How to declare a namespace in JavaScript ECS6 - javascript

I am used to the following syntax which is - I believe - widely used:
var foo = foo || {};
(function() { = function(){
return this;
}; = null; = function(){...};
It could be done with or without closure.
I use the syntax so as to not have all the definitions in the constructor itself.
With ECS6 I experimented with this syntax:
class Foo{};
class Bar{
this.stuff = null;
get moreStuff(){ return this.stuff++;}
Foo.Bar = Bar;
module.exports = { Foo };
I find it very convenient that intellisense works in Visual Studio Code when using this syntax.
Can anyone see any issue with this syntax and if so amend it propose a better one?
I read this post How do I declare a namespace in JavaScript? and found many proposed syntax but most were given before ECS6.

In ES2015+, in the main you don't need these fake namespaces anymore. Instead, use modules. (Perhaps with a module loader, since native support for modules is still only just making its way into browsers.)
But if you want to continue using fake namespaces, perhaps temporarily until native support for modules becomes more widespread, what you have is fine, though there's no real advantage to Foo being declared with class than just making it an object as in your original example:
var Foo = Foo || {};
Foo.Bar = class Bar{
this.stuff = null;
get moreStuff(){ return this.stuff++;}
But your version is fine other than giving the impression that Foo can be used to construct something useful, and other than the fact that if you do that in two files, it will fail (whereas your first example using var foo = foo || {}; is happy for you to do that in two files and include them both on the same page, perhaps one definign foo.Something and another defining foo.SomethingElse).


Angular 2+ variable hoisting?

How does Angular resolve all it's variables regardless of where there placed in a component?
For example in Vanilla JS
console.log(a) // undefined
let a = 'Hello;
Angular component
console.log(this.a) // Hello
a = 'Hello'
I'm aware that this is bad practice and the compiler will complain about that placement of the variable but none the less I am curious how Angular achieves this, or whether it's not an Angular specific behaviour?
This is not an Angular behavior. Actually the piece of code that you provided is inside a class, and the a is not a variable, actually it's a property.
JavaScript (and Typescript) doesn't requires properties to be declared before methods (neither constructor), since it's just a declaration that will be used futurely when this class will be instantiated.
Although tslint may warn you about the placement of it after methods, it's just a coding style concern.
You may translate a class to a traditional function constructor:
class Car {
make = 'default';
drive() {
/* ... */
model = 'foo'
can be wrote as (and is converted to when using some polyfill on browsers that doesn't support ES6 Class):
var Car = function() {
this.make = 'default';
this.model = 'foo';
} = function() {
/* ... */
Note that in the second case, the properties are defined inside the constructor, so it will always run before the method be called.

What is the benefit of this JavaScript pattern based on an IIFE?

I master the Javascript IIFE essence, but while reading this page, I'm kinda confused of the usage.
It sounds that the following JavaScript pattern is pretty common:
(function(something) { = 123;
})(something || something = {})
A usage example:
(function(something) { = 123;
})(something || something = {})
console.log(something); // {foo:123}
(function(something) { = 456;
})(something || something = {})
console.log(something); // {foo:123, bar:456}
As something is defined in the global scope, what is the benefit of this pattern in relation to the following trivial code:
var something; = 123; = 456;
Which use case would it make sense to use it?
You get a closure over something which ensured that even though some other code overrides it's in global scope you will still have the right reference to that something, it's better illustrated with jQuery and jQuery.noConflict();:
<script src="/path/to/jquery.js"></script>
(function($) {
// Here $ is jQuery
// Something asynchrone is happening:
setTimeout(function() {
// But $ is still jQuery
}, 1000);
// Someone calls jQuery.noConflict();
// And now $ is not jQuery
Lets say you have a namespace for your application myApp. You have several scripts that add functionality because like a good developer you've broken your application up into different chunks. Also like a good web developer you're loading those scripts asynchronously, you don't know what order they are going to be added in. So you have each module conditionally create the namespace for the app if it doesn't exist (the (myApp || {}) part). You also want to hide the internal functionality of the module from stuff that doesn't need to know about it, so you pass your 'namespace' object into a function that creates a closure and attaches the module's API to the namespace object myApp.
// async loaded script for the foo 'module'
(function(myApp) {
var myPrivate = 3; // hidden in the closure
myApp.getFoo = function() { return myPrivate; };
}(myApp || {});
This pattern is not without its flaws (what if depends on which is why its largely been replaced by browserify/require.js/webpack/etc.

How to use `require` and dependency injection, service location in JS (browser-side)?

So I've been playing with JS and browserify to allow to split my JS into smaller file chunks. It works great, however, I'm still lost on how to properly use the require function.
For me, it acts as a the Service Locator, because it looks for the proper "file" to load, and return an object. (For example in PHP, require somewhat load the file in the memory but doesn't construct).
var Foo = function() {
console.log("I'm the Foo object");
module.exports = Foo;
Then, to use it I'll do:
var Foo = require('foo');
var foo = new Foo();
Note, that the exported function is NOT constructed.
I could have done:
var foo = require('foo')();
None of those methods seems right to me (I may are wrong).
1) Is it common to do it like this? Or should exported the executed function?
Anyway, this introduction is to understand how I should play with the require function.
For example if I've a Foo object, which is depends of Bar, I've two way to do:
Service Location:
var Foo = function() {
var Bar = require('bar')();
module.exports = Foo;
or I can do:
Dependency Injection
var Foo = function(bar) {
module.exports = Foo;
// And at a latter time
var foo = require('foo')(require('bar')); /// eurk
I obviously know that that's two different things and serve different purposes.
2) But I'm wondering what is the common/right way to do in JS, is there any commonly admitted rules?
Browserify allows you to program with modules, there's not much more to it. It's not really a DI container or service locator per se, although you can probably make it work like one.
So doing this is perfectly fine:
var Foo = require('foo');
var foo = new Foo();
In that case, it makes sense to simply place all require calls at the top of your file, similar like you would do with using in C# or import in Java. I personally wouldn't scatter require calls since don't help much with readability.
You can also export an instance which doesn't have to be newed up anymore, as long as that is appropriate for what you want to do (in that case module.exports = Foo() would lead to a singleton).
Also see this related question:
Dependency Injection with RequireJS
The rewire library provides module injection for Node.js.
A couple of solutions have been discussed and presented in this Github issue to support browserify.
Usage example from the project README:
var myModule = rewire("../lib/myModule.js");
myModule.__set__("fs", fsMock); // set private variable
Use Browserify so you can require npm packages from your browser just like node. Then you can use Weather.js or require it, then inject it in any way you like.

Aliasing a function object in JavaScript

Disclaimer: I am using ExtJS 3, but I don't think it's very relevant to the question, outside of the common use of it's namespacing function.
I have a singleton that's declared in a really long namespace like this:
var Singleton = (function() {
var foo = {
bar: "baz"
var privateFunction = function(param){
// ...
return foo;
var single = Ext.extend(Object, {
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, config);
otherFunction: privateFunction,
publicFunction: function (someObject){
// do stuff with someObject
return single;
// Make it a singleton
REALLY.REALLY.LONG.NAMESPACE.Singleton = new Singleton();
I use it in other modules via calls like REALLY.REALLY.LONG.NAMESPACE.Singleton.otherFunction(); and REALLY.REALLY.LONG.NAMESPACE.Singleton.publicFunction(myObject); . I'm wondering if I can swap out those calls by setting up the client module with an alias to the singleton, i.e. var singleton = REALLY.REALLY.LONG.NAMESPACE.Singleton; , so that I can call singleton.otherFunction();. I'm wondering if this is an anti-pattern , or if there are any pitfalls (memory?) I might run into through this usage.
Thanks StackOverflow!
I'm wondering if I can swap out those calls by setting up the client module with an alias to the singleton
Yes, you can.
I'm wondering if this is an anti-pattern , or if there are any pitfalls (memory?) I might run into through this usage.
No, there aren't any that I can think of and it is faster than calling the fully-qualified version.
Local Alias Pattern
function somefunc(){
var singleton = REALLY.REALLY.LONG.NAMESPACE.Singleton;
(function somfunc(singleton){
Test Results:
There is no issue with creating a reference to the original "object". In many cases we create a namespace to organize our code, but of course, this can lead to really long namespaces that we really don't wish to reference later, thus creating a local reference to that namespace is an excellent idea so that you can change it in one place instead of various places.
I don't really see an ant-pattern here, instead I see an opportunity to make it simpler for yourself and probably a little more manageable from a developer standpoint.

Annotate Singleton objects in JavaScript for the Google Closure Compiler, or "dangerous use of the global this object" warning

I'm working with the Google Closure Compiler in ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS compilation level and have started to annotate my constructors because I get all kinds of warnings:
WARNING - dangerous use of the global this object
For my 'constructor' type functions I'll annotate them like this:
* Foo is my constructor
* #constructor
Foo = function() {
this.member = {};
* does something
* #this {Foo}
Foo.prototype.doSomething = function() {
That seems to work fine, however what if I have a 'singleton' object that isn't constructed with var myFoo = new Foo();
I couldn't find in the documentation how to annotate this type of object because its type is just object right?
Bar = {
member: null,
init: function() {
this.member = {};
The preferred way of creating singletons in Closure is like this:
/** #constructor */
var Bar = function() { };
Bar.prototype.member = null;
Bar.prototype.init = function() {
this.member = {};
This allows for lazy instantiation of the singleton. Use it like this:
var bar1 = Bar.getInstance();
var bar2 = Bar.getInstance();
Keep in mind that this doesn't prevent people from using the constructor to create instances of Bar.
This is exactly the type of potential bug that "dangerous use of this" warns you against. In your example, the Closure Compiler may try to "flatten" your code to:
Bar$member = null;
Bar$init = function() { this.member = {}; };
NOTE: The Closure Compiler currently will not flatten a namespace that is declared as a global object (i.e. without the "var" keyword in front), so your code may still work now. However, there is no telling that it won't do that in a future version and your code will suddenly break without warning.
Of course, then "Bar$member" and "Bar$init" will be renamed to "a" and "b" respectively. This is called "namespace flattening" or "collapsing of properties".
You can immediately see that your code no longer works correctly. Before compilation, if you write:
this will refer to Bar. However, after compilation it becomes:
this will no longer refer to Bar. Instead it refers to the global object.
This is way the compiler is trying to warn you that using "this" in such a way is "dangerous", because "this" may be changed to refer to the "global" object. That's the true meaning of the warning.
In short, DO NOT DO THIS. This type of coding style creates bugs that are very difficult to track down.
Modify your code this way:
var Bar = { // Closure Compiler treats globals and properties on global differently
member: null,
init: function() { Bar.member = {}; }
or use a closure:
var Bar = (function() {
var member = null;
return {
init: function() { member = {}; }
When using the Closure Compiler in Advanced Mode, do not try to get rid of warnings by annotating them away. Warnings are there for a reason -- they try to warn you about something.

