.querySelector('.client-description'),
clientNameContainer = drawer.querySelector('.client-name'),
controlsContainer = document.querySelector('.portfolio-controls-container'),
selectedMediaFilter = "", selectedIndustryFilter = "";
var setGridSize = function () {
var windowSize = window.innerWidth,
previousGridSize = gridSize;
if (windowSize > 1800) {
gridSize = 5;
} else if (windowSize > 900) {
gridSize = 4;
} else if (windowSize > 600 && windowSize <= 900) {
gridSize = 3;
} else {
gridSize = 2;
if (previousGridSize != gridSize) {
var attachResize = function () {
window.onresize = function () {
var getRowClicked = function (boxNumber) {
return Math.ceil(boxNumber / gridSize);
var getLeftSibling = function (row) {
var cI = row * gridSize;
return containers[cI >= containers.length ? containers.length - 1 : cI];
var openDrawer = function () {
drawer.className = 'drawer';
var scrollToBanner = function () {
var mainContainer = document.querySelector('#main-container'),
mainBounding = mainContainer.getBoundingClientRect(),
scrollY = (drawer.offsetTop - mainBounding.bottom) - 10,
currentTop = document.body.getBoundingClientRect().top;
animate(document.body, "scrollTop", "", document.body.scrollTop, scrollY, 200, true);
var animate = function (elem, style, unit, from, to, time, prop) {
if (!elem) return;
var start = new Date().getTime(),
timer = setInterval(function () {
var step = Math.min(1, (new Date().getTime() - start) / time);
if (prop) {
elem[style] = (from + step * (to - from)) + unit;
} else {
elem.style[style] = (from + step * (to - from)) + unit;
if (step == 1) clearInterval(timer);
}, 25);
elem.style[style] = from + unit;
var closeDrawer = function () {
drawer.className = 'drawer hidden';
var cleanDrawer = function () {
bannerContainer.innerHTML = "";
clientNameContainer.innerHTML = "";
descriptionContainer.innerHTML = "";
thumbsContainer.innerHTML = "";
var resetThumbs = function () {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(thumbsContainer.querySelectorAll('.thumb'), function (t) {
t.className = "thumb";
var handleBannerItem = function (item) {
bannerContainer.innerHTML = "";
if (item.youtube) {
var videoContainer = document.createElement('div'),
iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
videoContainer.className = "videowrapper";
iframe.className = "youtube-video";
iframe.src = "https://youtube.com/embed/" + item.youtube;
} else if (item.soundcloud) {
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = item.soundcloud;
iframe.className = "soundcloud-embed";
} else if (item.banner) {
var bannerImage = document.createElement('img');
bannerImage.src = item.banner;
var attachClick = function () {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(containers, function (n, i) {
n.querySelector('a.info').addEventListener('click', function (e) {
n.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
var boxNumber = i + 1,
row = getRowClicked(boxNumber);
var containerIndex = row * gridSize;
if (containerIndex >= containers.length) {
// we're inserting drawer at the end
} else {
// we're inserting drawer in the middle somewhere
var leftSiblingNode = getLeftSibling(row);
leftSiblingNode.parentNode.insertBefore(drawer, leftSiblingNode);
// populate
var mediaFilterSelected = document.querySelector('.media-tags .tag-container .selected');
var selectedFilters = "";
if (mediaFilterSelected != "" && mediaFilterSelected != null) {
selectedFilters = mediaFilterSelected.innerHTML;
var portfolioItemName = '';
var selectedID = this.getAttribute('data-portfolio-item-id');
var data = portfolioItems.filter(function (item) {
portfolioItemName = item.name;
return item.id === selectedID;
clientNameContainer.innerHTML = data.name;
descriptionContainer.innerHTML = data.description;
var childItems = data.child_items;
//We will group the child items by media tag and target the unique instance from each group to get the right main banner
Array.prototype.groupBy = function (prop) {
return this.reduce(function (groups, item) {
var val = item[prop];
groups[val] = groups[val] || [];
return groups;
}, {});
var byTag = childItems.groupBy('media_tags');
if (childItems.length > 0) {
var byTagValues = Object.values(byTag);
byTagValues.forEach(function (tagValue) {
for (var t = 0; t < tagValue.length; t++) {
if (tagValue[t].media_tags == selectedFilters) {
childItems.forEach(function (item, i) {
var img = document.createElement('img'),
container = document.createElement('div'),
label = document.createElement('p');
var mediaTags = item.media_tags;
container.className = "thumb";
label.className = "childLabelInactive thumbLbl";
if (selectedFilters.length > 0 && mediaTags.length > 0) {
for (var x = 0; x < mediaTags.length; x++) {
if (mediaTags[x] == selectedFilters) {
container.className = "thumb active";
label.className = "childLabel thumbLbl";
else {
container.className = i == 0 ? "thumb active" : "thumb";
img.src = item.thumb;
if (item.media_tags != 0 && item.media_tags != null) {
childMediaTags = item.media_tags;
childMediaTags.forEach(function (cMTag) {
varLabelTxt = document.createTextNode(cMTag);
img.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
container.className = "thumb active";
var preloadImages = function () {
portfolioItems.forEach(function (item) {
var childItems = item.child_items;
childItems.forEach(function (child) {
(new Image()).src = child.banner;
(new Image()).src = child.thumb;
//////////////////////////////////// UPDATE FUNCTION /////////////////////////////////////
var update = function () {
// update ui to reflect tag changes
// get our list of items to display
var itemsToDisplay = [];
var currentMediaTag = controlsContainer.querySelector('.media.selected');
var currentIndustryTag = controlsContainer.querySelector('.industry.selected');
if (currentMediaTag != "" && currentMediaTag != null) {
selectedMediaFilter = currentMediaTag.innerHTML;
if (currentIndustryTag != "" && currentIndustryTag != null) {
selectedIndustryFilter = currentIndustryTag.innerHTML;
if (selectedMediaFilter == "" && selectedIndustryFilter == "") {
itemsToDisplay = portfolioItems.filter(function (item) {
return item.preferred;
} else {
itemsToDisplay = portfolioItems.filter(function (item) {
var mediaTags = item.media_tags,
industryTags = item.industry_tags;
if (industryTags.indexOf(selectedIndustryFilter) < 0) {
return false;
else if (mediaTags.indexOf(selectedMediaFilter) < 0) {
return false;
else {
return true;
//////////////////////////////////// RENDERITEMS FUNCTION /////////////////////////////////////
var renderItems = function (items) {
var children = parentContainer.querySelectorAll('.view');
Array.prototype.forEach.call(children, function (child) {
// remove all event listeners then remove child
items.forEach(function (item) {
var container = document.createElement('div'),
thumb = document.createElement('img'),
mask = document.createElement('div'),
title = document.createElement('h6'),
excerpt = document.createElement('p'),
link = document.createElement('a');
container.className = "view view-tenth";
container.setAttribute('data-portfolio-item-id', item.id);
thumb.src = item.thumb;
mask.className = "mask";
title.innerHTML = item.name;
excerpt.innerHTML = item.excerpt;
link.href = "#";
link.className = "info";
link.innerHTML = "View Work";
parentContainer.insertBefore(container, drawer);
containers = parentContainer.querySelectorAll('.view');
var filterHandler = function (linkNode, tagType) {
var prevSelection = document.querySelector("." + tagType + '.selected');
if (prevSelection != "" && prevSelection != null) {
prevSelection.className = tagType + ' tag';
linkNode.className = tagType + ' tag selected';
var clearFilters = function (nodeList, filterType) {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(nodeList, function (node) {
node.className = filterType + " tag";
console.log("Clear filters function called");
var attachFilters = function () {
var mediaFilters = controlsContainer.querySelectorAll('.tag.media'),
industryFilters = controlsContainer.querySelectorAll('.tag.industry'),
filterToggle = controlsContainer.querySelectorAll('.filter-toggle');
// resets
controlsContainer.querySelector('.media-tags .reset')
function (e) {
selectedMediaFilter = "";
clearFilters(controlsContainer.querySelectorAll('.media-tags a.tag'), "media");
controlsContainer.querySelector('.industry-tags .reset')
function (e) {
selectedIndustryFilter = "";
clearFilters(controlsContainer.querySelectorAll('.industry-tags a.tag'), "industry");
Array.prototype.forEach.call(filterToggle, function (toggle) {
toggle.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if (controlsContainer.className.indexOf('open') < 0) {
controlsContainer.className += ' open';
} else {
controlsContainer.className = controlsContainer.className.replace('open', '');
//Attaches a click event to each media tag "button"
Array.prototype.forEach.call(mediaFilters, function (filter) {
filter.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
// var selectedMediaFilter = controlsContainer.querySelector('.media.selected');
//console.log("Media tag: " +this.innerHTML); *THIS WORKS*
filterHandler(this, "media");
Array.prototype.forEach.call(industryFilters, function (filter) {
filter.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
// var selectedIndustryFilter = this.querySelector('.industry.selected');
// console.log("Industry tag: " +this.innerHTML); *THIS WORKS*
filterHandler(this, "industry");
return {
init: function () {
// portfolio page
if (controlsContainer) {
$ = jQuery.noConflict();
if(industryTags.indexOf(selectedIndustryFilter) < 0){
return false;
else if(mediaTags.indexOf(selectedMediaFilter) < 0){
return false;
That part is giving you headaches. Whenever no industry tag or media tag is selected this will exit the function.
Change to:
if(industryTags.indexOf(selectedIndustryFilter) < 0 && mediaTags.indexOf(selectedMediaFilter) < 0){
return false;
Now it will test if at least one tag is selected. If so then render items.
I made a change just to experiment with an idea, and this setup works:
if((selectedIndustryFilter !="" && industryTags.indexOf(selectedIndustryFilter) < 0) || (selectedMediaFilter !="" && mediaTags.indexOf(selectedMediaFilter) < 0)){
return false;
return true;
Not sure if it's the best solution ever but it seems to work and I'm not going to complain.

Uncaught TypeError: $(...).find(...).once is not a function in bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js?

I have installed bootstrap theme for building responsive theme then I installed jquery_update module as documentation in theme project and everything seems ok expect below js error appears in inspect elements console:
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).find(...).once is not a function in
Any one please can help me?
this is the bootstrap.js:
* #file
* bootstrap.js
* Provides general enhancements and fixes to Bootstrap's JS files.
var Drupal = Drupal || {};
(function($, Drupal){
"use strict";
Drupal.behaviors.bootstrap = {
attach: function(context) {
// Provide some Bootstrap tab/Drupal integration.
$(context).find('.tabbable').once('bootstrap-tabs', function () {
var $wrapper = $(this);
var $tabs = $wrapper.find('.nav-tabs');
var $content = $wrapper.find('.tab-content');
var borderRadius = parseInt($content.css('borderBottomRightRadius'), 10);
var bootstrapTabResize = function() {
if ($wrapper.hasClass('tabs-left') || $wrapper.hasClass('tabs-right')) {
$content.css('min-height', $tabs.outerHeight());
// Add min-height on content for left and right tabs.
// Detect tab switch.
if ($wrapper.hasClass('tabs-left') || $wrapper.hasClass('tabs-right')) {
$tabs.on('shown.bs.tab', 'a[data-toggle="tab"]', function (e) {
if ($wrapper.hasClass('tabs-left')) {
if ($(e.target).parent().is(':first-child')) {
$content.css('borderTopLeftRadius', '0');
else {
$content.css('borderTopLeftRadius', borderRadius + 'px');
else {
if ($(e.target).parent().is(':first-child')) {
$content.css('borderTopRightRadius', '0');
else {
$content.css('borderTopRightRadius', borderRadius + 'px');
* Bootstrap Popovers.
Drupal.behaviors.bootstrapPopovers = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
if (settings.bootstrap && settings.bootstrap.popoverEnabled) {
var elements = $(context).find('[data-toggle="popover"]').toArray();
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var $element = $(elements[i]);
var options = $.extend(true, {}, settings.bootstrap.popoverOptions, $element.data());
* Bootstrap Tooltips.
Drupal.behaviors.bootstrapTooltips = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
if (settings.bootstrap && settings.bootstrap.tooltipEnabled) {
var elements = $(context).find('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').toArray();
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var $element = $(elements[i]);
var options = $.extend(true, {}, settings.bootstrap.tooltipOptions, $element.data());
* Anchor fixes.
var $scrollableElement = $();
Drupal.behaviors.bootstrapAnchors = {
attach: function(context, settings) {
var i, elements = ['html', 'body'];
if (!$scrollableElement.length) {
for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var $element = $(elements[i]);
if ($element.scrollTop() > 0) {
$scrollableElement = $element;
else {
if ($element.scrollTop() > 0) {
$scrollableElement = $element;
if (!settings.bootstrap || !settings.bootstrap.anchorsFix) {
var anchors = $(context).find('a').toArray();
for (i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) {
if (!anchors[i].scrollTo) {
$scrollableElement.once('bootstrap-anchors', function () {
$scrollableElement.on('click.bootstrap-anchors', 'a[href*="#"]:not([data-toggle],[data-target])', function(e) {
bootstrapAnchor: function (element) {
element.validAnchor = element.nodeName === 'A' && (location.hostname === element.hostname || !element.hostname) && element.hash.replace(/#/,'').length;
element.scrollTo = function(event) {
var attr = 'id';
var $target = $(element.hash);
if (!$target.length) {
attr = 'name';
$target = $('[name="' + element.hash.replace('#', '') + '"');
var offset = $target.offset().top - parseInt($scrollableElement.css('paddingTop'), 10) - parseInt($scrollableElement.css('marginTop'), 10);
if (this.validAnchor && $target.length && offset > 0) {
if (event) {
var $fakeAnchor = $('<div/>')
.attr(attr, $target.attr(attr))
position: 'absolute',
top: offset + 'px',
zIndex: -1000
var complete = function () {
location.hash = element.hash;
$target.attr(attr, element.hash.replace('#', ''));
if (Drupal.settings.bootstrap.anchorsSmoothScrolling) {
$scrollableElement.animate({ scrollTop: offset, avoidTransforms: true }, 400, complete);
else {
})(jQuery, Drupal);
I have same issue and my solution is exclude bootstrap.js on my custom theme.
also you can alter bootstrap.js
Maybe The problem is because of two version ov jquery load on your page, inspect your javascript and if there is two version of jquery, let one exist and remove another.
In my case, there are 2 jquery files (core, theme). I removed it from theme. it works perfectly fine.

Rename a function after resizing screen

is possible to change a name of a function after resizing screen?
I have this
<div id="box1" data-same-height="blocks-resize">
is the function, and here's the javascript of that function.
$(document).ready(function() {
var equalize = function () {
var disableOnMaxWidth = 0; // 767 for bootstrap
var grouped = {};
var elements = $('*[data-same-height]');
elements.each(function () {
var el = $(this);
var id = el.attr('data-same-height');
if (!grouped[id]) {
grouped[id] = [];
$.each(grouped, function (key) {
var elements = $('*[data-same-height="' + key + '"]');
elements.css('height', '');
var winWidth = $(window).width();
if (winWidth <= disableOnMaxWidth) {
var maxHeight = 0;
elements.each(function () {
var eleq = $(this);
maxHeight = Math.max(eleq.height(), maxHeight);
elements.css('height', maxHeight + "px");
var timeout = null;
$(window).resize(function () {
if (timeout) {
timeout = null;
timeout = setTimeout(equalize, 250);
It's possible to change that name (data-same-height) after resizing screen to 600px? or could be also the "blocks-resize" too
$(window).on("resize load", responsive);
var responsive = function() {
if(window.innerWidth < 600) {
//do your thing
} else {
//do something else.

Changing windows width with JQuery without reloading the page again

I have a JQuery rotator in my website with a slides images and I want to make the website responsive. I'm using CSS media queries to do it. I want to change the slide width (which defines in JS) when the windows width is less than 800px.
So long, I did something like this:
var responsiveSlideWidth;
if ($(window).width() < 800) {
responsiveSlideWidth = 700;
else {
responsiveSlideWidth = 960;
var defaults = {
container: '.rotatorWrapper',
animationduration: 1000,
slideWidth: responsiveSlideWidth
The problem is that it is working just after page reload. Thats means: if I resize the window size its is not working until I reload the page.
Any suggestions?
EDIT: My full code:
(function ($) {
$.fn.Rotator = function (options) {
var responsiveSlideWidth;
if ($(window).width() < 800) {
responsiveSlideWidth = 700;
else {
responsiveSlideWidth = 960;
var defaults = {
container: '.rotatorWrapper',
animationduration: 1000,
slideWidth: responsiveSlideWidth
options = $.extend(defaults, options);
elm = this;
var pageIndex = 0,
slideCount = 0;
var _init = function () {
slideCount = elm.find(options.container).children().children().length;
elm.find(options.container).children().width(slideCount * options.slideWidth);
var _bindEvents = function () {
var jElm = $(elm);
jElm.find('.prev').on('click', _previous);
jElm.find('.next').on('click', _next);
var _next = function (e) {
if (pageIndex >= 0 && pageIndex < slideCount - 1) {
left: "-=" + options.slideWidth
}, options.animationduration);
var _previous = function (e) {
if (pageIndex <= slideCount) {
left: "+=" + options.slideWidth
}, options.animationduration);
var _togglePager = function () {
var $elm = $(elm);
var prev = $elm.find('.prev');
var next = $elm.find('.next');
console.log('slide count' + pageIndex + ' Page Index' + pageIndex)
if (pageIndex >= slideCount - 1) {
} else {
if (pageIndex <= 0) {
} else {
return _init(elm);

