Mixpanel error: "mixpanel" object not initialized [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
mixpanel-2-latest.min.js:9 Mixpanel error: "mixpanel" object not initialized
(7 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am getting the below error.
I am using Angular - I have not imported a mix panel library - if I do a search I cannot find this.
Why am I getting this error/how can get rid of it?
Mixpanel error: "mixpanel" object not initialized. Ensure you are
using the latest version of the Mixpanel JS Library along with the
snippet we provide.

If you are not using mixpanel in your code, you should check whether it is one of your extensions.
In my case it was the PageRuler extension and started happening only today.

Check your extensions, for me it was 'Page Ruler'
["https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/page-ruler/jlpkojjdgbllmedoapgfodplfhcbnbpn?hl=nl"] that caused this error.
Disable all extensions until the error does not occur anymore.


When we get Javascript errors in chrome console, which windows event will get fired [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to get errors stack trace in Chrome extension content script?
(2 answers)
Access variables and functions defined in page context using a content script
(6 answers)
Closed 6 months ago.
I have a website, which is running fine. But sometimes due to some JS break we encounter some errors. In chrome console these errors are logged.
I want to capture these errors using Javascript and log them into file. I dont want to use chrome logging.
For this I have written a code for adding a eventhandler in js::
window.addEventListener('error', ChromeErrorCollector.onError, true);
where onError is the function handling functionality.
But when error occure in Js files this event dont fire.
Where Am I doing wrong??

My site CSS is not showing [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined?
(40 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
i have recently bought a template for a Betting site for CSGO,
but now when i'm setting it up i get these weird errors, if you go to the site and
go to console you can see exactly what i get. How can i fix these problems?
site is : csgohulk.com
like this one : main18.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
what is wrong ?
and Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined ?
i can give you more info if you want..,
I have not tried so much because i'm not so good at programming
so i really need help
thanks //Wiz
The issue seems to be your jquery isn't loading from http://csgohulk.com/js/jquery-1.10.2.js
You are getting a 404 (not found) error.
You should first check that this file is even present on your server. If it isn't that is your problem. It could also be that the file is there but there are permission issues to access it.
Try replace <script src="/js/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script> in your html with <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js">
See if that fixes it. (if it does then fix your file at /js/jquery-1.10.2.js on your server to be the same as the one here)
Then if there are other files that aren't loading then fix them too. Until there are no 404 errors displaying in the console of the browser.

How to debug JS calls [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
JavaScript: Is there a way to get Chrome to break on all errors?
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm trying to implement Metronic admin theme in my app, but when I click on a button, I get Empty string passed to getElementById(). and the buttons don't work.
I'm trying to track down which piece of code triggers this error. How can I find out where the problem is?
write debugger; right before the javascript code that you feel is troublesome. Also keep the inspect tools open (usually F12)
This will create a breakpoint in the code execution with which you can then debug your code and look for errors.

get current spec name and status in jasmine2 in protractor [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Jasmine2: get current spec name
(6 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I found jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.description returns the name of the spec in the Jasmine1 version but doesn't work when switching to jasmine2 framework with protractor.
In my scenario I would like to capture screenshot for failure with spec name in after Each(). I am not sure how could I achieve this with jasmine2.
I know there is a package "protractor-html-screenshot-reporter" which can provide you the screenshot for failures. but I want to use the coding part here.
Hope you can help me to get a workaround for the same.
If I'm reading correctly you want to have your spec name in your screenshot. If that's the case check the path builder section of the "protractor-html-screenshot-reporter" page on github.

jQuery in Wordpress. Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating '$(document)')
(14 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Trying to load a calculator widget for interest rates.
Unfortunately I'm getting an Uncaught type error, with this script:
$('.hire-purchase.calculator-widget').each(function() {
var app = new LHV.HirePurchase();
It is working fine, when I load the widget in a separate .html file with all the necessary script and jQuery. Although when I add it to the webpage in development it conflicts. What could be the problem?
Issue solved. Wordpress didn't fancy $, changed it to jQuery in the jquery activation and the LHV script also.

